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Ashe [Firefly]

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:25 pm
by Ashe
IRC Nickname: Rainbow_Dashe

Name: Ashe (Last name unknown)
Alias: Firefly
Age: 19 (best guess)
Date of Birth: 23 June 1991 (unofficial)
Hometown: Tucson, Arizona, USA (unofficial)

Height: 5'9
Weight: 158 lbs
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Purple
Nationality/Race: American/Caucasian

Occupation: Vigilante

Personality Profile: Outwardly, Ashe presents a laid-back, easygoing demeanor to those around her. Possessed of an unwavering sense of self-confidence and boundless personal energy, Ashe's can-do attitude often borders on reckless insanity in the eyes of her more cautious colleagues. Unfortunately, that inner fire also makes Ashe frequently irritable and easily angered. Once provoked, she's quite likely to bear down on the source of her ire with laser-like focus until the situation is resolved.

Despite her short temper, Ashe is not a particularly violent individual and loathes how readily some of her colleagues would kill another person in the course of a mission. Her own personal code of ethics forbids her from killing another person except under the most dire of circumstances, no matter how justified it might seem at the time.

Physical Description: Ashe stands about a head taller than most of the other females at Cobalt Academy, and possesses a well-toned, boyish figure that stands in stark contrast to the usual assortment of busty supermodels attending the school. Given that she wears her hair short and scruffy, dresses casually (when not wearing armor), and disdains make-up, it's not particularly hard for her to pass as the opposite sex should the need arise. She's also extremely sensitive about this, and prone to jealousy when more attractive females are present.

Until recently, it was a common sight to see Ashe wandering around in a suit of custom-made combat armor that had become like a second skin to her. This armor was recently ruined in a battle against the Music Man, however, forcing Ashe to default to civilian clothing until she can scrounge up the funds to replace her gear.

Character Picture (Optional):




Primary : Light Emanation - By storing and converting solar energy, Ashe is capable of creating a variety of light-based effects within her immediate vicinity. Varying wavelengths of light can be used to produce nearly any visible - and several invisible - colors of light, and the intensity of these emanations can be anywhere from harmless lightshows to simulated laser beams. These beams are of sufficient intensity to cut through most common materials like a hot knife through butter, and can burn through some hardened materials given sufficient time and effort.

Secondary : Light Control - Along with the ability to generate light, Ashe has the ability to control photons - both the naturally-occurring variety, and those generated using her powers. Extensive training has unlocked a considerable amount of versatility in what Ashe can do with this ability. Full invisibility and believable holograms remain beyond her reach, however, due to the amount of detail work involved in both processes.

Tertiary : Enhanced Perception - Those purple eyes aren't just for show. Ashe has the ability to perceive wavelengths of light not normally considered visible to the human eye, most notably in the near infrared and ultraviolet ranges. This allows her to function in a number of environments that would hinder normal vision.

Drawbacks/Weaknesses : Ashe's vision is somewhat sensitive due to her broadened perception, and she can be overcome by brightness during the daytime. Special sunglasses issued by the school offset some of this brightness. She also requires periodic exposure to sunlight to remain in peak condition.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future? Increased power output and general efficiency of the primary mutation is almost a given. Development of the secondary mutation would expand Ashe's ability to exert control over preexisting light sources, allowing her to make more drastic alterations with less effort. The tertiary mutation is unlikely to develop further.

Background: Like many students at Cobalt Academy, Ashe is a student whose life has been turned completely upside-down during her attendance. When she first appeared at the Academy, Ashe was a free-spirited artiste with an unstructured lifestyle that bordered on hedonism. Now approaching the end of her freshman year at the school, circumstance has forced Ashe to abandon most of those tendencies in favor of the more disciplined life of a would-be superheroine. Some might consider this an improvement, but this lifestyle has come at the cost of innocence; Ashe is becoming increasingly jaded, and not only towards her life as a superheroine.

Despite this, recent discoveries discoveries in Ashe's life have broken through her hardened exterior and shocked her back into some semblance of normalcy - but, then again, finding that everything you know about your history is a cleverly-fabricated lie tends to have that effect. It isn't clear where or when Ashe was born, or even who her biological parents might actually be. All of Ashe's birth records were discovered to be clever forgeries, with any traces leading back to her actual records being well-concealed or erased entirely.

Whatever life Ashe might've had as a newborn was replaced by one in which she was raised by a pair of foster parents who considered her to be little more than an inconvenience and a roadblock in their careers as corporate criminals. Initially, her foster parents were content to simply throw money at Ashe and depart on numerous "business trips" while leaving the young mutant to fend for herself. Their neglectful attitude turned abusive when Ashe began to display an unholy combination of sound moral judgment, homosexual tendencies, artistic ability, and latent photokinetic abilities. The more Ashe rebelled against the power-suit lifestyle her parents tried to force upon her, the worse her life became.

During the extended absences her parents afforded her, Ashe spent a considerable amount of her time wandering the Sonoran Desert "in search of artistic inspiration" - a euphemism she used to hide the fact that she was secretly learning to control her abilities where she was unlikely to be disturbed.

Eventually, there came a breaking point in Ashe's life when she realized that she would have to cut her ties with her parents, lest she be caught up in the ever-tightening web of criminal entanglements slowly dragging her parents towards their demise. Taking what money she had earned as a freelance graphics designer, she headed to Salem and applied for the Cobalt Academy.

This turned out to be a good choice: only a few months later, her foster parents were found dead alongside an Arizona highway. Their car - and bodies - were both riddled with literally hundreds of bullets. It's no secret that an organized crime family was behind the hit.

While her enthusiasm for doing good things and building a brighter future for mutantkind were quite strong when her application was accepted, the past year has seen Ashe evolve into something of a taciturn bitch who spends most of her time playing the lone wolf warrior. While most of the other students assume that Ashe's reluctance to work as part of a team stems from arrogance or feelings of superiority, the reality is much more complex and two-fold:

First, Ashe has seen more conflicts and survived more firefights in a year than the vast majority of the students will ever face in their entire stay at the academy. Any illusions she might've held about the life of a superheroine being glamorous and exciting have long-since faded, and she often refuses to work with others simply because she can't bring herself to place others in the line of fire.

Second, Ashe is completely and utterly terrified of herself - especially since discovering that a good portion of her past remains shrouded in mystery. She is fully aware of the fact that she has only begun to scratch the surface of her mutant capabilities, and deliberately holds back in group combat for fear of accidentally losing control and hurting her allies. Only when working solo is she confident enough to cut loose and use her powers to the fullest.


Quirks/Extras (Random fun facts about your character!):

• Ashe is an enthusiastic fan of western animation, and can often be found watching cartoons either in her dorm or the rec center lounge. She finds anime to be an interesting art style, but doesn't particularly like it as a form of animation.

• Likewise, Ashe is quite fond of various video games. She does prefer the classics over the latest and greatest, though.

• She owns a small graphics design business by the name of Starlight Designs.