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New character age restriction.

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 11:31 am
by Remu
Because of numerous reasons, including but not limited to the fact that after being in this room for several years, many of us are getting slightly tired of the childish drama that tends to come with younger characters, and the fact that there's too many 'what ifs' and in-world things holding back characters of a certain age, we're bumping the minimum character age to 18. If you have a character younger than that, you're free to play them as-is or nudge their age up, but we are no longer accepting minor characters.

Re: New character age restriction.

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 6:48 pm
by Sisip
With a change of management oftentimes comes a change of policy. This is one of those times. ;)

We're asking that all characters now be 18 or older to be played in Cobalt. This includes previously existing characters.

We are not asking you to rewrite their history, we are not asking you to rewrite your character. We are simply asking that you assume that while they've been in play in Cobalt they have been 18 or older. (Late Teens is acceptable on character sheets as well)

We understand altering character sheets may take a bit of time and we will be patient as the change-over takes place.

Thank you for your cooperation. :)

PS: It's a lot easier to get on the X-Team if you don't need a permission slip from a parent and/or guardian. Just saying. :mrgreen:

Re: New character age restriction.

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 6:55 pm
by Tabris
It's just a simple number change.

Everyone's backstory and character is still approved.

Just bump up the Birthdates and the age to go with the new rule and viola!