Gilbert Ndaimiye (Mathematics Tutor)(Jua Kali)

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Gilbert Ndaimiye (Mathematics Tutor)(Jua Kali)

Post by Greggbot »

Player Nickname: Greggbot

Name: Gilbert Keith Ndaimiye
Codename: Jua Kali
Date of Birth: 15 Sep 1984

Height: 6' 2''
Weight: 245 lbs
Hair Color: black
Eye Color: brown
Place of Origin: Katanga Province of Congo
Nationality/Race: Congolese, working towards American citizinship
Classification/Origin of Powers: Occult Metahuman
Status: Resident
Occupation: Unofficial barber, math tutor.

Personality Profile: Gilbert is an adherent Catholic, and this colors most everything that he does to interact with the world. He's rather easy going, and loves to talk. It could be about the most inane thing, Gilbert takes delight in interacting with people, as many people as possible. What this does mean is that people should beware of offhand remarks to Gilbert such as 'how are you?' as they will not get a conventional 'good, and you?' out of the fellow. Invariably, God will make it into conversations he is part of.

Physical Description: Gilbert is tall, fat, and powerfully built. An enthusiastic wrestler and soccer player, he has thick arms, broad shoulders, and titanic calves that help to balance out his large belly, thick neck, and enormous hands and feet. He is dark to the point of being purple and there is a slight jaundice to his eyes. He is missing his top left canine and a molar, but the teeth he has are in good shape, if a bit crooked. He keeps his hair short and his beard full and tangled. His hands, contrary to most of his body, are very fine and long fingered. They are completely and utterly unmarred.

General Power Information: Quite simply, Gilbert's power is the abilty to summon laplace's demon. These are tiny other worldy creatures, as small as atoms and not bound by the physics of our world. They can respond to simple scribed instructions as detailed in the alchemical scrip that is created to summon them. By summoning numerous demons and giving them baisc instructions on movement using mathematical formulae, an alchemist can create varying forms of the same material, and can change its inner structure to change its outer properties.

Ability One: Shape. Using his hands, Gilbert is able to flatten or fold and mold any sort of material as if it was as malleable as clay.This is the easiest form of his alchemy, and depending on his familiarity with the material, can be done effortlessly. Depending on the material, he can also change its properties.

Ability Two: Condense/Disperse. This is a more heavily formulaic alchemical form, allowing him to control the density of an object. The density is changed uniformly, hollowing out a material is still beyond his grasp.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: The chief drawback of Gilbert's alchemy is the time required to perform it. It is literally the mathematical coordination of matter into different forms, so depending on the matter this could be incredibly easy or incredibly hard. Carbon, being the most worked with and most documented element, does not take as long as something like francium, which is too unstable to be worthwhile outside of theory. Likewise, the distance of the particles from each other and the desired proximity are the most important factors. It is easy to convert a stack of paper back to something resembling wood, but to mold the xylem and phloem and have a recognizable ring structure would be much more difficult. Turning living flesh to diamond can take decades.

Projected Growth and Development: Gilbert's power comes directly from his ability to learn the mathematics needed to order around his demons. While he is currently specializing in working carbon based materials, he also likes considering the true problem of laplace's demon on a purely theoretical level. As he learns more and more on how to control the demons, his powers will broaden and strengthen.

Skills: Gilbert is an excellent barber, as well as a passable mathematician. While entirely self taught, he is able to practice and utilize calculus with ease. This is mostly done for figuring out new formulae to manipulate the movement of his demons. He loves soccer and wrestling and is good at both, though his love of food means his stamina is not its best. He also loves reading and espeically enjoys reading theological books from all denominations. As a resident of eastern congo, he is fluent in french, swahili, and lingala, though his lingala is rather shaky. Gilbert's training as a smith give him the skills of a journeyman fabricator.

Background: Gilbert's father was a farmer in a village in the Katanga Province of Congo. His mother raised Gilbert and his two older sisters for the first four years of his life, until prolonged fighting over the mines in his province led to the death of his family, as well as most of his village. The Ndaimiye children were sent to Kindu in the neighboring Maniema Province. The children grew up, went to school, and managed to have a decent life in the stable city. As a twelve year old boy, Gilbert met a Jua Kali, one of the local smiths who specialized in metal work and black smithing. Many such men made their living in the cities of Central Africa, and Gilbert was amazed by the art of working with metal. He would help the older man out in his shop, fetching water and even learning the basics. As he got better and better, the old man once asked Gilbert if he wanted to learn even greater secrets to manipulating material. He told Gilbert that he was a master of a medicine that let him control the smallest creatures, smaller than the boy could even believe. Under the man's tutelage, gilbert learned the very basics of his alchemy. At first, Gilbert was not sure if what he was doing was moral, but he found a great interest in it and as he learned more and more of the inner workings of it, began to greatly enjoy it almost as a form of art.

Gilbert used his new talents to open up his own shop beside his old friend's, and the two cooperated on large projects. Gilbert was making good money, but he felt he could do better for his family. He started to look into getting a flight out of Congo to America, specifically to a metahuman center where he could continue his research into the metahuman abilities that his black smith friend taught him. Specifically, he is interested in finding a way to monetize his unique talent. Burning through hours on the library computers, he finally came upon Cobalt Hill. Saving up almost all of his money,Gilbert finally took a train to Kinshasa, and then a plane to the states.

Criminal Record: None.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Gilbert is a grand gundam fan, having watched the show as a child in Congo on the french language stations. He enjoys building gundam models, he has at least nine Zaku II's as they are his favorite. Hayate Kobayashi is his favorite character as he has a certain fondness for losers.
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