Oh look, it's Hayden again.

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Oh look, it's Hayden again.

Post by corragh »

<Miles`> It had been an age since Miles was anywhere but his room or a lab. Well.. not an age, but it had been a few months, at least. And oh, had he been up to things. Kayla's formula was finished, his own experiments were progressing well enough, and he had a new obsession - Hayden. There were fairies all about, no doubt, but all the while they were wrecking havoc in Salem, Hayden had been busy globally. The mute - with the help of a reluctant Quin - had set up a corkboard display in the rec lounge. There were pictures, articles, and strings connecting one to the other, sometimes in several places. It was like a movie, or a cop show, only not, 'cause it's Miles, and those other things aren't real. >.>

<Miles`> For the sake of description - The pictures and articles chronicled Hayden's public activities for the last several months. Every heist, every victory and defeat, every suspicious activity - the majority of it was in languages other than English. The time manipulator was planning something, he'd revealed that much clearly, but Miles was fearing that the something was far worse than nobody was guessing. Sure, some of the activity seemed to include weapons, but there was a much more prevalent pattern beneath that. Hayden was going to amplify someone's power, and he was going to do it in a major way.

<Sisip> With Tony asleep and Jack at home to take care of any emergencies, the new mommy that was Sisip headed though the hallways, nibbling on some christmas cookies. It was late at night, her kid was sleeping, she was out of the house.. this was nice. Entirely stress free. Wearing a pair of yoga pants and a tanktop she was recovering well from being pregnant.

<Miles`> It was only stress-free until she reached the lounge, and was spotted by Miles. He scampered over, waved frantically just long enough to make sure he had her attention, and then back over to the board. He clearly hadn't shaved since.. probably since he arrived at the Sanctum when it was still a campus. He was bearded enough to easily pass for a mountain man, and all worked up as he was, could have easily been taken as a soon-to-be domestic terrorist. But no, it was a different terrorist that had him wound up tight.

<Sisip> Catching sight of Miles the inji blinks. She hadn't seen him in ages, honestly, she had thought he'd moved onwards. Moving over towards the scruffy fellow she tilts her head, "Miles? You.." She phews softly, "Need a damn bath.. and a shave."

<Miles`> He pointed at her, mouth open like he was going to rebuff her accusations. But then he caught a whiff of himself, and just :/ He didn't :/ long, though; there was a conspiracy that needed to be shared. He brought the injun closer to the corkboard, and began to point out articles individually; he didn't know which languages Sisip spoke, so he stuck with the English-language ones. Not as many, but they'd still convey a clear enough picture of what he figured Hayden was up to.

* Sunder the metalhead would slip out of his little flat. Earbud in, spikes all over, and a growling stomach. a little bite to eat in mind as he headed down the hall, pausing to peer into the lounge as he heard folks up and about

<Sisip> Looking over it closely she almost deflates when she realizes what it's about. The woman honestly almost steps back, wanting to go 'nope.jpg' to all of it. Her unease is obvious but she doesn't pull away. She still has a job, afterall. Looking up as she hears the familiar tinny noise of Sunders earbuds she raises two fingers to her lips and whistles, shrilly, at him, motioning him over. Looking back to the corkboard she hmms softly, "I'd ask you to explain.. but.." She shrugs just a bit.

<Miles`> To his tablet! Swipeswipeswipe, taptaptaptappitytaptaptap. "I have been keeping track on him as best I can. He may have left Salem, but he has not stopped being active," came the device's surprisingly smooth voice. He referred to a few of the articles before continuing. "He has not always been successful in his attempts, but with what he has succeeded in, it occurs to me that he is on the same path of research we have been on. I believe his goal is power amplication. With what he seems to have gathered, his results will not last as long as what Kayla has commissioned, but it will be far more potent. Orders of magnitude more potent." The tablet's voice couldn't convey concern, but the mute's face certainly could.

* Sunder Gives a friendly "Oi" and makes his way over "been a little while since i've seen you out an about you know" He'd reach an arm out to give sis a hug

<Sisip> Sisip had been out of the loop for a while, "Really?" Dark eyes narrow just a bit as the woman frowns. She leans into the hug and laughs softly, "Well, a baby will do that to a woman, you know." She reaches up and pokes Sunder in the belly, "You still have to come see him, don't forget." Ah yes, the reason she'd been out of the loop. Turning her attention back to Miles she frowns[23:54] <Sisip> , "Do you know what he wants with it? Just.. mayhem? Or is there a task he's going for."

<Miles`> Miles made sure to gesture some of the articles at Sunder, too, incase he knew some language more than English. With Sisip's question, he went back to the board, and retrieved one tiny article. It looked like the kind of thing that would've been buried somewhere in the middle of a newspaper, where it could have easily been glossed over in favor of Dear Abby. The gist of it, was that there had been some suspicious activity in Yellowstone National Park. Nothing had been damaged, just a few odd trespassers. While Sisip read, the tablet spoke: "His henchman, Blip, left a message some time ago. Something about the end of the world." Miles placed his finger on a calendar at the edge of the board, centered squarely on Friday, December 21st. "Whatever Hayden is doing, I believe it has to do with the caldera beneath that park. And I believe he will make his move by Friday."

* Sunder looks a touched confused "alright, I walked in on the middle of something 'ere." He looks to miles "so catch me up a bit will ya mate?"

<Sisip> Lips part as she sighs. Not a pleased, happy sigh.. a disappointed one filled with doom and gloom. "The supervolcano." She just wanted to eat cookies and stretch her legs. Get away from the stress of being a new mother. Instead she gets thrust into another Hayden looms over everything stress point. "Goody." She sounds less than thrilled.

<Miles`> "Hayden is going to change the world by activating a long-dormant--" he stopped the voice when Sisip named it. "The eruption itself will destroy a major portion of North America. The resulting ash cloud will cover the globe and forever alter the climate. We will be steered toward another ice age." But then Miles shrugged helplessly. "That is, assuming I have guessed his intentions correctly. To me, it makes sense. Given what he has proven to be capable of, and his activities over the last several months. But even with this mostly vague information, there is no way for us to know how" - Miles had figured out how to add some level of emphasis to the tablet's voice - "he plans to affect the caldera."

<Sisip> A soft whistle slips through her lips, "Well, we know where he's going to be, at least.. and when." Slender shoulders shrug as she looks from Miles over to Sunder. She bumps him with her hip, "Our job will be stopping him. Right?" Looking back to the map she chuckles, "I hope you have your silver heat-resistant gumby suit."

* Sunder places his elbow on sis' shoulder and lean on her ever so slightly in retaliation "Now is it just me, or does that sound a bit mental? Kind of 'ard to benefit when you're in the middle of a massive volcano eruption right?"

<Miles`> "That, at least, is the one thing he has been consistent in - he is still criminally insane, and none of them ever seem to realize that destroying the world will destroy them with it." It was an attempt at humor, but it was maybe too little too late. "Is there still someone with precognition available? Perhaps we could get a glimpse as to what he intends, so that we can try to plan." Of course, with Hayden's abilities, any future they look into could be altered in the next instance, but maybe if they used Kayla's formula on the mutant, they could get something more reliable.

<Sisip> The Cobalt Pocahontas doesn't shrug away from the weighty elbow and rests her cheek against his arm. "Most have moved on since the fae arrived, not that I blame them at all. Vicious bastards." Sisip frowns as she shakes her head, "Half of Salem has taken off, moved to safer locations. We'll fix things though, both things, everything." She shrugs just a bit, "We always do, afterall. We're not going to let some crazy, beak nosed maniac explode Yellowstone."

<Sunder> Now last I checked yellowstone's a big place... Not gonna be easy is it?

<Miles`> "Hayden has developed power amplification, just as we have. It is not exactly the same, of course, and in his hands, it is a frightening thought."

<Sisip> The woman nods, leaning against Sunder, "It is. Yes. We need to get in there and stop him somehow. I'll have to talk to the techs and see what they can whip up, short notice, on heat protection."

<Sunder> We'll look a touch odd runnin about in fire suits. 'ell, how the 'ell would we fight in them? well I'm sure JJ could 'elp us set up some motion cameras or something..

<Miles`> Miles nodded to Sisip. "I will continue to monitor what I can, and alert you if anything pertinent happens. Otherwise, I suppose all we can do is wait." Which seemed counter-intuitive, against a man who controlled time. But what else could they do?
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