Winter Is Coming - Walker Wrangling

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Winter Is Coming - Walker Wrangling

Post by Sisip »

<Sisip> Sisip hung around Foodcourtia.. but she wasn't eating. The woman was dressed for action, full catsuit, her sheathed knife strapped to her side, her hair done up in a tight bun and some serious, heavy duty, communication devices strapped to her ear, the mic stretching towards her lips. That one was odd for her, that was the communication device of someone who would not be getting into the fray. That was ok though, she could sit this one out and play pilot. Let the young-bucks take this one. It was a simple grab and go, right? On one of the tables next to her sat spare combat uniforms, unbadged of course, small earwig com units and a miriad of non lethal weapons and devices.

<MarloCross> Ah Foodcourtia. Marlo had missed it so much during his months on the lamb that he was coming to it's embrace more and more. As he popped in, still in his HighLife flight suit, he spots Sisip. Normaly, there would be a bit of playfull ribbing and banter, or a question about Anthony. But his pseudo-sister was dressed for a fight for the first time since she knew she was pregnant.

<MarloCross> Approaching cautiously," Yo."

<Sisip> She looks up from her tablet and smiles brightly, "Marlo!" Standing the short injin woman moves over to hug him tightly. "Glad to see you, was afraid I was possibly going to be dealing only with greenhorns tonight." Pursing her lips she watches him, "I'm not, am I?" Sure she was volunteering him for the task, but when had THAT ever mattered.

<MarloCross> There was a sheet of confusion on his face as she spoke about the greenhorns in mid hug. Clearly, something was going down. But, Sisip knew Marlo Could say no...But Crippler could not. He took a breath and shook his head, taking off his aviators," What's the mission?" THe Cool Crippler tone touched his words.

<Sisip> Flashes of Ahnold and The Terminator flash through Sisips brain as she watches her psuedobrother do what could possibly be the lamest thing she's seen all year. To be fair though, most of this year she spent in her apartment with a baby.. so.. there you go. She snorts a bit, covering her amused smile behind a gloved hand, "Easy boy." Her free hand reaches out to pat his cheek softly, "I'm going to fly a group over a swarm of walkers. We need at least two of them, alive and .. walking .. or whatever."

<MarloCross> "Okay. Done. I already called Ma and she's got her super locking down her appartment." He added, assuring himself his mother would be safe from whatever these were. He took a step or two back," Lemme go get my gear and IU'll be right back, Okay?"

<Sisip> Sisip sighs as she watches Marlo head off, nodding. She was going to have to talk to that boy about cutting the cord eventually. Not tonight though, tonight she had her dance card full.

<MarloCross> He was off, placing a call to his girlfriend first. No doubt she was probably in the know about the opperation: Capturing these walkers alive was obviously a science mission. But he still had to let her know she was going. As he moved through the halls, Marlo got the upper half of his suit off, phone stuck to his ear...

<Sisip> Kayla did know about the operation, the lab was bustling trying to get everything ready. They didn't want to KILL these things, they just wanted to fidn out wtf was up with them. Dressed in her finest lab gear the girl in the labcoat reaches for her phone as it begins to ring out the cheerful tunes of Frankie Valli. "Hey baby! Working late tonight, there a salad in the fridge if you're hungry." She prattles on as she starts to organize things.

Angel`Pearson popped into the foodcourty place in his team uniform thing, the boots replaced with his own kneehigh platforms, blue stars dotted up and down along their zipper to match the blue accents of the uniform, and black fingerless gloves with a trio of blue stars on the back were tugged on each hand, messenger bag with a CH logo worn on his hip. When Sisip was spotted he
<Angel`Pearson> beelined for where she was hanging, one hand rising in a little wave as he drew closer.

<MarloCross> "What a coincidence, I'm workin' late too." He was in the room and undressing quickly," Goin' on Mission with Sisip. Just wanted to call...and say I love you, Okay?" He had all the confidence that no one would get hurt, but saying goodbye to loved ones or telling them you loved them was old hat for Marlo. He never let a chance go by. As he got his Crippler gear on, though, he did
<MarloCross> manage to eat the Salad she'd left for him.

<Sisip> Her smile was an honest one as she saw Angel, the woman moving forward to give him a hug, kissing his cheek, "Awesome." She always did love his personal touches on his team uniform. It was so very ANGEL. "Marlo's off gearing up, we're waiting on a few more people and then it's off to Salem in a whirlybird." | Kayla pauses for a moment, setting her beakers down. Of course it wasn't a surprise that he was going, but like any girlfriend who stayed behind the thought was a scary one, "If you end up in medical again.. I'll .. buy a bazillion mice and set them loose in your apartment, you hear me?" It wasn't that Marlo was afraid of mice, it was that all those little heartbeats would seriously screw with him. She sighs, "I love you too. Don't get hurt."

Angel`Pearson his smile brightened at the kiss, wrapping his arms around to return the hug, chiming "Hi!" and nodnodding as she spoke "Right, what's the plan?"

<MarloCross> He smiled so wide, she could probably hear it." I always get hurt. Just a matter o' How bad." He said his goodbye and closed the phone as he closed his helmet. The salad had been quickly eaten, the bowl left on the counter. As he left, Crippler grabbed the brown bomber jacket he'd comer acustomed to wearing over his Cobalt Uniform. He had his com preseated in his helmet, so he
<MarloCross> touched it on," Com Check. Crippler Here."

<Sisip> Sisip always loved Angel hugs, "Well right now it's a grab and bag. We need a couple of the walkers brought back here alive so we can figure out what's wrong with them." She hands Angel a communicator, just to make sure he has one. | Kayla chuckles softly as she shakes her head hard enough Marlo could probably hear it. She also says her goodbyes and gets back to work. | As Marlo is heard over the com Sisip reaches up and taps her mic to open, "Loud and clear. You and Angel may be doing this on your own if we don't get anymore volunteers, but I'm sure the two of you are more than capable."

<MarloCross> "I'm checking on a few of the Rookies. We need to get them a bit of field experience." The first room he stopped at was Bree Ann O'Conner's room. A bizzare yet powerfull ability, Bree had shown promise before. He knocked hard on the door, hoping to rouse her.

Angel`Pearson hedid! he plucked his communicator from inside a cellphone pocket on the messenger bag, and clipped it to the strap for ease of access. When Marlo's voice came over it he frowned a little "I still don't have a fancy codename. I can never decide!" He nodded along when Sisip explained the mission, replying "Oh! I still have my tazerblades that JJ made for me. Do you think they'd work? I'd hope the
<Angel`Pearson> elecrtics would screw with their motor control like anything else.." Hehoped. They really didn't know anything about these things, that was the point of the mission.

<MarloCross> He left a note on the door, one saying to call him when she had the chance. With a sigh, he stepped away, going to the next door for the next rookie. As he did, he answered Angel," How about Haize or Mindwarp. Something that hints at what you do."

<Sisip> Combat ready G.I.Sisip hmm,s softly, "I've no idea. Nobody has stepped forward to say if they've tried anything yet. " As Marlo gives suggestions for Angel's codename the injin laughs, "I was just going to suggest McRib, but those others are much more cooler." She, after getting hopped up on AngelEffect, had gone to pack for a trip and had, in her stoned state, managed to pack an entire suitcase filled with mismatched socks and McRib wrappers. Where she'd gotten so many McRibs she didn't want to know, but the wrappers were proof that she'd managed it.

Sunder The metalhead would be spotted walking to the cafe. All business tonight, tac gear, stripped down bug out bag, holstered and slung prime and secondary arms, all mag pouches filled, some spare rounds in the bag. The only spikes were on his uniform, some wicked ones on the forearms and some on the knuckles for ease of electric transfer. Yeah, metalhead had been waiting for this call up.

Angel`Pearson snickersnickered, sticking his tongue out at Sisip before pressing the button on his comm "Haze had crossed my mind, but I'uno if i like how it feels. Some I've been kicking around have been Daytripper, Dreamer, Daze, or maybe like Dart because of the dosed up knives..." blink, snicker "..I totally didn't realize they're all D words until a second ago. I must have a D fixation."

<Sisip> The short injin eyes Sunder as he walks in. He was an impressive sight, without a doubt, all manly and spikey... and ... weapony.. dangerous weapony. Tilting her head a bit she sighs, lips parting to say something to him about this being a non lethal mission.. that is until Angel muses about having a D fixation. She chokes on her spit as she tries to gasp and laugh at the same time. Her face darkens as she wheezes, trying to catch a breath.

<MarloCross> Marlo walked up along side Sunder as he enters the Cafeteria, offering up a gloved Brofist to the Metalhead. It was good to have another ass kicker on the team. As they headed to Sisip and Angel, Crippler tightened his gloves out of habit.

Angel`Pearson grinned wide over at Sisip as she lost it, bursting into laughter along with her and waving to both Sunder and then Marlo as he approached.

Sunder Brofits engaged, his hand held a bit awkward so marlo does not get spiked in the process, raising a brow at the gasping sisip "The hell did I miss?" The horns get raised to angel "'ow've you been man?"

<Sisip> Catching her breath the woman shakes her head and looks at the time. With a sigh she looks at the trio. "Alright guys, I guess we can take the van. I don't think anyone else is going to show.. and if they do.. well they can meet us there." She flicks a hand towards a man in a suit standing randomly off in a convinient corner. He would let any latecomers know where the group had gone. "Alright guys, here's the deal. We need two of these walkers." She sets her tablet on the table showing a map, "We've tracked a herd down these streets, they're moving at a fairly steady pace and not bothering anyone... but nobody has bothered THEM either. So be on your guard. We want them alive.. or.. whatever they classify as."

<Sunder> .... Wait wait wait... You said bag n tag not net n coddle

Angel`Pearson smiled at the horns from Sunder "Good! I've been vuryvurygood, thanks!.." annnnd after kicking the name ideas around in his head a bit more he finally blurted out "..Daytripper!...I'll be Daytripper...Untill I decide I like something else better. But for now, yeah! I'll go with that."

<MarloCross> Crippler looked at the map then gave Daytripper a pat on the back," Good Name. So, as to the mission, I assume we know nothing of their physiology? Should we assume broken bones and missing parts are fatal?" Also, it went without saying, they could have been people once.

<Sisip> Sisip gives Sunder a bashful smile, "Bag, tag..and bring back alive. Okay okay so I fibbed a bit. I wanted to make sure you were on board for this one." She winks at him as her smile turns apologetic. "I'll owe you one." She nods to Crippler, "Indeed. Let's just consider them sick people until we learn differently."

Sunder Taps his foot. Thinking it over a bit. "I'm kitted out to kill, an nothing but. You have a plan for how we do this?"

<MarloCross> "I'll aim for dislocations and sweeps then. If we don't wanna spook them, I'll keep clear of too many K-Jumps." Plus he hated the after effects. He looked to Sunder, his body language conveying contemplation," Go for joints and limbs. Incapacitate."

<Sisip> Tapping on the table next to her that was laden down with bags, sacks, ropes, and all sorts of non lethal items she chuckles, "You came prepared.. so did I." She grabs the keys to the larger van and with a flick of her wrist the items on the table raise up under a mattress of wind. "How you get them here, honestly? I 'm not worried about. We just need them alive and relatively unhurt."

Angel`Pearson helped himself to some of the nonlethal restraint goodies, stuffing items in his bag. He hoped his tazerblades would work on these things...Somehow he didn't think his hallucinogenics were going to do anything.

<Sunder> ... Did you grab a riot sheild? Flip the handle around, could make it easier to corner and tie one. Tazers too, doubt it suddenly changed how muscles work

<Sisip> She nods, "I did, yes. If it is some sort of biological thing I don't want you guys getting slobbered on." Sisip wasn't a greenhorn, she knew what to expect. PFT. As she leads them towards the van she opens the door and windmattresses the goods into the back. "All in who's going in."

<MarloCross> Marlo waited at the Van door, hoiping a few of the Rookies or other vets might show up. He also checked his suit's seals. The idea was to let know 'slobber' get through. Of course he was thinking bites, cause he was a kid and Zombies, right?"I'll need a light charge in the field."

Angel`Pearson followed along, hopping into the van when Sisip opened it up.

Sunder Piled in "Right.. So who wants overwatch, an who wants to get up close an personal?"

<MarloCross> "I'll take front line" He said, heading into the Van." My power set is best suited for hand to hand" But that was assuming he knew howe they fought.

<Sisip> "I'll stay with the van, obviously. Last thing we need is for someone to steal it out from under us." She snickers as she gets behind the wheel. Waiting for just a few moments more she takes a mental count of everything they have.

<Kraken> It may not be a team issue suit, but Kevin's reverse wetsuit could work all the same against possible Zombie-Bites. He was out and rushing for the van, he'd be a part of this too. "Wait up, I'm coming along!" He called out, though yes, fighting zombies. He tried not to let images of Nick flash through his mind.

<Sisip> "Welcome aboard Kev." She cheerily calls out as he climbs in. With the crew on board she zoooooms off to the streets of Salem. It's a usual summer evening in town, except for the fact that it was a scene out of a winter wonderland. People mulled around, steering clear of a particular intersection. An intersection that the van approached, stopping just a bit away from. The van was obviously government issued, so people couldn't help but stare, waiting to see who came out.

<MarloCross> Front line out first, or so He thinks. Crippler popped out and surveyed the area. Civilians were noted first. They had to be protected if things got too far out of hand. Second, he'd try to locate the 'Walkers'. Gotta know the field before you play.

<Kraken> There was a nod to Sisip, and though it wasn't visible behind the mouthpiece, the squidman had a slight smile on his face. Usual summer evening, a hot one at that so that was why Kevin was all suited up. It kept him cool and wet, and able to properly function in the world outside his tank. He looked around at the mutated chaos... summer's heat but there was snow. Snow that felt the same
<Kraken> temperature as the air but snow. It seemed impossible, but with mutants and magics... well, anything was possible. And they had an audience it seemed, people coming for a look at the van. Not that Kevin was shy of his looks. He'd step out next, armed of course. He had that bone sword Edge/Felix had gifted to him some time ago.

Sunder Ditches the M-14 in the van, instead it was a tazer and a riot sheild, though his jehrico would stay holstered "Right then, up close and personal." He'd follow marlo out "We get one, pin it an tie it up right? ... Yeah, that sounded wrong."

Angel`Pearson hopped out after Kevin and Sunder, reaching into his bag to draw out a pair of the hand tazerblades stored inside, and snickering softly when he heard the metalhead.

<Katherine> Somewhere along that intersection there as a deep blue haired girl, in one hand there was a buuuuurrrriiittooooooo and she was gnawing at it happily. She'd dressed for.. well what she always dressed for.. Fun! wearing a long loose flowing skirt that hung at an angle along her legs and the point fluttered around one foot while the angled upper side was around the bottom of her knee. Black
<Katherine> and slithering about legs, pale skin glowed on her torso as she'd learned to deal with the snow fear and was wearing a sleeveless shirt that looked unfitting with that elegant kind of bottom half. Crossed the chest there were large letters saying 'Yet Despite the Look On My Face, You're Still Talking'. All that color shifting blue hair was pinned up on the top of her head tonight as she
<Katherine> watched the street with idle looks, watching the van as well and lifting the bottle of water in her other hand to her lips. When the people started piling out, the girl pushed toward them on those watery roller blades that she normally had on her feet. "You! I... Know.. you." Saying it to Sunder and Sisip vaguely and then chirping, almost clapping before she remembered Burrito and
<Katherine> water. "I do! Ohgod what's going on?!" Staring at the people getting out the van.

<Sisip> Sisip can't help but grin at Sunder, "Well, if you want to get THAT personal with it.. sure." Saucy wink is saucy before she laughs. Motioning towards the intersection she checks on a nifty watch she's wearing.. that is a frikken MAP! At least right now! Tablet watch goooo! "The walkers were headed eastbound, so ... take a right at that intersection." She offered up for the directionally impared. Moving over to Kev she gives him a hug and a squeeze, "Glad you made it." And she really was. Her attention is pulled towards Cessara and she gives the girl a nod, "Fetching ourselves some Walkers." As Marlo tried to search for the Walkers he'd just find empty streets, well, he'd most likely 'feel' the people he could see.. but nothing beyond that. People started to gather closer, whispering to themselves, phones being pulled out. "We should get this going."

<MarloCross> Marlo gave one look at Cessara and then to Sisip," Is this gonna complicate things? I don't know her powers off hand." He knew she could respond via the com, so he moved ahead, looking back to Sunder. They were the front line on this." Gimme a boost, Skieweaver?"

<Kraken> Had a hug in return for Sisip, tentacles aiding in the embrace. "Active or neutralized?" He'd ask Sisip. It took him a few moments to find the words though, as it just.. well alive or dead just didn't seem to fit the situation all that well. Hopefully his meaning would be understood. His powers were useless right now aside from grabbing with his tentacles. The bone sword would be
<Kraken> his defence.

<Sunder> Right right nothing to see 'ere, just a bunch of gits in tac gear jumpin out of a van an goin for a bit of a stroll.. (He shakes his head) Bloomin idiots out 'ere just wanderin about when there are bloody zombies just blocks away! (he'd glance to kev) We're not supposed to do any real 'arm to it. though if they come at us biting, i'm not taking bloody chances

<Katherine> Squeeling softly at the words that Sisip spoke, her eyes widened and she twirled on the rollerblades, water glittering around the sneakers as she did and chucked her burrito in the nearest bin "Oooh, pick me pick me!" grinning and twisting the top on her water bottle. Glancing at Marlo and shifting back and forth on the liquid encased feet "I am -totally- the kind of person to
<Katherine> complicate things, but in this case I think I'll be helpful!" Giving Sisip the widest, puppy doggiest, brightest color shifting eyes on the planet "I want to kill zombies!" eyes fell on the tentacle person and she was savvy enough not to gape, just flashed a grin at the others and her wheels splashed off her feet, water spilling for a moment over the sneakers she was wearing with
<Katherine> her skirt and ran up her legs, forming as it went and shifting into black jeans that formed about her legs in place of the dressy bottom, bouncing on her toes and sticking by Sisip, hands gripping and loosening fitfully.

<Sisip> Sisip gives Marlo a 'look'. "If you can't adapt to newcommers joining your group, Crippler, you're not going to climb that upwards ladder." Her arm reaches out and she points her palm at him, a gail of wind focused and directed towards him. "Active, Kev. We don't know what's going on with them, if they're people we can help we don't want to kill them to figure that out. Make sure you guys bring the bindings. I'm sure Sunder can show you how to tie a decent knot if need be." She grins at the Metalhead before nodding, smile fading, "If they turn violent you take any means necessary to stay clear of being hurt in any way." Looking over at Angel she hoped that they got lucky and he could just spit all over the walkers and the group could corral them into the van. PFT they were never that lucky. She chuckles at Cessara, "Alright, Cessara, stick close to Sunder. He's excellent in a bind." She jerks her chin, "See you guys when you're done." And with that she slips back to the van.

<Kraken> Nodded to Sunder and then to Sisip. "Understood." He placed the sword away, he wouldn't need it. He could grab and entangle with his tentacles. The reverse wetsuit would offer some protection, though it wasn't built with zombie bites in mind. "I'll use discretion and only act out in selfdefense." Similar to what Sunder said. "Alive." He repeated, nodding. There was a last
<Kraken> look for Sisip before he'd be ready.

<MarloCross> He said nothing as he's admonished. He wasn't worried about adapting, just the variable. Sucking up the kinetic force from Skieweaver's blast, the charge filled him just enough to make him effective. Glancing back at Cessara," Care to give me a run down? What can you do?" He asked this as he continued toward the Eastbound Intersection.

Sunder Sis' turn to recieve a look when he gets promptly handed guard duty. Leave it to the guy who picked up the riot sheild. He'd unshoulder his bug out bag, taking a spare knife, and a pair of one hundred foot bundles of paracord, clipping them onto his tac vest He'd start to follow after marlo, this being his show now

<Sisip> The intersection they were headed towards was quiet. NOBODOY was wanting to hang out there, despite the fact that there were bars and clubs. Those had their doors locked tight and the signs flipped to 'closed'. Nobody wanted to mess with zombies, because seriously? Zombies? Even the Brotatoes were smart enough to avoid them at all costs. Down the road, walking at a slow pace, were a dozen of those 'walkers'. They looked straight out of a frozen zombie movie, their skin cracked and taut, their eyes burning a bright blue. One turned and looked back behind them at the small group for a moment or so before it continued onwards.

<Katherine> Lifting her hands to make weird claw finger gestures at Sisip, she actually growled softly "Grrrrufff.. I love your face SOMUCH" giving a click of her teeth and grinning, the girl whirled about again and ran to catch up with Sunder and Kevin, grinning at them both. "Zzzzzzzzzombie apoc, gogogo" twirling the water bottle in her hands and lifted it when it came to a stop top
<Katherine> up to swallow down the top half of the water that was left. The voice in her ear made her cackle a little, but she lifted her finger to talk back, apparently having coms amused her immensely "Ahhh well I'm hydrokinetic?" Trying to be succinct and not jabber on over the line "I'm good at making objects, working on a bow and arrow recently which is.. kind of working. But sharp objects,
<Katherine> project it forcefully. I can use the snow but if I start getting really cold it's gonna be a suck." but then there be zombies!

<Kraken> Deserted... good, at least this way there would be no bystanders to get caught up and no one taking cellphone videos... JJ would have been a great addition for takin out any possibility of that. But Kevin would not want the kid here. This wasn't a place for the young techie. One tentacle was one that sword. Kev wasn't sure what else he could do other than grappling.

<MarloCross> "Good. Remind me to get you in a training Sim after this." As the Walkers came into view, Crippler watched each of them, and 'listened' as he got closer. He made his motions slow and steady so as not to attract attention. He was feeling for heartbeats. If they had none, he might think them dead. Easier to deal with them." Sunder, Lets try and cut one off from the herd."

Angel`Pearson followed along at the rear of the group, doing his best to keep alert and ready. When the walkers were spotted down the road he couldn't help tensing up a bit...They made no move toward them, despite having obviously seen them, but after a lifetime of cheesey zombie flicks he expected the group to swarm at them as soon as they were spotted.

Sunder nods "You want bait duty, or should I?"

<Katherine> The suggestion to get her into the sims made her cackle again, luckly not into the open line to the others, because then she would have sounded INSANE. Opening the bottle of water up, she took a breath and poured the whole of the rest of it into her palm. No reason to deplete herself to get the desired effect the water that poured into her hand swept up and out into a graceful longbow.
<Katherine> Glancing at Sunder and the others, she bounced on her toes again "I have the rollerblades, I could roll around like delicious fast food brains if you guys want." Grinning and pulling from the mass of water an arrow. She was focusing very carefully on keeping it all formed, the difficulty etched on her face. Everything glittered, no real color or form, just solid water in her hands
<Katherine> that shifted withing the outer 'shell'

<Sisip> The zombies shuffled. It was pretty unentertaining really. Just a big mass of undead looking men and women, even a young girl, heading down the road. Where were they going? Who knew! Only the zombies! The roads here hadn't been cleared from the recent heavy warm-snowfall, the odd thing was.. the zombies were apparently very light, only small impressions were left from where their feet had fallen.

<MarloCross> Crippler shook his head at the Rookie's suggestion. He didn't want to risk a new team mate...Not when two crazy assholes like Sunder and himself were present. That left the question: Who to draw one out? Sunder was the logical choice as he was armed and armored." I think Sunder shouldbe the bait. He's more protected than the rest. I'll assist him up close. Daytripper and Cessara
<MarloCross> keep our target within your ranges. Kevin, think you can back us up with some reach?" That bone sword plus a tendril could come in handy.

Sunder Looks to angel and ces, grabbing the bundles of paracord off his tac vest. holding one out for each of them "If I pin one, counting on you guys to bind it while i'm busy. Legs and arms only, nowhere near the head. Zero getting bite, simply having none of it!"

<Kraken> Shuddered at the sight of the shuffling undead horde. Especially the little girl zombie, that skeeved him out the worst. and yes, Kevin was greatful for the reverse wetsuit covering up his color changing skin. There was a nod to Crippler. Sunder was a good choice. This was coming from a man who had played the bait hook before (no pun intended). "I can provide back up. Tentacles and
<Kraken> sword. And out here like this, it's Kraken."

<Katherine> Snapping her fingers a little at not being allowed to be bait, the arrow that was still in one hand switched and she pinned it into the fingers wrapped around the bow, grasping the cord with her other hand and tucking it into the loop of her jeans, giving Sunder a nod "Right.. seems like easy instructions. Don't get bit. Cardio too right?" but the fingers slipped the arrow against
<Katherine> the bowstring of water and she looked at the oncomming hoarde. It was lucky that her father hadn't been some kinda hippy peace and love sorta guy, they'd learned to use guns and bows when she was younger. Maybe not up to THIS level of experience. But she wasn't hopefully going to pin one of her 'team members' to the ground with a water arrow.. Hopefully.

<Sisip> Again one of the walkers pauses and turns. The little girl. She stares at the group as they slowly approach. It seemed to happen all at once but the entire herd turned, almost in unison. They just stood there, staring.

<Sunder> Don't just start bloody shooting them, don't just start bloody shooting them, don't just start bloody shooting them (The metalhead would chant to himself the invocation against what he'd trained himself for. Riot sheild up he'd start forward, drawing the tazer.) Don't get too close, gonna try to lure one not the horde. Less targets should mean less zombies. (He keeps moving forward, sheild up, tazer rested on the edge)

<MarloCross> Crippler froze himself when the Walkers turned around and glowered at them. The Little girl seemed, in his mind, to be the perfect target. Small, more frail, a weaker body. He made it known," You think the little one might be a good target?" He looked to Cessara," Can you melt and freeze Snow? I know a few hydros who can. If you can, It might be helpfull."

<Katherine> Eyeing the snow and holding her bow, waiting for one of the others that looked like they were in charge to make the first move but LORD did she want to shoot a zombie today. Listening and eyeing the snow even harder "Umm.. I can work off it, change it from snow to water, but I can't freeze it back up. Once it's water I can do whatever with it, make solid things but it never freezes
<Katherine> again. If I work with too much cold stuff I'll start getting druggy and probably just pass out, but I can use it for a little bit. A warm watermain would be less challenging." Eyeing the walkers as they came closer and narrowing her eyes at the flock of birds unison they had "Are we trying to kill them or hold them prisoner?"

<Sisip> Those glowing blue eyes stare at the group, watching them approach. One of them opens their mouths, widely. It stretches beyond normal reach. Damn near Ashlynne levels of stretch, yet despite the fact that it LOOKED like it was making some god aweful noise.. no sound came out. However, like a flock of birds, the herd of Walkers stepped forward. Then again, slowly.. approaching the team. One, TallLanky, reaches down and with a skeletal hand he pulls out.. a sword? Raising it upwards he points it towards the group and his mouth, also, stretches wide.

<Kraken> Wonderful, just wonderful. Kevin was an alert one though and not letting the zombies get to him. Just zombies... possibly not even real, but that's why they were out here, right? Catch one, bring it back, find out what it was. And one of them had a sword... Kevin pulled his own out. He was ready for this. A sword for his humaner arms and the four tentacles were poised...

<MarloCross> They herd was moving on them. That meant they had to disperse, right? Moving around to his left, Crippler eyed the individuals, one by one." Go for legs and limbs, team. Daytripper, Cessara start hitting them, slow them down." It was at this point that Crippler bounced in, MMA fighting stance ready, and made a swift light charged leg kick to the back of a knee, hoping to trip one
<MarloCross> up.

<Sunder> Oh bollocks... (He'd tap the comm) Plan B is I taze one and run like hell, some of you tie it up an the rest of you help keep me alive. Plan C is we get in the van an run like hell. D is we fight our way out. (he releases the comm) A feckin zombie with a sword? Right! (he'd move in faster now, hoping to get in range and taze the little one before a melee could start)

<Katherine> Taking a deep breath, Cessara drew back the arrow on her bow and squeezing her eyes tight shut for a moment, opened then, pulling the arrow back to her lips and muttering "Heeerree zombie zombie zombie" releasing the string. The fact that the bow was made of water meant there there was not twang as it snapped back to its natural state. But the liquid arrow went rocketing at one of
<Katherine> the closer walkers. Keep them slow. Alrighty then. She aimed for the legs, the kneecaps. Another arrow forming just as the first had though she was drinking into her own body weight for it, it was a small loss. Sending a second arrow after the first

<Sisip> Leaving very little behind to show that they'd been there the herd of walkers presses forward, led by TallLanky with his sword raised. Another pulled out a sword... then another. It was strange, honestly, zombies with swords? The little girl is swallowed up by the crowd as the larger walkers headed towards them. As Cessara's arrow flies it strikes the Walker in the knee. He was an adventurer once until... well.. you know. The arrow, unlike warriors in Skyrim, didn't do much to slow the fellow.

<Sisip> The Walker that Crippler legswept DID fall, but at the same time the sword he was hoisting arced downwards towards the young mutant.

<Kraken> Yea, the bone sword was definitely going to be needed here. The walkers were not only zombies but armed zombies. And by armed that meant not only tat the undead were whole, but that they had swords. Swords! And apparently knew how tou use them and to coordinate. The sword was at ready, but Kevin would attempt to trip and entangle with tentacles first, until one was reaching for Marlo.
<Kraken> Kevin would try to get there first and block the zombie's sword with his own.

<Katherine> "Well that didn't work as expected." Grunting softly, she let the water flow back into her body, up her arm and merge back into her skin "I've seen too many zombie movies!" Bouncing on her toes, she stood there for a moment thinking, muttering "um um um.. let's trrryyy.." Hands cupping and forming into a sphere of water, the orb was formed and flung at the nearest,
<Katherine> aiming for the things head. Maybe if she hit it with enough force, slapping the sphere into the face and making it sticky enough to cling to the eyes, the zombie would fall over and take time trying to get the nearly solid water off before getting back up.

Sunder This was not going to plan. They were damaging zombies... Wait, that wasn't the plan? This plan sucked.. "Bloody bloody bloody!" He'd just take aim for the closest and lets the tazer do it's job, hopefully.

<MarloCross> Damn it! Blades! Too THin to absorb the kinetic force, the blade slashed into the leg of his suit. Wether or not itr broke skin, Well, Crippler TRIED to move (Up To Sisip if it cuts him) by jump roping over. when he lands, he would try to bring one foot down on the blade," I got one down over here. Thanks for the assis, Kraken."

<Sisip> There was no clang of sword on sword as Kevin's blade caught the downward swing of the falling Walker. The sword slips off the tip and slashes that suit. Marlo would feel the touch of pressure on his leg but nothing else, no chill of metal, no sting of pain. He flails about on the ground, skeletal hand trying to reach for Marlo's leg. The walker that Cessara went after was knocked off his feet by the ball of nearl solid water and it stays laying still. Sunder, however, met with little success. The tazer stuck into the Walker and the sound of it zapping could be heard but there was no reaction. Odd walkers were odd.

<MarloCross> Staggering back, missing the blade stomp, Crippler kept his distance," Cessara, Can you sweep the snow out from under their feet?" Testing his luck, he danced in again, at a new target. He held his hand flat, striking the shoulder joint with his finger tips. The kinetic output intended to dislocate the joint but not sever the limb.

<Katherine> Cheering as the zombie went down, her fingers flashed back out again and she swept another orb of nearly solid cloying water at the zombie that Sunder was trying to tazer. Marlo's question made her head jerk up slightly and she made an uncertain face. "Umm.. I don't know.." She normally had to be in contact with the stuff she was changing, shifting the water back around her feet
<Katherine> into those wheels. Go Go fast food brains! "Let me get closer and find out!" Shoving at the ground with one foot, she slid on the water wheels toward another walker, trying to get close enough within at a few yards of one of them, sliding down to slide her hand into the snow.

<Kraken> "No problem, Cripper." He'd step back and look to Cessara, someone had to cover the hydrokinetic from any approaching walkers wile she was busy with her powers. And there was something very odd indeed about the walkers and their weapons

Sunder Drops the tazer, at least that answered that question. Now he picked up speed, raising the shield. He wanted to get in too close too fast for the walkers sword to be useful. He would throw his weight into it, aiming to crash into the walker hard, he wanted it down for capture of course that action may well put him in reach of its compatriots in reanimation

<Sisip> The walker Cess approached swung downwards with their sword as she approached, the sword whizzing over her head just as she slips down for snow. It doesn't take long before it redirects itself and it moves to backhand bash the mutant in the jaw with the butt of his sword. Cripplers shoulder strike to his walker pushed it back, stumbling, but the arm didn't dislocate. It DID, however, knock him off balance. In a strange turn half of the walkers turned to start away, lead by the young girl with the pale face. They left the two or three behind. To deal with the mutants? Or did they just not care. As Sunder crashes into his walker the two fall backwards and Sunder seems to hit ground, despite being ontop of the still moving walker who is trying desperately to hit the metalhead with his sword. He HAD squished the thing, almost flat, but there was no oozing, no blood, no guts, there was simply flat Walker.

<Katherine> Yelping softly fingers spreading out into the snow at the walker's feet and the flakes all compressed, turning it from flakes to liquid, that almost solid liquid that she'd been throwing. However the but of a sword was coming at her face and the girl's entire body also turned from solid to liquid, still with form but if the walker's sword hit her the hand and sword hilt would only slosh
<Katherine> into her and give no resistence. All of her spilling into nothing but a massive pool of water about the walker, startle turning into reaction only of self preservation from a strike.

<MarloCross> Grabbing the cord that I assume Cessara dropped when she turned to water, Crippler lodges a kick to the side of the leg of the Walker who just seeimingly turned Cessara to water with a pommel strike. If the attack went as planned, and the walker fell toward Crippler, He'd try to rope the thing...

<Kraken> Something was very wrong here... Kevin stared as Sunder crushed? Smushed? the zombie. That wasn't right... it pancaked like it was a cartoon. The sight might have distracted him for a moment, but the squiman was still there offering Cessara cover with Crippler.

Sunder He'd find himself laying on top of the sheild on top of the smashed zombie. He swings out his arm hard, forearm spikes out to hit that flailing arm with the sword and knock it away. "Oh for fecks sake!"

<Sisip> The walker did seem confused about where his target wwent when Cessara turned to a liquid state. He stood there a moment and stared befre moving to strike at her again but was haistily dropped to the ground by the leg kick. It topples over and flails, as the others seemed to do. None of them, once down, figuring out how to get .. back up. The one under Sunder soundlessly flails, those forearm spikes sinking into his limb and poking out the other side. He did drop the sword though it was more because of the jerk than because of the pain.

<MarloCross> "Rope em up!" Crippler yelled, making an attempt to bind the Walkerhe just felled. It seemed the others were leaving these three to be taken down. He'd be busy wrapping one up in the cord attached to Sunder. Just hope is was long enough.

<Katherine> Pooling for a moment, the girl reformed after a minute or two, taking shape up behind the walker that Marlo had tried to take out, her whole body shimmering and see through now, a kind of dense human shape of water, not flesh and bone, not really completely -her- but tall enough to be a human shape. The arm reached out and a rope of water lashed out like a lasso to help Marlo wrap up
<Katherine> one of the walkers, shimmery body slowly taking shape again and there was a look on her face like she was sheepish of being so startled by a smash to the face. Should have ducked or something instead!

<Kraken> "These... zombies are very strange..." He started. Though yes, they were ZOMBIES and strange was pretty much a part of their definition, but this went a step further. "They're not... y'know acting much like any zombies we've seen before. Are they even real?" He brought this up while helping to tie up some of the downed zombies. Hitting with anything other than the blade. The handle,
<Kraken> a tentacle, a nightstick (hey he is a part of secrity!)

Sunder Shakes his arm until the zombie arm becomes detached from his spikes "I don't think this one is salvageable, unless you've got trash bags.." He would start to get up, fairly certain that in its current state it wasn't really a threat "I need a shower. And a drink. Probably at the same time. Then another drink." He starts to look about "Everyone alright?"

<Sisip> The walkers were trussed up and silently ushered into the van. Sunder's squished Walker doesn't seem any worse for wear other than being flat.

<MarloCross> Crippler kept the helmet on as he got in," Good job everyone"

<Katherine> Flapping her hands faintly, the residue of junk she'd pulled off the ground flicking out in the form of droplets as she did so, eyes flashing to Sunder and nodding "Yeah fine, ugh.. same here. Going to have to take a soak in the pool I think." muttering a little and looking at the zombie that had almost face bashed her as it was loaded up into the van. Plucking the coms thing out
<Katherine> of her ear and balancing it on her palm. "That was.. fun.. I guess?" chuckling and swatting some more crud off her hands.

<Kraken> "Alright over here." He'd respond and look to the tied up 'zombies' whatever these things were they just... seemed wrong.

Sunder makes sure one of the swords gets taken along as well. "Well, we've just learned a hell of a lot really. These bloody things don't respond to electricity... whatever is keeping them going, its not using their muscles, those aren't responding. (he looks at gooey, it's new name.) an i've a fair feeling, these bloody things 'ave been dead for a while now.

<Sisip> The walkers stare at the group as they ride in the back of the van, still quite alert. Once they get back to Cobal they are whisked away to be looked at .. with science.
The world is made up of stories, not atoms. ~Muriel Rukeyser
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