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Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:03 pm
by dusky
IRC Nickname: dusky (Levina)

Name: Levina O'Smith
Alias: Sparks
Age: 18
Date of Birth: March 12, 1993
Hometown: Cook County, IL
Height: 5 ft 3 in
Weight: 120 lbs
Hair Color: Deep Red
Eye Color: Purple
Nationality/Race: Irish-American
Occupation: Student

Personality Profile:

At first glance, Levina is a shy and coldly quiet to strangers, but this appearance is mostly due that fact that she led a very sheltered life prior to coming Cobalt. For such a shy mute, she is in fact quite talkative nature and she engages conversations with a memorable acute, dry wit and typical banter of sign language and written text. Despite here naivety of the Internet and society, she is eager to make new friends. At the same time, she is cautious and aware of her naivety, and tends to sit and wait for others to make the first move. Being raised in a "God – fearing" Protestant Irish American household, Levina has a basic sense of moral justice and ethics. Though she has secret slightly-embarrassing personal reasons for avoiding fighting, she will drum up her courage and always help and stand by a friend in need. As her weaknesses suggests she also has a healthy fear of electrical devices and telepathy.

In her free time, Levina tend to enjoy doing puzzles or reading. She is open about her love of nonfiction books and will often quote Richard Feynman or Walt DeHeer; however due to the lack of friends with common interests, she is secretly tries to hide that fact she is an otaku of shoujo, fantasy, and harem manga, with a particular love for fantasy heroes and magical girls. In fact, deep down, more deep than she would probably ever admit, she hates her mutant condition and wishes she were born instead as a magical shoujo heroine even though magic girls are not real. This of course may change once she gets to Cobalt Academy.

Physical Description:

Levina is a human shark-hybrid with prominent features. She has slightly webbed fingers, a long shark-like tail, and gills on her neck; however, she has Caucasian human-colored skin, fire-red Irish hair. Her body is covered thousands of pitch-black dots calledAmpullae of Lorenzini. They are most prominent on her spine, nose, and face as almost pure black strips. Other than this, they make distant symbol like swirls that extend from these points.

Character Picture (Optional):



Primary: Electric Organ Discharge (EOD)-- Through special heart like organs contracting, she has ability to generate electricity, some forms of magnetism, and electromagnetic fields in the radio spectrum especially the low end. Currently she has only two developed means of using her special organs to generate lightening or the Hall Effect. In fact, she has very little control over the radio waves she generates let alone any possible control over her electromagnetic pulses.

Lightning electricity ability) : Like an electric eel, she is ability creating electricity like shocks and lightning up to 300 kA. Normally, her shocks are only small nonlethal 1 W that will be slightly annoying or disrupt power. With concentration and focused mind though, the exact power of these shocks can rapidly turn deadly ranging from a lethal 500 W to 1 terawatt. Due to her undeveloped state however, she only has enough energy to generate up to 3 of these lethal lightning discharges per day before she faints due to deficiency of food, vitamins, and sleep. Her current distance limit is 30 m.

Quantum Hall Effect (a magnetic ability) :
By rapidly creating an electric flux in her body, Levina can create an incredibly powerful magnetic field along with electromagnetic radiation in the electrical. Due to the resulting Quantum Hall Effect, Levina is able to sense conductive objects and sense how conductive they are. It also allows here to remotely power, as in literal Watts not control, any robotic, cybernetic, circuit, or conductive surface. In this sense, she is like a living power plant and is able to supercharge weapons or people. However, she is only able to power anything larger than small computer like people or an entire building for 1 hour before she faints.

Secondary: Shark-like abilities and senses-- Even though she was born from a human family and has human-colored skin, she has gills, a tail, electro-receptors, sensitive nose, and sensitive ears much like a shark.

Passive Electrolocation: Sharks are the most electro-sensitive creatures known to on earth, being able to sense well below 9 nV. With this power, they are able to sense almost all electrical changes kilometers away, whether the raw current of a high voltage source or the tiny pulse of baby minnow’s tail. Note sharks are able to sense movement of muscles other creatures, precisely because of fact that muscles are electrochemical organs. Therefore, she is able to passively perceive electrical circuits and muscle movement due to her having shark-like electroreceptors, Ampullae of Lorezini. In the water, she can sense things up to a 1.5 km away though only 500 feet on land. Like with sharks, it thus neurologically linked to her sense of smell and touch, not sight or sound. Her array of black dots even detects the Earth's magnetic field, low frequency electromagnetic radiation, and small temperature gradients.

Shark Senses: In theory, she should also have the shark keen smell for blood and hearing; however, she is only 17 so these senses are still developing. In fact, she can only smell blood a few meters away instead of 1.5 km, and she can barely hear outside the human spectrum as her senses have not reached maturity.

Shark Abilities: Likewise she can breathe underwater; however, she can only barely swim faster regular human, as her muscles have not reached maturity.

Tertiary: Anti-Telepathy-- Due to the vast differences between electrocommunication and "telepathy-like" power especially between how the senses are interlocked, Levina does not actually think on the same wavelength as normal humans but instead has brain patterns similar to a fish even though the thought themselves are human. In other words, her brain waves come across as a kind of soft static electromagnetic noise when. Her EOD also adds to this static though only for psychics that are sensitive to the radio spectrum. Since most telepaths learn naturally to tune out the excess background static noise from everyday radiation, her brain is essentially camouflaged to other telepaths. However, if an empath/telepath is passively sensitive enough or probes her mind, what they would here is not just static but actually a full spectrum of colors each corresponding to different emotions.

Drawbacks/Weaknesses/Side Effects :

Primary: Fear of Telepathy, Fear of Psychic Powers, and Fear of Electrical devices--- As a child her ability to passively sense electrical currents and electromagnetic radiation develop rapidly causing her as a child to develop an unusually fear of being around a large number electrical devices or even just one device with high enough voltage. Likewise, an incident at a local mutant elementary school left her with deep emotional and irrational phobia of all mutant psychics. Though she has develop I higher tolerance for electromagnetic and psychic phenomena, she is still can break down into shock and curl up her protective insulative cloak of Faraday cages and heavy metals.

Secondary *Mute*: Not all mutant changes are positive or evolutions of humanity; some are in fact a de-evolution, as Levina is an example. It turns out that the same gene that allows to passively sensing electrical currents is the same gene for a humans facial muscles. Thus, by regaining the Ampullae of Lorenzini, Levina genetically did not develop facial muscles and lost the ability to smile, frown, or even talk properly. To be more specific, she is not 100% mute as she can make simple vowels and sounds; however, her speech impairment limits her from saying most of the essentially constants in the English language. For example, she would pronounce Tremor as "T-eno-". Rather than actually embarrassing herself by talking, Levina has chosen instead to communicate using sign language or pen and paper. This means she is not very effective in a fighter in a battle situation, as she cannot rapidly communicate things.

Third: Lack of Control--- Though she has matured a lot as a person, Levina does not have complete control of her EOD. In fact, if she gets too embarrassed, scarred, angry, any excess emotion she tends to generate small Hall Field that causes electrical devices in a 100 ft radius to begin acting up. Furthermore, if she experiences unconditional love or a large amount of stress, she can unintentionally begin to generate EMPs disabling devices around her for up to 500 m. After a few minutes of generating this pulse her body usually goes unconscious due the release of massive amounts of energy.

Fourth: Dangerous Fatigue--- Levina’s EOD power even at the level they come with a price, they rapidly drain her of muscle energy reserves as well as nutrients especially sodium and potassium. Whenever every Levina faints or collapses, her body literally starving and eating itself alive while she is sleeps. If she does not receive nutrients supplements within less than 1 hour of collapsing, she will start to develop an signs of shock, acute potassium deficiency, and acute sodium deficiency. If the problems are not soon remedied, she risks death or worse.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future?
I am thinking of developing this character powers especially her EOD and shark abilities. However, I want to do it from how she develops in Cobalt Story, i.e. from how she interacts from characters or what training she receives from other students/teachers. Thus, any development if any will probably be way down the road and be more defined by others. Furthermore, abilities like Active Electroreception, EMP powers, or Anti-Telepathy, I would need to come up with new weaknesses or at least additional weaknesses for Levina before I update. Some weakness like her fatigue issue will probably say.
Born with what doctors thought to be a vestigial tail, Levina parent's knew that she was different other children. Her mother is a former elementary school teacher and her father is a tenured particle physics researcher for Argonne National Labs. Her younger brother, by 3 years, a highly eccentric boy genius though he has not apparent mutant powers. By the time she six weeks old for parents notice that she had a most peculiar aversion to electrical appliances; moreover, by the time she was two, this developed into a full blown instinctive phobia with lethal consequences (lethal for her age). When her tail and gills began to grow 4 months before she entered pre-K, they finally realized she was a mutant. Originally, they tried to enroll her in a young mutant school similar to Xavier or Cobalt; however, the results were not very promising even though they got clearer picture of their daughter’s powers. To make a long story short here, the result were that not only did her electrical powers awaken but also she developed unhealthy fear of a certain type of mutant. Left with no other option, her Mrs. O’Smith became a stay-at-home mom and homeschooled their oldest in isolation from prying eyes. Realizing they would again need to adjust their life to their daughter “unique” situation, her father unanimously opted to move them to the nearby Cook Country shoreline. Here in the sandy beaches of the Great Lakes, Levina has slowly developed her powers and a tolerance for certain levels of EM radiation as her shark sense began to emerge. At the age of 18, her parent finally decided she had built up a resistance enough to venture forth from her sheltered life and be around other mutants. Well.... her mother also had run out of thing to teach her as she finished all her high school requirements a year and half before; moreover, it would be one less child to deal with “borrowing” her father’s university textbooks.

RP History:

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:

Emotional Noise
One of the interesting quarks about Levina is that she cannot talk or make facial expressions, so often times she can only express emotions through her eyes. Thus, I added a twist for people with psychic or telepathic-like powers, to be able to at least read the noise she emits as emotions once they get to know her for a couple of days. These colors are based on the concept of Color of Noise and fundamental waveforms which any acoustic or electrically knowledgeable person should know already about Note for the non-telepathic, a nuclear submarine radio will actually pick this up better than a empath. The primary emotions are based on the Plutchik's wheel of emotions.
  • Color Noise-------> Primary Emotion
  • Black Noise-------> Surprise
  • Blue Noise--------> Sad
  • Orange Noise-----> Disgust
  • Pink Noise--------> Joy
  • Red Noise---------> Anger
  • Saw Wave--------> Fear
  • Sin Wave---------> Trust
  • Violet Noise-------> Anticipation/Curiosity
  • Advanced Colors--------> Advanced Emotions
  • White Noise--------------> [not translatable/no thoughts]
  • Green Noise------------> Concentration/Deep Thought
  • Grey Noise--------------> Confusion
  • Black-Saw Wave-------> Awe
  • Blue-Black Noise-------> Disappointment
  • Blue-Saw Wave---------> Remorse/Depression
  • Pink-Sin Wave----------> Love
  • Pink-Violet Noise-------> Optimism
  • Red Saw Wave---------> Hatred/Loathing/Vengeance
  • Red-Orange Noise-----> Contempt
  • Red-Violet Noise-------> Aggressive
  • Saw/Sin Wave----------> Submission
Special Equipment
Levina typically has two pieces of "special" equipment with her almost all the time.

The first is a highly insulative cloak that she got as gift from her eccentric brother. The cloak made from a very special nanostructure weave that forms thousand of Faraday Cages with some areas doped with trace amounts of Bismuth. Unlike normal nanostructures, the cloak is Not a bulletproof-diamond-strong material and is very heavy due to presence of Bismuth. While its peculiar material, it is easily reproducible material for any eccentric genius that knows what they are doing. Of course Levina has no clue how to reproduce it herself.

The second thing she typically cares is a small padded notebook and pen, which she uses to communicate with. Most of the time she carry it her hand or in a pocket, though sometimes she uses a backpack. Levina now carries also a whiteboard (OCC: Due to Trish's request)

Levina's current occupancy is a little unknown at the moment although she did keep on or two of her large gold fish.