A dance with the Fae.

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A dance with the Fae.

Post by madnessarrow »

The Fae's blood coated the concret it's energies flowing out from its body and into Julian Weiss, They can't come back when they've got no magic left in their bodies. It was the very black magic his father had poisoned himself with but he couldn't risk the Fae surviving after having seen him.

"Leave no witness."

He lifted into the air, carried aloft by a disc of purple mystic energy. He watched the Queen as she addressed the city of Salem and he smiled. He knew better than to attack her, but with her demands made public. Maybe this would be sufficient to get the ball rolling on a little development. He had already seen one person strike out against the Fae more wouldn't be too far behind. But tonight there was already blood in the air and the energy he collected from slaying the Royal Guardsmen was pulsing just under his skin.

"I'll see you later, Lady." He spoke under his breathe before descending back down into an alley way. The disc dissolved the moment he hit the ground and without a pause for adjustment he began walking towards the street. There would no doubt be a significant number of soldiers out and about during the night and he aimed to get a little Fae blood on his hand. He wouldn't have to travel too far before he found a small contingent of Fae, four of them, clad in their summers best.

"Hey, knife ears. David Bowie made a better queen then Mab." He laughed. His face contorted in full pleasure while his eyes lite up with brilliant purple energy. He took a step forward and swept his right arm through the air in front of his chest then thrusted it forward. A disc of purple energy leapt from his fingers and impacted the first Fae in the chest picking him up off his feet and depositing him some distance from the rest. The Disc rebounded off the Fae's chest and flew back towards Julian coming to rest at his left forearm floating just a few inches away from his skin. The Fae drew blades and charged.

The Fae were fast, on him almost faster than he could see. The first Fae's blade came down on him, but his arm, protected by his shield, knocked the blade away. His fist came forward and found some soft faerie tissue to cushion his knuckles. He stepped backwards as a blade cut into the air in front of him where he had been standing. His left arm moved in a wide arc as the Disc left it's position and launched at the Fae in front of him, the impact threw the Fae into his comrade who had already felt the impact of the disc, both would take a moment to regain their focus. The disc returned to Julian's side in time for him to deflect yet another sword blade aimed for his head.

"Well, if this is all you've got then I don't see where all the fear comes from," He deflected another sword blow then struck out at the nearest Fae with the shield impacting the creatures throat before dropping down in a spin that would sweep the Fae of his feet and plant him on the ground. Julian stood, eying the last standing Fae his hand gripped the air as if to wield a sword. "Now, how messy do we want this to get?" He lifted his arm as mystic energy pooled in his fist. By the time his arm was fully raised the sword had manifested. He crossed blades with the Fae, sparks of magic danced across their faces. Julian pushed back, the Fae leapt toward. By blade they clashed again but this time Julian sent his shield flying, as he pushed back, the Fae leapt toward once again but this time it's blade found the disc, and julians blade found the creature's gut.

Julian was on his feet, he spun around as the Disc vanished from sight and he removed the Fae's head from it's shoulders, the body fell as the three remaining Fae found their feet. "Gentlemen, or ladies. Your preference I care not. Before a single child is handed to your Queen your empire will fall back to the lands that spawned you. Furthermore. Your taste in fashion is just ungodly." The disc appeared on the ground in front of Julian as he stepped forward. His feet sunk, slightly, into the surface of the disc before it slowly lifted off the ground. "Additionally, I'd like to thank you for your timing. You see I was rather conflicted on where I should go and what i should do with my life now. Then you all just came about decorating the place and making general fools of yourself so I figure, what the hell. What's damnation over imprisonment anyways."

Julian leaned forward the the disc carried him towards the Fae, like a knight on a horse, his blade cut quick and it cut deep shimmering Fae blood spilt on the concrete and its warmth coated Julian's face. As the bodies of the Fae fell, as their heads came to rolling stops, the rush of magic left him, his eyes drained to normal and his blade and shield vanished into mist.

"Thanks for the dance. But next time, pick a better song."

Julian turned away from the gore slicked scene, his disc appeared beneath his feet once more and he took off, soaring through the night on his way back to his humble apartment. He would need to do something about that soon.
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