Elisha Esperanza [Nephilim]

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Elisha Esperanza [Nephilim]

Post by Nephilim »

Player Nickname: Nephilim / Elisha`Esperanza

Name: Elisha Esperanza
Codename: Nephilim
Age: 17
Date of Birth: December 22

Height: 5'7"
Weight: 117
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Place of Origin: Albuquerque, New Mexico
Nationality/Race: Mexican-American
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Trainee
Occupation: Student

Personality Profile: Elisha is somewhat uncertain of herself after her experiences post-mutation. In particular, large crowds tend to make her uncomfortable, especially if the attention is on her. Despite this, she desperately wants companionship; to be around people, to belong, to have friends. She remains somewhat shy and quiet, but tries to force herself to interact more with fellow students at the Sanctum (with varying degrees of success). Despite her encounter with religious mania, she remains a devout Catholic. She remains rather quiet about it, not the type to preach or try to convert people. She tries to maintain an open mind, only occasionally encountering issues that are foreign to her somewhat sheltered upbringing. Still, she remains a largely judgmental type.

Physical Description:


General Power Information: Avian Evolution

Ability One:Wings
Elisha possesses a pair of feathered wings that allow her to fly like a bird. Her wingspan measured 16 feet when fully extended. Though flexible and hollow, her wings are the most powerful part of her body. The wing of a goose can break a grown man's arm, Elisha's wings have a similar effect.

Ability Two: Aerial Adaptation
Elisha's physiology has mutated to aid in her ability to fly safely. Her bones hollow, flexible bones reduce her body weight, relieving some of the force needed for liftoff and sustained flight. Her eyesight is preternaturally keen, enabling her to see detail at far distances. They have also evolved in such a way as to protect them from high-speed winds and debris that would blind a normal person. In addition, she is able to withstand the cold and thin air of higher atmospheres.

Ability Three: Strength
Elisha's muscle mass is proportionately greater than most people her size. This is partially due to the amount of effort it would take to generate enough force to life a full grown person off the ground with a pair of wings.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Elisha's bones are hollow to aid her in flight. Though they tend to be a bit more flexible than human bones (particularly her wings), they do have a certain fragility to them. Her maneuverability and effectiveness is combat is drastically reduced in indoor situations. Unlike some winged mutants, her wings are difficult to fold and rather painful to bind, making disguising them difficult. This could lead to some awkwardness outside the Sanctum, and danger from those who would wish to harm mutants.

Skills: Elisha was a fair soccer player in her youth, though she has yet to really try since her mutation. The addition of wings and the changes in her physiology could make it difficult. She's a promising, if undisciplined artist. She's been shown to have some raw talent, but it has yet to be refined by proper instruction.

Background: Elisha spent most of her life with her family on the outskirts of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Born to a devout Catholic family, things were normal and copacetic. Soccer on Saturday, church on Sunday. A somewhat quiet girl, she was well-liked in school if not overly popular. Then came the day her X-gene kicked in and large feathery wings tore from her back. Suddenly, things were not so normal. Her parents and the religious community took it as a sign; a blessing. An angel come to Earth! From far and wide, the people came: "Heal my cancer!", "bless my baby!" Understandably, Elisha was a bit overwhelmed by this all. Not only was she an outcast for her mutation, she was now held separate from humanity. Thinking her divine, even her family treated her differently. Elisha learned what it was to be surrounded by people at all times and yet be completely alone. Eventually, things went south. It's hard to be a teenage angel, and the fanatical can be unforgiving. So Elisha fled. She had heard about the Sanctum when trying to find people like herself so that was the only destination she could think of. So Elisha fled, and Elisha flew. To the Sanctum, to a new life, to a new beginning where she could be something different. Not a freak, not an angel, just herself.

Criminal Record: None
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