Power Suggestions

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Power Suggestions

Post by Remu »

This is a list made to help you figure out what powers you would like for your character to have. Just because it is on this list, however, does not mean you will automatically be allowed to have the power, nor are you restricted to the powers on this list.

Some of the more common

* Audiokinesis: Total control over audio. Such as voice mimicry, sound amplification, etc.
* Electrokinesis: Total control over the electric, including electric body, EMP generation, etc.
* Flight: Just as it says. This is wingless or winged and can often fall under a natural ability.
* Gestalt: Two or more heros combine, amplifying powers, and sometimes gifted with new ones.
* Hydrokinesis: Total control over the element of water, though this does not include water in a solid state. Includes water breathing, water freedom, etc.
* Power Amplification: Pretty self explanatory. The subject can amplify the powers of a secondary subject.
* Pyrokinesis: Total control over heat and the element of fire.
* Strength
* Telekinesis: Moving objects/People with the power of the mind.
* Telepathy: Speaking into another unshielded subject's mind, reading thoughts, etc. This does not include reading emotions.
* Terrakinesis: Total control over the earth element. Includes earth body, quakes, etc.
* Thermokinesis: Total control over -heat-. This does not include fire, though raising an objects heat to combustion will produce fire. At the same time, this allows dropping temperature to a freezing point.
* Hemokinesis: The manipulation and control over blood cells at even their most base level.

Defensive Powers

* Body Armor: The subject's body has a natural armor. Be it a carapace of some kind, leathery/scaly skin, etc. Thus, the subject can withstand more damage from physical sources.
* Force Field: Affects the user and an area around him/her.
* Reflection: A part of the attack is absorbed and taken, however a good amount of damage is reflected back.
* Resistance: Same as Force Field, but affects only the user.

Detection Powers

* Abnormal Sensitivity: The sensitivity can be to a great many things. Light, sound, touch, etc.
* Circular Vision: Subconscious 'sight' in a 360 degree radius.
* Energy Detection: Detecting energy types and locating the source.
* Environmental Awareness: The subject is aware of his/her surroundings, down to the most minute detail. And aware of any changes, minor or major, that occur.
* Hyper-Hearing: Increased hearing, but not to be confused with clairaudience. This allows a subject to, for example, hear a whisper clearly from across the room. But not miles away.
* Life Detection: Detecting life, all manners of such, down to the smallest organism.
* Microscopic Vision: Sight on a microscopic scale.
* Penetrating Vision: X-ray vision.
* Power Detection: Detection of mutant abilities. The subject can determine what another is able to do, possibly by reading the effect of the x-gene at a microscopic level.
* Psionic Detection: This allows the subject to detect another by way of the others' psionic nature, which is like a radar 'ping' to the main subject, and can be homed in on.
* Thermal Vision: Sight in the thermal spectrum.
* Tracking: Pretty self explanatory. The subject can track, either other mutants, objects, humans, etc.
* True Sight: The 'hero' or 'villain' can see the true person beneath a disguise.
* Ultraviolet Vision: See clearly through fog and water.

Energy Control Powers

* Absorbtion Power: Abosorbing energy of varying kinds. This is usually combined with a redirection ability to purge the energy used.
* Catalytic Control: Increase or decrease the speed of chemical reactions.
* Cold shaping: Increase or decrease cold intensity or redirect cold powers.
* Electrical Control: Same as other control powers, however the hero or villain gains a resistance to electrical attacks.
* Energy Conversion: Change one form of energy to another.
* Energy Solidification: The solidification of varying energy sources to use as a weapon, tool, etc.
* Energy Sponge: Absorb and store any kind of energy.
* Fire Control: Self-explanatory.
* Gravity Manipulation: Increasing or decreasing gravity at the base level, does not affect the controller.
* Hard Radiation Control: Radiation control. Often combined with generation. Can control the amount and flow of different radiation types, from the mundane to the dangerous.
* Kinetic Control: Kinetic energy control.
* Light Control: Control of light. Bending, increasing, decreasing, from any source.
* Magnetic Manipulation: Manipulating magnetism. Changing poles. Magnetising objects.
* Radiowave Control: Subject becomes a one man radio tower.
* Sound Manipulation: Sound at base level. Throwing voices, amplifying, decreasing.
* Thermal Control: Controlling heat. Increasing or decreasing.
* Vibration Control: Generating vibrations, much like creating quakes.

Energy Emission Powers (Most of these should be self explanatory.)

* Cold Generation
* Electrical Generation
* Energy Doppelganger: Twin created purely from energy.
* Fire Generation
* Hard Radiation
* Heat
* Kinetic Bolt
* Light Emission
* Magnetism
* Radiowave Generation
* Shadowcasting
* Sonic Generation
* Vibration

Fighting Powers

* Berserker: Subject loses control of what is right and wrong. Everyone is possibly an enemy. More resilient to harm. Generally does not stop until unconscious or dead.
* Natural Weaponry: Teeth, claws, etc.
* Weapon Creation: Create weapons out of thin air.
* Weapons Tinkering: Assemble any weapon or improve on it.

Illusory Powers

* Animate Image: Generate 3D image from a flat image. The hero must -see- the image to make it react to real surroundings.
* Illusion-Casting: Creating flat, 2D images.
* Illusory Invisibility: The subject can effectively become invisible through creating an illusion of the background over themself.
* Illusory Duplication: The subject can duplicate objects, themselves, other people through illusuory means. Usually these are 2D images unless combined with Animate Image.

Life Control Powers:

* Biophysical Control: Alter the physiology of a target. The result of this power is -permenant- and the hero must choose one of the following:
o Healing
o Regeneration
o Damage Transferral
o Decay
o Disruption
o Aging
* Body Transformation(On others): Altering the physical structure of another subject.
* Emotion Control: Control over anothers' emotions. Coupled with Empathy.
* Exorcism: Forcing a spirit out of another body. (Including the spirit that -belongs- in that body.)
* Forced Reincarnation: Upon death, the subject's 'spirit' is forced to find a host body. Memories of the host remain, and the spirit takes total control.
* Grafting: Subject can add to their body using other living tissue(and sometimes dead tissue). Such as grafting a second pair of arms to their body, etc.
* Hypnotic Control: Control of another subject through hypnosis.
* Plague Carrier: The carrier is immune to the disease. Can either inflict disease on target or cure them.
* Plant Control: Control over plant life. Manipulating them to the subject's will.
* Plant Growth: Subject can cause growth in usual and unusual places. Such as a field of grass, or conversely, a field of concrete.
* Sense Alteration: Amplify or negate senses.

Matter Control

* Bonding: Subject can bond different matter types together, or bond matter to their own body.
* Crystallization: Subject can crystallize matter types.
* Diminution: Subject can diminish matter types. For instance, the matter composition of a brick wall can be lessened to the size of an anthill.
* Disruption: Subject can disrupt the bonding of molecules in matter, effectively forcing it to break apart.
* Enlargement: Subject can enlarge matter types.
* Geoforce: Control over earthen matter types, specifically, rock and mineral.
* Matter Animation: Subject can animate matter.
* Machine Animation: Subject can animate machines, from the simple to the complex.
* Micro Environment: A sphere of environment closes around the hero or villain. Fresh air, normal temperature, etc. Protects against acid rain, extreme temperatures, gasses, etc.
* Molding: Shape solid material.
* Weather Control: Subject can control minor weather patterns in a general area.

Matter Conversion

* Coloration: Change colors.
* Combustion: Spontaneous combustion.
* Disintegration: Matter is destroyed, breaking down into base components.
* Elemental Conversion: Convert matter into a specific element.
* Ionization: Target emits electricity or becomes temporarily ethereal.
* Molecular Conversion: Same as Elemental Conversion, but can form compunds instead of one element.

Matter Creation

* Artifact Creation: Create desired objects out of nothing.
* Elemental Creation: Create desired elements out of nothing.
* Lifeform Creation: Create desired organism. Hero or villain must have detailed knowledge of organism in which to create.
* Mechanical Creation: Create Machines.
* Molecular Creation: Create desired compunds out of nothing.
* Spray: Can be combined with other powers.(eg. Cold emission and Spray, sprays a freezing cloud.)
* Webcasting: Subject can spin webbing. Either spider-man style from the wrists, or with spinnerets.

Mental Enhancement

* Clairaudience: Hear distant sounds.
* Clairvoyance: See distant sights.
* Communicate:
o With Animals
o With Cybernetics
o With Non-living
o With Plants
* Danger Sense: Subject has a 'sixth sense' when danger is imminent and in the immediate area.
* Dream Travel: Subject can travel from one place to another through the strands of the dream weave.
* Empathy: Subject can sense, manipulate anothers' emotions.
* Hallucinations: Subject can create images that only the target can see.
* Hyper-Intelligence: Reason increase. The subject's mind functions effectively at double the rate of an average human.
* Hyper Invention: Reason increased for invention purposes.
* Incarnation Awareness: Hero can contact previous incarnations and ask them to perform deeds.
* Iron Will: Halves damage.
* Linguistics: Subject can learn multiple languages and speak them just by listening to an unfamiliar tongue.
* Mental Invisibility: Subject's mind is invisible to other telepaths/empaths.
* Mental Probe: Subject can search anothers' mind.
* Mind Blast: Subject can exert mental ability as concussive force against another.
* Mind Drain: Subject can 'tap' into anothers' mind and drain it of knowledge, memories, etc.
* Postcognition: See into the past.
* Precognition: See things not yet experienced, before they happen.
* Remote Sensing: Enhance the range of any sense.
* Sensory Link: See, hear, etc through another being.
* Telekinesis: Subject can move objects/people though use of mind.
* Telelocation: Changing locations through the use of mind. Telepathy based teleportation.
* Telepathy: Subject can speak, peer into anothers' mind, and can sometimes exert control.
* Total Memory: Total recall.

Physical Enhancement

* Armor Skin: Physical body armor.
* Body Resistance: Body armor with no physical changes.
* Chemical Touch:
o Hallucinogenic
o Bioluminesence: Light generation.
o Napalm Grip: Create fire on contact.
o Boom Boxing: Combustion on contact.
* Digestive Adaptation: Character can digest anything and has increased resistance to poisons.
* Hyper-Speed: Subject moves between 2 to 4 times faster than an average run.
* Hypnotic Voice: Subject's voice has hypnotic qualities, either spoken word or through singing.
* Lung Adaptability: Breathe gas, liquid, or even poisons.
* Pheremones: Subject emits pheremones.
* Regeneration: Subject regenerates at a rate dependant on damage taken. Mortal wounds take 5-7 days. Major wounds take 3-5 days. Minor wounds take 1-2 days.
* Self-Revival: New body grows from the largest remaining piece when the character dies.
* Self-Sustenance: Survive without food, water, air, etc.
* Stealth: Subject can fade from sight. Hide in shadows. Move silently.
* Suspended Animation: Subject is considered dead by medical standards. Organs function at an extremely slow rate, slower than normal medicine can determine, and body falls into a state of suspended animation.
* Vocal Control: Duplicate any sound or voice.
* Water Breathing: Subject can breathe under water, often with gills.
* Water Freedom: Subject functions under water as they would on land. Movement is not restricted, breathing is not restricted.