Annika Paulsen (BioMass) [Trainee]

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Annika Paulsen (BioMass) [Trainee]

Post by saqwana »

Player Nickname: Saqwana

Name: Annika Mieke Paulsen
Codename: BioMass
Age: 18
Date of Birth: April 1st 1995

Height: 5’10”
Weight: 250lbs (looks to be about 125lbs normally) (varies based on her power)
Hair Color: Dyed red with light blonde highlights (naturally black)
Eye Color: Green
Place of Origin: Stockholm, Sweden
Nationality/Race: Swedish
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Trainee
Occupation: Professional lingerie Model and accountant.

Personality Profile: very calm, somewhat aloof, she was shy when she was younger, but her power allowed her to see the other side of popularity and she liked it.

Physical Description: Image


General Power Information: She is able selectively control her biomass so she can become light as a feather or heavy as a tank.

Ability One: Mass Control; this allows her to control her total body mass adding or subtracting mass to herself. She can do this to a single region at a time allowing her to have far greater than average strength.

Ability Two: Molecular density; she has a higher average density then another human, this allows her skin to deflect most modern small arms fire and knives as if her skin was made of Kevlar.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: She has to eat well over 10000 solid calories a day in order to keep her body running.

Skills: She is a skilled ballet dancer, orator; she is also a very gifted accountant.

Background: Much like her sister she was at one point very studious and plain girl. Had her life carried on in this fashion she would become a wife and a accountant and that would have been her plateau She used to be teased about being overweight which was a problem most of her life up until her 15th birth day when power kicked in. This power allowed her to radically alter her appearance to the point where she looked like a dumpy girl in May and by September looked like the hottest of super model. In her mind she thought her diet was finally working, that her dancing and exercise. She also shot up in height from 5’2’ to 5’10”. So she went out for a fancy dinner and afterwards she checked her weight the scale said 250 but her appearance said 125, this is when she finally realized that she was not a normal girl. Then one day a girl in class was egging her on so they took it out side after school and when she went to punch the other girl her arm swelled with muscle and mass that only something like a comic book character could have and she laid the girl out. Once it was over she ran off and told her folks about it. Luckily for her the other girls folks agreed to cover it up as they didn't want her to be taken to some kind of camp. After that mess she was offered a modeling career that she took up to help support her own massive needs for food and her little sister, after seeing how things were going she decided with her parents that she and candy, would move to the Cobalt sanctuary. Once there she would continue her lingerie Modeling career and pay for her and her sister’s needs with some help.

Criminal Record: None.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: She likes money and looking good, but she is mostly a nice if somewhat frugal. She also has a tendency to keep people at arms length at first.
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