Kate Clien [Valkirie]

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Kate Clien [Valkirie]

Post by TheLurker »

Player Nickname:The_Lurker

Name: Kate Clien
Codename: Valkirie
Age: 17
Date of Birth: 3/14

Height: 5'2"
Weight: 93lbs
Hair Color: Pale Blond
Eye Color: Green
Place of Origin: Lafayette, LA
Nationality/Race: American/caucasian
Classification/Origin of Powers: Magic

Status: Trainee
Occupation: None yet

Personality Profile: She seeks to fill a pair of rather large shoes

Physical Description: A small, slim girl with long, straight, blond hair and bright green eyes and glasses, she tends towards a rather more serious look than one might expect from a girl her age.


General Power Information: Holy Warrior

Ability One: Summoned Weapon and Armor:The Valkirie can call upon a magical weapon and set of armor, this may vary between different Valkiries, but each Valkirie has only one set they can summon. Kates Armor is a set of light chain and plate, A breast place, plate greaves and bracers, and a plate helm with chain covering the rest. Her weapon is a heavy two handed scythe. The weapons and armor are tough, much tougher than plain steel, but not indestructable. On the up side if they are damaged they will repair them selves over time if left in the nether space they wait in while not in use, though depending on the amount of damage done to them this could take days or even months.

Ability Two: Super Toughness: Both the reinforcing powers of the Valkirie and her armor add up to Kate being quite solid when shes wearing it. Normal ammo and even many elemental attacks have little effect on her. Of course this only matters when she is the Valkirie, the rest of the time she's just Kate.

Ability Three: Super Speed: Many of the Valkirie's powers are different, but in Kate it manifests as incredible speed. This power manifests as wings made of silver fire and allows her to move short distances in the blink of an eye, leap great distances, and combined with her toughness, slam into and sometime through things with great force. Using this ability tends to drain her not so great magic reserves rather quickly though, and like her toughness it is only available to her when she is the Valkirie.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Overexertion drains her magic and without it she cannot sustain the Valkirie, seeing as all her powers rely on that, over exertion basically leave her no more than a small 17 year old girl. Likewise things the depleat or block magic can leave her in a very vulnerable position.

Skills: Kate is an excellent student, being quite bright and naturally studious. She also tends to be rather quiet, but is not really shy and is good at making friends when she puts a little effort into it.

Background: Kate's story starts with a different person, a sorceress named Agitha. She had a particular skill and love of the healing arts, she eventually became a nurse in the military, never revealing that she used mystic arts to aid her patients. She was deployed to a field hospice in the middle east where she saw alot of pretty terrible things. After nearly a year there her hospice was bombed.
She was mustered out due to injury. At that point she decided that just fixing the damage after wasn't enough. After alot of research she came upon a way to make herself strong anough to start protecting people instead of just healing them. She summoned the spirit of a restless warrior and bound it to her own soul, turning herself into a warrior as well. She called herself the Valkirie and became a hero, fighting to protect those who could not protect themselves. But, eventually she met her match, after a long, hard battle her team won, but she didn't survive.
On the other hand, the Valkirie did, the spirit was now a fusion of hers and the warrior she had summoned, and it moved on to her niece, Kate. While Kate is eager to try and fill the shoes of her aunt, she, unlike Agitha, is not an experienced magic user and can't fully call on the Valkirie's powers.

Criminal Record: None

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Kate loves to read, many people assume she is shy or doesn't like people, but this is quite untrue, she just gets so caught up in a good book that she rarely notices the people around her. She loves sea food of all sorts, if it lived in the water she will probally eat it. She is mildly allergic to tobacco smoke, it makes her sneeze and her nose run.
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