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Kylie Sabine [Comet Girl]

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:26 pm
by Ashe
IRC Nickname: Rainbow_Dashe

Name: Kylie Sabine
Alias: Comet Girl
Age: 24
Date of Birth: 12/22
Hometown: Juneau, AK

Height: 5'6"
Weight: 131 lbs
Hair Color: Arctic white
Eye Color: Light blue
Nationality/Race: American/Inuit

Occupation: Student

Personality Profile: Kylie is almost predictably cool and aloof, and quite slow to warm up to strangers. When engaged in conversations, she prefers to hold back and only speaks after considering what exactly she intends to say.

Physical Description: Kylie possesses an ethereal - and almost inhuman - appearance. Her white hair and tan skin are often coated with a thin layer of frost that shimmers in the sunlight.

Character Picture (Optional):



Primary: Cryokinesis - Kylie can generate intense cold using an extremely limited form of psionics. She can freeze the moisture in the air to create ice and snow.

Secondary: Flight - Kylie can fly at impressive speeds within the atmosphere, though she is forced to shield herself from airborne debris using a field of ice and snow. During flight, this shielding gives her the appearance of a comet, and is the source of her pseudonym.

Tertiary: Cold Immunity - As a matter of necessity, Kylie's body is immune to the cold. She could theoretically survive in conditions approaching absolute zero with little hindrance.

Drawbacks/Weaknesses: Kylie is intensely pyrophobic - being attacked using fire causes her to lose control over her powers. She also subconsciously avoids fire of any sort, and is quite likely to flee in the face of a pyrokinetic assault.

Kylie's skin and hair are also perpetually coated with a thin layer of ice that gives her a very unnatural appearance. In warm weather, she is surrounded by an icy haze caused by the continuous thawing/freezing cycle of this shell.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future? Only Kylie's primary mutation is likely to improve. While the amount of havoc she can cause with her cryokinesis is somewhat limited at this stage, it could become quite devastating with proper training and exercise.

Background: Kylie isn't prone to speaking about her own background to others. This isn't because it's particularly mysterious or dramatic; Kylie's background is actually boring in the extreme. Growing up in Alaska meant that she was constantly exposed to some of the worst weather that North America has to offer.

Like many children in Alaska, Kylie practically grew up on sleds and snowmobiles, and quickly fell in love with going as fast as possible at every possible opportunity. Her love for speed and maneuverability eventually led her into flight school as a youngster, and she wound up earning her pilot's wings before she'd even gone on her first date.

Had Kylie's mutant powers not manifested in her late teens, her quick wits and even quicker reflexes would've made her an ideal fighter pilot. Despite her skill in the cockpit box office, being a human popsicle prevented her from ever finding work as a pilot. Having run out of time, options, and goodwill in the past few years, "Comet Girl" has decided to take her chances by going back to school - mutant school.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:

* Kylie is an expert pilot of fixed-wing craft.
* Aerial racing is a favorite pastime for Kylie, and she claims that friction is the only reason she can't outrun a fighter jet.
* Her favorite subject in college thus far has been astronomy. She is quite knowledgeable about stellar phenomena.