Eberto Braulio [Noche]

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Eberto Braulio [Noche]

Post by vile »

Player Nickname: vile

Name: Eberto Braulio
Codename: Noche [also Pollo de la Noche]
Age: 20
Date of Birth: November 25, 1992

Height: 6'1
Weight: 210
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Dark brown
Place of Origin: Dallas, TX
Nationality/Race: Mexican American
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Other
Occupation: Thug, drug dealer, other questionable jobs. Legit job staffing at Rudy's Repo, does some locksmithing jobs.

Personality Profile: Above everything else he's outspoken. Eberto wasn't born with a filter between his brain and mouth and says whatever he's thinking. He can easily come across the wrong way because of this but, for the most part, he's a friendly guy. Unless he's given a reason to dislike a person, he just defaults on liking everyone. But if given the order to rearrange a guy's face or they get on his bad side, he's quick to start shouting and getting physical.

Physical Description: Reasonably tall, compact and well-toned. Years of training and an active lifestyle are quite apparent especially when he struts around in a wifebeater and loose shorts. Eberto's attractive and knows it. His jaw's angular and lined by a thin beard with a soul patch on his chin. He also has two snakebite piercings under his lower lip with studs tipped with spikes.

Clothing can vary. He prefers comfort over style and sticks to plain wifebeaters, t-shirts and the occasional button-up shirt. Or none at all. He wears only a jacket from time to time. Pants can be sagging but are always held up by a leather belt with a buckle that varies in design. He favors heavy boots that can kick some ass but they're always new or almost new: the treads can't be worn down at all due to his abilities. If they can't hold the ground well he has to toss the shoes and get a new pair. Sunglasses are sported from time to time but generally not worn. He makes no special effort to make any of his tattoos visible.

Tattoos: [all script is in a pirate font]
  • * Scythe on the side of his neck. A banner winds around it that reads Death before dishonor.

    * Large piece on his side of a stylized rooster in mid-fight complete with steel talons attached to its legs. Pollo de la noche is underneath it.

    * Stars and blood splatters on his right hand. NOCHE spelled out across the first segments of his fingers and thumb.

    * A beautiful woman with her face painted to look like a candy skull is etched over his heart to memorialize his dead sister. Below it is his mother and father's names along with his own. A small silver talon is on either side of his name.

    * Made in America on his right buttcheek.


General Power Information: Stat boosts, limited shifting

Ability One: Limited shifting [chicken features]
  • * Activated by will or a particularly strong surge of emotions [fear, excessive rage] but accidental change is rare.

    * Not a full change or even to an anthro level.

    * When activated he grows a sharp pointed beak that's five inches in length, his hair shifts to feathers, fingernails turn to 2 inch long talons and forearms grow hard scales.
Ability Two: Self-boosting
  • * Boosting is activated by shifting.

    * Speed and agility: Able to move several times faster than his normal limitations. It gives him a distinct advantage in a fight or flight situation. [EX: sprints at 40-60MPH instead of an average 20. Kicks go from 1000 pounds of force to 1500-2000]. Coupled with agility to make successfully completing turns and some acrobatics possible without always leading to injury.

    * Strength: A boost that makes him roughly two to three times higher than his normal range. [EX: able to deliver a punch with 1000-1500 pounds of force instead of his usual 500].

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:

* Limited shifting:
  • * Required for him to use his other abilities at this point in time. It is very noticeable and draws unwanted attention to him.

    * The beak and talons make mundane tasks difficult [eating, using utensils etc]

    * Too impractical to maintain the shifted form for very long.
* Self-boosting
  • * Requires him to be shifted and the effects do not extend beyond the time that he's shifted. Isn't necessarily active while shifted and is controlled at will.

    * The extra energy spent drains his supply quickly. To maintain the boost he either has to have easy access to food or risk losing muscle mass and other complications from starvation. This includes fainting, passing out, dizziness and a host of other issues.

    * Increased agility only goes so far. While his body moves faster his brain doesn't always keep up. If he loses focus he can lose footing and face serious injury depending on the situation.

  • * Enjoys running around Salem and traversing the urban landscape as quickly as possible. It often requires more than just running. Some acrobatics, quick thinking, agility and strength are all necessary.

    * Hand-to-hand combat. It's something he learned early in life through necessity and continues to practice with his buddies. There's no school of combat that he follows. He doesn't specialize in any style but he has a clue about most. This makes his attacks diverse and it difficult to know what's coming.

    * Good with many types of mechanical equipment including weapons. Again he doesn't specialize with any one thing, not even the common handgun or computer, but can operate and repair a good selection of machinery. Cars, motorcycles, large and small firearms, A/C units, pretty much anything a guy can come across in a hard day's work.

    * Navigating an obstacle-filled terrain with his dirtbike at reasonably high speeds. While he can handle a fast car, it's not at the level of skill that he can manage with the bike.

    * Pickpocketing is a skill he's known for years and relies on it periodically.

Background: Eberto's childhood was a good one despite growing up in an impoverished section of town. Crime and violence was always hovering nearby and the wail of sirens more common than songbirds. He was fortunate to not get caught up in much of the bad things going down in the neighborhood and taught to avoid it from a young age. School was something he attended regularly and had stellar grades across the board. Of course he got in fights at school and at home with his siblings but nothing severe.

Things radically changed the day he came home and found cops swarming the area and his home roped off by crime scene tape. The overwhelming flood of emotions caused his first experience with his powers as he transformed into a beaked monster. He fled the area terrified and alone, taking refuge deeper in the city. There he led his life scavenging and gained several sets of skills. Pickpocketing, navigating the urban landscape with speed and agility, general survival and conning a meal out of a random person on the street are things he picked up quickly. Wandering and hitchhiking brought him cross-country and to Salem. There's no reason for the migration other than to seek out new opportunities.

One day while fleeing from a person who didn't appreciate his removal of their car stereo he ran into a man who would be his future caregiver and BFF. The guy, Ian, directed him to safety and took the 12 year old Eberto on as a quasi-adopted kid. Provided with a bed, some good meals, he soon got his health and well-being back on track. It just so happened Ian also spent a good portion of his young life on the street and had a good idea of what Eberto needed to know to keep surviving. The years that followed included rigorous athletic and strength training, studying enough to pass a GED test and get a diploma and a job at a local mechanic's shop, Rudy, who later started a side business repoing cars.

More recently Eberto has taken a turn for the worse. Dealing on the streets pays a hell of a lot more than an honest day's work. There's been several close calls with the cops but he hasn't been caught yet. He has no direction in life other than getting through the day.

Criminal Record: Petty theft, shoplifting, other similar charges. Public disturbance, a few counts of assault. Misdemeanor charge from possession of marijuana and resisting arrest.

  • * Carries around a large caliber handgun but hasn't used it beyond target practice. He has a conceal carry license and the gun's properly registered. It's on him to intimidate a target and to make him feel more secure on and off the job. Location can vary but he prefers to keep it in a shoulder holster over loose in a pocket or jammed into the waistband of his pants.

    * Pair of custom made heavy duty black leather bracelets that's held in place by a couple secure buckles. Each bracelet has a 2" long steel talon that's razor sharp. They aren't particularly useful in a fight but serve to intimidate.

    * Years of beating the stuffing out of gym bags, peoples' faces and rougher surfaces have built up callouses on his knuckles. It enables him to deliver the hard punches he's capable of without damaging his hands as badly as they could be.
Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
  • * Watches Ian's house from time to time and covers some basic expenses. While his address lists Ian's as his primary residence, he tends to stay in a place he rents under a pseudonym.

    * His 'office', the place he conducts most of his business from and prefers to stay, is situated in an old building. It looks foreboding at night as most of the units are empty and the building dark. The inside is much more inviting. Plush couches and overstuffed furniture are tastefully arranged in the large living room. Extra pillows litter the seats and so do blankets. The floor and solid furniture like tables, TV stand and chairs are all a dark hardwood. The whole place is decorated in warm and dark tones. The feeling of luxury extends to the bathroom where a small heater sits under the claw toothed bathtub.

    * Has a great memory. So good that there's no names at all listed in his phone's address book. Everything's listed in random alphanumeric characters. Most are either the contact's first letter of either their proper, code or nickname. Most of his book he can recall off the top of his head without checking his phone.

    * There's a lot of keys on his keyring. Some big, some small, some that don't look like standard keys at all! A few essential lockpicking bits are mixed in there too, ones that have rings soldered to the end so they'll stay on. His car's key fob and a squeaky rubber chicken are the only non-keys in the set. Just what the keys all go to is anyone's guess but the way he handles them suggests he knows exactly what locks they're good for.

    * Owns an old car. The outside is beat up and in pretty bad condition. Segments are rusted out completely, others held together by duct tape and hope. But the tinted windows, fender, lights and other essentials are intact. Technopaths and people riding in the car will probably be the only ones privvy to his secret: the car's working bits are in excellent condition and it's more than adequate to get him from point A to point B with a speedy getaway in the middle. Painted a matte black using cheap spray paint.

    * Also owns a dirtbike. He prefers to ride this around but it's just not practical most days, especially when the weather's bad. Black in color with some stenciled flames on the gas tank.

    * One of his hobbies is doing anything that can improve his strength, speed and other qualities. Much of his free time is spent in a gym he built himself.
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