Bree`Ann O`Conner (Dullahan) [trainee]

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Bree`Ann O`Conner (Dullahan) [trainee]

Post by TwinbeeMkII »

Player Nickname: TwinbeeMkII

Name: Bree`Ann O`Conner
Codename: Dullahan
Age: 19
Date of Birth: March 17, 1995

Height: 5'3"
Weight: 120 lbs
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Green
Place of Origin: Dublin, Ireland
Nationality/Race: Irish
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Trainee
Occupation: Musician

Personality Profile: Matching her skill on the violin, Bree has a soft and positive outlook of the world, only hampered by her slight shyness (made no easier by her "condition"). She makes friends fast, but keeps them a long time, not one to take friendship for granted. She's studious, making good grades in her classes, though that can make her a slight target for bullies. Once she sets her mind to something, she does her best to see it through. As of late she's become harder edged and abit more withdrawn, getting lost in working out and practicing for joining a metal band.

Physical Description: Image


General Power Information: Combination physical / mental / force mutation. Subject's power stems from a unique mutation that allows her to survive upon removing her own head. Mutation allows for such due to the existence of a second brain within her spinal column. Due to a psychic link between the two brains, her head can exist detached from her body with relative ease. This also allows her to still speak and do most other things allowed the head as if it were still connected to the body.

Ability One: Main ability is the ability to detach her own head and continue surviving with little problem. Bree can speak, breathe, and retain functional memory while detatched, any body memory transffered through the mental link to her body.

Ability Two: Also due to her mental link, the head has some basic mobility abilities, allowing for more movement then a head might be allowed normally. This allows her head to roll and move about somewhat unassisted, giving her a basic range of movement allowed to such an object.

Ability Three: Force ability: An additional ability gifted through her unique mutation, Bree can generate a basic kinetic field around her head once detatched, allowing for the head to be used as a blunt projectile weapon. Thanks to the field generated, any collision's force is transferred into the field, increasing the force and momentum. An example would be in the case of throwing the head at an enemy, the blow would be small, as there's little force behind the throw. On the other hand, hurling the head at a solid object such as a wall or floor, will cause a rebounding effect, increasing the speed and force of the object, like throwing a superball at a wall with great force. Once her head begins moving, her body is the only thing that can quickly stop the head's movement, outside of something with the ability to hault kinetic force. Kinetic field does no damage in and of itself, only the force of the impact carries any damage.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: While no major downsides make themselves known readily, prolonged detatchment from her body can cause difficulties for Bree. Though her head can survive detatched, her body still requires food and drink to stay alive. Also, the further away her body is, the harder it is for it to operate freely of her. While it's life functions will still work, the link will be strained, causing the body to require shutting down to stay functional. Also, prolonged absence from her body can start to effect Bree's mental stability, causing her the need to reattatch every so often to keep everything at top functional ability. This being the case, Bree makes sure to reattach at least once every 24 hours to prevent any issues from arising. As her abilities are strongly linked to a basic psychic ability, mind powers can greatly effect her, and possibly even threaten her life if she's effected too greatly.

Skills: Having been taught starting at a young age, Bree is quite proficient at the violin, practicing all the time to continue to heighten her skill. She's also fairly good at cooking, having learned from family and friends over the years. She prides herself on her studies, being a fast learner in most of her classes as well. She's also as of late become quite into working out, as well as picking up the electric guitar.

Background: Bree started life as most kids did, being raised by fairly devoted catholic parents. She grew learning her lessons well, practicing her music, and generally being the pride of the family. When not lost in her academics, she spent most of her time with her best friend Rory. The two were practically inseperable, buddies growing into friends, and soon into something more. One day, escaping a rainstorm under a large overhang, the passions of youth took over, Rory attempting to steal that first kiss. What should have been the best moment of Bree's young life, soon turned into a nightmare, as unknown to her, her mutation kicked in...and poor Rory fell backwards, Bree's head in his lap. Both kids could do nothing but scream in terror, Bree lost and confused as to what was happening. Rory, gripped with terror, could do nothing but run away screaming. What followed was a series of mentally traumatising events, Bree trying to figure out what was happening, police getting involved, being locked away for days, and being cast out by her parents. To say her life was over would be easy, but being a girl that rarely gave up, she tried to find a way out of this. She eventually learned about others like her, outcasts of society "cursed" with gifts unasked for. Hiding her mutation as well as she could, she tried to work enough oddjobs to afford a trip to america, and to the school that could offer her help, and perhaps more important, a home.

Criminal Record: Mild juvanile record, covered up for the sake of all involved.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Being native Irish, Bree has a beautiful gaelic accent, charming to the ears. She also dresses like any teenager, liking fun and attractive clothes.
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