Kyrstin Wessels

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Kyrstin Wessels

Post by Kyrstin »

Player Nickname: Kyrstin

Name: Kyrstin Wessels
Codename: None Given
Age: “Late Teens”
Date of Birth: 4/15/199X

Height: 5’6
Weight: 132
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Green
Place of Origin: New York
Nationality/Race: Asian-American
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Resident
Occupation: Student

Personality Profile: Mostly typical american teenager; skittish about being a mutant, as she has learned to hide her gift from the mortal world. A bit of both worlds, she can be outgoing, nearly bubbly one moment, shy and withdrawn the next.

Physical Description:


General Power Information: Psycher.

Ability One: Active Telepathy. Kyrstin’s telepathy is manifested by her eyes turning purple and glowing. The glow is suppressed by her sunglasses (though they become opaque). Kyrstin cannot see normally while using the power, and becomes ‘distant’ in communication.

Ability Two: (Wild Power) Power Overwhelming: Kyrstin’s psychic abilities are made manifest, the girl’s whole form glowing purple, and hovering off the ground a couple of inches. This power grants her the very-limited time ability to draw multiple telepathic connections at a time without limitation, and funnel those thoughts and energy into her current powers.
This power may only be activated in two scenarios: A psychic attack on her that penetrates ‘the prison’ in her mind, holding her most inner repressions, or all three of the following being true: Kyrstin is using her psychic power; A -DIRECT-, lethal threat to her or her friends is present (IE: A gun pointed at them, not ‘a threatening guy in the room’); and a roll of 1 on a d100.

Ability Three: “Burnout”: If Power Overwhelming is activated, Kyrstin burns out; all minds connected to hers at the end of the ability are fatigued, and Kyrstin herself falls into a coma for d4 days.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Currently still trying to control her new telepathic power. Memories of her parents’ death cause psychological triggers.

Skills: Test taking? Being a good friend? (helps when you can read their emotions...) Otherwise she’s generally a typical teenager.

Background: Kyrstin is the child of Eri Wessels (nee Yang) and Trevor Wessels, born in New York City, 4/15/199X (There is some dispute on the year). From a young age she developed a close connection to her parents, always aware of where they were and what they were feeling. Though the telepathy at this stage did not present itself physically, her parents always felt something special within their girl.

When she was 8, Kyrstin’s parents were killed in a shooting that remains unsolved. Having no family left with which to live, Kyrstin was taken into foster care. While still emotionally distraught by the death of her parents, Kyrstin excelled in school, earning high marks in almost every subject. She seemed a simple normal girl most of the time, though she developed a habit of wearing her sunglasses everywhere, and all of the time.

Soon after her 16th birthday, her foster father discovered Kyrstin’s power manifesting itself in the form of her eyes glowing, and reacting poorly, threw the girl out of the house. As a mutant outcast, Kyrstin managed to get by for a short while, using her ability almost as a con woman would, though for actual survival than profit.

Finding out about Cobalt Hill, the girl has brought herself to it’s gates, seeking refuge from a world that would spurn her.

Criminal Record: Criminal record is sealed in Juvenille Records (Adult record Classified as Secondary Victim of the crime which killed her parents).

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: As she was orphaned, home-life events (people chatting about going home to visit, vacations, families out enjoying themselves) can cause mild depression. Still used to hiding her ability (and her eyes). Left handed.
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