Julian Moxley

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Julian Moxley

Post by Jimmy »

Player Nickname: Jimmy

Name: Julian Moxley
Age: 23
Date of Birth: June 4

Height: 6'2"
Weight: 190
Hair Color: Dk Blonde
Eye Color: Green
Place of Origin: West London, England
Nationality/Race: Caucasian
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Refugee

Personality Profile: Julian is serious and dark, hard to move to smile, but not unkind. He doesn't make friends easily, tends to be a loner.

Physical Description: Julian is tall, athletic, and good looking. He tends to dress well, preppy, since he was raised and comes from a family of money.


General Power Information: Sensory Manipulation

Ability One: Julian can manipulate a person's perceptions; he can make them see, hear, taste, smell and feel things that are not there. With great concentration, he can make a person feel as if they are in a completely different location of his devising.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: He must be touching the person in order for this gift to work. As soon as he loses physical contact with them, it completely stops working. He also can't maintain it for very long periods of time; ten, fifteen minutes was his max before he simply could not hold the manipulation any longer. Like exerting a muscle.

Skills: In school before he found out he was a mutant, Julian was in a boxing league, the school soccer team, track team and in general, was very athletic, apt to all sports played by his friends.

Background: Julian, before he found out he was a mutant, was a bully. He knew no bounds in making fun of nerds, gaining popularity by demeaning the unpopulars, and even humiliating his peers to increase his own sense of self-worth. He was a hugely popular sports star at his school and lived off that 'fame.' He has been raised in a family where money means everything, winning is the only option, fight for what's yours, and they used drugs/drink to escape talking about real problems. He had a temper, and often got into physical fights instead of backing down.

Then there was Carter; a dorky freshman kid who liked to make his own songs with Garage Band and release his own little homemade records and sell them for $5. The day Julian came across the nerd's lame music, he mercilessly made fun of him in front of everyone, passing the CD on as DORKTUNES and singing some of the lame lyrics every time he passed by. It was literally what got the biggest laughs for him, so he could never resist when he saw Carter in the hallways or class or whatever.

Carter's mom, who was rumored to be a crazy witch lady, revealed herself to Julian as a dangerous mutant. She had (and still has, as far as Julian knows) the ability to take away any fundamental human functions you possess. Julian was, in a way, lucky only to have his ability to speak taken away. Julian is now mute, a punishment well deserved according to Carter's mother, so he can never make fun of anyone again. Since her attack on Julian, it has been reported that she has taken the ability to retain oxygen away from one or two of her enemies, causing them to die almost instantly.

Once the family caught wind of this, they sought to retaliate on the wretched woman, developing a very strong hatred toward all mutants. The family became publicly anti-mutant. Ironically, this time of mutism allowed Julian's gift to manifest slowly but surely, and once he realized what was happening, he hid it from his family. In a final act, his father finally tracked down Carter's mother, confronted her himself-- and lost. She didn't kill him, but reduced his brain function to that of a vegetable. It is said that she retains all of these "functions" and can give them back freely if she so desired; thus her former reputation of witch.

Julian's family was frightened to its core to receive their head of household in such a state, left Carter's family alone, and shut down all anti-mutant operations. They were scared. Julian eventually revealed to his mother that he was a mutant, and a surprise to him, she rejected him and told him to leave.

Then he found Cobalt Hill.

Criminal Record:

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: He carries around a little notebook so he can write things to people. He's not computer savvy at all.
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