Alice Christiansen [Slipstream] Trainee

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Alice Christiansen [Slipstream] Trainee

Post by Knaw »

Player Nickname: Knaw

Name: Alice Christiansen
Codename: Slipstream
Age: 19
Date of Birth: Feb 14

Height: 12"
Weight: 4 lbs
Hair Color: Black, but usually dyed purple
Eye Color: Violet
Place of Origin: Portland, OR
Nationality/Race: American Caucasian
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Trainee
Occupation: Actress

Personality Profile: Confident and free-spirited, it takes a lot to bring Alice down. She grew up a child actress and still free-lances from time to time and so tends to enjoy the posh lifestyle. Comfort and relaxation are her motto, and you must be doing something wrong in life if you're high strung or stressed.

Physical Description: Standing a diminutive 12" in height and weighing a mere 4 lbs, Alice has been mistaken for a toy doll on more than one occasion by grabby children, but she takes it all in stride. She is a well-figured young woman who hasn't quite shaken the child-like freckles that are sprinkled across her nose. Her eyes are of a violet hue and though her hair is naturally raven black she typically dyes it purple to match.



General Power Information: Alice has the ability to fly, and can fly very fast Her body also has the ability to produce a force field of energy that negates inertia preventing whiplash and bruised noggins should she start or stop too quickly.

Ability One - Flight: Alice can zip around fast enough to break the sound barrier. The fastest she has been clocked has been mach 2 though it takes her a while to reach that speed. From a dead start she can hit 40 mph instantly (Approximate speed of a punch thrown by seasoned fighter) and increases speed at a rate of 10mph/second that she's in flight. Because her force field negates inertia she has turn on a dime maneuverability at any speed.

Ability Two - Force field: This ability is only active when Alice is in flight and can't be activated by itself. When Alice is flying her body is surrounded by an impenetrable force field that protects her from anything that might run into her and negates inertia for her while she is protected within the aura. Anything she strikes will react as if being hit by a solid, unyielding object flying at the appropriate speed, if she can't go through it she will bounce off harmlessly though likely doing damage to whatever she struck.

Ability Three: None

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Alice is a tiny person, she has strength, agility, and fortitude appropriate for a person her size, her bones are much thinner and lighter than a human of normal proportions and so break much easier. Grabby children are one of her worst fears. Elementary school was hell. In addition her force field won't activate unless she is flying at or above 10mph, and her flight ability has no pulling force. If she can't normally lift and carry an object then she can't pull it either. This means that if she is held or otherwise restrained she can't suddenly fly free of the grasp.

Skills: Alice has been in the bright lights of Hollywood since she was just a girl, her diminutive size and flight ability make her ideal for just about any role involving fairies, pixies, and the like (She's played Tinkerbelle in over 30 stage productions including a modern remake of Peter Pan) In that line of work you tend to pick up little tidbits from stage hands, other actors, stunt men and the like. She's the proverbial jack of all trades, master of none, doing a lot of things well, but nothing amazing, besides acting. She's an amazing actress... At least according to her mom.

Background: Alice is a third generation mutant. Her grandfather could freeze solid anything he touched. Both her mom and her dad have abilities, her dad was a mutant, having eyesight so perfect that he could read a newspaper from a mile away, and her mom once called herself by the super hero name Lightspeed and gained her flight powers from a dying alien who imparted the gift so that she might save her world. Alice is the youngest of four siblings, two other brothers and a sister, all of which are also mutants with varying abilities, though Alice's mutation has been by far the strangest. At her birth she was a healthy baby girl of normal size and weight, but as she grew older instead of growing up she began shrinking. She developed normally for a girl her age, all except for the growing down part instead of growing up. She was also born with her ability to fly activated which was a nightmare for her parents, she'd routinely float out of her crib and play with her toys on the ceiling, and more than once has zipped away at breakneck speed, giggling like mad. Luckily her mother was always the faster flier. The start of her acting career came when her fellow classmates in 3rd grade begged her to play Tinkerbelle in their stage performance of Peter Pan, being the strange land of Portlandia her mutation was celebrated rather than feared, and she nailed the part, earning the cheers of the assembled parents. From then on it was drama clubs and kiddy shows, and when she was twelve Hollywood contacted her to play Tinkerbelle on the big screen in a big budget modern-day remake of Peter Pan. The movie met with mixed reviews with some people saying they would have rather had a computer generated Tinkerbelle than a damned mutant playing the part. Since then she has starred and co-starred in many films, one or two a year since she was twelve, but now she's wanting something more, a legacy. Her mother was a bonnafide super hero and she wants to live up to the name. Taking the name slipstream because of her unique inertia negating power she traveled all the way across the country to Salem where it was told there was a sanctuary for those the outside world had labeled different, and a super hero team that just might be recruiting. She would prove she had what it took to make the cut! She had to. Mom was watching.

Criminal Record: None

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Alice has an irrational (Or completely rational depending on how you look at it.) fear of small children. Once when she was younger she was grabbed by a four-year-old who mistook her for a Barbie and the brat's "graspy hands" fractured three of her tiny ribs and broke her arm in two places. If a child is nearby she will not let it out of her sight.
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