Daniel Kennedy [Manifold]

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Daniel Kennedy [Manifold]

Post by Evad »

Player Nickname: Evad/Evasion

Name: Daniel Kennedy
Alias:  Dekkan (pronounced Dee-Ken)
Codename:  Manifold
Age: 19
Date of Birth: 5/21

Height: 5'10
Weight: 147lbs.
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Place of Origin: Hoboken, New Jersey
Nationality/Race: Scottish-American
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant
Family:  Orphan

Status: Refugee
Occupation: Grifter

Personality Profile:  A man of many hats and even more faces. He's an adaptable showman with a penchant for being a perfect mimic. He lives for the con, and while he has very few moral scruples, a decent humanity can be found under the shell games he plays. Rarely will he show the true colors of his inward nature, keeping a part of himself hidden and locked away with some baseline trust issues, and a fear of loss over attachment.

Physical Description: 

General Power Information: Self Duplication

Ability Detail:  Possessing an extremely high mitosis level, this particular mutation allows his cellular makeup to be split far and above the peak human levels. This has allowed Dekkan to actually divide his entire person into a brand new copy of himself, down to every last detail. Retaining the exact state and form he is currently in; clothes, age, and any imperfections or flaws at that current time. The process has become vastly quick overtime, allowing him to create a duplicate in mere seconds. While most cellular structures have a rather short shelf life, especially when being copied; his retain a high consistency rate of barely any genetic defects.

Each copy of Dekkan is rather docile at the start, playing into the thought patterns and desires of the original. Though as time moves on they become more independent feeding off of the exposure to the circumstances they find themselves in. The copies function in a hive mind mentality at the start, allowing a sense of location for all the newly formed clones. As time moves on, the clones begin to break way from the hive mind and develop their own patterns of thought. Some have even developed different personalities dependent upon their surroundings and influences. With the current amount of knowledge, they are able to function perfectly in the situation as the original would. Because of attaining the same genetic structure, they are gifted as well with the same ability of creating duplicate copies.

Dekkan is also able to reabsorb the copies rather than leave them out to clutter up the world. During absorption, he gains everything that clone has learned and understood. From thoughts and memories to skills and talents. All genetic coded material, muscle memory, and brain chemistry. Only the original can absorb the clone. The copies of himself that made others can absorb their own copies, but a copy can never take on the original that created it. Re-absorption may seem as instant as the creation, but the process of learning takes longer to catalog and store. A side effect of the ability to re-absorb a clone is the ability to heal wounds with good genetic material. If an original has encountered an injury that a previous made clone does not hold, the re-absorption will heal that particular wound during that process.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:  Dekkan 'Prime' is able to currently create up to five clones from himself at a time. Anymore from his original self creates a high strain on his body, and drains him of energy. Normally he likes to keep this number to around 2 or 3. Each clone has the same inherent weakness, but with enough copies making copies that could be easily taken care of. Because of the increasing independence of the copies, he must be careful to absorb them when he has the chance, otherwise they could become free radicals.

At creation, all clones are more linked into the hive mind, and thus share similar pains and experiences psychically. The death or serious injury of a clone during this time would be very taxing on the mind of the original it came from, and be spread amongst all clones from that immediate group. Because of these reasons, if Dekkan were to create copies and those copies continued to multiply in a short period of time he would start to lose hold on his mind, and possibly drive himself insane with all the voices running about in his head, and by extent all the clone's heads.

Conversely, in absorption, he has to try and decipher memories and experiences. Too much information at once will cause headaches, and confusion. The skills and abilities learned are sometimes unknown even to Dekkan if he hasn't sorted through all the memories of the absorbed clones lifespan. Thus he tends to do quick absorption so he doesn't have to mull through weeks and sometimes years of data. He must be in physical contact with the clones in order to absorb them.

Skills: Dekkan is a technological virtuoso and a highly proficient con-artist. An excellent eye for forgery, sleight-of-hand, pick-pocketing, and a very healthy vocabulary. Speaks seven languages fluently, and has dabbled in several instruments of his own choosing. He's well read and informed on a great deal of subjects. He's also adept in the art of free-running mainly used to avoid the police. Rarely does he need to use it, but he's stored up several years of martial arts experience thanks to what he can learn from his mutation.

Background: Very little is known about the circumstances that put him on that doorstep of the Hoboken Home for lost little boys and girls. And the only clues of that past were kept from the boy in the bassinet for several years. All that was known was a signpost above the bed in the orphanage giving only a partial homage to his origin. “D. Ken” the letters stamped onto a engraved ID tag along with a cross hung on a silver chain. Daniel Kennedy didn't know his name, and for several years that would remain a complete mystery. Taking what he did know, the orphanage staff and other kids all knew him by the singular name he put together early on; Dekkan.

Most children in the orphanage had a fairly strong hope that it wouldn't be that way forever, and tried to do their best on presentation day to be picked. It was a con, and it would be his first. He learned how to manipulate the emotions and exploit his age to get where he wanted to go. He'd seen it done before and it became a practiced art, not only on presentation days, but in general. Some children became bitter when they were not picked, it shaped them to become harder, tougher and more resilient, and in the more unfortunate cases, it turned them into bullies. If it wasn't for the bully that took issue with being out-witted by a boy four years younger than him, Dekkan might have had to wait a little while longer to know his ability. Being pushed over and thrown to the ground, Dekkan didn't just get up. Three of him did. All brushing themselves up and looking very formidable in number to the outmatched bully.

This development, as surprising as it was, couldn't be kept quiet and was looked down upon for adoption. People came to adopt one child, not three or seven or however many he might split off into. Though it didn't start with any amount of control, and the first two that split off remained in the orphanage for the next three years. The clones hung out with their primary and began to develop into separate people of their own. Each spent time reading various books from the library they stored there, practicing some sleight of hand or other varied interests. More than once they were known to plot together to really take advantage of the system. Thankfully there was some leadership there that was not willing to make him a freak example and try and transfer him out. He was their 'problem' as it were.

This decision wasn't cemented anymore than the day one of the clones got it in his mind to go out for presentation. Leading to a bitter fight between the three of them, Dekkan and his other selves were enraged against each other and went into a full down fight. The sudden and abrupt end being when a left hook didn't knock down Dekkan prime, but instead absorbed both as he took the blow and fell back on the other. For the next two days he locked himself in his room trying to come to grips with what just happened. For an 11 year old boy it was horribly confusing, but in hind-sight a massive learning experience.

Trial and error periods came next as he watched classes of children come in and come out of the orphanage. He couldn't be adopted, and that was honestly not his main goal at the time. He could do something that no one else could, until she came along. Far older than most kids to come into the orphanage, she was a reject of a family that had moved and wasn't going to pay the cost to transfer her back to her own orphanage. Sarah was beautiful and immediately caught Dekkan's attention as a very curious 14 year old boy. Not only was she just about his age, but she too was different. People said she heard voices, and no one really named her as a telepath, but it didn't matter. Labels didn't matter to him, or to her. They became fast friends as soon as Dekkan showed off for her, and she likewise.

Thanks to a combination of talents, the two decided that living in a orphanage was quickly something that were out-growing. No kid was meant to live in the same place without a real home. The streets were much more fun, and freeing. The pair took off and in what others would call puppy love, they combined their efforts in order to eat, find shelter and basically fend for themselves. By now he had a good understanding of some of the basics of his ability, and Sarah was a natural mind reader. The two became a con-show, swindling people out of hard earned money, and taking what they needed. A fifth story loft of an abandoned church became their nest. It wasn't much to look at, but soon became a fortress, with everything the pair needed.

In agreement, Sarah and Dekkan decided to pull off the best con they could come up with. They were going to find their parents without going through the normal channels. Using their gifts they broke into the hospital records and discovered some of the background information on their births. With a good bit of practice, Sarah was able to deduce key parts of their lives and memories with the information that Dekkan could get his hands on. It was the unfortunate knowledge that Sarah's parents didn't abandon her, but died that ended this happy partnership. She was devastated, and after several nights of Dekkan trying his best to comfort her, she left and he never saw her again.

Several years later, and a lot more knowledge Dekkan is on his own as a refugee from the Orphanage, and from mainstream society. He's become quite silver-tonged and amassed a fortune of information and skill to keep himself steps ahead of anyone who would of tried to take him in. He relaxed a little in the pursuit when he slid passed the age of having to go to school. Nineteen years old, and free, he moved quite a bit always getting by with either a charming smile, or a quick duplicate to avoid being taken in for hopping another train or boosting another car. Currently making his home in Salem, with two goals on his mind. Live his own life, and someday, he would find her again.

Criminal Record: Alleged in a number of crimes, but never convicted or caught.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Wears the tag and cross on his chain everywhere he goes. Dekkan has a collection of false passports, IDs, and alias he keeps tucked away in an old shoebox with a false bottom. A faded picture remains his only tie to the girl he never saw again in his real wallet. Dekkan and all his copies are inherently left handed. He still has no idea who his birth parents are, but that doesn't stop him from claiming false ones with a high degree of believability. Agent Smith from the Matrix Trilogy is his favorite Sci-Fi character.
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