Brittany Miller (Lone Star) [Trainee]

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Brittany Miller (Lone Star) [Trainee]

Post by TwinbeeMkII »

Player Nickname: TwinbeeMkII

Name: Brittany Miller
Codename: Lone Star
Age: 22
Date of Birth: August 17, 1992

Height: 5'11"
Weight: Varies (Normally 135 lbs)
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Place of Origin: Austin,Texas
Nationality/Race: American/Caucasian
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Trainee

Occupation: Dancer

Personality Profile: Carefree and optimistic, Brittany is all around a nice farm girl, the type to make friends easily thanks to her charismatic attitude. Trusting (perhaps to a fault), don't mistake her for a doormat, as she'll be quick to defend herself or her friends if pushed.

Physical Description: Image


General Power Information: Omni-morph Duplication: Brittany possesses the ability to bodily duplicate at will the physical properties of any solid she touches or that touches her. This power extends to both animate and inanimate objects. The matter of Brittany's body can create a material and physiological change so that her body actually becomes composed of the matter with which she is making contact. While she is in this altered state, she still possesses her sentience despite the fact that her brain is now composed of the same material as the rest of her. Some ordinary materials she can transform into include steel, stone, wood and glass.

Brittany can alter the molecular structure of her body to mimic the properties of any material she touches. This process also gives her enhanced strength, endurance, and in most cases, resistance to injury. If the object touched holds some form of energy, such as a battery or a blast furnace, Brittany can possibly absorb these properties as well. She also has limited shape-changing abilities when absorbing certain objects, such as forming hammer-like fists when touching a hammer. With time and practice she can even learn to reattatch lost parts of herself, so long as she's still in an absorbed form.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Automatic Absorption: Ironically, her own power is also her biggest weakness. Sometimes Brittany has little to no control of her power, and automatically absorbs any kind of matter around her. As a result, she can be tricked into absorbing random materials that make her weaker or non-solid. She's learning how to absorb a specific material without absorbing other materials by simply touch. However, there are limits by how much she can "ignore" matter around her, and will still absorb it if there's too much of it surrounding her.

Skills: General strength and fitness level of a girl her age growing up on a farm, doing labor

Background: Brittany grew up in rural Austin, the apple of her parents' eye. She was outgoing, witty, and not afraid to rough house like any boy her age. This wasn't to say she was dim, on the contrary she was a straight A student, making her a mix of beaty, brains, and brawn. Such was her life until that faithful day, when the family cattle got loose and threatened to trample her and her baby brother. Covering him she closed her eyes, waiting for the end...yet the end didn't come. Before she knew it, she'd realized she'd had an amazing change, having taken on the properties of the rocks around her, protecting her brother and sending the cattle racing away in another direction. To say her life changed that day was an understatement. Luckily she managed to hide her powers as best she could, but eventually the cat was out of the bag at her senior prom, when she inadvertently had her powers come out during a very passionate kiss with her boyfriend. With the secret out, she left the prom in tears as the rest of the student body mocked and laughed. She managed to finish her schooling at home before finally making the decision to find somehwere where she belonged, and that decision finally brought her to the gates of Cobalt, hopefully leading to a life of acceptence.

Criminal Record: No current criminal record

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Has a downhome Texan accent, fairly thick, but she's sharp as a tack, and a perfect example why you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover.
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