Luke Galion

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Luke Galion

Post by Galahon »

Player Nickname: Galahon

Name: Luke Galion A.K.A Luke
Codename: Galahon
Age: 29
Date of Birth: 6 9 83

Height: 5'9
Weight: 140 pounds
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Place of Origin: Dallas Texas
Nationality/Race: Caucasion
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Trainee
Occupation: Free lance Special Effects Agent for movies

Personality Profile: "People are simple minded enough to beleave everything they see." is the mantra of this subject. While not a Malicious person by nature he is a bit of a prankster. using his power for a practicle joke is just one of the many uses. Though he dose use his Gift to teach a lession from time to time, he is more inclined to throw the image of a scantaly clad woman just for kicks. Layed back and Care free, however, he dose know when its time to get serious, but even then theres always some sort of smart ass remark in the near future.

Physical Description: while nothing actualy stands out as abnormal when not useing his powers. he stands 5'9 and 140 pounds. he has an athleats build. he is useualy found in a white T-shirt and Black jeans a pair of leather combat boots and Sunglasses. his hair is cut short and parted down the center. he has a scar down the upper right of his fore-head and useualy a pack of smokes in his pocket.


General Power Information: Photon Reconstruction/rearanging. unlike others, his power set realy has littel in the offencive area. his powers re-arange the spectrum of light ranging mainly of holographic images set more to confuse or distract. while he dose have some offencive abilaty it takes time to rearange the photonic spectrum to a focused beam of light.

Ability One: Create/ Project Hologram: Lukes bread and Butter. this abilaty alows him to re arange photons to create realistic life like images that any one can see.

Ability Two: Photon condencment: this has seemed to be his only real offence. condencing the photons around him he is able to focus them into a beam or burst of phtonic energy. while more show then effect one can not deny the emince heat made.

Ability Three: Enhance optics. his abilaty to alter light as he sees fit, has granted him the abilaty to see light as he wishes. ranging from 20/20 vision to thermal vision he's never blinded in a situation. as to date, he's known more for his x-ray vision in the Girls locker room. it is easy to determain what his eye site is set to by the color of his eyes. the normal black is his normal vision, while bright green is on the X-Ray spectrum. Red for Thermal vision and Dull yellow for Nightvision. however, over extended use of this power causes serious headaches just behind his eyes.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Lets Face it, first off he is a smart ass, and it get him in trouble...alot. out side of that, he suffer from headaches on a constant basis when over use of his enhanced optics abilaty. he also seems to stick out like a sour thumb on heat sencers. expecaly after useing his condencment abilaty. he has been timed for about a half hour after use he was still picking up at about 200 degrees on the FLIR. Another note while not realy a hard core draw back. his holograms are just that, they have no real substance to them and if interacted with instantly show there true nature. with the use of his Focued mean, it uses a large amount of his energy, which must recharge later or become powerless. To Recharge his power he must take in a large sum of light or heat of some sort. while a cigg will only charge a small amount. sun tanning at midday provided a bit more.

Skills: he is an excelent deceaver. his abilaty to make people see what realy isnt there is uncanny. and he is great at specale effects for movies and tv shows.

Background: Born and raised in Dallas Texas he never was one for staying in one place. when his powers first manifested at dosnt take a rocket scientist to get an idea what he figured out what it was good for. while Growing up he hid his abilaties from his parents. from the age of 13 to 21 he did everything he could to hide his secret at all costs. however, with a hormonal teenage boy, things just sliped out and eventualy, he could hide it no more. his parents, when they found out, where both shamed and discusted. outcasting him instantly. to them, they had no son.

To luke, he could not care less. and so started traveling on his own. makeing money by doing odd jobs and even doing a lil free lance movies. while non realy made it big, he didnt care, it was still money in his pocket. he tryed moving to hollywood but quickly found out that he just did not fit in. to him, they where just simple minded morons with no real IQ. so he headed east. slowly but surely, still the odd job here and there. and now he's in Salem. mabey he could do a movie there about the witch trials. but who knows, only time will tell how this part of the movie plays out.

Criminal Record: While no hard convictions and no real evadence, he is suspected on being part of more then a few bank roberies. with out the presence of video evadence FBI agent James is hard pressed to get something to link Luke to the string of roberies.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: when useing his photonic abilaties his eyes emit a glow remanecent of a movie projector. A halo of light surounds his eyes and hands as sparks of subtomic energy surges from one atom to the next as its starting to focus. He also has a Smoking issue. some government agencies have speculated that is how he recharges his powers. while others beleave is just has to go to a tanning booth. Truth be told, its posable for both. but the fact remains, he must recharge his powers by some form of heat or intence light, or he is powerless untill he dose recharge.

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