Fawn Yasmina Delavante [Siren, Devilfish]

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Fawn Yasmina Delavante [Siren, Devilfish]

Post by Kmira »

Player Nickname: Kmira

Name:Fawn Yasmina Delevante
Codename: Siren, Devilfish
Age: 25
Date of Birth: August 17

Height: 5'6''
Weight: 107lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Black
Scale Color: Mossy emerald green
Place of Origin: Lucea, Hanover Parish, Jamaica
Nationality/Race: Jamaican
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant
Status: Other
Occupation: Singer

Personality Profile: Outgoing and eternally cheerful unless the situation renders such inappropriate. She's a flirtatious creature, but generally harmless, more lash-fluttering than sincerity for the most part as a product of her public life. This is not to say that the Jamaican doesn't have a, perhaps stereotypical temper, however, and like many an artist, her moods can swing wildly.

Physical Description: Though not exceptionally tall, the scaled woman gives the impression of it due to a leggy slimness, only the faintest of curves bestowed on the rather pixyish mutant. Triangular features are dominated by a pair of almost oversized black eyes set above a tiny nose and mouth, all framed by a mass of long, beaded photophores that serve in the place of hair. Slender elongated fingers and toes are tipped with small black nails either naturally grown or filed into something more like tiny dewclaws, and stretched between the digits are delicate webs to augment her swimming along with her almost eel-like tail. Clothing varies according to mood but usually is designed to keep the gill slits along her ribs free and shoes rarely grace her slim feet. According to whim and free time, Fawn has a tendency to decorate herself, sometimes quite ornately, though generally sticking to only detailing small patches of scales here and there, removing old patterns before adding more.



General Power Information:

Ability One: Aquatic Physiology
Even in utero this mutation was evident, and initially very worrying for Fawn's parents as the initial analysis given her parents was that she was, not a mutant, but severely malformed and likely to have serious breathing issues. Thankfully the oddities connected to the unborn girl's lungs soon resolved into gills tucked behind sealable slits along the side of her ribs and her parents, though still unsure about having a mutant child, could at least be assured that despite little abnormalities such as webbed fingers and scales (nevermind the tail), their baby would be -healthy-. Technically an amphibious setup, Fawn is capable of both water-breathing and air-breathing, the pointed scaling lends a tiny degree of natural toughness, her piscine bone structure offers a little extra flexibility, and the webs stretched between her fingers and her long toes lend their aid in the water.

Ability Two: Light Creation/Manipulation
Mostly evident as a bioluminescent effect, the power is rarely exercised deliberately outside of a performance, instead surfacing when Fawn is upset, especially angry. Photophore hair will flash and ripple with light and if her control frays badly enough, 'lightning' will begin crawling across her scales.

Ability Three: Bardic Voice
Were her singing skills less great than they are, the fact that a fish-child could sing as beguilingly as the Lorelei of myth would be the source of far more teasing than actually occurred. As it is she instead uses it to her advantage.... when she has the presence of mind to exert the effort to use the power. It is no more, and no less than the ability to affect the mind, especially emotionally, with her voice; most strongly evident when she sings but also usable in plain speech if the effort is made. Thankfully, the power cannot be used accidentally, or she might have wreaked havoc as a small child. Gagging, or loss of voice makes this power entirely useless.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: The alterations in her bone structure that renders her so flexible also renders her rather breakable, bones snapping more easily than standard humans'. The webs between her fingers and toes are also easy to damage and very difficult and slow in regrowing. She also has a very high metabolism, eating somewhere between twice and three times what is usual for someone her size if she wants to stay healthy and she gets cold easily, as she grew up somewhere far warmer than Salem. She's violently allergic to chocolate.

Skills: A natural swimmer, she is an incomparable singer and a slightly less talented drummer. She also enjoys drawing, painting, fishing (preferably bare handed)

Background: Born to blessedly tolerant parents, Fawn had an almost disturbingly normal upbringing, beyond being slightly isolated. Her parents often despaired of getting her to concentrate on her lessons [home schooled, naturally] instead of on exploring Lucea harbour and what lay beyond it but she was an acceptable student, albeit rather indifferent. Come the time for further schooling, she and her parents agreed upon the Cobalt Academy with classes also taken with her mutations nulled at Juilliard, where she graduated with a Bachelor of Music in Voice before forming the symphonic metal group Siren Song. The group published their first album, Rising from the Deep in 2011 and is now touring after releasing their second album Pentatonic, Heptatonic, Miskatonic which has heavy Lovecraftian overtones.

Criminal Record: While let off without charges, Fawn was picked up by the police her junior year for getting involved in (or possibly starting) a rather impressive barfight on New Years in Manhattan.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: While not a very devoted practitioner, Fawn follows the Vodun religion and can occasionally be heard calling on the Orishas to aid her (generally to stop her from hitting someone who may or may not deserve it). She's just about addicted to guacamole and sushi (though thankfully not together) and probably drinks too much.
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