Daniel Mystiq [ Kid Mystiq ]

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Daniel Mystiq [ Kid Mystiq ]

Post by Nobody-Nothing »

Player Nickname: Angel`Pearson

Name: Daniel Mystiq
Codename: Kid Mystiq
Age: 21
Date of Birth: 12/20

Height: 6'3
Hair Color: Dirty blonde
Eye Color: Green
Place of Origin: Cairo, Egypt
Nationality/Race: Caucasian
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant/Magic

Status: Resident
Occupation: Former Kid Sidekick

Personality Profile: A basically kind hearted boy who wants to do what he can to help people. He's developed a strong sense of humor dealing with the crazy that traveling with his parents attracted, and a dangerous thrill seeking streak from being involved in their work from a very young age.

Physical Description:


General Power Information: Mutant manipulation of mystical objects. Daniel possesses a unique mutation which requires interaction with a magical artifact to work. He is able to draw out the latent mystical energy contained within a given object, amplifying it and combining it with his own spiritual energy to form a tool or weapon based on the properties of the artifacts origin, and each successive time afterward when his mutation is used on that artifact, it will transform into the same tool or weapon. For example: A troll's tooth might yield a dagger that temporarily changes a surface it slices into stone, with a weakness for
sunlight and UV rays, and each time afterward his mutation is used on the tooth it will become the same dagger
with the same properties.

Ability One: Scarab of the Pharoh: A small, red precious stone from the head dress of a mummy in thrall to a minor villainous sorcerer. Upon activation of his mutation, the stone shifts and grows into a large red scarab of the same material which latches on to his back. Bandages flow from the scarab to wrap his upper arms and tops of his legs, a few hanging free in a kind of tattered cape. With the scarab he is able to manipulate these bandages through force of will, feeding energy in to increase their length, using them to trip up or bind an enemy, or to latch onto objects to propel him in a kind of half assed webslinging. This was the first object to be used
when his abilities manifested, and his familiarity with it makes him very adept in its use. Physical changes are
minor, resulting only in a darkening of the skin, and loss of color in his eyes.

Ability Two: Jiang Shi Soul Knife: A black talon looted from the corpse of a Jiang Shi (a chinese vampire-like creature who absorbs the chi, or life force of a victim) on an expedition to rural china where his parents were drawn to deal with an infestation of the chi sucking monsters. Upon activation of his mutant ability, the talon becomes a straight chinese short sword with a tasseled hilt, formed from the latent energy within the talon, and his own spiritual energy. It can be used as a normal edged weapon, but by focusing his will he can activate the knives abilities.
An aura in the form of a pale blue haze envelopes its length, and it loses its properties as a bladed weapon, instead phasing into the body or object it strikes, it begins to gradually drain the spiritual energy of its victim or the magical construct it is used upon. The drain is accompanied by intense physical pain at the moment of impact, which vanishes the moment the knife is withdrawn, leaving no wound behind. A drain in physical energy is all that is left, increasing the longer contact with the blade is maintained. With prolonged exposure a powerful lethargy sets in, which also increases the longer one is exposed. If a victim is magically inclined the drain in spiritual energy will effect spellcasting or magical ability corresponding to the length of time the blade is in contact, disrupting spells and magical constructs.The effects of the blade require only a couple hours downtime to recover from at the lowest level, with a full nights sleep required for medium contact, prolonged exposure can result in a deep, sleep like state, from which one can recover once enough energy has been built back up within their person, or the required energy is transferred to their body by a third party. Physical changes include sharp claws, and an extreme paling of the skin.

Ability Three:

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Magical backlash from the energy contained within the objects induces weaknesses and sometimes physical alterations based on the artifacts origin.

Jiang Shi Soul Knife: A weakness in direct sunlight and UV rays, susceptibility to religious and faith based objects, and wooden weapons. A cross, say simply on a wall would do nothing, but a cross or religious object in the hands of one who believes would serve as protection for the wielder, and burn painfully were he to come into physical contact. His relative inexperience with the blade, and the energy used in its formation and
activation make its use extremely draining.

Scarab of the Pharoh: While the magical energy flowing through the bandages makes them a great deal stronger then average, a bladed weapon can still slice through them very easily. In this state he is weak against fire, not just the bandages themselves, but his entire person.

Skills: Daniel can speak and understand a good deal of common phrases in a number of forgein countries from travelling with his parents. He can speak more fluently in a small number of them where they have stayed for extended periods, or where they have returned a number of times. Growing up with a pair of mystical adventurers for parents, and being involved with their work from a very young age has given him a familiarity with the workings of magic despite not being a full practioner, as well as a familiarity with a number of mystical beings, and their strengths and weaknesses.

Background: The son of a pair of pretentious, globe trotting magical adventurers Daniel was subject to a very unique upbringing. His father, and mother, self proclaimed "Doctor and Mistress of the arcane arts" knew how to cultivate an image, going so far as to legally change their surnames to match their alias they dedicated their lives to the pursuit of magical knowledge....and of course, this was the perfect enviroment to raise a child in. Constantly dragged from one country to the next in his parents pursuit of this ancient artifact or that villainous sorcerer of course Daniel was dragged into the conflict, having survived more assassination and kidnapping attempts by age ten then he could count on both hands. A master of marketing, his father attained a sort of D-list celebrity status for the family, brokering deals for comic books, cheaply made action figures, and even a horrible VH1 style reality TV show...Because running around the planet hunting artifacts and evil isn't cheap. When his mutation manifested at the early age of eleven, his parents were ecstatic, shoving the boy into a gawdy costume, giving him the alias Kid Mystiq and dragging the poor boy onto the front lines of their quest to right their perceived wrongs of the magic world, and get ratings. Daniel was thrilled himself, what kid doesn't want to play super hero?
For years he played along happily, helping Doctor and Mrs. Mystiq chase down rare occult artifacts and face scheming sorcerers and irate mythical beings. Eventually though the near weekly kidnapping attempts and random attacks, and most of all his parents overbearing nature drove him to a decision to break away from their shadow to make start on his own path. He returned to the U.S and just kind of drifted a bit, enjoying his new found freedom before hearing of the Cobalt Hill sanctuary, drawn by stories of the unique events therein.

Criminal Record: A number of trespassing charges incurred as a result of his work with his parents, along with several
charges of disturbing the peace or its local equivalent, they were all received abroad. His record in the US is clean so far.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: (This is what makes a character unique. What do they like? What don't they like? Any crippling fears? Do their powers cause them to glow in the dark? Vegetarian? Eat live sheep? Etc, etc! All the little things that make your character different from the rest!)
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