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Aisling Dunn [None] [Refugee/Resident]

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 9:45 pm
by Knaw
Player Nickname: Knaw

Name: Aisling Dunn
Codename: None as of yet
Age: 18
Date of Birth: March 14

Height: 5'1"
Weight: 89
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Green
Place of Origin: Salem, Massachusettes
Nationality/Race: American/White
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: refugee
Occupation: Student

Personality Profile: Aisling is typically a timid, shy thing, who usually bottles up her emotions until they overwhelm her and then there is much shouting and crying. She was a nerdy girl in her mundane life before her powers manifested themselves. She was raised in a household of mutant hating parents and so feels ashamed of her abilities even if she tries not to show it.

Physical Description: Short and thin, her powers have actually stunted her growth, depriving her of much of the nutrients she would normally get through eating. Though she was born and raised in America her family can trace back Irish roots as early as her great-grandmother who immigrated in the early 1900's. She has her great grandmother's red hair which she wears in a shoulder-length bob, and green eyes and is named after her as well. typically she enjoys loose fitting clothing to make her look a little less scrawny, and she is almost never seen without her glasses as her eyesight isn't the best in the world.

General Power Information: Aisling's body is a matter/energy conversion vessel. The cells of her body feed on gamma radiation as surely as they feed on the nutrients from food, there is an aura of strange energy that surrounds her and acts as a conversion tool, containment barrier, and deffensive mechanism.

Ability One - Matter anihilation: When Aisling touches an object she can manipulate the field surrounding her to generate an opposite charge to the matter being touched causing an effect similar to antimater, effectively obliterating the matter and yielding an enormous amount of energy which she then absorbs, metabolising most of it with the remaining gamma radiation being stored in her cells. Currently the amount of energy she can contain is very limited. With practice and time the amount of energy she can store will grow. Her powers are relatively weak at this stage in her life. She can't break down very dense objects and nothing harder than a soft wood like pine. As her abilities grow she will gain the strength to break down harder materials.

Ability Two - Energy Absorption: Aisling's body has the ability to absorb energy and radiation similar to how she absorbs matter, however the efficiency of the absorption is terrible and, with the exception of very strong sources like natural lightning, hardly adds any charge to her stored energy. Even very strong sources of energy or radiation increase her charge by no more than 25% of her currently extremely limited capacity. Energy striking her is still quite painful, but she suffers no physical injuries.

Ability Three - Energy expulsion: The strange energy that surrounds Aisling's body also has the ability to defend itself. On a whim, she can expel spheres of pure kinetic energy that explode on impact with varying degrees of concussive force. Currently the maximum amount of force she can output is equivalent to a well trained boxer giving a strong punch, the strength and control of these explosions as well as their accuracy will increase with time and practice. Use of this power drains her energy reserves with a baseball size equivalent of matter generating enough energy for about four kinetic spheres

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:
Energy leach: Aisling's powers act almost as a parasite providing benefits, but also taking what it needs from her body. Her cells need gamma radiation and lots of it, it takes most of what it needs from the food that she eats, causing the antimatter reaction in her stomach and absorbing most of the food as energy for itself, leaving only a small portion for her normal biology to absorb as sustenance. This leaves her mal-nurished and underweight, and ensures that she will always be physically weaker than the average girl of her height and age.

Pressure Valve: Aisling is an energy container, but has a finite storage capacity. The strange energy surrounding her can only contain a certain amount of the gamma radiation and if she ever excedes her capacity the strange energy drains all of the gamma radiation she currently has and rapidly expands outward in a kinetic bubble, an explosion of pure kinetic energy that disipates the gamma radiation and causes massive damage to anything nearby without discrimination for friends and family. Currently she can hold enough energy that if her pressure valve blows it releases about the same ammount of concussive force as two pounds of TNT. About enough blast to destroy an average bedroom or weaken the foundation of a house. As her capacity increases so too does the strength of the blast. The blast leaves her physically and mentally weakened and she falls comatose while her body repairs the field of energy around her. Usually the comatose state lasts 4 to 7 hours. She can not control this ability and explode whenever she feels like it.

Death: If Aisling's strange energy field is cut off completely the gamma radiation is free to leak from her body making her a walking health hazard, but it also has the added effect of cutting off her ability to absorb gamma radiation and as her cells need it to survive this will ultimately lead ot her "starving to death", a slow and painful death.

Skills: Aisling is a teenager and hasn't acquired many life skills yet, but she's a bookworm and enjoys higher level math and physics and wants to get into the field of robotics if she can ever get her life straightened out.

Background: Aisling led a typical life for the most part. She was an introverted computer geek with a fascination for robotics. Her parents were anti-mutant activists and constantly preached about the sins and vileness of the tainted brood. Aisling never jumped on the hateful bandwagon, but growing up around it made her nervous and fearful of mutant kind. Her powers manifested on an insignificant day during a typical teenage passtime, arguing with her parents. They were all at breakfast, seated around the dinner table when her father began lecturing her about boys despite the fact that she had never had a boyfriend in her life. The bickering went back and forth until the table they had been eating on disappeared and Aisling began glowing brightly and then exploded, killing her parents as they had been at ground zero for the blast. When the police arrived they found Aisling lying unconscious in the center of the blast with the charred remains of her parents nearby. She was taken under guard to the hospital and questioned when she awoke and after a tearful explanation of what had happened she was turned over to META as a ward. None of her family would take responsibility for a mutant child and cut off all ties with her leaving her alone. META recommended the sanctum to her as a place where she could be with others like her and learn to control her power so she wouldn't accidentally hurt anyone again.

Criminal Record: Convicted of 2 counts of manslaughter released to the custody of META with a probated sentence.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Aisling's power and strange metabolism causes her sleeping habits to be a bit strange. If she doesn't think about it she'll end up going days without sleep only to crash hard as if coming down from a major sugar rush in which case she'll typically sleep 12 to 14 hours in a hard deep sleep that is very difficult to wake from. Aisling's body glows with a strength depending on how full her cells are of energy. Because she naturally absorbs small amounts of energy while eating she almost always has a slight glow to her. Imperceptible in well-lit areas but in darkness it's quite noticeable. When her cells are fully charged she glows very brightly, painful to look directly at.

Re: Aisling Dunn [None] [Refugee/Resident]

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 11:13 am
by Knaw
(Post edited as content of sheet was changed)