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Salem Under Siege! Mayor dead! Fae attack!

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 8:09 pm
by Remu
The city of Salem is under siege! Following the invasion of a newly-invigorated Mabel, Queen of the Summer Faeries, nobody is getting in or out of the city. The summer fae have locked Salem down, murdered the mayor in cold blood, and are swearing to bring death to anyone who attempts to defy them or their Queen. What does she have planned, and from where did this new surge of power originate? Power has been cut in both the city and the Sanctum, and telephone service seems to be on the fritz. The internet, however, is still up and running.

By morning, the power will have been at least partially restored, though cellphone and landline communication is difficult at best. But the fae-guards will remain, unfortunately for people in the Sanctum. They watch the goings-on with scrutiny in their gazes, more than likely relaying all that they see to their Queen. And by the time tomorrow afternoon rolled around? The queen of the summer fae would even be generous enough to allow travel from the sanctum to and from Salem. This, of course, is likely another trick on her behalf, since if the inhabitants are allowed to leave, the citizens of Salem, newly informed of so-called 'treachery' from the Cobaltians, might not respond quite so well to Mab's final words to the mayor.

Re: Salem Under Siege! Mayor dead! Fae attack!

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 5:37 pm
by Remu
Following the invasion of the Fae, Salem had been a ghost town -- at least until one of Queen Mabel's guards turned up dead. Soon after, a full-on brawl took place after members of a cult known as the Circle of Crows, or Black Circle, carried the banner of the Winter Queen to the center of Salem. Several individuals joined in the fray, including a few from Cobalt Hill. The streets are lined with the bodies of fallen guards, and it is rumored that an otherworldy creature had to be pushed out of this realm before things would calm down. Mabel is silent, but tensions run high -- the queen may know that their secret is out and they aren't nearly as 'immortal' as they claim to be.

Re: Salem Under Siege! Mayor dead! Fae attack!

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 8:07 am
by Remu
After several individuals launched an attack on the Summer Fae occupying Salem, Queen Mab herself showed up, demanding the location and motivations of the Winter Fae. Ex-dean Santiago took it upon himself to go after the guards, and found himself with a slit throat thanks to the queen. Now, he is in critical condition in the medical center along with several others who engaged the fae that were issued a kill order by the queen, effectively clearing the guards out of the sanctum.

The members of the security force who were being held in the underground maze were freed the following morning, after the chaos had died down and the bodies of the fae were removed from the scene.