Interrogation or Ashy gets pimpslapped [butterflies]

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Interrogation or Ashy gets pimpslapped [butterflies]

Post by vile »

[20:16] <vile> Butterflies aren't really known for their hardiness. After that stress, almost drowning and seeing its friends get smashed, the captive one has been quiet and listless. But tonight it's more active, moving around in its enclosure. It perches on a branch and slowly beats its wings every once and a while, antenna flicking every now and then.

[20:24] <@Ashlynne> Ashlynne peeked into the room and wandered over towards the enclosure. She'd snuck in, of course, as much as a glowing girl could sneak in. Looking at the butterfly they'd saved she taps gently on the glass.

[20:30] <vile> The butterfly takes a step away from her and its antenna flick again. The thing watches her for a moment and strolls on over. One leg reaches up and settles down on the glass next to her hand. Is it trying to take over her brain? Or is it just being friendly? Who knows. That or it just wants out!

[20:34] * Sunder The metalhead would made his way down, expecting to see a grumpy unmoving butterfly as they had been since the incident..

[20:35] <@Ashlynne> She smiles just a bit at the bug before the girl looks up and over at Sunder as he walks in. "Look, it's trying to 'high five' me." She laughs, knowing the bug probably had no itentions of high fives.

[20:37] <vile> The frustrated butterfly paws at her hand a couple more times. There's no creepy mindspeech from the thing like when it had those dozens of minions. Instead it's just left at their mercy and in the tank.

[20:40] * Sunder He walks up to the cage, looking at the mind controlling butterfly thing "Probably not quite what it has in mind, but the bloke is moving now that's quite the improvement. Maybe its ready for a bit of a chat, shall we give it a go?"

[20:47] <@Ashlynne> Ashlynne hesitates a moment, looking up at Sunder before she looks down at the butterfly. She nods as she pulls her phone off and sends off a text. Just incase the butterfly decidd it had different plans for her then simply talking. "Ok.. just.. promise that... if he makes me go away? You'll not.. let me go." She was obviously volunteering herself.

[20:48] <vile> The butterfly continues to watch both Ashy and Sunder. The thing must understand because it stops pawing at the glass and just settles down on the branch. It waits patiently and goes back to swaying its wings every once and a while.

[20:58] * Sunder shakes his head "Remember we talked about that before, if it's going to latch onto one of us it'll be me this time round." he'd move to open the enclosure

[21:04] <@Ashlynne> She didn't want to argue and was actually a bit relieved when he said he'd do it. "But.. I can't stop if you if you try to leave." Well, she probably could, to be honest, but it would be rough. "Ok.. you ready? You're gonna look silly..." She did warn him, at least. Having a big butterfly on you? It was silly looking. Reaching out, checking to make sure nobody was watching, the girl takes the glass and lifts it off the pedestal, releasing the butterfly.

[21:05] <vile> The butterfly stares at Ashy, then Sunder, and back to Ashy. Which is it supposed to land on? Sigh. The thing just stays where it is because it doesn't want to take the wrong person and get smashed. Even after Ashy gives in and lets Sunder volunteer, it stays still for a minute or two. Its wings and antenna lower from indecisiveness. But it flits up into the air and heads for Sunder, making a beeline for his head to sit like a floppy hat!

[21:07] * Sunder Points at his own head, just to make it obvious while giving ashy a last second instruction "Well if need be, just hit it with a rolled up newspaper, that'll do tha trick"

[21:10] * Midas would push the door open around this steam as he waltzed in. Dressed in a plain white t-shirt, and a pair of bluejeans. "Whats this gibberish I heard about you wanting to let something take over your brain ashlynne?" He'd ask holding his cell phone up and pointing at it. Though he paused midstep and peered at the scene curiously. Sunder was poinitng at his own dome, Ashy had the glass thingie up..and a large butterfly was sitting on a pedistal.

[21:14] <@Ashlynne> As the butterfly heads off and Midas walks in and speaks the girl jumps and accidently drops the glass dome which... crashed to the ground to shatter loudly, "SUNDER DID IT!" And he did! She wasn't talking about dropping the glass but rather... as the butterfly lands on Sunder's head the girl skoots over towards Midas and away from the glass, hoping to block the door incase he made a break for it.

[21:15] <vile> The butterfly doesn't make a break for it even after it attaches to Sunder's head. Once perched there like a big ol' Sunday church hat, it goes still.

[21:17] * Sunder Sunder looked like he might say something, but went silent as the butterfly settled down. "We are tired of trying to talk to you. Attacked and poisoned time and time again.. I wish to go home, now."

[21:24] * Midas raised an eyebrow glancing at Sunder, the butterfly, then finally questioningly to Ashlynne. He didn't say anything though. He hadn't been doing any smashing but as far as letting it leave...Alejandro was none too sure about that.

[21:28] <@Ashlynne> Ash blinks, "Well.. you didn't really ever TRY to talk with us." She huffs just a bit. "I mean, I've been pretty tolerant during this whole thing.. you've taken me over twice and didn't say a god damned thing." The girl crosses her arms infront of her. "You didn't say you were helping us.. you just showed up and started landing on people making them do things without asking. You .. sort of brought this on yourself." Looking over to alejandro she gives him a bit of a smile as she steps closer to him.

[21:34] <Sunder> If you let me go, I will discuss this with our leader. (it gives a bit of a sigh) So what do you want to ask?

[21:36] * Midas blinked as he took in the little talk. He wasn't sure exactly what to add, or if he should at all. He'd take a side step closer to Ashy. "Weird." He would mummble after a moment shaking his head some. He was curious of course now that he was here, but still largely ignorant of them beyond his one encounter.

[21:37] <@Ashlynne> What did she want to ask? She had tons of questions just ... nothing thaat she could think of right now. "If we let you go.. you need to promise not to take over our people without asking first. Any of us. Because that's just rude." She nods her head firmly.

[21:47] <Sunder> I cannot speak for the others, our leader must do that. I can promise you I will not take over someone without asking first.

[21:50] <@Ashlynne> Ashlynne didn't know how to do any of this negotiation stuff but she thought this was a pretty good deal, right? Looking over at Midas she shrugs a bit before looking back at the butterfly. "... pinky swear? "

[21:50] <Midas> "Well their you have it?" He'd say glancing at AShlynne. "I dunno if it's believable of not though.." Crossing his arms a little loosely over his chest.

[21:52] * Sunder Seemed to get a little anxious, shifting some on his feet. "Yes... Well.. pinky swear. Can you show me the way outside now?"

[21:56] <@Ashlynne> Ash didn't know what else to do. She'd broken the damn glass cage and he said he'd pinky swear. So she stepped up to Sunder and raising her pinky she tries to figure out where the butterfly's was. Not finding one readily available she simply bonks it on the head with the tip of her digit, gentle enough not to hurt the insect. "Ok, but you gotta let Sunder go first and then you can follow me. Maybe grab my shirt or something, but not my skin." Looking over to her boyfriend again she smiles, her glow brightening. She was getting this interrogation of bugs down pretty good, she thought. Leaning over she kisses Alejandro's cheek.

[21:58] * Sunder Sunder would recoil in horror, of course a butterfly didn't know what a pinky swear was, and her sudden poke was perceived as a form of attack

[22:02] * Midas uncrossed his arms. Well it seemed to have resolved itself anyway. Then Ashy would advance upon the creature with an arm extended. "Are you sure thats a good idea?" Not that he'd think the creature would prcieve it as hostile...he meant was it a good idea to touch a mind controlling insect at all.

[22:04] <@Ashlynne> Ash's glow disappeared as Sunder damn near flung himself back, the girl whipping her hand towards herelf with her eyes scarily wide. "NO I DIDN'T MEAN TO SCARE YOU THAT WAS JUST A PINKY SWEAR!" She can't help but speak VERY LOUDLY out of alarm that she was going to cause some sort of Mutant/Insect international event! She tries to grab Sunder to keep him from flipping out. "Ididntmeanitreallyitwasjustamistake" Poor Alejandro's warning was unheeded obviously, the girl having thought.. well of COURSE you seal the deal of a pinkyswear by jabbing the other party in the eyeball with your finger! Who DIDN'T know that?

[22:06] * Sunder The insect wasn't so much listening as trying to prevent it's demise. They were after all very fragile, and so many of them had died at the hands of these creatures. Sunder's arm would come around, back of hand contacting ashy's cheek. The only thing missing was a large brimmed hat with a feather.

[22:09] <@Ashlynne> If there was anything the glowing girl was expecting to happen tonight.. getting pimpslapped by Sunder was NOT anywhere close to being on the list. She can't help but yelp loudly as his heavy hand connected, her glow disappearing completely as she was flung (perhaps a bit overdramatically) to the floor by the unexpected assault.

[22:12] * Sunder He would look to midas, wild eyed "You! Show me the way outside!"

[22:12] <Midas> "Hey!" He'd call out, and rush Sunder's form, not aiming to crush the bug but rather flinging himself at the trunk of Sunders body in an attempt to tackle him.

[22:13] <WuWu> Well, popcorn time was over. She saw the large Sunderman pimpslap poor Ashlynne, and... the kitty GROWLED! OH NO HE DIN'T! "... James, I'll be back. I gotta' deal with something first." That was like fifteen seconds ago. Now? She's sprinting along a corridor to get to... Where the hell is everyone? THERE! YEAH! THAT PLACE! Since she was quite far away, getting there will take a minute or so... Unfortunately.

[22:15] <vile> James cackles! Of course he knows Ashy's fine and it's just her pride that's hurt. She's been through worse! "Yeah, yeah. See you around." He waves to her and goes back to munching popcorn and regrets not playing a Rikki Lake OOOOOOOH over the intercom system.

[22:15] * Sunder AAaaaand, nope! Tackled! The bug knew nothing of fighting, it didn't know how to dodge, or use sunders not inconsiderable strength. He'd flail about, seeking to get midas off of him as he shouted out "No! You won't get me! I will live!"

[22:18] <Midas> "Would you calm down! If I wanted to hurt you I would have already! Use that brain you highjacked and think!" He'd say scrambling ontop of the mans body, doing his best to keep him prone without smooshing the bug.

[22:18] <@Ashlynne> Ashy wasn't down for the count but she stays crouched in a ball as people seem to fly everywhere all at once. Jesus CHRIST all she wanted to do was get a pinkyswear! "NOT ITSFAULT NOT IT'S FAULT..." She tries to cry out though she was covering her head.

[22:23] * Sunder Bug-Sunder would continue to flail around, it was panicing. Thankfully it still hadn't figured out how to fight, less than effective hits would be thrown at midas

[22:23] <WuWu> Just outside the lab's door, Karen paused, taking a few moments to peer through the security cameras to make sure her timing was just right. If it looked like it was going to try to escape? Strike time! If it looked like it was going to try to attack? Also strike time! If it looked docile after they're yelling at it? God damn carebears and their pet butterflies!

[22:26] <Midas> "Should I just let it go?" He was getting confused now, he was relatively sure that Sunder could paste him if the butterfly stopped pancing. "NO ONES gonna hurt you!" He'd shout turning his head to peer over at Ashlynne "ARe you al-" Thump one of the flailing arms happened to catch him just right and sent him on a roll to the side.

[22:30] <@Ashlynne> She didn't know what to do! Everythign was going terribly wrong! "LET SUNDER GO!!" She screamed at the insect. "You can go if you LEAVE HIM AL..." She cries out as Midas gets clocked. She SUCKED at interrogation!

[22:33] <WuWu> Over the team's comm system, which hopefully Sunder was wearing... people would hear a rather creepy voice.. [No flutter of wing nor cerebral grasp will save you from my feline wrath... I AM BECOME DEATH!] Suddenly, KITTY! Bounce-bounce onto a countertop, and dash-dash toward Sunder while it was still flailing around! Her goal now? Tackle the thing off of his head! From the side! If she missed, she'd try to grab onto his head anyway, and 'fall off' if he swung at her!

[22:35] * Sunder And off midas went! Bug-sunder would scramble to his feet, staring at the door... Freedom if it had any idea how the hell to navigate the building. It would edge towards the door, looking towards ashy "Just get me outside.. " Kitty attack! It had seen what the cat had done to its friends. Sunders arms would raise up above his head, protecting the bug as it ducked, those full arm bracers filled with decking nails aimed right at robo kitty

[22:38] <@Ashlynne> "NOOO STOP! JUST LET HIM GO!" GAh! Flying cat! Ash stretch lunges in slooooow moootion, throwing herself infront of the cat and between it and Sunder like a secret service agent infront of the president.

[22:40] * Midas grunts recovering fast enough as he pushed himself up onto his hands and knees. Peering up in time to see..well the shitstorm go off. Robot cat? What? He couldn't do much but watch as looked like Ashy, the Cat and Sunder were going to smash into each other.

[22:43] <WuWu> Well, the ducking of Sunder was going to screw her plan anyway, but hte leaping Ashlynne gives her something soft to hit instead of Sunder! Squish! Kitty-on-the-face! She makes sure to not use claws though, becuase she does like Ashy. Riding the girl's face toward the ground, she uses that processor-quick timing to spring from Ashlynne about half way down, aiming to come up UNDER Sunder's arms with a quick leap! FACE! Head! Hair! Whatever! Anything as long as she's within mutilation distance of that god damn butterfly!

[22:45] <vile> Meanwhile in James' lab...he's just cackling like a madman! "Oh man this is so much better than Springer. I gotta watch this channel more often."

[22:47] * Sunder was not one to turn away a face full of pussy. Bug-Sunder however was more interested in beating that pussy into the ground. Those arms would come down, elbows aimed to slam into robo cat. The bug wouldn't feel any pain, it didn't care if the cat was metal, it didn't care if it broke sunders arms off so long as the cat was the hell away from it

[22:48] <@Ashlynne> She may have been stretchy but having a robot cat land on her face didn't really feel good. Her cry is muffled and she's pushed downwards hard as the cat springs off almost immediately. As she hits the ground AGAIN it's with a smear of blood on her face. Fuckingjesuschristthissuckedass. There may have been no claws but her nose wasn't so stretchy.. in fact.. her nose was a bit... broken . She didn't see Bug-Sunder try to bat the cat out of the air.

[22:52] * Midas pushed himself up onto his feet fully. "Holy shit!" That was pretty much all he could say. He wasn't about to get inbetween some hellbent blood thirsty cat demon thing and it's target. Then he saw Ash's apparently now broken nose. "Oh shit thats alot ofbl" Cutting himself off as he'd scramble over, reaching out to try to hook Ashy's self with his arms and haul her off to the side of the throwdown.

[22:57] <WuWu> Kitty not happy. The elbow impacted and it felt like it kinda' hurt! Thud to the ground on four legs, and she scrambles behind the man. But her assualt is NOT complete! She springs back into action, this time leaping at Sunder's back! With all those nails and crap that he's wearing it's less likely that he'll be able to reach her back there! She's gonna' climb his clothes like a set of durable drapes, and attack from BEHIND the bug!

[22:59] * Sunder More panic! It would lean sunder's head forward as it made him jump backwards into the wall. The metal head would feel like he went to a good mosh pit come morning.

[23:00] <@Ashlynne> Ashlynne sobs, clinging to Midas as he pulls her away. She'd broken bones before... fingers.. toes.. but NEVER her nose! That shit just sucked ass. Blood was everywhere, at least it felt like it. She just wanted it all to stop but didn't have a clue how to do this! What idiot put ASHLYNNE in charge anyway?

[23:05] <WuWu> Thankfully, kitty is fast! She's gotten enough practice in the body to be more than aware of it's capabilities. A one-up she has on the damn butterfly! Claws jerk the feline to the top of the backward-toppling mountain of Sunder just in time for him to hit the wall. She springs up just before, front paws reaching out, back paws kicking off the wall as she uses that new spring-board momentum to TACKLE at the butterfly! She was actually not aiming to kill the thing, should she actually come in contact! Just wrap her arms around it's body and pull it from Sunder's head! If she got it free she wouldn't even let it land beneath her. Instead, she'd land on her back, and keep as solid a hold as possible without crushing the damn thing!

[23:06] <Midas> "Would you calm down you dumb fucking Animal!" He was hard to tell which animal he was yelling at, but yelled out it was. "Just let the damn thing go!" Ripping off a patch of his shirt, he'd press it against Ashlynne's busted nose looking up and time to see the cats next unrelenting attack.

[23:12] <@Ashlynne> She was a bit of a baby at times. She hadn't been alive long enough to learn how to just brush off wounds during tense situations. Her glow was completely gone, leaving the girl an almost alabaster white that didn't look healthy in the least. Hands tremble as she helps press that torn cloth against her face.

[23:15] * Sunder And that's why sunders head was flung so far forward, getting to the bug would be a challenge but robokitty would suceed in jostling it off. leading an overbalanced metal head who had no clue what the living hell was going on to fall forward with a surprised shout, almost face planting except for his arms were just quick enough

[23:20] <WuWu> Flop tumble! Karen makes sure she doesn't crush the god damn thing as she rolls out of the way of it's impending doom in the form if the landslide of Sunder mountain! If it broke some wings? Bonus. Fucking butterfly... "BOX! NOW! GET A CONTAINER!" she yells! The lab HAD to have something big enough to fit this thing inside! "We are NOT releasing this thing freely on it's word that it won't take control of anyone else! I won't kill it, but so help me god if one more student becomes controlled by another fucking butterfly I will murder EVERY GOD DAMN BUG IN THE SANCTUM! ... Not including those registered to stay here."

[23:21] <vile> *Kenneth breaths a sigh of relief.

[23:22] * Sunder Gets a grip of whats going on as the robo-kitty (jokes about new meow-troit city would come later) is yelling. He looks about "Wha tha bloody fuckin 'ell 'appened?!

[23:23] <vile> The butterfly isn't crushed, sadly! And it makes an effort to escape! It flutters away and heads for the nearest door. OH GOD LET IT ESCAPE IT DOESN'T WANT TO BE IN THIS HELLHOLE ANY LONGER!

[23:24] * Midas kept the well chunk of his shirt pressed against Ashlynnes nose. "We'll get you to Medical.." Though the robot cat's words were sound he'd look around for a moment, then grabbing some random empty bowl or dish. "What about this..." It was the only thing within arms reach of ashy, a rather large sized petri might work, but it'd be cramped for the large thing.

[23:27] <@Ashlynne> Ash got her ass handed to her by a bug and a cat.. this was embarassing. She stays seated as Midas reaches for the petri dish, the bloodied up girl watching with horrified eyes. This hadn't got as planned at all... and WORSE you KNOW her father was probably going to stick this on youtube synched up with Yakkity Sak.

[23:27] <vile> Already done.

[23:27] * Midas would favorite it later

[23:29] * @Dillon and JJ handles the hillariously edited remix with added sound fx

[23:29] <vile> And JJ totally gets high fived by everyone except Ashy.

[23:30] <WuWu> Karen will likely make an iPad/Android game based on the events at a later date! Complete with original video soundtrack.

[23:30] * Sunder winces a bit as he gets up "Just.. What the hell 'appened in 'ere? We were supposed to bloody talk not get bloody! (obviously he was not following orders to chase and contain the bug)

23:35] <WuWu> Karen WOULD try to re-capture the damn thing, but it's too high off the floor! Right about now she wishes she had her body back... "Seriously. Someone do something useful!" Why didn't she? Well, obviously because she can't reach the damn thing!

[23:36] <@Ashlynne> her words were muffled behind the shirt scrap... and her nose being plugged.. and trying not to cry... "I .. poked it in the eyeball trying to seal a pinkyswear.. I didn't mean to.. it moved at the last second." Really it had entirely been her fault but she'd explain that later. SHE wasn't about to go after that thing.. it was a death-bringer of the slapstick kind. Fuck. That. Noise!

[23:37] <vile> The butterfly makes a break for it and flutters out the convienently open door! FUCK THIS MESS. It flies as fast as those wings can carry it at least until it can possess some poor mutant and ride them to safety!

[23:37] <Midas> "I will!" And at that he'd wrap his arms Ashlynne and head for he door, hauling the glowbug with him aiming to try and get her to medical so that she could be treated. It was going to be fun explaining with a bloody shirt and a girlfriend with a broken nose that a cat and a butterfly did this...

[23:38] <Sunder> I'm just going to let the thing go home.. And when the 'ell did you get 'ere robokitty?

[23:39] <@Ashlynne> Dragged along she doesn't argue, the girl not even caring where the butterfly was now. For all she knew it could be mind controlling Gains or Santiago.. have fun boys! Staying close to Midas she stays quiet as they head to medical.

[23:39] <WuWu> "Right about when I saw you smack Ashlynne in the face, big guy." is all the kitty says. Oh, also. KITTY PENNANCE STAAAARE!

[23:40] <Sunder> I what? I let the bug take over so they could bloody talk

[23:41] <vile> The butterfly is gone! And over the speakers the announcer from Mortal Kombat can be heard shouting: "Flawless victory!" because James is a dick.

[23:43] <WuWu> "Well on the camera I saw you punch her in the face. I don't think it went well! You were flailing around like a lunatic when I got in here." She peeks around the room to see the speakers, and shares a laugh with James inside of her head. Also, whatever computer he's at would pop up a window to show an animated GIF image of Karen high-fiving the screen with a big grin on her face. Just as the hand 'hits' the screen, a little classic 80s Batman splash thingy says just that, 'High Five!'. Bitter? Well, no. Not at James. Looking at this from a detached spectator point of view would be hilarious. She's just appreciating his witty commentary!

[23:45] <vile> And that's the moment that James realized he found his one true love, sighed dreamily and smiled.

[23:46] <Sunder> Well that's news to me.. Time to go 'ave a chat I think. (he'd start off towards medical, he wanted to hear from ashy just what the hell happned, and perhaps maybe apologize for something his hand may have done when he wasn't in control)

[23:47] <WuWu> Karen would just go back to James' lab. Nothing more to do here. She even considers scrubbing herself clean of this butterfly bullshit from now on.

[23:48] <@Ashlynne> Ashlynne is escorted to medical.. where Bonobo gives Midas the stink eye but not much more of an issue than that. She does watch him, however, very ... very ... disapprovingly.

[23:52] * Midas took the time to explain how legitly he'd ended up his white shirt with his girlfriends blood on it torn as well, and how a butterfly and talking robot cat were the reason why it happened. Which got him the stink he so deserved. So he sat under that disapproving glare as Ashy got patched up.

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