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Post by Sisip »


We've had our very first official... OFFICIAL complaint about him:
[12:29] <Aisling> Oh yeah.
[12:30] <Aisling> I also wanted to petition the ops to take Ethan aside and explain his RP failings. I've noticed a trend that when he makes a post the RP seems to die XD
[12:41] <SisipWork> Well we certainly don't want his RP habits to ruin things for others. I can say that he has been spoken to, unofficially, but perhaps an official sit down is really in order. I'll talk to Midas about it when he returns, as he's a bit nicer than I am. Then, if he continues I can step in with the 'less than polite' version. :D
[12:42] <SisipWork> Thank you for coming to me though. :)
[12:44] <Aisling> I don't think he's intentionally horrid. It's just that the subtle lessons people have tried to give him hasn't really sunk in.
[12:46] <SisipWork> Well, there's a fine line between being naive and being willfully ignorant. He's been here long enough to know better. But I'll have Midas approach him first, cause, like I said.. he's nicer. ;)
The world is made up of stories, not atoms. ~Muriel Rukeyser
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