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Megumi Ogata - [Cosplay]

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 2:42 am
by TwinbeeMkII
Player Nickname: TwinbeeMkII

Name:Megumi Ogata
Codename: Cosplay
Age: 22
Date of Birth: April 16, 1992

Height: 5'0" (varies)
Weight: 95 lbs (varies)
Hair Color: Black (varies)
Eye Color: Grey (varies)
Place of Origin: Osaka, Japan
Nationality/Race: Japanese
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Resident
Occupation: Seamstress

Personality Profile: Kind, bubbly, and a total sweetheart willing to befriend anyone

Physical Description:


General Power Information: Omnimorph

Ability One: Megumi is a mutant omnimorph composed of undifferentiated unstable molecules, which allow him to change into just about any shape he can think of, within reason. He can transform body parts and is a natural mimic of voices and sounds. He can also change his color. Due to Megumi's genetic make-up he is extremely durable and resistant to physical damage. Megumi's mutation to shape-shift has also made it so that his body is a Play-doh-like substance and he can reattach limbs after they have been severed. This comes at a cost though, as mass amounts of transforming can prove taxing on him, draining him quickly if he's not careful.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: On top of the afformentioned overstrain, if Megumi's physical state is disrupted in any way he reverts to liquid form. Most forms of energy will have such an effect, but worst of all is electricity, which can totally destabilize Megumi's body, reducing him into a helpless puddle of goo, and possibly even threaten his life. As such, he's totally vunerable to energy and elemental attacks. As well, he's unprotected from mental assault.[/b]

Skills: Megumi is these days a very skilled seamstress

Background: A former resident of the Academy, Megumi rode off into the sunset with the love of his life, David. Gone for a number of years, he returns to the Sanctuary, alone, and seeking refuge. What happened to him, and just where is David? Only Megumi knows, and none can say if he'll speak of it.

Criminal Record: Currently unrecorded as a citizen of the United States

Quirks/Extras (Special skills, links, etc.): An odd side effect, Megumi has no oder or scent, making him stick out like a sore thumb to a trained scent tracker.