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Edwin "Eddie" Carlisle

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:47 pm
by Blind Guardian
IRC Nickname: Edwin

Name: Edwin Abraham Carlisle IV
Alias: Eddie
Age: 20
Date of Birth: September 19
Hometown: New Rochelle, New York

Height: 6'1"
Weight: 165 lbs.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Nationality/Race: American

Occupation: Student/Musician

Personality Profile: Generally easy-going and laid back, Eddie tends to get passionate when talking about music, and occasionally about mutant rights. He's outgoing and likes new people and new places, and is generally the one in a group willing to try just about anything once. He's been in a few bands with a socially conscious message, and would probably be a vegetarian if his powers didn't give him a periodic urge to hunt prey and eat it.

Physical Description: Tall and thin, Eddie appears to be all arms and legs. His hair is an unruly mop that never quite does what he wants it to, no matter how much hair styling product is applied. On an average day, he looks like a member of a Ramones tribute band. He typically wears jeans, black band t-shirts, a leather jacket, and Chuck Taylors or steel-toed boots.

Character Picture (Optional):


Mutation/Powers: Arachnid Metamorphosis

Giant Spider Form : Eddie takes on the form of a giant black and brown tarantula, with a body approximately six feet long, and standing approximately four feet high in its most common posture. He possesses eight furry legs, two pedipalps with opposable thumbs that give him limited ability to manipulate objects, multiple eyes, and a pair of articulated fangs. In this form, he is capable of climbing virtually any surface that can support his weight, and can leap distances up to thirty feet. He can extrude webbing from his spinnerets to rappel down surfaces or construct snares, but cannot produce it quickly enough to shoot webbing out offensively, or project it far enough to use it to bridge gaps. His abdomen is coated with urticating hairs, which he can use as a defense mechanism by rubbing his rearmost legs against his abdomen to throw up a cloud toward antagonists. The hairs cause irritation to the eyes, nose, and throat, induce coughing fits if inhaled, and general itchiness and irritation if embedded in the skin. His fangs can inject a non-fatal paralytic poison, though several bites would be required to incapacitate a healthy adult human. In general, a single bite would cause numbness and loss of muscular coordination, a second would lead to muscle spasms and difficulty moving, and a third would leave the victim paralyzed and unable to move. This form possesses a keen sense of smell, and sensitivity to air currents and vibrations thanks to sensory hairs on his legs, which allows him to perceive things outside his line of sight. He describes the sensation as feeling an object blindfolded to figure out what it is.

Hybrid Form : In his other mutant form, Eddie has a mixture of human and arachnoid features. He possesses two sets of human arms, a pair of arachnid legs sprouting from his shoulder blades, and black insect eyes at his temples and across his forehead. In this form, he is still able to speak and manipulate objects, but lacks the urticating hairs and venomous bite of his full spider form. He retains his climbing abilities, but does not possess the spider form's ability to leap great distances. He displays increased strength in this form; flipping a car over onto its roof would be possible for him, but not lifting it and throwing it. He can produce webbing in this form via spinnerets located in his navel, but is still subject to the same limitations noted above. The arachnid legs retain the sensory hairs of his spider form, and are almost constantly twitching and swaying as they attempt to gather information, but he doesn't have a 360 degree field of awareness as he does in his spider form.

Human Form: Eddie possesses a highly limited version of his air current and vibration sense while in his human form. He can usually tell when something or someone is moving around behind him, but can't identify specific objects as he can in his other forms. His ability to climb is within the limits of what an accomplished free climber is capable of.

Drawbacks/Weaknesses : Eddie has poor vision in his hybrid form, and just sees blurs of color in his full arachnid form, and must rely on his sense of smell and perception of vibrations and air movement. Loud noises and strong smells can overpower him and leave him disoriented. His spider form cannot speak, and has a limited ability to manipulate objects. He possesses no superhuman durability, so gunshots are quite fatal to him.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future? He would like to expand the uses of his current abilities, since he's had very limited opportunities to practice them before coming to Cobalt.

Background: The Carlisle family has been a force in New York politics for decades, and Eddie can count several present and former office holders, lobbyists, and high-priced attorneys among his relatives. He was born in a wealthy part of Westchester County, New York, and was groomed to follow in his father's footsteps from a young age. Discovering his mutation was actually a huge relief for Eddie, since it was a way out from the life that had already been planned out for him. Eddie and his family came to an understanding that it would be for the best if his status as a mutant didn't become a media feeding frenzy, since his family wasn't eager to become champions of mutants rights any more than he was interested in being a spokesman for the cause. He left the private prep school he'd been attending, and went to three different high schools during his final two years of school, often sleeping on other people's couches. While in Boston to play a couple of shows with one of his previous bands, he met a band looking for a new bassist and decided to stay in Boston, where he has lived for the past year. He's recently decided to enroll in Cobalt Academy to continue his education, since he's realized that he can't work part time jobs and play to small crowds in dive bars indefinitely.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
X - Eddie has played bass and occasionally sung vocals for several bands in New York and Boston, though none have ever been signed to a record label. His Fender bass and Marshall amp are among his most prized possessions.
X - Eddie is the oldest of four children. He has three younger sisters: Amanda, Victoria, and Courtney.