Sanctum 1, spiders 0

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Sanctum 1, spiders 0

Post by vile »

[18:23] * Ambiance It's a pleasant evening out, the wind cooling things nicely. Occasionally a cloud drifts past and things seem to be quite lovely overall. Except for the fact that, in the evening light, the air seemed to twinkle. Not from fairy dust or edible honeydust tossed in the air, but of silken soft strands that seemed to be caught in the wind. They stuck to whatever they touched though not in a way that would impede anything, the most hassle they gave would be the shiver that a person felt when walking through a spiders web and caught unaware.

[19:01] * Ambiance The glinting, glimmering strands seem to increase in number, caught up in the winds. The sky shimmers as they blow in, sticking to windows and trees like christmas tinsel.

[19:02] <vile> The ugly goggie stares at JJ when the techie enters. He replies to the 'hi' with a single bark which is a standard greeting. The tail continues going wild! Happy dog is happy! A glance is cast down to the book he stands on and it appears his efforts to hold an object in one place in spacetime wasn't correct. Oh well. He continues standing on the book because he's given pets. The address isn't far at all and is a house in the rougher side of Salem. More noticable than the address is the clear 'MUTANT' written at the top of his tags. Edward wants to keep him? Gasp! He barks again and starts sniffing at the air, his attention completely shattered. Sniff, sniff. What does he smell? Does JJ have some pretzels or other tasty goodies in his pocket?

[19:04] <Saraia> "And I was so hoping to go mine delving with you too." she quipped back cheerfully, then sobered as she studied him again. "Seriously though, if I thought you wanted to use me for a quick get rich scheme I wouldn't be hanging out here talking with you. And I certainly wouldn't have given you my PS3 handle." she offered him a warm smile, crossing over to the man, arms dropping back to her sides only for one to lift, a hand waving at JJ when she spotted him. "Heyas there JJ. You too, Edward." She was turning to look back to Addisonw hen she blinked, seeming to look past him at the windowed wall that looke dout to teh courtyard. "What the hell is that?" Because there was something seeming to fall from the skies, sticking across plants and trees, the fountain, benches, and even to the windows themselves.

[19:05] <@JJ> The much much younger fellow. JJ chronologically was still but a baby! And acted a heck of a lot closerish to one than his sisters did... although Ash wasn't that far away from the techie. Izzy? Socially inept hermit that she was, may just be the most adult of the trio. Addison would be noticed and waved to though the greeting would not include his more usual chirpy attitude. "Heya Addison! Been a while." Yes. Last time he saw Addison, the man had been ruining JJ's attempts of trying to get to know Georgia. Addison had his reasons though, believing JJ would just treat her as a machine, a toy, not see her as a person. But he did see her as a person! Back to the beaten up doggy and Edward. "Good, otherwise I'd have to be angry with you for letting him get so beaten up." As for JJ's pockets? Ferret treats and some baggy snacks of brain food! He heard Saraia's voice and would look to the windows...

[19:09] <@TellerOfTales> Things seemed to settle in the dusk, the birds falling quiet. Were it not for the gentle breeze carrying those glimmering transluscent strands it would be almost unnatural. The light webbing drifts on the wind, dancing and ducking to and fro. Off in the distance, in the direction of Salem, the sound of sirens could be heard.

[19:11] * [Edward] nods to Saraia as she greets him and is about to reply to JJ that he would -never- harm such a loveable animal when Saraia asks about the strange happenings going on just outside. Edward had known that there was talk of spiders coming back to salem, in addition to butterflies and other weirdness. He was still on the fence as to what this was but now it was happening again so he stands and gives Hunter a few more pats on the head before walking to the window and looking outside. As he hears the sirens he frowns slightly, "Something seems different this time..."

[19:11] <Addison> Saraia was going on about how she wouldn't trust him with various ways of communication and friendly contact if she thought he had ulterior motives and a desire to forcibly spelunk her into some diamond mines, but Addison had already zoned out, tensed and gone still while eyes focused on the scene outside. "It's spider web. I recognize it when I see it. A lot of spiders." Some huge spiders perhaps, and since none of them were visible from the inside of a recreation center, Addison was likely among the first to boldly charge outside for a look. "Gonna go see." And out the door he walks.

[19:12] <vile> Ferret treats and brain food might be tasty and all, maybe earning the techie a good round of begging, but not now! The dog continues to sniff at the air and barks again! Once the sirens are picked up by his ears, he continues to bark! Oh no! Angry pitbull! Edward's forgotten and he bolts over to the window, stares intently out the glass and narrows his eyes. Then he sets to work looking for a door that leads out, barreling into the courtyard (ugly) face-first. Once out he sniffs around the ground, looking for spiders. A glance is taken in Addison's direction but he gets back to work searching for the evil spiders of doom.

[19:19] <@TellerOfTales> Anyone with access to a police scanner would hear the back and forth of frantic voices. Radio stations would interrupt songs and TVs would flash up an emergency alert, all reading the same thing. STAY INDOORS. LOCK YOUR WINDOWS. There was an infestation. Out of sewer drains and forested lands terrifyingly familiar spiders began to pour, more than the local authorities could handle. Where there were sirens only now the sounds mingled with gunshots. Whatever was happening in town seemed to be straight out of some terrifying movie. Unfortunately it wasn't only in town. With the birds having fallen silent the scream of horror of a random Sanctum dweller could be heard. From the woods surrounding the compound came dozens of spiders, all the size of small dogs. Perhaps not entirely terrifying but considering they looked to be larger Brazilian Wandering Spiders and there were so many.. running up to pet one was probably not a good idea.

[19:21] <Saraia> "Spiders. Lovely." she said drily, but she could see it now, the way teh gossamer strands reminded her of a web. she followed to teh doors, though she didn't venture outside quite yet, watching Addison curiously as he did so. "You know, I seem to recall something about really big spiders. Like...bigger than me spiders." It was almost natural now, the shift from flesh to gemstone, as she stepped outside into the courtyard after Addison and the dog to take a look.

[19:23] <@JJ> Bugs.... Insects and Arachnids... JJ shuddered... Spiders butterflies... like with many things due to his unusual origins JJ had to learn the hard way. Things such as fire is hot and you should stop drop and roll, bugs are creepy, an outlet is not a key cleaner, magic isn't only Harry Potter. Bugs. Are. Creepy. That one was firmly ingrained into his mind. Bugs. Zombies. Anything that was a fish that could talk excluding his Uncle Kevin. And look at that his mind wandered. Quite easily distracted just like Hunter was. The dog was barking. How scary! "Woah! doggy! Don't go out there! The spiders are nasty business! Nasty Nasty! He started running after the dog. "Wait! Ack!" He stopped right in his tracks, staring... the spiders... "Eeeeee.....!!!!"

[19:24] <vile> But running up to eat one? Probably also not a good idea. But it's not the first time this dog's been in the ring with something dangerous. Hunter circles around one of the spiders a couple of times before lunging right at it from behind, or as close to behind as he can get, jaws snapping and looking to kill.

[19:30] <Addison> "...Well shit." He hated when he was right because it was always so wrong... ginormous spiders began fleeing out of the woods and the best buddy that he had on his side was... Addison glaned down to his left shoulder where the tiny, pocket inhabiting marsupial was chittering away, idly scratching an ear with his ear leg. "...Oh come on. Th' hell're you going to do against all that?" The bushy tailed sugar glider rubbed its small hands together and pantomimed eating something. "NO! They'll eat you...oh....ohh...I see." Addison put on his game face and glanced to the side at Saraia, then at the dog scouting the yard as well. Did he have the concentration to maintain two...could he...could he... or could he trust the terrible gryphon to roam free without tearing the face from one of their allies. Seconds later, a materialized gloop of ink formed into the feathery and lion creation known as Bruce. The gryph immediatey tore ass across the courtyard, screeching in hunger. "...Goddammit."

[19:31] * [Edward] 's frown deepens as he hears the gunshots and other commotion brought on by the audden invasion. He spots Hunter outside and vanishes -instantly-. he reappears with one foot firmly on the spider's back so fast that one could swear he was almost in two places at once. He shoves his heel down hard in an attempt to snap the creature's thorax, making sure his other foot is behind the spider and out of bite range. He shouts to Hunter, "No! Go inside Hunter!" though he doubted the pooch would understand.

[19:36] <@TellerOfTales> These spiders seemed to have something else on their mind than stopping to have a friendly chat with a pooch but as -Hunter- lunged and snapped at it the arachnid turned and skittered off to the side, two long legs raising up and making jabbing motions towards the dog. The -Gryphon- would find a mobile meal! Though pleantiful the large, yet not as large as stories made people believe, spiders were fragile and made a satisfying crunch when devoured. Sure they were poisonous but that was the Gryphon problem now! As -Edward-s foot whips down he smushes that spider gooily. Yuck!

[19:39] <@JJ> Spiders. Spiders And JJ without a means to defend himself. He was a brainy guy not a brawny guy! Despite the strange behavior of a few nights ago... But then everyone had been acting a little off then. This was why... This was why he needed a laser cannon on his arms. (*cottage cheese*) The power problems! There could be a source capable of keeping a good charge and letting his arm be useful afterwards. Although... He did have a few flashbangs on him. That was it. Yes. If he lived he'd carry a blaster or incorporate things. Carry some gizmos! And wait a tic... "Is that a gryphon??! Awesome! Oh right. Spiders." JJ looked around... "ahhhh...." Mecha arm couldn't be poisoned. Mecha arm was stronger than flesh arm... It was spider punching time!

[19:40] <vile> Hunter looks surprised when Edward shows up out of nowhere to smash his quarry! Instead of scooting off like ordered, he gives Edward a clear look of indignation. How dare you! Hmph. The dog eyes the smashed spider next and huffs. Yeah, well. That might be a better approach than chewing them to nasty little bits. So he takes this moment to change back to a spider-stompling size! His human body! The transformation is quick but painful to watch and listen to. Bones shift, grow longer and rearrange, joints are rotated. Fur retracts, muscles change and he becomes a man! one that's just as ugly as the dog was and dressed in a worn t-shirt, jeans and boots. Well that explains the 'MUTANT' on his tags.

[19:41] <Saraia> No worries about her face at least! Saraia was a living, walking emerald shot through with the deeper blues of sapphire that matched the stone hanging from teh chain around her neck. Her clotehs were unchanged and still in her place, but flesh and hair had all gone sparkly and crystalline. She wasn't a fighter, persay, though thanks to her folks she knew the basics of self defense. Not that she was sure how that was going to help her against giant spiders. Where was Krys with her bolts of lightning when you needed her? Still, as a spider ran at her a foot came up and then down it went, SQUISH, went the spider hopefully. "I really liked this shirt too.." she muttered under her breath, though that resonant tone of her voice in this form made it harder to keep unheard. She almost missed Hunters transformation. Almost. "Well crap, you're a person. Go figure." And a kick out at another spider, aiming to hurl it away from the group.

[19:43] <Addison> "....And you say your gem form ain't got no use... bein' stronger than a spider's fangs sounds pretty damn useful to me." He admired the colors of blue streaking through the translucent green. "It was a dog in the middle of mutant U, sweet heart, if that wasn't no clue that he was a dude under there, I don't know what is." Smart ass Addy grinned at her, tipped an imaginary hat and went to stomp another spider beneath his boot. Addison foresaw a night of belly aching and colic like rolling for his good pal the gryphon, maybe runny bird poo shits too, but there was nothing that he could do about it now that the thing was chomping mightily with its beak and clawing and trampling all over the influx of spiders. Addison tucked the suggie into his jeans pocket for safety, then took a running leap a few dozen yards to bring himself close enough to the gryph that he could keep it well under control.

[19:46] * [Edward] makes a face at the goo now coating the bottom of his shoe. They were -nice- shoes too! He glances over at Hunter and watching as his once beloved k-9 changes itno a full grown dude.... ok... this was weird. Edward is almost frozen in trying to contemplate how he should feel. Betrayed maybe? Ok, so it said Mutant on the tags... ok so Edward should have been able to put all that together along with the dog's strange behavior... but STILL. He had poured out his heart for that puppy and now he finds out it just some GUY?! He seems that very picture of perflexed before mummbling, "Uhm... hello." He almost forgets there are spiders out and about. BUT HE DOESNT. Instead he turns and vanishes again, this time blinking in next to JJ, "Do you know where we could find the materials for some flamethrowers? Maybe incendiary grenades?"

[19:47] <@TellerOfTales> -Saraia-s punt of the spider sends it careening away to thwack satisfyingly against a tree. -JJ-s punchy arm was just as effective! These things were going down faster than a five dollar hooker! What WAS all the fuss about? Oh.. THAT was what the fuss was about. From the forest came two large shadows, each one the size of a drafthorse. Hairy legs broguht them closer as the small group minced, smooshed and diced the baby spiders. They weren't the classic hissing whining spiders, aside from the tapping of feet against concrete and buildings they were silent.. as were the two massive ones that began to scale up the residential tower like KingKong.

[19:49] <vile> "Hey man." Hunter chimes and waves to Edward with a grin on his face. Sure Ed may be feeling weird about babytalking and being sweet to a dog-man but he doesn't seem to be very upset about it! "Thanks fer the jerky." is tacked on before he goes hog wild with spider smashing. Those steel-toed boots of his are made to be rugged and used for hard labor. Stomp! Smash! The two hulking spiders aren't even noticed now because this arachnid whack-a-mole is just too damned fun for the simple man.

[19:51] <@TellerOfTales> One of them stops outside Nick's apartment window and taps on the glass.. cause the spider is a dick like that.

[19:51] <vile> Nick looks up from drying a dish, spots the spider, screams and faints! Who saw that coming? Show of hands.

[19:51] <Addison> ^

[19:52] <@JJ> And beatup ugly dog became beatup ugly man. At least he was one of those mutants that still had clothes on after a transformation! Wait. Now was not the time to be thinking of mutant powers. Now was spider smashing time. Just like that old arcade game. Only he was punching and not stomping. He looked to Edward. "Ooooh fire! Sure do have a lot of that stuff back in the lab! I'll go get it!" JJ would try to run back for the doors to head to the labs. Unless some spiders stopped him!

[19:56] <Saraia> "Aren't you a sweet talker." she called over. "Besides, giant spiders wasn't really on my list of things to expect, but I'll be sure to add it to my list of useful things to do." She punted the spider, silently thanking her folks for making her play soccer all those years. The blue streaks through teh green were more plentiful than they'd been a month ago, or even a week ago, but she'd have to think on that one later. Right now, it was spider killing time. "Please, if every animal around here tuned out to be a person in disguise I'd be afraid to get a pet thinking it was some creeper dude trying to peep in on me." Well then, the small spiders seemed to be gone... That wasn't so bad, so why all the fuss from the city? Then she saw the shadows. "Oh. My. God."

[20:00] * [Edward] nods as JJ goes to get the materials for pyro-time. Then glances over in time to see the -big- ones begin scaling the walls and marching in. His eyes widen slightly behind his glasses and he coughs, regains his composure and making his way slowly over to Saraia, not taking his eyes off the looming arachnid doom creeping in on them, "Just out of curiosity, what is it that you do? I only ask because now is a good time to know."

[20:01] <Addison> At this rate the only thing missing was the two of them calling out their counts like Legolas and Gimli. Saraia could be Gimli. :D "I got your back JJ!" Addison whistled for the gryph's attention and sent it into flight after JJ... please don't eat him big guy...please dont is the mantra that Addison was repeating in his head. Short post, printing for school

[20:05] <@TellerOfTales> The spiders had more things on their mind than stoping JJ, like.. getting the hell to where they were going. They tried to cross the courtyard but only a few made it, like baby sea turtles trying to get to the sea. The wave of little spiders died down, though the tap-tap-tap of the two larger ones could be heard. Once at the top of the building one of them pauses for a moment, appendages working underneath it before it leaps, clear over to the roof above the rec center area, a glistening trail of webbing being carried out. OH! So that's what they were doing! The other one leaps and crashes through one of the trees to the courtyard below.

[20:11] <vile> Once a good number of spiders are reduced to mash under Hunter's shit kickin' boots, he revels in it with a loud, "WOO!" He tosses his fists up in the air in a display of VICTORY! But then he notices everyone's looking over at some big ol's hadows. And then at the giant spider lands in the courtyard! Hunter jumps away with a loud yelp and strafes off to one side. He stares at the boss spider for a few seconds before tearing ass over to a mess of the broken tree, looking for a good piece that'd be useful as a spear.

[20:12] <@JJ> Hopefully he wouldn't be gryphon chow or spider chow! Still he'd punch out arachnids in his way on his way inside and through the halls, nearly vomitting on seeing the carnage of spider guts all over his robot arm. Ug! He'd have to clean that later tonight... Clean it or just replace the whole tihng cause. EW. Lab lab lab gotta get to the lab. Gotta get flame throwers or something all burny... something more high tech than a geeked up and modded out super soaker. Definitely something BETTER and more effective than that. JJ would come back out with some Team gear.. though such was more for humanoid enemies than giant enemies... but who knew! Shock sticks could be good!

[20:16] <Saraia> Giant spider. Yeah, she edged closer to Addison, though kept out of his way should the cowboy need to punch or kick something. "Pssst. You got something, you know, bigger that can just fry these guys to a crisp?" She usually didn't have a problem with spiders. Usually. They were just part of mother nature and she'd come across her fair share in digs or out camping. But giant spiders ? that was a whole other beast. They might not be able to bite nad poison her, but she sure as hell couldn't stomp on this one either. Hopefully JJ came back with some useful stuff to dole out. "Isn't this one of thsoe times when the team is supposed to be out kicking but and taking anmes?" Or mayeb the team was out in downtown Salme. Thats where Krys was, at least, valiantly keeping giant spiders from overwhelming her place of work and all those taking refuge within.

[20:22] <@TellerOfTales> After attaching the thick cords of webbing that seemed to be as wide as a persons wrist, as sturdy as wire-rope, and as sticky as moist cotton candy the two spiders hopped off in different directions. Obviouly intent on spinning their webbing around this conviniently doughnut shaped building! The wave of smaller spiders vanishes down the road... heading towards town. Oh dear.

[20:23] <Addison> Griffin was upstairs in his apartment, conked the fuck out and sleeping hard after doing five hours of work in under thirty minutes, why? Because his boss thought he was super robot and could do everything ever. Lucian was likely at the gym in downtown Salem fending off spiders with a janitor's broom while the physical trainers all screamed like little sissy girls. This was NOT cool. "I do, but uh... he sorta take up a lot of room and I don't know much 'bout settin' a dragon free in the middle of the courtyard!" He turned his head to stare at the monster of a spider that was trailing silk behind it like glistening streamers in the wind, then winced and gave that a second thought. "The fuck are they here for?" He stomped on another, then jumped aside as one tried to sink its fangs into his calf just in time to kick it and send it splatting against a wall.

[20:27] <@JJ> Tossed the weapons out, well the ones that wouldn't go off when tossed anyway, and handed the more delicate and volitile ones to those needing a weapon. JJ eeped and would try to shoot or smash the spiders closest... But something was strange and off. They weren't fighting? The spiders were just building their webs? All over the place yet. "What are they doing?" Were they looking for
[20:27] <@JJ> something? Someone?

[20:30] <vile> Nick's passed out in his kitchen on a pile of broken plate shards, James is quietly dozing in his hammock in the lab. Hunter nabs that great ol' pokey stick and bolts towards the spider, stops a couple feet away and strafes from one side to the other, trying to find a weak spot. The stick's up, of course, with the sharp side pointing at the spider in case it decides to enjoy a bit of Huntersandwich for dinner. "Ta eat us, man!" he shouts at Addison, "It'ssa spider. They eat shit an' lay eggs. There's a big ol' reward on tha things, too. Gotta kill it dead er git it almost there. They real poisonous so watch out. Real nasty."

[20:36] <Saraia> She didn't know what to do about the big ones spinning webs across the topof the rec center, but she could at least help to thin out teh smaller ones. If dog sized cold be considered small. She even jumped in front of Addison at one point, delivering a kick to a charging spider intent on doing harm. Any spider that tried to bite her would find hard gemstone rather than tender flesh. She snatched a shock stick from JJ, eyed it dubiously, but figured it couldn't hurt any. "Didn't they try to eat someone from here before? I thought I heard something of the sort... Maybe they want their meal back." Poor Nick.

[20:38] <@TellerOfTales> They wouldn't say no to having a Nick snack-pack at all, but for now the two massive spiders were busy leaping around the Sanctum, easily draping their thick webbing over it as they fashion a web. The building shakes from each impact, the spiders not the lightest things in the world, the ground trembling around them as they land.

[20:40] <Addison> "I'm not settin' anything on fucking fire again, man. Last time I did that shit everything burnt the fuck up. Screw that," Addison muttered irritably in his southern drawl. Punching venomous spiders took some delicate aim and agility and with the help of the hard skinned gem woman he was doing a spectacular job of keeping them off of his own skin. The gryphon had found their taste...lacking . Not delicious, so chose to scratch and claw viciously at the others. "The hell is this, JJ?" A flame thrower? Addison could barely operate a rifle when hunting deer in the woods, why couldn't the kid bring a hunting bow instead. "I think so, I heard they ate that zombie kid up pretty damn good. They're headn' towards town..."

[20:41] * [Edward] glances to Addison, "I think a dragon might be a bad choice only because it flies." he motions to the webbing being made, "and in a few minutes, I'm thinking anything that flies will be out of their element here. Still, something is better than nothing." he then turns to JJ as he runs back, taking whatever gear he could offer. He may have to improvise on the big ones because right now he was almost out of ideas. "Didn't Nick say something about butterflies coming in here a week back or so? Maybe this is something like that. Whatever it is, I don't intend to share my living room with them." He ups a brow as Hunter begins a game of poke the spider, "I hope you're right. I really do." because if he was wrong then there was something far worse at work here. He turns back to where the giant enemy crab -imeanspider- had landed in the courtyard, "I hate this idea." he sighs and then vanishes, appearing at the kitchen for the cafeteria where he collects a few cans of cooking spray and some tape. He reappears outside in the courtyard with his pour-man's fire bomb and begins his approch towards where the giant webbing began that ran up to the rooftop.

[20:48] <Saraia> She didn't trust herself with a flame thrower. Honestly. She only knew how to shoot a gun because Paxton had taken her to the range that one time and she'd gone a few times since when she was back home using her dad's pistol, but that was it. Flame thrower just didn't sound like her cup of tea. Plus, she had no desire to burn the Sanctum down. No,s he would keep to her shock stick and deal with the 'smaller' spiders and let the boys figure out what to do with teh bigguns.

[20:49] <@TellerOfTales> As Hunter jabbed at one of the spiders the large creature whipped a leg towards him, the spear poking in and drawing some ooze from the beast. They certainly weren't indestructable! Oozy skitters off to the side silently before leaping away to the side of the building once more. Edward firebombs the webbing and that wire-rope like length catches beautifully, hissing and popping as it shrivels like hair under a flame. The spiders, Oozy and FineNDandy, actually seem to turn towards the fire, Fine raising two legs upwards. There was still no noise from them.. as.. spiders don't exactly have vocal chords.

[20:49] <vile> "I do this fer a job. Kill er capture stuff an' haul it in." Hunter chimes and steps back, coming to a stop beside Edward. The sharp stick is still held at the ready in case one of the giant spiders decides to bound over to say hi. He doesn't seem too upset about the side but does look in awe about it. "They spinnin' a web. Looks like they think it's home. Can't cut that stuff. Gon' be real strong. Sticky. Ain't no flying thing good. Fire'd work. Hope this place ain't flammable." He glances over at Edward and shrugs, "Gotta git rid'uv them er they'll be tryin'ta eat up everyone in here. Uh. I could go home an' git some supplies. Might be able to attach some bug bombs right to 'em with some crazy glue. Or just shoot 'em." he suggests. OH LOOK FIRE! "Yep. That'll take right good care'uv 'em." He nods approvingly at the blaze. He flips a pair of sunglasses onto his face and admires the bonfire.

[20:50] <@JJ> Smashy shock time! Arm to splut, shock stick to shock. His arm was getting a little hard to move. All sticky and slow and smelled kinda bad. "Yea! A flamethrower! Not usual team fair but it works! Better than the team stuff. Cause you know.... fire! The spiders? Umm.. they ate old Nick... Turned him into New Nick. Really horrible stuff!" JJ exclaimed and eyed those horrible spiders... Then he started laughing! Shockstick and fists, na. Fire was much more fun!

[20:52] <Addison> "...Also sets a lot of shit on fire...and I don't think we want the whole sanctum burnin' up right now." Between a tangled, flailing dragon of such size that they'd likely have trouble fighting safely on the courtyard, fire burning everywhere and their own escape blocked off by the webs, nothing about that sounded 'good' to Addy. He didn't need them to say it was a bad idea. He also wouldn't be blamed for burning the sanctum's courtyard down again...goddammit all of that hard work. A quick whistle summoned the gryph back to him. He needed....something useful for this occasion that he didn't yet possess, but rest assured he'd be getting some sort of giant spider eating beastie tatt'ed on him at the local shop soon after this was over. Shock stick it is for Addy.

[20:57] <@TellerOfTales> FnD skitters downwards towards the group almost alarmingly quickly, two front leggies raised infront of it. They were burning up their hard work! One of those legs drives downwards towards -Edward-, since he was the dick that started tearing up their home first! Oozy stays up on the roof for a moment and contents itself with continuing to spin the webbing.

[21:00] <vile> Hunter snarls at the spider trying to assault Edward! A quick step is taken towards the giant beastie and he jabs his stick right at the thing's head. Yeah. FUCK YOU BUDDY! His movements are fast and have a good chunk of his strength driving that stick at the spider. "Fuck off you damn bastard." is snapped as if the thing'll understand him.

[21:01] <Saraia> Flames just didn't seem the best idea in a courtyard full of trees and other flammable items, not to mention the building itself. FnD was dropping down and she struck out with the shockstick baton, cranking the voltage up as it struck for Edward.

[21:04] * [Edward] glances over at Hunter as the webbing burns from his improvised bomb. He was still a little uneasy about the guy. In a world where pets could be people, he wasn't sure he would even fully trust puppies ever again. *sad face* still, he seemed handy with a sharp stick and his aim was direct enough. Addisons concerns were heard, but Ed was of a different train of thought. "If the spiders eat everyone then there won't be anyone to care what condition the sanctum is in. I'm not out to burn the whole thing down, just make sure they don't build a home out of it." Edward is so preoccupied with the others he doesn't notice the spider attempting to spear him until Hunter dives in like a CHAMP. That's right folks, feed a dog beef jerky and he -might- save your life. Ed hopefully reacts barely fast enough to blink out of the way if the claw gets to him. If Hunter's assult doesnt stall the thing to give him the time, surely Saraia's attack with the shockstick could give him the fraction of a second needed to avoid being run through!

[21:07] <@TellerOfTales> The shockstick against the spider gave off the distinct scent of burning dog hair. It was quite unpleasant and apparently inaffective ... at first. The leg it was burning eventually twitched and lashed outwards towards -Saraia-. As -Hunter- jabs the FnD in the head the spear strikes true and one of the multitudes of eyeballs explodes in goop, the spear sticking fast as the spider rears backwards, almost tipping over as it did so. -Edward- was missed, thankfully, FnD trying desperately to flee though it seems to be tripping over itself in the rush. Oozy continued to leap back and forth as if there was nothing wrong in the world. Leap, spin thread, leap, spin thread.

[21:10] <@JJ> And... unfortunately all those eyepoppins and fur bunrings were getting to JJ. He would stop his horrible carnage, almost dropping his flamethrower and vomit off in a corner somewhere... EYES should not POP! Hurkle.

[21:10] <vile> Almost tips over? Hunter'll give it a hand! The ugly man charges the giant beast and moves to slam right into it like a linebacker, aiming to knock it all the way over. If successful, he'll follow that up with a series of vicious stomps to its head with his shit kickin' boots, aiming to finish off the job he'd started.

[21:11] <Saraia> Spider stabbing at her. Sure, she was crystal now, and pretty safe from a hit..but it was still instinctual to flail backwards, arms pinwheeling, sparkles of green light flickering over the grounds from the lamplights shining down on her as she stumbled back and away. Looks like the spider was doing the same though as Hunter jabbed at its head. But it looked like one giant spider might be down for the count. That was good, right? So what was #2 up to?

[21:14] <Addison> Saraia was pinwheeling and close to falling over, but fortunately she stumbled away in time as the other two men dispensed angry vengeance on the spiders. Addison powered on his shock stick and gazed after Ozzy, watching the pattern of its leaps...timing..timing....It wasn't until he actually positive that he knew the trajectory of its path that he leapt after the arachnid in one smooth flea jump, aiming to run it through with the shock baton.
[21:15] * [Edward] successfully out of the way, he adjusts his glasses and regains his composure to watch Hunter join a good-ol spider stompin party! Ok so he was pretty effective. Looks like this one was handled. He glances back to Saraia as well to make sure she's going alright as well as JJ and Addison who were both no doubt holding their own. So one down, one to go. He watches the spider leap from building to building and attempts to calculate a pattern of knowing where it will land next. Should this work, he quickly heads for that building and makes his way to the roof to meet up with the soon to be arriving spider... hopefully not in it's landing zone.

[21:18] <@TellerOfTales> Oozy was content to let FnD handle damage control as it built the web, leaping from building to building, efectively putting a webbing roof over the courtyard, letting it stretch up and around the apartment tower. -Hunter- was brutal!!! but effective! FnD tips onto its back and those leggies churn in the air for a moment before Hunter Gallagher's the spiders head with his foot, gore and ooze exploding outwards as it crunches. If JJ hadn't been puking before this head crushing like a misused watermelon surely would ahve done it. Poor Oozy, just happy to exist and build its home had no idea that Addi was seconds away from skewering him with the shock stick. It sank deep, the baton, and Oozy began to tremble and flail, trajectory thrown off and the brute now angling to land ... directly where -Edward- thought was the safe spot.

[21:22] <vile> Hunter fistpumps once when he's sure that the spider's a goner. He doesn't even pause to be grossed out by the muck that coats his boots. Instead of that, he looks around, points at the spider and shouts a loud, "Mine! Ain't nobody takin' it. I figger some brain'll be real happy if I come dump it on their step." Woo! He'll just get to sit down and go through the phone book. Or see if animal control wants one to know what they're dealing with. Once he's sure he's asserted his dominance, he looks around and spots Oozy. Aiee! The big ol' idiot bolts right for Edward, aiming to knock him out of the spider's landing zone!

[21:26] <Saraia> Oh god..spider goop. Everywhere. And she had really liked this shirt too. :( At least her hair was safe,s o long as she hosed off before shifting back, but still, clothes. That spider had been squishy and she near enough to get gooped. She was dangerously close to doing teh same as JJ, only she didn't have anything to vomit up in this form. Maybe when she shifted back it would all catch up to her nd she could only hope she was away from prying eyes if/when it did. Hunter was entirely too pleased about it too, which only added to the nauseous feeling. Addison and Edward seeme dto have Ozzy handled so she stayed back, keeping an eye out for more of the small ones while also trying to pull down the bits of webbing she could reach.

[21:30] * [Edward] watches the spider as it glanced off course by Addison's shockstick. Huh, looked like it was about to land on... aw damn. He was quicker this time. In fact, there were few as quick as Ed the white rabbit. He flashes out of the way of the spider as it lands/crashes down on the roof, hopefully before Hunter arrived and put himself in danger as well! Almost as soon as the spider comes to a halt does Edward blink over to where Addison's shockstick had punched a neat, likely still sparking, hole in the creature. He quickly grabs at the stick and attempts to wrench it out and drive it back in closer to where the beast's thorax met it's head. That, along with what wonderful punishment Hunter was likely to issue would hopefully be enough to end this madness.

[21:31] <Addison> Spider goop everywhere, on his hands and on his clothing... ugh. He needed a shower after this. Addison let it keep the shock stick but didn't seem to have the same weak stomach as JJ, nor was he becoming nauseous like Saraia. "....All of that and we still ain't got no idea why the hell they're here. Anybody got spider....talkin' senses...or somethin?"

[21:39] <@TellerOfTales> As -Edward- drives that spear inbetween Oozy's head and thoras the creature jerks and twtiches, its legs curling tightly up against tis body. Apparently Oozy was a bit of a pussy. A shock sspear in his gut seemed to cook his internals in a most likely painful fashion, but either way.. ooozy easwas dead as well.

[21:43] <vile> Edward disappears and Hunter winds up slamming into the ground! But he's a tough guy and gets up to his feet in no time. The dirt, grass, leaves, spider muck and whateverthefuck else that's on his clothes and body just gets to stay there. He doesn't give a fuck. He trots over to Edward and claps his hands together, "Woo! Great job, man!" he chimes and reaches over to give the other guy's shoulder a rough pat, one that probably has too much force behind it. "That one's yers!"

[21:43] <Saraia> Spiders were dead and it seemed, for now, to be over. They just had a giant sider web far overhead to deal with. She was glancing upwards at the glistening strands, wondering if burning them was the best course of action of if they should just try manually pulling them down. She wandered over to the nearest anchor strand and touched teh shock stick's business end to it, wondering if that might have any effect. "Sorry, no, speaking to spiders is not on my list of nifty things I can do."

[21:46] <@TellerOfTales> Webbing staysss draped eveyrhwere and will haaave to be dealt with eventually but for wno the spiders are dealt with.

[21:56] <Addison> "Shame. Speakin' to spiders would be a nice addition to lookin' damned hot." They'd have to figure this one out some other time, because he couldn't be bothered to deweb the Sanctum tonight. Or to work at all. "...Welp. Guess we'll be having our work cut out for us tomorrow," he commented as his groundskeeper sense kicked in. Addison sighed and dismissed wee sugar glider who had lended him some amazing jump skills during that entire incident. "I'm goin' to go shower, then I'm hittin' the bar. I'll fix this shit tomorrow."

[21:59] <vile> Hunter looks right proud of himself! He gives Saraia and Addison a thumbs-up before wrasslin' around with his spider, hoping to drag it over to his truck outside. If anyone'll let him! He hopes to not get stopped by security but fuck 'em. It's his spider! He killed it!

[22:00] <Saraia> "Well, you already have that second bit down so better work on your spider-speak, eh?" She was trying to keep lighthearted because this was just gross and she felt absolutely filthy. Spiderguts would clean out of cotton, right? "Shower. Right. That sounds like a good idea. The bar too." Not that she'd been invited but if town was safe then the bar was public territory and she could go if she wanted to. Only..the spiders had been heading for town so no telling if anything would be open. She watched Hunter, crysalline expression bewildered as he tried dragging on eof those spiders away. "What the hell is he going to do with it? Stuff and mount it for his wall?" Ew.

[22:17] <Addison> "Course it sounds like a good idea, we're covered in bug shit and a crazy dude trying to drag one the fuck away." He stared after Hunter in confusion but didn't make any attempt to stop him. It wasn't HIS business if crazy man wanted to stuff and mount one for his wall. "Hell, if one of them was big enough and intact for me to take off, I'd have one on my wall too. Right over the fireplace. Fuckin' hell of a story to tell a girl when you bring her home for the night. 'Yeah baby, that's just the giant spider I killed with my own bare hands."

[22:22] <vile> Of course Hunter's basically doesn't even have a head but it's likely he'll wind up nabbing another before this shit's done with and over. So off he goes! Eventually he finds a better way to carry the thing. Once back at his truck he'll toss it on in, throw a tarp over it and tie the sucker down so it doesn't fall out or anything. Wouldn't want anyone else stealing his kill!
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