Mathias Thews [Embers]

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Mathias Thews [Embers]

Post by TFB71 »

Player Nickname: TFB71

Name: Matthis Thews
Codename: Embers
Age: 19
Date of Birth: 21 February, 1993

Height: 6'
Weight: 195 lbs
Hair Color: Sandy Blonde
Eye Color: Gray
Place of Origin: Mercer, PA
Nationality/Race: United States citizen, Caucasian
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Trainee and Resident
Occupation: Apprentice Electrician

Personality Profile:
Matthias is a serious-minded young man, but is not bitter or angry. He has a good sense of humor and doesn't mind a bit of good-natured ribbing and sarcasm.
He has a fairly decent short term memory and an excellent long term but is not eidetic.
Since childhood, he has been raised with a solid Puritan Work Ethic: "Do all you can, for all you can, to give all you can." Since entering the work force, he's
gotten a first-hand look at how difficult it can be to hold to this ethic, but he tries as well as he is able.
Politically, Matthias is best described as a Constitutional Republican, having been influenced a great deal by the writings of America's Founding Fathers, as well
as by the philosophies of Montesquieu, John Locke and Ayn Rand. He was raised in a fairly active Christian home environment and sees life through that lens.

Physical Description:
Mathias is an athletically built young man, who keeps himself fit through regular exercise and engages in an eclectic assortment self-taught hand-to-hand
He most often wears blue jeans or khaki cargo pants, long sleeve flannel shirt (even in the hottest weather), and work boots or hiking shoes.


General Power Information:
Matthias produces and stores a napalm-like substance that he is able to excrete like sweat from his pores. He can use this as a short-range distance attack by
flicking it at targets or to enhance his melee attacks with a continuous burning attribute. He can 'fire hose' this substance, but doing so exceeds the elasticity
of his skin, leaving him with with severe injuries and the possibility of his 'napalm' getting into his blood stream.

Ability One:
High tolerance and resistance to fire and heat. He can withstand open flames and radiant sources up to a temperature of 1300 degrees Fahrenheit before taking

Ability Two:
Moderate resistance to hard radiation. Due to his cold-blooded metabolism and resistance to heat and flame, Matthias can absorb considerably more hard
radiation (alpha, beta, and gamma particles, as well as microwaves, RF, EMF, and most ionizing forms), allowing him a maximum exposure rate of 26 REM, as
compared to a normal human's tolerance of only 6 REM.

Ability Three:
To a degree, he has learned how to consciously control his excretions, allowing him to better regulate his body heat.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:
Due to Matthias' cold-blood metabolism, he is extremely sensitive to cold. If exposed to temperatures of 58 degrees Fahrenheit or less, he will begin to go into
torpor and autonomically begin excreting 'napalm' to bring his body temperature back up to safe levels. Even with protective clothing, he is never truly comfortable
at temperatures less than 82 degrees Fahrenheit.

Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Despite having no formal training, he is better than average at defending himself, but nowhere near what would be considered a
martial arts black belt. He is, at best, a disciplined brawler.
Labor: Matthias has decided to continue is education through college at Cobalt Hills, and pays a portion of the cost through a work program that has him
apprenticed to the facility's on-site electrician. He has declared no major yet, but is becoming proficient at blue collar labor.
Social Sciences: Well read and inquisitive, Matthias has a general knowledge of philosophies and socioeconomics. He can often be found listening to
conservative talk radio, giving him an expanded awareness of the national political scene.
Research: If he becomes interested in a field of study, Matthias knows how to locate, collate, and parse information into a learnable format, allowing him to
generate course studies and cirriculi.

Matthias has always been different. He was the only newborn in post-natal care to have an asbestos blanket. Or so the joke goes. No one knows why he was born
with a radically altered physiology, but his parents did the best they could in raising him. To alleviate the added expense and hazard of his upbringing, due largely
to fire damage, they agreed to allow an interested corporation to conduct non-invasive studies. As such, much of Matthias' childhood was in a far more sheltered
and controlled environment than most other children's.
As he grew older and began learning to control his powers, he was let out more often. To aid him in this, one inventive technician with the study group rigged a
thermal suit for him to wear under his normal clothes, which operated much like an electrical blanket. Making friends was difficult, as there were very few other
children at the research facility and few of the other parents in the neighborhood wanted their children exposed to Matthias.
Thus, having little in the way of a social life, his attention turned toward academics. This has given him a more advance education than most children his age,
but he did not start understanding what he had learned until his early teen years. It was then that he took an active interest in the tangible world around him, no
longer content with just books and theoreticals.
He began paying attention to politics, local at first, and later the national. He really took off when he saw his first Jet Li movie, sparking a mania with the martial
arts. At last, after discussions with his parents, he started looking seriously at his rapidly approaching adulthood. He determined that he shouldn't be an academic,
but take an active role in the real world. To this end, he enrolled at Cobalt Hills, so that he might further his education while picking up useful trade skills.

Criminal Record:
No criminal record to date.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
Matthias prefers bland foods, usually things he can eat without having to cook them too much. He prefers his steaks a bit pink rather than well done, and can't stand
carbonated beverages. Sugary foods hold no appeal for him, although he finds particularly sour or bitter foods enjoyable.
A regular bookworm. If Matthias didn't have a well established daily plan for himself, he'd ensconce himself in Cobalt Hills' library and wouldn't emerge except for food
and sleep. Well, maybe for food...
He only gives a person one warning before he takes action for what he considers hostile intentions or acts against himself.

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