Tonya Doe - [Dark Star]

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Tonya Doe - [Dark Star]

Post by Tnieves1970 »

Player Nickname: Dark_Star
Name: Tonya Doe
Codename: Dark Star
Age: 30
Date of Birth: 12/4/82

Height: 5’ 10
Weight: 155
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Green
Place of Origin: Norway
Nationality/Race: Norse
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Trainee
Occupation: Tattoo artist and designer

Personality Profile: Her outlook on life and the world and those in it is everyone needs to express themselves by any means available. Whether it’s through tattoos, piercings, or other types of art, she looks at the world through the eyes of an artist. Her favorite expression is “Never mess a nation that needs medication”

Physical Description:


General Power Information: Her general power theme would be Shadow based and totally depending on the amount of darkness.

Ability One: The ability to create a shadow minion that is only as strong as the amount of eminent darkness developing a creature ranging in size from a average cat to something as intense as a kodac bear again it all depends on the amount of darkness.

Ability Two: The ability of “Curse of Darkness” which basically gives her the ability to shroud a targets vision with darkness using shadows basically blinding them. The blindness will last 30 to 45 minutes.

Ability Three:

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: The main thing that hinders her darkness abilities is the amount of light. The more light there is, the weaker her abilities are there by causing them to not last for long if at all. She has a very difficult time going out in the sun because it begins to drain her powers.

Skills: She excels at drawing and creating. Her specialties though pretty vast she favors and works most comfortable with body sculpting.

Background: Her life up to this point has been one of mild adventure with lots of rejection. She 1st showed signs of her mutant powers at the age of 13 when she witnessed the murder of her Father. She traveled from Norway to various places by using her craft as a means of support. Her Mother tried her best to give Dark the understanding of what it meant to be a mutant until her Mother died at the age of 50.

Criminal Record: She has been convicted of a few minor offenses such as writing false checks and duplicating credit cards and I.D’s along the way.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: The things she doesn’t like would be whiny, self-centered people. She rather do her tattoo work and designing in the nude. She finds clothing to be a pain in the ass and would remain naked all the time.
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