Leon Bailey

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Leon Bailey

Post by vile »

Player Nickname: Blackheart

Name: Leon Bailey
Age: 18
Date of Birth: September 14, 1995

Height: 5'6
Weight: 150 lbs
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Pink irises, red pupils
Place of Origin: Grand Rapids, Michigan
Nationality/Race: American
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Refugee
Occupation: None

Personality Profile: Laughing mad. Eccentric and isn't always in touch with reality. Difficult to tell what's going on in his head and he can seem perfectly grounded when calm. Will do anything it takes to survive including walking over other people or using them. Not malicious but just wants to survive. Suspects the worst in people and finds it hard, if not impossible, to trust anyone. Aggression in other people puts him on edge even if it's not directed at him. In a fight-or-flight scenario he'll most often run away unless there's a chance that sticking around would have a greater payoff in one form or another.

Physical Description: Albino. Has short white hair and alabaster skin. The coloration and a large notch taken out of one ear, swath of scar tissue across his throat, are the only things that stand out. Leon's face is mediocre but moderately attractive. His hair's kept short and usually slicked down to keep it out of the way. Medium build, athletic, but he's clearly not a body builder. Clothing tends to be t-shirts with jeans and boots. Normally clean-shaven and keeps himself clean and well-fed despite his lack of a stable home.


(Above image to be updated when completed)


General Power Information:
Ability One: Color theft

Can grab and take color and patterns from an intended target. Using his hands he can 'paint' himself and other objects, as much or little as he wants, or just use the ability to turn things white by taking both color and patterns from them.

Ability Two:

Ability Three:

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:

Theft leaves a swath of target a blinding white. If someone sees him in action or knows what to look for he's as good as spotted. Lighting and shading only looks like when he first took the colors and doesn't change to match his surroundings if they change. This makes camouflage fickle and make him stand out more if the environment changes.

Skills: Navigating cityscape with ease thanks to years of actively calling the streets home. Honed his skills climbing, leaping over, and finding a non-typical way to get from point A to point B in the shortest time possible.

Good with sleight of hand. At some point he mastered the shell game and uses it to bring in some income. Enough to keep himself fed and clothes clean. Occasionally used to shoplift and steal wallets, along with other items, as needed.

Background: Wealthy but abusive parents. He has never been interested in school, had straight Cs at best and didn't have many friends. Ran away in early teens after getting attacked by his drunk mother for the last time and has been living on the streets since then. The negative history has left him mentally scarred and distant from other people as now expects the worst.

He tries to survive as best he can. Theft and trickery is good for that along with the ability to escape quickly if things go sour. His power's useful too but isn't something he pulls out until his usual methods fail. A few times it's failed him, especially when his mark's a mutant, and he wears reminders to be more careful in the form of scars. Part of one ear is missing, a memory of a severe retaliation has left a scar across his neck like he survived a near complete beheading.

Now he's reaching out to the Sanctum in an attempt to straighten out his life and pick up a legitimate trade.

Criminal Record: Petty theft. Spent some time in a juvenile detention center for both that and getting into fights.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:

In addition to the shell game he also does street preforming. He does tricks with his power to both make himself look silly but also blend in with the background. Years of work have taken him from being inept with his powers, changing his entire body, to just the desired areas.
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