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Glen Torraine

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:27 pm
by Ashe
IRC Nickname: Ashe

Name: Glen Torraine
Alias: Lucky
Age: 39
Date of Birth: 26 July 1971
Hometown: Tacoma, Washington

Height: 5'9"
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Green
Nationality/Race: Caucasian/American

Occupation: Private Investigator/Bounty Hunter

Personality Profile: Glen is a friendly, energetic individual with a love for life and the world around him. Perhaps owing to his ability to survive even the worst catastrophes (if not necessarily intact), he is an unflinching optimist who refuses to see limitations when there are so many possibilities.

Unfortunately, Glen is completely lacking in anything that even begins to resemble common sense and, when combined with his impulsive nature, tends to concoct last-minute plans that are "so stupid that they can't possibly go wrong!"

Physical Description: Even if somewhat short compared to most men, Glen has an athletic build. Unlike many in his profession, Glen prefers to maintain a well-groomed apperance, often to the point of coming across as being metrosexual.

Character Picture (Optional):



Primary: Dumb Luck - Lady Luck always seems to be on Glen's side, allowing Glen to survive his own blundering incompetence and somehow get where exactly it is he needs to go. Note that this does not always mean that Glen's luck is obvious - a flat tire might prevent him from reaching his intended destination, only to have him "bump into" a wanted criminal on the way to the gas station.

Drawbacks/Weaknesses/Side Effects: Glen suffers from two major drawbacks: first, he has no conscious control over his mutant ability, which only seems to work when it wants to; second, the man is a complete and utter nincompoop with the attention span of a goldfish.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future? It's unlikely that Glen's powers will develop any further. Others might try to cluster near him in the hopes that his luck will rub off, but most of the time this just results in them getting caught up in trouble that might've otherwise been avoided.

Background: Given the discreet nature of his mutation, Glen was able to live a relatively normal life in the suburbs of Seattle-Tacoma. Affable, athletic, and constantly trying to fend off hordes of his own fangirls, he proved to be exactly the sort of son that most atomic families could only dream of having. Upon graduating from high school, Glen both proposed to his high-school sweetheart and joined the US Army as a field medic - moves that anyone with common sense would regard as being mutally exclusive. The ceremony was rushed, and within weeks, Glen was in boot camp halfway across the country.

Things went smoothly enough until about 1991, when Glen was deployed to Iraq in support of Operation: Desert Storm. Though the war was short-lived, and Glen back home within six months, he returned home to find that his wife had vanished without a trace. After finishing out his enlistment, Glen took up investigation and bounty hunting in the hopes that he might find some clue about the whereabouts and fate of his missing wife.

After nearly twenty years of futile searching, Glen finds himself guided by fate and misfortune to the city of Salem. He isn't particularly sure why he's there, but he has a gut hunch that things are about to take a turn for the interesting.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:

• Glen is only aware that he's a mutant because it was accidentally discovered during a genetic test during one of his investigations.