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Dylan Daniels, [Phantom]

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 4:39 pm
by madnessarrow
Player Nickname: Dylan`Daniels

Name: Dylan David Daniels
Codename: Phantom
Age: Appears roughly 19
Date of Birth: August 12th 2000 died December 14th 2018

Height: 5’9
Weight: n/a
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Place of Origin: Montgomery County; Pennsylvania born at Abington Hospital
Classification/Origin of Powers:Psychic Entity/Mutant

Status: Other
Occupation: None legally dead

Personality Profile: Dylan is introspective, cooperative, informative, and generally attentive. He is generally appears to be tranquil and reserved though like calm water there very well could be a storm underneath. He is highly devoted, compassionate and empathetic to the needs of others.
He does tend to be fairly private and he has a strong sense of right and wrong coupled with an idealistic worldview. Everything feels new to him after his death and everything looks just a little bit brighter now that he has all eternity to travel and see the world.

Physical Description: Due to his death he will forever appear as he did before the accident. Leather coat, black hoodie, blue jeans, black sneakers.



General Power Information: At the purest form, Dylan is a psychic entity that exists as a disembodied consciousness. However, due to his mutation, he was able to form a kind of body out of ectoplasm thus giving him form and allowing him to function, albeit slightly outside the established norm.

Ability One: Ectoplasmic Body: Dylan possess a body made entirely of Ectoplasm, the stuff often associated with spirits and the astral plane, which allows him to preform a variety of effects. Ectoplasm is by nature weightless and incorporeal though it does interact with photons, on the smallest scale, thus allowing it to be seen by the naked human eye. He can choose to suppress the photon interaction thus granting him invisibility as well as intangibility. He is able to fly under his own direction and having no physical matter he is able to travel at speeds generally considered unattainable in Earth’s atmosphere. At times it may appear that he teleports from one location to another but in fact he travels there albeit at what can be considered the speed of thought.

Ability Two: Ectoplasmic Constructs/Illusions: He is capable of fashioning any item he can image out of ectoplasm and is able to interact with it physically as well as mentally. While there is no limit to the complexity of the items he can create. Anything he does create is merely a facsimile as is not in fact the item in question. As such he can create a laptop out of ectoplasm. It would appear in all respects to look like a laptop. But it would not in fact be able to operate, connect to the internet, or even play solitaire unless he created such an image on the screen himself.

Ability Three: Spectral Hand: Like traditional ghosts he is capable of manipulating matter in the physical world. While he is nowhere near a powerful as most telekinetics, he is capable of manipulating objects much in the same way a normal corporeal human might manipulate them with one hand, complicated maneuvers that would require two hands are beyond his current skill level. He is capable of ‘lifting’ a single object that weights no more than ten pounds and propelling it with sufficient force to break a mirror.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Physically Dylan cannot directly interact with the world. Telekinetically he can only manipulate objects in the way a normal human would if they only had the use of one hand. Disappointingly he cannot operate ‘touch’ devices which has infuriated him to no end since everyone has a touch screen phone these days. Personally he blames Apple.
Dylan is subject to all manner of telepathic abilities, empathic abilities and telekinetic abilities. He can be sensed by a telepath, or an empath, in the same manner a living person might be sensed, though he may still retain invisibility. His ectoplasm can be manipulated or dispersed by a sufficiently powerful psychokinetic although he can contend this with his own concentration.

Skills: He has no particular skills, apart from the average teenager, worth noting.

Background: While the actual events that lead to Dylan death are not known to him, it is a matter of record that on the night of December 14th 2018 Dylan Daniels was killed in a car accident. His father, while high, over compensated on an ice covered road, the resulting accident claimed Dylan’s life though he essentially slept through it. The impact killed him instantly and his father was arrested for negligence, driving while under the influence of a controlled substance, and the involuntary death of his son. His mother was incarcerated for possession of a controlled substance with intent to distribute and for the involuntary death of her son.

At first he was just a detached consciousness floating in the aether. Then one day he awoke to his ectoplasmic existence. For a while he was confused, scared even, and he lashed out a few times which caused great distress to his people around him. But eventually he just got it, as if the last of his mind had finished reforming in his body. Life was endless for him now. It didn’t take him long to ‘feel out’ his powers. He’d read enough comic books and seen enough movies to know what a ghost was and what a ghost should be able to do. While underwhelmed by his abilities, there just seemed a new potential to his life. He wandered for a time saw some of the places he had only read about and on his journey he found himself in the fastest growing city in the United States; Salem Massachusetts. It didn’t take long for him understand that Cobalt Sanctuary was the center of it all. Perhaps, he had found the adventure he’d been looking for. At least, given he had all of eternity, what could the harm be in spending a little time there.

Criminal Record: None. Legally dead.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Dylan is not technically a ghost and as such is not subject to abilities that manipulate Ghosts. Dylan is not subject to supernatural weaknesses of ghosts such as; dispersal by iron and the inability to cross lines of salt. Unlike most supernatural ghosts Dylan does not disrupt electronics with his presence nor is there a drop in ambient temperature when he is around. Being legally dead he is not capable of owning anything be it a cell phone or a degree.

Re: Dylan Daniels, [Phantom]

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 12:24 pm
by Sisip
After some discussion the team is not comfortable with allowing a character that is purely, in the truest form, nothing more than a spirit. We do encourage you to come up with another character idea though, but perhaps something a little more basic to allow the Ops a chance to get to know you and your RP style before going into something that can be as complex as a spirit.
