Dane Calder

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Crunchy Toast

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Joined: Wed Sep 05, 2012 12:50 am

Dane Calder

Post by Crunchy Toast »

Player Nickname: Toasty

Name: Dane Calder
Codename: Blink
Age: 19
Date of Birth: November 11

Height: 5’11”
Weight: 185
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Grey
Place of Origin: Los Angeles, California
Nationality/Race: Mixture of Pacific Islander and Caucasian
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Trainee
Occupation: College Student

Personality Profile: If there was one word that could sum up Dane it would be “carefree”. This is largely a result of his powers. He has an easygoing attitude and is always polite to people, and whenever anyone is talking to him he gives them his undivided attention, as if they were the most important thing at that moment. Because of this he has never had hard time making friends acquaintances wherever he goes.

Despite his carefree attitude, Dane is very disciplined about two things: his body and his education. He used to be the fat kid that people would tease, but through his determination he has managed to reach a high level of fitness. He loves it and can’t imagine ever letting himself go back to the way he was. He is also focused on his education because to him that is the one thing that is the biggest blessing. You can change the world with the right tools, and that begins with intelligence.

To go along with that, Dane likes to consider himself well read and thanks to the marvels of modern technology always has the many books he working on sitting right in his pocket. Another thing that he loves to do is cook. This stems from his devotion to his physical well-being. Why put something in your body that hardly even resembles food? He loves experimenting with dishes from all over the globe, and over the years has picked up a few skills. That is Dane in a nutshell.

Physical Description:
Picture 1
Picture 2

General Power Information: Teleportation

Ability One: Short range teleportation. Dane needs to have a clear sight of where he is going to teleport, fix the image in his mind, imagine himself there, and blink. When he opens his eyes again, he is in the place he imagined he was. The short teleportation currently has a max range of up to half a mile, and a minimum range of 5 feet, but seeing as he prefers ground fighting, he is unable to really use it to beat up the opponent. It makes an excellent means of escape however, and can help him get in advantageous positions in terms of getting into someone’s blind spot to help set up a takedown or something similar. He does have a current daily limit for this, only being able to teleport 7 times before it becomes too draining.

Ability Two: Long range teleportation. This is teleportation to near anywhere on Earth. He can teleport himself alone, or he can take up to (currently) a max of two other people. There are a few rules however, some actual limitations, some made by him to maximize safety. With teleportation to a place far away, Dane has to be looking at it somehow, whether it is through a picture on the Internet, or a movie, or a postcard or whatever. He can’t do a long-range teleportation into a building. It has to be outside, with plenty of space, like a beach. Also he makes sure to teleport about 7 feet above the ground. Better to have a small fall then teleport into somebody. This is pretty draining, and currently he is limited to a long-range teleport once every few days, or once a week if he takes people with him. Still, it makes for excellent vacationing!

Ability Three: Position swap. Currently limited to three a day. He can swap positions with anything. Say someone has the high ground. He could use this power to trade places with that person and get into the advantageous position. He can also swap places with other objects, like a cat. Or a potted plant.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:
  • Dane has to make sure he know exactly where he is going and tries to teleport into open areas to prevent himself from teleporting into, say, a location that has a coat hanger where his heart is.
  • If he teleports too much, going past his current tolerable limits he gets a motion sickness, i.e. weak at the knees and nauseous.
  • If he pushes himself more, he is unable to teleport for at least a week, depending on how far he has traveled.
  • Cooking
  • Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Purple Belt
  • Swimming
  • Surfing
  • Fluent in English, Portuguese, Spanish, and conversant in a myriad of other languages.
Background: Dane was born to normal middle class American family. Dad worked a nine-to-five job at a software company; mom just worked part time until it was time for the kids to come home. He had an older brother and a younger sister, all of them only a year apart. Growing up, life was uneventful, but not unhappy. It was as average as life could get. And that made Dane uncomfortable. Is this life? Is this what I have to look forward to? Being a cog? Everyone around him was normal. No one seemed to have any aspirations. Dane sought a way out.

He found it in the form of video games. Here there is meaning! he thought. In a video game he was a hero. The NPC’s looked up to him. They talked about his latest deeds. The dragon that’s was terrorizing the townsfolk? Taken care of. Corrupt ruler? Replaced. Ancient evil? Repelled. This was his escape, into a world where he was the greatest; in a place he could effect change. He spent hours a day in front of a monitor. His inactivity combined with his snacking habits put him firmly into the category of the obese. Life continued on.

One day he was in the middle of a particularly difficult challenge. He had overcome a powerful wizard that had taken top strategy and precise timing and a few hours to take down. Then the power in the house shut down. Darn electrical storms. He stared at his screen in disbelief. All that hard work, down the tubes. He stared and stared, fixated on the blank screen. Something clicked in his head. These were pixels. He was flesh and blood and bone. And fat. Those bytes of data didn’t matter. Nothing did. He reeled at the realization, cracking a little bit. He needed to escape. He took in a deep breath, blinked, and…

Found himself in Rio de Janeiro. What the fu…? was all he was able to get out before he fainted. Poor Dane.

Next thing he knew he was woken up by some man yelling at him in Portuguese. It looked like he had blocked up the traffic. Whoops. He apologized, hefted his bulk up, and got off the street, the people driving by mumbling something he couldn’t make out. Wait a second! The realization that he wasn’t in front of his computer hit him like a ton of bricks. This was something hard to grasp. How was this possible? He remembered thinking that he needed to get out and imagined that Brazil would be a nice place and taking a breath and blinking. Maybe it would work in reverse. He imagined home, every detail of it, and closed his eyes, and opened them again and found himself outside of his home, drenched from the rain that was falling. That was how he discovered his powers, and that was how he found answers to all of questions.

He got his life in order. This would be the ultimate adventure. He worked hard and shed his extra pounds. He traveled all over the world, especially to Brazil, picked up BJJ training, learned a lot of languages, had a blast, and he still made it home in time for dinner! Usually… Now if only he could meet others like him, who could teach him even more about his own powers, and who he could learn a great deal from, he felt would be closer to his goal of having meaning in life. Thus, with his graduation and acceptance into a great college, Dane made his way to Cobalt hill.

Criminal Record: Never been convicted of anything, but has been in a lot of countries without going through the proper channels to get a visa and permission and whatever else is needed.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
  • He loves cats
  • Cats don’t seem to love him
  • Despite his obsession about his health, he has a real thing for sweets. Especially chocolate
  • He is not fond of heights
  • He can play a didgeridoo
  • Used to lead the most powerful guild in his favorite MMORPG
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