Dr. Orvis Corwell aka Helsbane

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Dr. Orvis Corwell aka Helsbane

Post by MarloCross »

Player Nickname: MarloCrioss

Name:Dr Orvis Corwell
Date of Birth:September 3rd, 1967

Height: 5'10"
Weight:178 lbs
Hair Color: Thinning Brown hair
Eye Color:Brown when disguised. Otherwise, a toxic green glow emanates from his empty sockets
Place of Origin:London, England
Nationality/Race: British/Caucasian
Classification/Origin of Powers: Industrial Accident coupled with intensive Arcane Study
Status: Currently at large in the greater Salem area
Occupation: CEO of the Henchman and Villain Occupational Collective aka H.a.V.O.C.

Personality Profile: Arrogant and Intelligent, Dr Corwell is driven to uncover the mysteries of the universe. However deplorable his methods may be, Helsbane holds a deeply held belief that his villainy serves a common good and holds no ill will towards most heroes, seeing them as colleagues in a great pageant.

Physical Description: Without any magical or scientific disguise, Helsbane's true visage is a nightmare: A blakened skeletal torso consisting of a cracked skull and ribcage floats above a seemingly disembodied pelvis and partial hip bones, while his lower legs and forearms move as if still attached to the torso by invisible and intangible bones. All of the above is wreathed in a toxic, smokey green flame like plasma.


General Power Information: Science and Sorcerey

Ability One: Partial Intangibility

Before the accident, Dr Corwell's molecular shift harness allowed him to be totally intangible. When the harness overloaded, it saturated his body with a radiation that changed the spin of the atoms in his upper limbs, organs and soft tissue. Despite leaving him disfigured, the accident rendered those parts affected completely intangible and unable to be targeted. Only what is visible can be accurately struck, making him difficult to hit.

Ability Two: Energy Vampirism

With his new physiology, Helsbane can absorb most any type of energy including electricity, fire and even radiation which his body can metabolize to sustain himself. Though he still requires normal food to supliment this, Helsbane's body draws ambient energy from around him, passively. And, given the urban sprawl of New Salem, the villain has a ready supply of energy whenever he needs it. This is something he refers to as 'snacking throughout the day'.

Ability Three: Energy Manipulation

New neuro pathways in his altered brain have alliwed Helsbane to manipulate both internal and external energy fields to a limited yet impressive degree, a skill he has honed to a deadly art since his transformation. By manipulating ionic fields, Helsbane can levitate and move himself around in the air. He cannot fly fast- maximum 50 mph. Any faster, and he must tap into the latent reserves that sustain him.

A more offensive application for this ability sees the villain hurling balls of flaming green plasma, fire concentrated bursts or even a deadly domed explosion, each burning like a minature sun.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:

Considering himself more of a mastermind than your garden-variety villain, Helsbane usually prefers to engage at a distance, very rarely trading blows toe-to-toe.

His appearance is also very grandiose, making and very easy to spot, especially with the Smokey wafting radiation emanating from under his cloak.

Power-wise, Helsbane does have a limit to how much energy he can safely store within his body. This is a limit he has not either figured out or discovered yet. Though it is considerable, holding too much could conceivably cause his body to break down, even going into a form of nuclear meltdown.

Skills: (
Doctorate in Nuclear Physics
Doctorate in Physics
Masters in Engineering

Background: Born to a wealthy family in London, Orvis Corwell was a genius from the word Go. Sadly. he was also aware of this. He was never popular, but never cared, for he felt his future as a great mind was guaranteed. sadly again, His lack of humility forced him to work in 'substandard jobs' at 'menial laboratories'. Eventual, his own science venture failed, forcing him to a life of crime. He embezzled a hefty sum from Prospect Labs, his own company, to fund the Quantum Flux Variation Harness and begin his life of crime.

His criminal endeavors at that point ended with his harness in the hands of Cobalt Hill and his body irreparably damaged, leaving him a disembodied skeleton wreathed in toxic Flame.

Criminal Record:
Attempted Robbery
Assault with a Deadly Weapon
Attempted Murder
Assault on a Peace Officer
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