Derek Marcus

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Derek Marcus

Post by breeevil »

Player Nickname: Bree

Name: Derek Tyler Marcus
Codename: Granite
Age: 24
Date of Birth: 11/22

Height: 6'2
Weight: 170 / 467.5 (Granite is 2.75/1 to human)
Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
Eye Color: Brown
Place of Origin: Omaha
Nationality/Race: Caucasion
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Citizen of Salem
Occupation: Veterinary Technician (Has Associates, working on Bachelors degree)

Personality Profile:
Derek is friendly enough to talk to, but tends to appear rather stern. Some would go so far as to say he lacks emotion, but those people don't know him very well. He has a serious soft spot for animals, the only time he shows alot of smiles is when he is around them, but is very weary of mutants who can turn in to them.

Physical Description:


General Power Information: Geokinetic, with limited shifting abilities

Ability One: Derek can turn inanimate objects into granite. Cool, smooth, shiny granite. Normally with this change there will be an increase in the weight of the object.

Ability Two: Granite form. Derek can become a granite statue. This is handy when someone is persuing him or when he feels like hiding out, because hey.. who really pays attention to statues?

Ability Three: Derek can summon granite, allowing huge chunks of it to come up through the earth where he has directed it to. This is not something he is very practiced at because there is really not alot of opportunity to do so.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Some would blame his lack of giveashit on the fact that he is a stoney mutant. His skin is creepy cold to the touch and he always seems... hard. It's not fun to poke rocks, or.. granite, and he's is not fun to hug.
Once something is turned to granite, it cannot be changed back. This power only works on inanimate objects. Nothing liquid or alive can be turned, like a pond or plant.
In his granite statue form, he can still hear, see and feel, but is unable to move. He can still be injured by anything that would damage granite (like a bullet or a drill, or a BOOM)

Skills: Derek has been taking kick boxing and street fighting lessons since he was a kid. He's not someone a bad guy would want to meet in an alley. He has an eye for interior design, and you'll never guess what his favorite thing to work with is. He can train an animal in almost no time, and has, on several occasions, trained service animals.

Background: Derek led a very normal life. He was born in Omaha in 1987 to a single woman in her 20's who worked as a respiratory therapist in the trauma unit at a local hospital. He would stay with his aunt or grandmother while his mother worked, always attended private schools and got good grades. He was always just a bit withdrawn, not happy but not sad.. nothing to cause alarm in his family.
Not being a fan of traditional sports or extra curricular activites, his mother enrolled him into kick boxing and street fighting classes when he was 5, and he continues to take those classes to this day. While in middle school he started with the FFA, and discovered his deep love for animals. He decided then that he wanted to be a veterinarian, or something of the like. It was then that he started adopting every animal he found, dogs, cats, birds, lizards.. anything. His mother, while not thrilled about it, let it go, figuring Derek did not have alot of friends and this was the only way the boy ever showed any real emotion.
His power showed itself when he was thirteen. He was playing with one of his newfound puppies in the house, which his mother had all but forbidden, when it piddled on the kitchen floor. Derek freaked out, thinking his mother would make him give the little pup away, and scrambled to clean the mess. Once cleaned up, Derek flopped back down on the floor with the animal, and realized the floors were different. Every inch of tile in the kitchen was now dark, smooth and cold. And granite. As he reached for the kitchen counter to pull herself up and have a panick attack, the kitchen counters turned as well. It was then, he realized, he couldn't move. And when his eyes roamed down to his body he saw that he, too, was made of stone.
It took a few minutes, and a great deal of praying, but he was able to turn himself back into flesh and bone. Upon his mother arriving back home, Derek tried to explain what had happened. Of course, knowing about mutants from the news and such, his mother did not freak out. Rather the opposite. She was delighted. Finally, she knew her son would be okay! Would be able to make a living! His mother started bringing home small things for her son to change into granite, then would sell them. Not thinking of it as being exploited, Derek was happy to do it. For years after, his mother would bring him assorted things to transform, or take him to homes to "re-do" their counters and floors. They made a very nice chunk of change doing this, which turned in to a college fund for Derk.
When he graduated high school he immediately enrolled for veterinary technician courses at a school in Salem, MA. He still goes home now and then, just to make sure his mother is doing well, help her make some extra money by "remodeling" a kitchen or bathroom.
Derek has recently developed an interest in using his powers for more than just money. He loves what he does, working with the veterinarian, working with the FFA, but he's a mutant. Why not embrace it. And how convenient.. Cobalt is right here in Salem.

Criminal Record: A couple of speeding tickets, one dismissed disorderly conduct charge stemming from a fight when he started college.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: As stated, Derek is friendly enough, but not very outgoing. He has never had someone to call a friend, never had a romantic interest in anyone, but is pretty content that way. He owns a stable a ways outside Salem where he houses assorted farm animals. He does employ someone to run the stable for him, but visits often. He has taken up residence at Cobalt now, along with his faithful companion, a Newfoundland named Scraps.
If he sees annyone being mean to an animal, they'd better run, because they're going to have a kick boxing, street fighting, animal crazy, granite throwing man coming after them. He is HUGE on animal rights, and not afraid to show it, however.. he will eat meat. If asked about it, he says he pretends what he eats died of natural causes.
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