Minah Killian

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Minah Killian

Post by katherine »

Player Nickname: Kat

Name: Minah Killian
Age: 21
Date of Birth: 03-24-1993

Height: 5'10"
Weight: 120
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: light blue grey
Place of Origin: Chicago, Illinois
Nationality/Race: Caucasion
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: None
Occupation: Thief/Con Woman
Personality Profile:  Minah is a bright kind of person, though her personality is suited
more toward her profession. She'll smile and crack jokes while stealing your wallet and if she's caught she's very good at a variety of paths to try and avoid being pinned with a crime. She is intelligent and understands very well how the world works, a little jaded when it comes to personal interaction and isn't very likely to trust. She will give the impression that she trusts a person but the more intelligent a person is the less likely she is to give away any details about herself that can harm her in the long run. Closed and cautious, she will create the illusion of friendships but normally does what benefits her in the end.

Physical Description: Tall and slender, the woman clearly expends a good deal of her body in the line of her 'work'. She is physically honed and runs frequently to keep herself in shape so that if she needs to run for something other than pleasure. The woman's features are slightly sharp, a jawline that is aggressive. The one eye that shows is bright blue grey, cold though expressive. The woman's other eye is always covered by an eyepatch that has a slender strap running over her forehead and the other strap down under her ear. The reason for the eyepatch isn't readily apparent because she doesn't take it off in public but it is only large enough to cover her right eye.

Long black hair that has a natural wave to it is normally scooped up off her back and caught up at the back of her head, more often than not the hair is restrained by a couple of sticks that are decorated with silver. Those sticks are carefully cared for as they belonged to a mother that she never knew and given to her by her grandmother before she died. It is the only thing that the girl owns that she's never sold besides a necklace that is always worn about her throat. A silver coin on a thick ornate silver chain that normally is concealed by her shirt.

Minah dresses with extreme care, her clothing seeming to be fitted to avoid things to grab if she needs to flee. Tightly fitted black pants that tuck into black boots up to her knees, the boots with silver buckles that matched those on the half corset that she normally wears. Black leather that goes from her hips and ends just below the breasts. The vest has small pockets on the inside of it to hide away her belongings like check cards or cash and she normally isn't seen out of it.

Beneath the vest the shirts that she wears are loose sleeved and come normally down to her fingertips though on her left hand she also wears a glove of of black silk that comes up to her elbow.

Beneath the glove and the eyepatch the arm and eye are made of ice. The arm is fairly solid, frozen all the way through, from just below the elbow to the tips of her fingers. Though the arm is cloudy it isn't flesh colored, is bluish tinted and around the nails is slightly more so, defining them in long ovals. Despite the arm and hand being made of ice she is still able to use her hand and there is only a small diminishment in dexterity which she's overcome with time. The eye maintains some of its color, hints of the blue gray of the other though it is slightly translucent. She is still able to see with the eye though she wears the eyepatch and has become accustomed to not using it.


General Power Information: Thermal Manipulation

Ability One: Thermal Aura: Minah is able to reduce the kinetic energy of atoms and reduce the temperature around her. She can manipulate the water in the air at the most up to a space of 50 feet on either side of her body. By doing this the air's temperature can be lowered in excess of -20 degrees currently. It is possible in time that she may be able to further decrease the temperature with practice. This power is the one that she is the most familiar with as she maintains an aura about herself at all times normally that is below freezing.

Ability Two: Ice Creation/manipulation: because of the nature of Minah's power she is able to create ice out of both the water in the air as well as turning sections of bodies of water into ice. When she creates something out of the moisture in the air it is limited in size, she is able to draw enough of the moisture to herself to create items only large enough to be held in the hand. (ie. hammer, blade, lightweight items).

Ability Three: Cold Endurance: Due to the nature of her power Minah is able to endure sub freezing temperatures. She doesn't get cold, doesn't take the normal damage a person would take from being in the cold.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Because of the eye and the arm that are made of ice, Minah is forced to maintain the aura of cold about herself at all times to keep them solid. She is able to reform both of these body parts over time if they melt but the process of both melting and reforming them is painful and long. Because of this constant aura of cold it is difficult for her to pass for anything but a mutant. Because of the nature of her power and the aura she maintains, heat is problematic for her if not dangerous. As the heat rises in the location she's in (normal weather/temperature changes, fire or other temperature increases). Because of the air manipulation she's able to keep herself cold but keeping it maintained constantly is a significant energy draw. If forced to keep the aura maintained long enough she can drain herself completely and in time fall unconscious. Only in her own home is she able to lower the cold defenses temporarily and still keep her arm and eye.

Skills: As a thief and con woman Minah is dexterous, charming, has a broad range of contacts to lean on in regards to that. She has learned in time to turn a talent in art into a talent for forgery and can with the assistance of tools also gathered over time make fake ID's and other official documents.

Physically Minah is quick and strong, agile and at a young age started learning to fight. She's learned a fighting styles that also translate into her skills as a thief, keeping her agile. The style of fighting that Minah knows or is learning is Krav Maga, an Israeli style of combat.

Background: Minah's childhood was really rocky, her mother died when she was two and after that she was raised by her father. Minah's mother was of Israeli descent which added to the desire in the girl to know more about the culture and her choice of one of the styles of combat that she practices. Minah's father was heavily involved in crime when she was growing up and without the strong influence of his wife drew his daughter into the life at a young age. Minah spent her early childhood playing lookout during robberies, learning to pick pockets, playing cards, book making, learning self defense to avoid both her father's beatings and being harmed by his associates and eventually was witness to the shooting of her father when he was attacked in a back alley by a couple of men whom he cheated. Her father survived the shooting but was sent to prison for the illegal activity in which he was involved.

After her father's incarceration, when Minah was seven, the girl was sent off to live with her grandmother. Still in Chicago with all the contacts of her father still at hand, despite her grandmother's influence in attempting to make the young girl behave, she fell back into the life her father had started her in. Eventually the girl ended up in jail and had a couple of run ins with the law, but because of her age and being just one of the crew she spent a little time in juvenile detention and was returned to her grandmother.

One night when Minah was 17, she woke to find her grandmother's home intensely cold and when she went to find the elderly woman, realized that she had died in her sleep. A distraught Minah was told that despite being healthy that exposure to severe cold over time had caused violent respiratory distress and ultimately her grandmother's lungs had failed. This was the first real exposure the girl had to her power. Traumatized by the first really constant adult in her life dying and realizing in time that it was her fault, the loss of her grandmother caused a lot of the issues she has with forming personal relationships. Despite being a minor the girl fell through the cracks and no one attempted to relocate her to a new home. For four years the girl kept the rent and bills paid in her grandmother's home, living a solitary kind of life and continuing her father's trade but more intelligently.

After turning twenty-one the woman left her grandmother's home, taking none of the woman's belongings and merely placing them all into a storage unit, paying for it religiously to keep her grandmother's things safe, and left Chicago. During her four years of isolation the woman had learned to use her powers though during that time, working unassisted, she'd 'lost' her eye and arm.

Criminal Record: Minah's criminal record is long, scaling back to when she was a child and off and on has been questioned or held in connection to a variety of crimes. Those that she has been charged for are mostly petty things and a few of them have been locked because they were committed when she was a minor. Because of her record though if there are thefts of a certain type or identification found that is forged, she is occasionally brought in for questioning.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Minah is terrified of spiders and has a mild fear of enclosed spaces.
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