Misty Water Coloured Memories - Spiders 1 / Nick 0

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Misty Water Coloured Memories - Spiders 1 / Nick 0

Post by Sisip »

<04Sisip> It remained quiet out in the streets of Salem, the newscasts spreading the ever growing fear of going out at night. People stay sequestered in their homes, almost afraid to even turn off their porch lights. Well, the smart people were. People like Jonas, however, ambled drunkely down the street.

* JJ is now known as ShoAFK

<Ahriman> Wednesday night. Not the busiest night of the week, despite a pair of fancy-schmancy bartenders. Plus all the troubles over the last couple weeks, keeping people huddled in their homes. The night before had been a special occasion; some bachelor party, or something like that. But tonight, nothing. Maksim caught the attention of the secondary tender, did some apparently secret gestures, and
<Ahriman> with a nod in return, disappeared into the back. He left through the back door into an alley, produced a phone from his pocket, leaned against a wall..and played solitaite. Productive!

* WakingDead and people like Devon sat eyeballing a half empty bottle of whiskey while contemplating the prospects of finishing it, before finally pushing it away and flashing a smile at the bartender, "I think we're done with this now, I'm certainly not going to finish it," because she was already a little blitzed, and she preferred to keep her wits about her, so she might at least be able to
* WakingDead defend herself if someone tried to jump her in the street. And speaking of streets, she gathered her things..wait, what things? Exactly and headed out. At least the sun was down, no more wretched hell ball to crisp her poor skin.

<vile> And that's just every night for the alcoholic respawner. It's not like he has anything to worry about, right? Right? Another long drag is taken from the cigarette and he wobbles a bit. On down the sidewalk he goes, making his way towards home. Home being Crowley's Row, his decent apartment there with it's soft couch, weed and more booze. Mmm. A smile warms his features and he hurries a
<vile> bit faster, the alcohol making him weave to and fro a bit more.

* Volt-QuasiHere (Aeeeiiiiii@6ca5f03d.14055a91.204.237.imsk) has joined #CH*Beyond

<04Sisip> A tumbling tumbleweed ... tumbles down the street. Or it would were Jonas Clint Eastwood. But unfortunately for him (because who doesn't want to be Clint Eastwood) he's not, so all he hears in the still of the evening, aside from the occasional car and the hoot and hollar of equally drunk people, would be the distant yelping of a dog. Perhaps angry at a cat, or perhaps using the 'Twilight Bark' to convey messages back and forth.

* WakingDead a finger wiggle of a wave at the tender back behind the bar and it was out onto the street with her, maybe a little on the tipsy side, but not drunk, not really, at least that's what she was going to tell herself. She was at least, buzzed enough to not be bothered by the occasional stare that she got as she meandered along. She wasn't going to hate on people. Nope, not tonight, hating
* WakingDead on people was very, very bad. She should probably head back to her apartment on the campus, but that would require picking up her duffle from Jonas' first.

<Ahriman> A few taps on his phone's screen, a little waiting, and Maksim was off toward the street. It was indeed a slow night; slow enough that he was getting the rest of it off. Hopefully he'd be able to catch up on the sleep he'd been missing the last couple days. Likely as not, though, he'd use the extra time to play with the culinary stuff he got this morning. As he reached the end of the alley,
<Ahriman> though, he noticed the woman the vaguely familiar guy had been talking to, drunkwalking out of the bar. He half-frowned, letting her get a decent distance ahead before turning after her. The streets might be mostly vacant, but that left only the criminals. So rather than finding out later on that someone he'd served had had something happen to 'em, Maks opted to follow behind. He might even
<Ahriman> catch up after a few minutes, so he didn't seem like a creeper.

<Volt-QuasiHere> 2<5Zevri O'Shay2> 6She had decided to take her cheerfulness into town, hopefully to blow off some of the pent up energy she had in her. Like always, she had her back pack and hip belt on, sipping from a bottle of water. Things seemed quiet lately, no real news or such of any more spider/insect incidents. Good times, good times.

<vile> Wobble, wobble, on down the street! And then he decides that he needs to take a leak. And so he glances around, looking a bit suspicious while doing so, and heads on into an alleyway. It's a dark one, of course, because, well. Who pisses in public in a well lit area! Er. Well. Maybe if he was a bit more drunk he would. But not yet. And so he disappears from the public eye, heading into the
<vile> darkness enough to unzip his pants and unleash the fucking fury. Onto...well, a brick wall. Not really all that furiously either. But as he heads in, he notices something odd. Something that stops him in his tracks! It's confusing, actually, because it's like he ran into an invisible barrier. Brows furrowing, he squirms a bit. "The fuck is this shit? Man I didn't drink this much. Jesus."
<vile> tug tug.

* WakingDead is now known as Nightshade

<04Sisip> Poor Jonas! Stumbling into that alleyway to take a whiz the ever unlucky fellow finds himself stopped suddenly, like a forcefield prevented him from going further into the darkness. A sticky forcefield. A sticky forcefield that was not aliens destined to probe him. One that seemed to lock his limbs in the position they hit. Maybe it was trying to help him? Maybe... but not likely. That poor unlucky bastard. The silk jerks and wiggles as Jonas tries to struggle. Unfortunately for him this seemed to be a much firmer series of strands than the ones he'd dealt with a little while back, the night he'd failed to save that poor woman from her slow, agonizing death.

* Ahriman is now known as Golem
* Volt-QuasiHere is now known as Voltarik

* Nightshade alright, see, she'd talked a brave game to Jonas in medical, because it was what he needed to hear, but spiders? Spiders were not her thing. Ever. There were two things in the world most likely to reduce her to the status of shrieking girl, spiders, and snakes, she couldn't stand either one. Fortunately, there were few instances where that little fact came to light, but she'd been
* Nightshade quietly horrified when He'd been going on about spiders the size of dogs...it was just never good when you were trying to reassure someone, to let them know that you were just as bat shit scared as they were. But she was oblivious to impending spider doom, and seemingly unaware of the fact she had a creeping follower, thus meandered on down the street, humming to herself.

<Golem> It actually didn't take long for Maks to decide to not be all creepy. He gave a one shrill whistle, and hurried his pace toward Devon. "Hey!" he called out as he approached, hoping his voice would help identify him. He may not have spoken to her directly, but he was speaking near constantly to people around her. "Hey," he repeated as he slowed once he was next to her. "Thought I'd join you,"
<Golem> he said, for now at least keeping a few feet between them, so she (hopefully) wouldn't feel threatened. "I'm Maksim," he kept both hands in sight, "I served you and that other guy back in the bar," he pointed to where they'd come from. "Thought I'd at least keep one of you company, since you're walking tonight." He offered a sincere, friendly, and even hopeful smile.

<vile> Tug, tug! Jonas pulls on his arms and it takes him a while to figure out wtf is going on. Actually, he still doesn't get it. But he knows his arms are stuck to something and they won't come off! The genius cusses under his breath and wrenches hard, trying to pull himself free from whatever shenanigans are going on. This won't happen, of course, and only gets him more stuck like some strange
<vile> version of a tar baby. By now, he's starting to get pissed off. And he still needs to pee! But he can't even unzip his pants. Aw.

<Voltarik> 2<5Zevri O'Shay2> 6Spots the girl from the Marlo-skull crush incident...and someone else approaching her. For kicks, she slips into spy mode, slowing her pace down, acting like she is just on an eve'n walk, but making sure she stays behind them a good distance. It was good to see the girl out and about. Last time she saw her, she was mildly frosty and upset.

<04Sisip> There is very little sound, certainly not the inexplicable chittering noises you often hear in the B-movies. There is only a shadow of indeterminable size that seemed to come from above. How far up did the web go, exactly? The sticky mass, if one tried to look through it and into the alleyway, seemed to go on forever. The wrenching only serves to bind Jonas tighter into the web as small vibrations begin to travel along silken strands, jiggling Jonas softly. Finally there's another sound, muffled and in the back... the sound of a trashbin dragging on the alleyway floor for just a moment before once again there's silence. Dark, ominous silence. Off in the distance a cat yeowls, adding ambiance.

* Nightshade upset...yeah, that was a very good way to describe her mood that night. Very upset. At the shrill whistle, she froze, and darted a look around, lavender eyes settling on Maksim, who she recognized from the bar, "That's nice of you, but I don't really need an escort," which may or may not have been true. She certainly didn't look like she did. The arms showing through the gaps in the
* Nightshade turquoise fishnet are well toned, athletic, "I was just heading back to Jonas' to grab my bag before heading back to the apartment. I don't want to wear my welcome out or anything, and if I don't check in, the suits are going to start getting edgy," it wasn't a requirement or anything, but she had her suspicions that security prefered having at least a general idea of where she was at. She
* Nightshade didn't notice Zevri, not yet, there wasn't a reason to, but when she did the girl was probably going to get a very >:C look for spying.

<vile> And then a light goes off over the drunk's head. It's a web and he's a fly stuck in it. Only when the web starts moving when he's not trying to pull himself free does he notice it. The sound of a can being shoved around attracts his attention and he pales. His jaw drops and he shakes his head. "No, no, no, no." he hisses and pulls again on one of his harms. And then he spots the shadow.
<vile> Soon another noise pierces the ambient night sounds, something far more horrifying than a horny cat. It's a scream! A notably female one, like a fifties housewife cornered by a mouse while perching on a stool. Aieeeeeeee!

<Golem> "I dunno what any of that means, but still," Maksim replied. "I'm sure you can handle yourself just fine, but it never hurts, right?" He turned and resumed walking in the direction Dev had already been going, though he was slow and going backward until she either joined or went off in another direction. "At least to whatever street you're going to. I'd had to find out something happened to
<Golem> a customer."

<Voltarik> 2<5Zevri O'Shay2> 6Pauses to 'tie her shoe'. Will then resume her slow, scenery viewing walk.

* Karys is now known as Krys_Gallagher

<04Sisip> At least.. there is very little sound until Jonas begins to scream like a girl. This seems to draw all sorts of attention. From down the street a quite drunken man with his brotatos cries out in a mock scream, "Oooooh sum'ons havin demselves a RAPE partay!" There's laughter as they run foward, stumbling a few times, clinging to each other with their flat brimmed hats with shiny lettering on them and their four popped collars... each. The web jiggles even more, vibrating almost constantly now as shadows seem to surge forward from the depths of the alleyway, the shadow above motionless.

* Edwin (stygian@2c8886c5.hsd1.pa.5aa6454b.net.hmsk) has joined #CH*Beyond

* Nightshade the scream. Her head came up and around quick fast and in a hurry, and there was a moment of indecision, because...did she really want to get involved? No. Not really. Could she really just wander on by and not do anything?.....fuck. No. Fucking hell," Yeah yeah, that's nice and all, excuse me," it didn't sound like it was coming from all that far away, and there might have been
* Nightshade no major activity in town lately, but her brain immediately went spinning in the direction of Jonas' account of giant spiders and men made of insects, and all sorts of other unpleasant things. God damn it, she wasn't supposed to be a hero. That wasn't how it was supposed to work, but she could not, in good conscience just wander off and leave someone to maybe be eaten, or worse. So she took
* Nightshade off in the direction, or what she believed to be, the direction of the scream.

* @ShoAFK (Magenta208@b00c799f.dyn.2cba2d11.net.hmsk) Quit (Quit: I don't care how hot it is, I'm wearing a blanket so the monsters don't attack me.)

<vile> And so the scrawny prick continues his womanly screams and continues to thrash and only make things worse for himself! Free! He wants free! And yet he is not! Things just get worse and at this point, it's clear he's not going to get unstuck anytime soon. Scream! SCREAAAAAAAAAM! He continues to, and tugs and pulls, so desperate to be free. "No! Nonononono!" he continues to insist as if his
<vile> insistance would get him somewhere.

<Golem> Maksim was already with her, trotting toward where ever the screams were coming from. Maks didn't know anything about giant spiders or freaky insects, so wouldn't he be in for a surprised. When the screams continued, and became more insistant, he picked up his pace. One hand went up to the gold demon-faced emblam hanging from his necklace, mostly to keep it from bouncing around, but it also
<Golem> couldn't have hurt.

<Voltarik> 2<5Zevri O'Shay2> 6The game is afoot! She takes off after them, keeping the same distance, when able, but not losing sight of them. She heard the screams too.....she just hoped it wasn't bugs. Or..yeah. Likely, it's bugs or spiders. At least the spiders were big. The bugs...so many. And tiny. And stingy.

* Shannon (Magenta208@b00c799f.dyn.2cba2d11.net.hmsk) has joined #CH*Beyond
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Shannon

<Krys_Gallagher> 6She hadn't meant to be out this late. Nope, not at all. She'd been out interviewing for a job, in fact, and it had gone longer than she'd thought. She was hopeful, though, that she'd gotten the job. Now though she was hurrying down the streets, hoping to catch a taxi sooner rather than later, low heeled shoes clicking on the pavement. She was dressed to impress tonight in grey slacks
<Krys_Gallagher> 6and a deep purple blouse, hair pulled back in a sleek french twist secured by a pair of carved ebony sticks. Minding her own business, thats what she was trying to do, noting people up ahead. But then, a scream. She stopped short, head whipping around towards the source, and she hurriedly crossed the street to join the others who seemed to also be seeking it out, recognizing Zevri as she
<Krys_Gallagher> 6came up behind her.

<04Sisip> The group of drunks seem to somehow make it to the alleyway with little issue, laughing and chuckling.. until they see the web. And Jonas. "That's.. not a rape party... Duke" There's hesitation in the drunken voice until the surge of spiders the size of Great Danes start appearing, dancing along the silken strands like horrific terrifying big assed ballerina's from hell. "JESUS! Someone get that man a can of raid!" The men fall backwards over themselves in the rush to get away. Except one... who decides he's going to be frikken famous. He pulls out his cellphone and begins to record. The brave fellow not bothering, at all, to come to the rescue. Six spiders dance the web around Jonas, thin hairy limbs reaching out towards him. Poking at him, almost unsure of what to do next.

<vile> As for Jonas, he knows what he'll do next: scream like something's chewing his face off! Well, it's not. Not yet. By now he's frightened enough to start kicking, ensuring that his legs are tightly bound by the damned webs. It's like quicksand and he's drunk and terrified! "No! Nononono!" he continues the chant, hissing the words between shrieks. Maybe if he makes enough noise, someone will
<vile> come along and do...something. One of those goddamn heroes! Maybe even one he saved! Because that's why he patches them up, so they can intervene and be heroes!

* Eva` is now known as Eva`zZ

* Nightshade thankfully, he wasn't far, she hadn't left that much after he had, and she'd been headed in pretty much the same direction, so she hit the alley, from the oppsoite direction and came to a sliding stop, lavender eyes going wide, but she didn't scream. But ohmyfuckinggodgiantfuckingspiders. There was a brief, tiny, tiny little moment of panic, but no. Hell no. Spiders. Fucking spiders
* Nightshade the size of dogs. Crime against nature, and where was a really, really big bottle of raid when you needed one? Hands flicked, reached, fingers twining around little bits of shadow and drawing it in, forming and shaping it, giving it weight until she was left with two blades, one in each hand, roughly six inches in length, point to point. No handle, all blade, "Jonas, hold still," at least
* Nightshade she didn't say don't move, because where was he really going to go? But she didn't want the risk of hitting him because he was trying to flail about. Careful aim taken, and one of those little blades snapped out, twirling end over end, her intention clearly to take one of those giantass fucking spiders right through the dome. Well, she did promise she was going to knife the fuckers didn't
* Nightshade she?

<Voltarik> 2<5Zevri O'Shay2> 6Came skittering around next, having noted the footfalls behind her, but as long as the person didn't grab her or try to stop her, she wasn't going to stop until Nightshade did. And when she does, she just -stares-. So, people are taking care of the spider problem eh? Not frigg'n likely, if it's gotten this..webby. And big. Lots of bigs.

<Golem> Maksim rounded the corner right behind Dev, but rather than immediately seeing spiders and freaking out, he ran into what felt like a wall of AXE body spray. He toppled over with the massive tool, landing with an 'oof'. He cursed under his breath while picking himself up, only then noticing the sort of hell that filled the alley. "...shit," was his only reaction, for now.

<Krys_Gallagher> 6Drunks were scrambling away yelling. Yeah, definately not a good sign. She hurriedd, trying to catch up to the rest, reaching Zevri first. 1"Somehow I am not surprised to find you here." 6she said, her tone a mix of wry amusement and exasperation, though her gaze was on those still ahead, trying to see who was there and what was going on. The screaming just got worse, causing her
<Krys_Gallagher> 6hair to stand on end and she quickened her steps. 1"Ok, got anything useful in that bag of tricks of yours?" 6A nod of her chin towards Zev's bag and then they were caught up to the others at the alley and she skidded to a halt, both hands slapping over her own mouth before she could scream as girlishly as... Jonas? Spiders! She hated spiders. Why oh why did it have to be giant
<Krys_Gallagher> 6spiders of all things?

* Shannon is now known as Kraken

<Voltarik> 2<5Zevri O'Shay2> "Yeah...a can of industrial hairspray, and a lighter. Also, exacto knives. Feel free to dig in, or just start zapping the ever loving crap out of those things."6she says, but not moving. She had known the spiders would be big, but...knowing and seeing were two completely different things.

<04Sisip> Devon's blade sinks deeply into the large abdomen of one of the spiders and it drops. No hissing, no glaring evilly. It was skewered like a piece of meat on a kabob and down it went. The shadow from above shifts again, getting larger in a steady progression. MUCH larger. Maksim tumbles over the impromptu man and receives a "Bro! The fuhk? Watch yo'self foo! Dis gonna be on teevee!" A stellar member of society, without a doubt. More limbs reach out, poking Jonas in the face. Jab.. jab jab. In his eye! Squick Did he need that one? Spiderbadger don't give a shit!
<04Sisip> *impromptu camera man

<Krys_Gallagher> 6This needed to be handled swiftly. Sounded like Zev had the makings for a flamethrower so she'd leave her to it, her own hands beginning to spark and glow. She took aim for the nearest of the spiders, giving it a healthy blast of electricity, careful to aim away from any potential allies or standerbys.

<vile> Screaming! More of it as his eye is skewered! Blood flows down his face and he tries to yank his head away but can't. It only makes him flail and struggle all the more and by now he's panting, exhausted. Sweat lines his brow and he's pale. And...he no longer has to go pee! Well that's a plus. Being in a pair of jeans that are now wet and uncomfortably warm isn't so great. But like he cares
<vile> right now. At least the eye will grow back! Eventually at least. After he dies. Flail, scream, screech!

<Golem> Maksim was too dumbfounded to be able to keep his attention on the spiders. "Teevee?" he repeated? "Teevee?!" He swung for the collar-popped punk, though aimed for the phone he held more than anywhere else. "Boy, get the fuck outta here!" He scowled, the expression tempered by years behind a counter, serving people who felt the need to pour out their miserable life stories to him. He
<Golem> had worked on it so much, it was almost as effective as The Look from a woman.

* Nightshade fucking hell. Fucking. Hell. Spiders. It had to be motherfucking spiders. Another knife pulled out of shadow, a second spent spinning at te first available target she could find, "If one of you has some stellar ability to make brains explode or something, now would be a really fucking good time to put it to use," and in the meantime, it seemed prudent to get Jonas the hell out of
* Nightshade the web, and there was only one way that was going to happen, "Fuck me. I hate my fucking life sometimes," because it was just completey and utterly unfair. Alright, alright, deep breath, and she darted forward, knife in hand, to begin snipping, or at least attempting to snip through strings of webbing, hoping and praying that someone had the presence of mind to keep the fuckers off her
* Nightshade while she was working. And if any of the fuckers got within reach of her? They were eating shadow knife, quick fast and in a hurry.

<Voltarik> 2<5Zevri O'Shay2> 6Once Krys moves into action, and there is some yelling and cussing, it snaps Zev out of it. She swings the backpack around, pulling out the can of industrial hair spray, and the zorro zippo. Time to make some toasty spider flambe.

<04Sisip> Sparky sparky boom-Krys roasts that spider as if it were one of Jonas's evening BBQ menu items. Hairs burn and flesh bubbles, popping in disgusting bursting boils. Suddenly the web jerks, the large dog sized spiders scattering for a moment. It seems to tear as the section Jonas is trapped to, bleeding like a stuck pig, begins to get pulled upwards. The Brotato screamed as Maksim swung, the phone jerking around and catching the entire grouping of people. "Dats a lawsuit! Brooo you fuucked now! Gonna call Judge JUDY on you!" The fellow does scramble backwards, his phone refocusing on the action. Unfortunately for Devon the strands of silk are like steel... a normal sized spiderweb being strong enough to begin with... multiply that by ... the size of an F150 and you tend to find blades more useful for the creatures to pick their teeth with then anything else. The shadow, now the size of the before mentioned F150 moves back into the darkness swiftly, the web containing Jonas jerking back.. and to the left. Back... and to the left. Being pulled into the darkness of the alley.

<vile> And Jonas gets tooken by a spider, screaming all the way. Sadface!

<Voltarik> 2<5Zevri O'Shay2> 6Moves into a stragetic position where she won't burn Krys or Nightshade, and let'er rips with the hairspray/zippo combo, creating a nice made for TV flamethrower. Yeeeehaw. Was she worried about hurting the now being dragged away Jonas? Yes, but she knew what his powers were, and a little burnt flesh could be fixed for that man.

<Krys_Gallagher> 6She saw Nightshade dart in to try and free Jonas, turning her attention to any spiders that might try and hinder her. As they scattered however, she shuddered, seeing the larger shadow and then Jonas was being pulled away. Crap. She held out both hands, aiming high and above Jonas, trying to guage where the big mama was, then released a bright burst of electricity, a fanning forked
<Krys_Gallagher> 6discharge, both in hopes that she would 1) hit the beastie and 2) at least light up the alley enough to see what they were facing.

<Golem> This guy wanted something for teevee, huh? His face began to twist, express growing oddly deranged. No, he hadn't snapped and was about to embark on a killing spree. It was worse. As his face twitches just below his left eye, the insanity that briefly washed over him was replaced by revulsion. Brodo Baggins would probably know that look; Maksim was about to retch. Rather than dinner,
<Golem> though, what spilled from Maksim's mouth was a thick, red goo. It had an aroma of iron as it splashed into a puddle. It took a moment, and one long hurl, but once finished, Maksim stumbled backward, falling onto his ass. In front of Han Brolo, the puddle of upheaved blood began to bubble, churn, and..grow?

<04Sisip> The great-dane sized spiders seem to be easy prey, not really seeming like they know what to do. Webbing sizzled as the flames struck it, smaller strands curling upwards. Krys's zorting seemed to dance along the silk, the entire alleyway lighting up. The creature throwing the shadow was much higher up than expected and moving quickly into the night, dragging the screaming, terrified, piss soaked Jonas in its wake. Broseph Stalin screams like a girl, turns and bolts into the night... taking his phone with him. Spiders may be killed at peoples leisure. There are more in the back, should anyone dare to brave the webbing.

* Nightshade fuck. Why couldn't she have a useful power. Like pyrokinesis? Would that be so much to ask for? Really? Cursing colorfully, she sawed away futilely at the damned strands, until it began shifting, which sort of led to her shrieking like a teenage girl and bouncing back a good two feet. And then it would sink in, a few seconds after Jonas vanished screaming into the darkness that she
* Nightshade just abandoned her only damned friend in the world. Woe to the spiders, woe to the spiders indeed. There would be goo. Lots and lots of goo by the time the adrenaline wore off and she stopped being a big gray ball of seething rage.

<Voltarik> 2<5Zevri O'Shay2> "Try and get one alive!"6she calls out, before unleashing another spray of apple smelling airspray and FIRE! Keeping it about mid height, middle of the alleyway...making a path, or trying to.

<Golem> The Bromosapien may have run away, but the mass of liquid gore continued to grow. And it grew quick. Barely a minute after it was spewed into life, it was fully formed. The over-seven-foot monstrosity dripped with residual goo as it turned to Maksim, he had a hand to his head, trying to make the world stop spinning. "Bring the screamer back," he spoke to it, eyes barely open to look at
<Golem> it. He'd seen it enough to know what horror he'd spawned. At least he spawned a strong one; the simpleton of a golem stomped toward the alley, intent on finding the 'screamer'.

<Krys_Gallagher> "Alive? Alive?!" she yelled, blasting any spider that ventured too close, eyes wide with fear. She hated spiders. They were the stuff of her nightmares, and she screamed as one leapt at her, a sizzling bolt of electricity loosed at the monstrosity, dropping it dead, though its momentum kept it flying at her and she screamed as she batted the carcass away, zapping it all the while.
<Krys_Gallagher> 1"How the hell do you propose we get one alive?"

* Nightshade you want to know how to get one alive? You cut off it's fucking legs so all it can do is flounder on the ground and look pathetic, which is exactly what Dev did, snick snick snick, there with legs, and she was left prodding the scrabling thing back to the main group looking...well, livid was a word for it. Livid was a damned good word for it, "Someone. Had better tell me, that there
* Nightshade is a way, to use this fucking thing, to find the nest. And someone had better tell me that very, very fast, before I do something very, very fucking stupid," personally, she'd rather kill them all, every last fucking one of them, but even she could recognize the necessity of taking at least one back for study. And if she was being a little malicious in delegging it...the fuckers took her
* Nightshade friend.

<Voltarik> 2<5Zevri O'Shay2> 6Gods, how could they get one.....Nightshade seemed to be on a killing spree, there was some thing LARGE stomping around nearby (the golem)..."Try and zap one low level just behind it's head, so it's stunned. Then we'll hog tie it."6she says to Krys with a wry grin. And then...a legless one. "Pulling it's legs off reduces it's life expectancy..we need a full in tact one for study."
<Voltarik> 2<5Zevri O'Shay2> "And if they've evolved enough, we might be able to stick a tracker on it, and follow it back to the nest."

* Nightshade arms crossed as she nudged the thing again, "And even with a dead one, someone could still study the damned webbing and hopefully come up with a way of getting rid of it. Because my knives didn't do shit, and melting it takes too long," obviously, but she shrugged and stomped down on the head of the legless fucker before realizing that there were spider guts. All over her, and
* Nightshade wrinkling her nose in an immediate expression of distaste, before it clicked in again. Oh fucking god spiders. Spiders. And giant spiders had Jonas, when she'd promised they weren't going to get him. The charcoal skinned woman would proceed to be horribly and violently ill. Yeah. It's been one of those days.
The world is made up of stories, not atoms. ~Muriel Rukeyser
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