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Officer June Valero

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 1:31 pm
by po1
Player Nickname: po1

Name: Officer June Valero
Age: 27
Date of Birth: 26th December 1985

Height: 5'10"
Weight: 149 lbs
Hair Color: Auburn
Eye Color: Brown
Place of Origin: Essex County, Massachusetts
Nationality/Race: American / Hispanic
Classification/Origin of Powers: Human

Status: --
Occupation: Police Officer (Salem P.D. patrolwoman)

Background: Conniving and corrupt, Officer June Valero had started her career in the force with lofty ideals of making a real difference in her community, by doing her job and more, to eradicate crime and better the lot of those around her. Opportunities to earn extra allowances didn't take too long to occur though, as slowly and steadily she honed her understanding and practice of the finer points of graft - something that she realised benefitted not only herself, but allowed her to improve the lives of those close to her in double-quick time. Those close to her? Most of them aren't residing in Massachusetts, actually. Her family holes up in Putnam County, New York; and were decidedly of lower-middle bracket, until her sources of financing provided them with much stability. The need to keep a low profile is what has kept her and her folks living in modest conditions - a walk-up apartment in their respective locations. The responsibility of supporting her 2 younger siblings through college has fallen on her (partly the reason for her having dropped herself out of college in order to enrol in the Salem P.D. Academy) considering how their father is plagued by Parkinson's and her mother is quite the incorrigible gambler.

Physical Description: Image


General Power Information: She is 100% human, hence she has no superhuman or supernatural abilities.

Ability One: --

Ability Two: --

Ability Three: --

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: All the expected limitations of an adult female human.

Skills: Basic mixed martial arts - skilled by standards of non-powered humans, that is. Marksmanship - she was top marks(wo)man in her cohort in the Academy. Her aptitude with the pistol applies to most other forms of firearms, as well as most other activities that involve aiming. Agility - She is quite the expert in parkour - running, climbing, swinging, vaulting, jumping, rolling, quadrupedal movement, and the like, depending on what movement is deemed most suitable for the given situation.

Personality Profile: Gregarious, outgoing, restless and rebellious.

Criminal Record: --

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Somewhat a closet bisexual, she has a penchant for alcohol (spirits rather than wines or beer), dogs of all breeds shapes and sizes.