Mysterious Mutie Gang [red antler]

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Mysterious Mutie Gang [red antler]

Post by vile »

[17:57] * [Tremor] was out for the night on the town... such as it was. His captor, Wormwood, had let him go out as a reward for the work he had done in japan over the past month. It had taken him outside the scope of the chess gang and had secured Worm some key tools needed for... well... Tremor wasn't sure -what- Worm had planned. Still, he wasn't going to pass up some time off and Salem was as good a place as any. Of course, Trem couldn't be sure there wasn't a catch to this, as there was the collar around his neck to think about. He frowns slightly as he walks down the sidewalk close to downtown. Hands in his jacket pockets, he fishes out one of the pendents he had grabbed during the run ins with that band of mutants who had terrorized the city a while back.

[18:00] <vile> Oh look! Is that a fifty dollar bill on the ground in front of Tremor? Yes it is! Doesn't that just look awesome. What good luck he has!

[18:00] <Addison> The Sanctum's groundskeeper wasn't out for a night on the town with a hot girl, an ex-wife, or anything of the sort. He was exiting the local Gamestop with a white, black, and red bag clutched in his grasp, containing a bevy of brand new and used games he'd been intending to use for indulging his videogaming fancies for several months now. Addy tended to forget about gaming every so often, caught up in drama, whether at home in Salem, or at home in Texas, and had finally realized now that he had the time to devote toward some hard core videogaming playing on the couch or in front of the computer. The case of beer and brown bag of whiskey was already in the pickup pulled parallel alongside the street.

[18:04] * `Alexandra was walking out of a small classic theater, you know the kind that showed indy films and classics rather than the big blockbusters you would go to a cineplex for, well today she had been lucky enough to catch a miyazaki double feature of Nausica and Porko Rosso so bat-girl was feeling pretty good though she now had a strange craving for ramen..."curse you anime and your delicious looking animated food type items"

[18:06] * [Tremor] stops and looks at the fifty dollar bill on the ground for a few seconds. His -first- thought is to look for the clear fishing line attached. The second was to wonder if this was some kind of trap rather than a simple prank. Had hanging around Worm really made him that paranoid? He -did- have an unsusally large number of people out to kill him. He glances around to see if anyone would be watching or have a vantage point for a clear shot from windows, balconies, rooftops ect... The fifty is avoided.

[18:07] <Kat> ...Two normal people standing together on the street corner, shuddered and with a shiver of obscuring red smoke danced out wearing a tux and ball gown, arms about each other and without seeming to think it abnormal, danced down the street passed Alexandra, pausing for a moment as the man caught the woman about the waist and swung her about, then they tangoed on down the street...

[18:08] <vile> The fifty gets swept up in a gust and flutters away. Looks like Tremor lost out on a great oppertunity! It disappears around a corner and is gone forever. Well not really. It gently flutters through the breeze and heads in Alexandra's direction. Looook at the mooooney. Take it. You know you want to.

[18:10] <@JJ> The not so normal JJ was out for a change, on one of his usual scrap thrift and antique store runs. Sure he could affoard much higher end and definite things, but this shopping left him open to finding hidden treasures he wouldn't usually be on the look out for. He had a few bag fulls of boxes. A good haul tonight! Poddy would be pleased and he had some unique components for himself. He was walking down the street, the very boring task of taking a bus home. He really needed a new motorcycle

[18:11] <Saraia> She was indulging in some shopping, picking up rather boring things like a pair of new jeans, a couple of books, a new game for her PS3, and some fufu soaps and shampoos because that was one of the redhead's few indulgences. So a trio of bags in hand and she was walking down the street, pretty much minding her own business as usual.

[18:13] <Addison> "...Why they chasin' a fifty on a fishin' line?" Maybe there wasn't a fishing line attached, and from this distance Addison couldn't determine whether or not it was truly blown on the wind. But he'd seen this very same thing on episodes of Jackass before and didn't find it particularly clever. He shook his head and tossed the bag of PC and playstation games onto the passenger seat of the vehicle, clicked the door locks again, then just leaned there with his arms folded against his chest to observe out of sheer curiosity. There was never a normal day in Salem...and being so close to a mutant school, it was highly probable the fifty dollar bill itself was the mutant! Every day behavior, people strolling, someone stupidly chasing money.... hot redhead--wait, he knew that particular hot redhead, so he chose to practice his construction worker's whistle when Raia passed by.

[18:13] * `Alexandra was a paranoid as they come so she was very suspicious of a random fifty dollar bill but she was also a poor homeless girl living off the charity of cobalt so she just could not pass of fifty bucks! and so bat-girl snatched at the fifty bucks trying to grab it out of the air as it flutters by her...

[18:14] * [Tremor] narrows his eyes slightly and follows after the money. It wasn't like he had a lot else going on tonight and it kept striking him as odd that the money would just be there waiting for him to pick it up, then blow off in the wind the second he showed a lack of interest. It wasn't really any of those events that struck him, any of them could be random chance. It was the fifty itself. He rarely saw such a bill on hand, much less one carelessly left out in the open. So he followed it around the corner in time to see Alex attempting to snatch it out of the air.

[18:15] <vile> It's not really a fifty on a fishing line per se. And Alexandra soon finds that out! The moment she snatches the cash up, she may notice a pole attached to it, leading right to a hideous mutant! The thing looks like a reverse mermaid! With a giant red, orange and white striped head, bulbous yellow eyes and rows of shearing teeth, it's a terrible thing to look at! But instead of trying to bite her arm off, like one might assume, he jumps out to give her a shove with his fin-like hands. Laughter escapes the thing but it sounds like it's underwater, the sound distorted.

[18:18] <Kat> ...With the tango couple out of sight down the street, a man coming out of the store behind Addison stopped suddenly, was obscured in the same kind of thickening smoke and as it drifted away his normal street clothes were replaced by more hobo-esque fasion and he suddenly screamed "THE END IS COME! JUDGEMENT DAY HAS ARRIVED!" pointing his finger in panic at the fish creature and screaming "REPENT! For -GOD- will Juuuudgeee thee!!"...

[18:22] * `Alexandra was truly not expecting that, I mean its like the spanish inquisition, no one expects the reverse mermaid fish guy! so she wasnt prepared to dodge the sudden push from fish boy and stumbles backwards a little before she is able to gain her balance again and pull her bat out from its sheeth.."I really dont want trouble nemo, so lets not do this huh?"

[18:24] <Addison> The end is nigh? Addy blinked and stared toward the direction of the magical clothing shifter hobo. This didn't involve him, so he stayed happily to the sideline for now until he zeroed in on the fishy mutant that the fellow wildly gestured to.

[18:24] <@JJ> Why would someone transform themselves into a fifty dollar bill though? Well, some mutants made a category of weirdness all their own. JJ continued lugging that heavy seeming set of bags. The robot arm? It was stronger than his flesh and blood one and heavy bags meant nothing! NOTHING to the mighty junior cyborg! He stopped and very rudely gawked at reverse fishboy and the crazy jesusman screaming about doom. He was in that part of town again wasn't he?

[18:26] <Saraia> Whistle. Riiight. She rolled her eyes but glanced over as she passed out of sheer habit, then actually did a double-take and slowed to a stop. She recognized the guy at least, from Cobalt. The one with the phoenix. "Hey yourself-" A blink, turning to glance at the smoke shifting hobo-esque guy, fingers tightening around her bags at the ranting. And then...fishguy! "Seriously? Can't a girl even go shopping without crap popping up?"

[18:27] * [Tremor] ups a brow at the fish man shoving at Alex. He wasn't sure he had seen her before, but she seemed to be fairly confedent in her abilities with a bat. Then the raving man come in pointing at the fish and he stops. So this was ether an improv scene he had wondered into, or something stranger was going on. He keeps his distance for now, just watching as the events unfold.

[18:27] <vile> Froggy continues to laugh and even goes so far as to point a finger at Alexandra! Just so she knows who he's laughing at. But the hobo screaming at him makes that gross-sounding laughing to stop. The creature's hand drops and he takes a step away from the guy. A frown crosses his fishy face and he snorts. "Only Judy can judge me!" Froggy counters and disappears from sight. While nearly invisible, his waddly footsteps can be heard as he rushes towards the man, aiming to push him over too! Yeah take that jackass!

[18:30] <Addison> If Addison could transform into a fifty dollar bill, he'd do it just for the cleavage shots as chicks bent over to pick him up...and maybe if he was lucky they'd fold him into their bras too. Now that's a nice day. The young man's grin was short lived and quick to fade despite recognizing the ginger-haired hottie from the brawl on the courtyard. "...It's like dinner entertainment, but we ain't had the dinner yet to go with it I guess." He gave a shrug of his shoulders and watched, only to crack another grin when fishguy made a rush for the ...creepy biblethumber in the hobogarb. "Better not power up, darlin', that bum over there might try takin' you down to the pawn."

[18:33] <Tao-Yin> Poor Yin. Kicked off the bus for making it dark inside when some jerkoff guy tried to hit on her. And in THIS part of town no less! Crazy jesus freaks and.. is that a fish guy? Whatever. Crazies will be crazy. She had in her hands a couple of shopping bags, stuffed with random stuff that she thought she needed for her room! If Yang wasn't going to decorate, she might as well. Though at this point, she actually felt kind of lost. That is, until the sight of a very obvious JJ happens along! Woo! Someone she kinda' might have seen before but isn't sure! Obviously that tells her to scamper up beside him and give a 'polite' little tug to his sleeve. "S'cuse me... Are you from the Sanctum?"

[18:33] <SN> ...Saraia's comment is followed up as a woman beside her shook herself out of the red cloudy haze that had surrounded her and suddenly threw up PomPoms that hadn't been there moments before " 2 - 4 - 6 - 8 Who do we appreciate!? GooooooooooooooooOOOOOoooooo Tigerssssss!!!" And the 40'ish year old woman in the cheerleader outfit began giggling and kicking, jumping in place and trying to hyperactively hug Saraia...

[18:36] * `Alexandra watches was the fish man does his semi vanishing act and then charges the doomsday bum and just sighs shaking her head.."please let this not turn into a whole big affair, I really dont want to interupt my miyazaki high because to your gonna be an idiot" Alex really didnt think this will turn into a huge battle but she got ready to call up her power just incase

[18:37] <@JJ> "Hey! Don't shove her!" He'd yell at froggy fishy thing... Honestly! Were all aquatic mutants except his uncle kevin complete whackos?! Was uncle kevin a whacko waiting to happen? And Froggy vanished. JJ held his bags closer and looked around all wary like. "Where..." He looked around more and a stranger appeared! Asking him if he was from the Sanctum. "I might be... What the?!" Another weirdo... "Umm... lets head home..."

[18:38] * [Tremor] thinks a moment. Non-standard, semi-homeless mutants, running around in the city? Sounds familure. Only this time they didn't -look- like they were out to rob a bank or blowup city hall... maybe. He spots JJ and others beginning to gather at the specticle and frowns slightly. With any luck, noone would notice him or know who he was. Still, this was more important that avoiding the Cobalt crew. He spots how the red haze had tranformed a normal woman over to cheerleader mode. Yeah, this was more and more suspect by the second.

[18:42] <Saraia> Taking her to the pawn? She blinked, glancing back to Addison, then actually grinned. Thats right, he'd seen her transform. "They could try to but a little birdie told me I could hit rather hard in that form, so..." And then there was cheerleader all in her face. Not even a young pretty cheeleader, but old and saggy and...touchy feeley. She tried to jump back, keeping a firm grip on her bags, and edged closer to Addison by his truck. "Hey lady, hands off please." And was that JJ down teh sidewalk a little furtehr?

[18:43] <vileGM> Froggy pushes the hobo around for a minute or two before growing bored. He wanders over towards the group of Cobaltians and stares at JJ for a long minute, eyes the roboarm and squints at Tao. "Mutants?" he croaks and puffs his chest out proudly. There, pinned to the front of his t-shirt over his chest, is a button! It's oval, black, and has a red antler design on it. "Me too!" he chimes the obvious. The cheerleader is eyed and the rusty gears in his head slowly turn. And he cracks up laughing for some reason or another. Mad? Maybe. All fish people but Kevin are nuts! | A few others show up on the scene, some with mutant looks and some without but all wear matching buttons. One man looks like a two-legged chimera with an assortment of animal parts tacked onto his body and each shift from one minute to the next. Another is a faaaabulous drag queen, covered in thparkles and sequins from head to toe, her clothes garish and bright. A woman is with them, one that looks pretty normal even if she's the the lovely tan of cardboard. And, finally, a girl with green crossed eyes. "Hey Froggy!" One of the gathering cheers, waving to the guy.

[18:44] <SN> ...Tango dancing couple swept back into the scene, waltzing around Addison's truck and the screaming homeless preacher thumped his bible over the head of a normal passer by as the slowly forming scene began to draw attention and the humans in the area were slowing in their business and blinking around at the strange..strange happenings. Human with their bible thumped head cried out and gripped hands over her head, running from the man as he literally chased her down the street calling her a whore of babylon and other such names. The Cheerleader was trying to make Saraia join her in an organized cheer and was grabbing her by the arm "Hey Hey.. are you ready? Hey Hey are you ready to play?! Say GO TEAM.. Goo teeamm.. PANTHERS ALL THE WAY!" laughing and jumping and pawing at Saraia in a slightly despairing fashion...

[18:44] <Addison> "Hey JJ!" Addison tried to flag down the cyborg kid from the Sanctum when he realized that ... by sheer luck and good fortune, most of them were all assembled in the same shopping center! What a glorious and fortuitous evening....until a saggy cheerleader with pancake tits came rushing at Saraia to hug her. Addison scooted off to the side, horrified. "...There's most of htem...why're they wearin' all the same shit."

[18:46] <Tao-Yin> A glance back and forth, and... well, she didn't really notice anything super out-of-the-norm. "This is pretty tame compared to what little I remember from my trip to Hong Kong as a little girl... Some weirdo one ran up to me in a pink trenchcoat and-.." She pauses, staring off toward Froggy with a look of 'DO NOT WANT'. As the fish-headed mutant hopefully turns away from them to look at the ones that greeted him, Yin's hand snatches out to try and pluck the pin off of his clothes! Blatant theft! That's a good start to the evening!

[18:48] * [Tremor] spots the button and that seals it. These were the same group, or part of it anyway. He was finally going to make a break in getting to the bottom of who the hell was staging all those attacks. To do this however, he would need to play it -juuuust- right. He casually reaches into his coat pocket and pulls one of the matching buttons, preferably one with as little damage to it as possible, then pins it on his jacket. The act was something like driving a nail in the hood of one's favorite car, but he wouldn't get another chance like this. Button in place, he walks slowly in to join the band of misfit mutants.

[18:49] <@JJ> It was indeed JJ, and the boy was feeling a little edgy right now. He'd been through far too many attacks and didn't quite understand this god thing that well, so the crazy jesus hobo was really freaking him out. A fishman had almost killed his father... Bad mix. BAD MIX. It looked at him! At his arm! Great... in his nerves the arm had rotated in odd ways and revealed the robotic beneath the false skin layer. He needed a thicker coating of that stuff. "Addison!" He called out. Streetlamps were flickering, car alarms were going off... "You know these people?..." He was eyeing the clothes, running a search on the matching pins. Yes, time to go to Addison...

[18:50] <SN> ...Along with the slowly gathering group walked a woman She moved slowly and seemed to be almost wandering into the scene if it weren't for the fact that she was dressed from head to toe in a finely cut, perfectly fit scarlet suit complete with soft shirt and matching tie. Pinned to her breast like the others was the same black and red pin. She pushed back her hair with vicious looking scarlet nails, long and flowing down her back and displayed a smirkish sneer, regarding the mutants and the bouncing cheerleader alike "Hello dear children.." the voice was soft and deeply warm, and just.. a little sarcastic...

[18:51] <`Alexandra> "you know I suddenly feel like I am in the middle of one of those ummm cirque de freak books, if the bearded lady and the vampire come strolling out next I am getting the fuck out of dodge cause that right there is limit of my wierd shit tolerence for the day" pushing Alexandra to her limit of wierd is actually quite a feat considering she got her powers by smashing a magical stone with a baseball bat. Blinking she looked around as the light started to flicker...

[18:53] <Saraia> "I said no." she was jerking her arm away from crazy grandma cheerleader, shifting all her bags to one hand, edging further away till she felt the truck at her back. She'd noticed the buttons but had absolutely no idea what they were, and gave the approaching woman a wary look.

[18:54] <vileGM> "Wh-wh-HEY!" Froggy whines and flails about when Tao steals his pin! "That's mine! C'moooon. That's not nice." he continues to bitch and steps towards her, trying to get it back. Should she be unfortunate enough to touch him, she'd find his skin to be rubbery with a hint of slime. It's not very pleasant to touch! Spines replace his fingernails but he's careful to not poke her with them even now. "Give it baaack. I have to pay, like, ten bucks for a new one and that's my fifth one this month!" | The band of mutants look pretty merry and friendly towards the Cobaltians. Just hearing the name of the sanctum getting thrown around is enough to make them be buddy-buddy. | The chimera spots Tremor, eyes the pin and beams with delight. "Haven't seen you around before. Name's Tam." it saunters over to Trems and offers a hand...hoof...paw shake. | Derpgirl hears Alexandra's 'freak' comment and scowls. "Hey! That's not nice. You take that back or else!" A finger is pointed slightly to the right of Alex in a threatening manner. | Diamond the drag queen also doesn't look very amused and narrows her glamourous lashes at the batgirl.| None of them notice the lady in red just yet.

[18:57] <Tao-Yin> Well, the solution to that was quite simple. She jerks out her other hand, makign her elbow-dangling shopping bags wiggle in protest. IN her hand was a nice fresh ten dollar bill! "Here you go!"It's not like Yang could complain about her giving away his money. Well.. Technically he can complain, but she won't be able to hear it, so whatever. If Froggy takes the money, she bolts off toward JJ, trying to keep close to the one she may actually know. OR at least someone who knows how to get home. She was so lost right now. If he DOESN'T take the money... she throws it at him and runs anyway!

[18:58] <Addison> Because Nicci got briefly distracted, Addison had apparently dazed out to listen to the voices in his head. He was back now, blinking himself out of it and realizing that clingy cheerleader woman was still attempting a handful of Saraia. Finally, he sighed and shook his head at JJ, "No, I don't know none of these folk and don't really care to." Just a step forward toward Saraia was what it took to bring them within reach, to try to separate the two by force with a shove of his own at the old lady's shoulder.

[18:59] <`Alexandra> "but no one is paying me to be nice and I didnt call you guys freaks I said this reminded my of a book that happens to have the word freak in the title, your the one that took it as a insult so I think you have some issues you need to work on" Alexandras eyes started to glow a soft white as she looked tightened her grip on the bat.."and I have this thing about threats hun so why dont you lower the finger and try not to do anything stupid, okay?"

[19:01] <SN> ...Pancake Boobs the cheerleader is looking not even a little non plussed at Saraia's attempt to move away. She merely turned her attention to the others, Squeeling and "You might be good at basketball, You might be good at track, But when it comes to football..You might as well step back Might as well step back..Gooooooo ROCKETS!!!" and grappled onto Addison. She was a normal woman, human as they come, just in an unfortunate choice of clothing and seeming to be ..gasping a little, breathing hard in a slightly frightening way, as she still continued to do kicks and jumps and hyperactive cheers that were maybe a little bit too extreme for her advanced age. Woman standing behind the other group looked highly amused, red arching eyebrows lofting and one long fingered hand sliding over the shoulder of Derpgirl, soothingly it seemed...

[19:03] * [Tremor] 's general attitude shifts when the Chimera greets him. When in doubt, mix lies with the truth. "Yeah, I'm kinda new. Name's Travis." He shakes the hoof/paw once before returning his hands to his coat pockets as if he were cold. He nods in the direction of the Cobalt people, "What's the deal? You'd think they would be happy to see us right?"

[19:04] <@JJ> "Ummm... hi?" JJ offered. Even wiggling his fingers in an unsure little wave. Wait weren't you supposed to ignore crazies like that? JJ didn't know! He's not even two years old! His life time experience is seriously lacking! He had to learn stop drop and roll the hard way! No cheery little songs or cartoons had taught him so. Those pins... something imporatant about them. "What is that symbol?" He wanted to look it up but didn't want to distract himself by braining the internet. electronics were showing the boy's agitation. "Get away!" He'd shout and try to shoo, swinging his heavy bag of junk at the closest evil red badge hobo tihng. See dad? THIS is why he needs a built in laser!

[19:05] * Angel`Pearson they had a drag queen? Well! While not exactly preforming drag queenie type, he -was- the sanctums faaaaabulous crossdresser and obviously way way better. Currently in his awesome white magical girl shirt with the sailor collar and big pink bow printed on it, black and plaid ruffled skirt, black and pink legwarmers, and matching black armwarmers that were trimmed in pink frill and sported a big heart on the back of each hand. A choker with a little silver star pendant was worn around his neck, and a heart shaped clip was fixed in his hair. He happened randomly on the group of cobaltians and others,, or something fabulous, and drifted closer when they were noticed.

[19:07] <vileGM> Froggy eyes the ten and tiiiilts his head. Can he really take the money for the pin? "Bu-but it's special. I'm not supposed to share. Um. Can I have it back? It's special." The ten is forgotten and he reaches out towards Tao with his sad widdle webbed uggy hands. For a reverse mermaid, he's pretty pathetic. "Pleeeease?" And then she throws the ten at him! A deep breath is puffed in and it makes his chest expand like a bubble. The boy doubles over so his back points towards Tao and he snorts. A quill is flung at one of her legs, one filled with poison that brings pain and numbness! STEAL THAT BITCH! | Derpgirl still doesn't look very amused. In fact she's downright infuriated! "Hey! That's not nice!" she chimes in and narrows her crossed eyes at Alex. A finger is shaken in her direction, "Shaaaame!" but she calms somewhat from the red woman's touch. The hand lowers but she still huffs with irritation. | Diamond crosses her arms over her chest and harrumphs. She rolls her eyes at Froggy's attack and runs a hand over her face, careful to not smudge her garish makeup or accidentally scratch herself with those too-long nails. "Not again." is muttered under her breath. When she spots Angel, she titters with delight and wiggles a couple fingers at him in greeting. "Haaaay." | Tam ignores the shenanigans going on and gives Trem's hand a shake. "Nice to meet you. Yeah, no kidding! We should all flock together. We're all friends here." It glances over at JJ and smirks, "It means I care about my fellow mutants and have pride in being one. We all do."

[19:11] * `Alexandra tilts her head slight at new information given by Tam.."well then I best be going then, not a mutant and while you guys are cool in my book, I wouldnt want to intrude on your gathering of people", smiling in a friendly but totally fake way much like used care salesman she started to make her way out of the crowd of very strange mutant people

[19:14] <Addison> "Blow me." The houston rockets scked too, but what really pissed the Texan off was that little line about football and stepping back. Mindreader? Good memory? He'd only played a couple years on his college team before the emergence of his powers sent him to the bench--and then off the team for good. Addy didn't swear at her for the grapple, but he went completely still and rigid, stiff throughout his spine, a low growl building first in his chest. "...You got about five seconds before I tear you into pieces, ma'am. Somebody get her offa me."

[19:14] <SN> ...The older woman who was still bouncing around like a teenager, grabbing at Addison and her fingers were getting snatching, as though she was having problems gripping, problems breathing, problems standing and jumping. The scarlet headed woman in the matching suit, lingered around Derpgirl and petting her shoulder, made the same soft soothing gesture to Diamond "It's okay darlings, you are beautiful and different." Her eyes flicked toward Alexandra and the eyes were dark, black, head tilting slowly and fingers releasing themselves from Diamond's shoulder as she smoothed through and smiled on the mutants assembled "It is good to see so many young potential filled children in one place."

[19:18] * [Tremor] frowns as froggy fires a quill in Tao's direction. "Uh oh..." he glances back to Tam, "Shouldn't we do something? Right now they only seem to be freakin out. Maybe they're just from the other side of the tracks ya know?"

[19:22] <Tao-Yin> Well, that did it. As the quill pierces the back of her calf at an odd angle, she lets out a piercing SCREAM of pain! Worst part is? That's only the tip of the super obvious iceberg. Immediately after the scream, a thick inky blackness expands from her general area, thirty feet on all sides. As she did this, she collapsed to the hard paved sidewalk near JJ's feet, she started to jerk her hands at the quill to rip it out! That wouldn't help much, but she did it anyway. Tears were forming in her eyes, ones of anger, pain, and resentment! Why the hell did she leave her SND at home on a day like today!? "Ss-sca.. Screw you, Fff-fish-face!" she choked out between sobs of desperate pain. Why did her leg still hurt so damn much? What was ON that quill?

[19:22] <Saraia> "I don't think... Look at her, I don't think she's in control of herself." Now that the woman was off of her it was easier to see the exertion on the old lady's face, the labored breathing. Not that she knew what to do about it. "Um..ok, c'mon, even cheerleaders need a break. You should drink some gatorade, yeah, take a water break so we can go cheer some more..."

[19:25] <@JJ> Quill shot! Girl who's name he didn't know was hit. "Then why is your group attacking fellow mutants and stumbling around like you need your cashe cleared?" Leave it to JJ to talk about life like it was a computer. His bags were down. Eyes glowing. Car alarms were going off, a few even rumbling to life and revving as they moved and started pointing at the crazy group JJ was starting to see as a threat.

[19:27] * Angel`Pearson oh! He smiled brightly and his hand shot up to wave excitedly in Diamonds direction "Hellooo!" and blinking, his head snapped in Froggy and Taos direction when he spit the dart and Angel heard the scream, annnnd then shit went black and he began fumbling in his messenger bag, removing a small flashlight after a few moments and clicking it into life.

[19:28] <vileGM> Derpgirl crosses her arms over her chest and pouts. No further complaint is posted and she just sits there and sticks her tongue out at Alexandra like any mature teenager would. "I know but still. She doesn't have to be an ass." | Diamond titters again and gives her beehive doo a delicate pat. "Beautiful? Oh yes. I'm well aware." The lights go out and she sighs again. "I'm not going to make my hairdresser appointment..." Which totally breaks her heart, too. | Tam shrugs and eyes Froggy. "Yeah. Well. He asked nicely and all." The chimera sighs heavily and its shoulders fall with exhaustion. "You know how it goes with the pins. It's more than just ten bucks to lose one and he's already in some shit because he keeps screwing up. It's just one quill. She'll be just fine." The creature whistles at Froggy and points a claw at him, "Hey! Knock that shit off!" JJ asks a question and it looks over at him, "Because he felt the need to. We respect our fellow mutants but that doesn't make us saints." The creature shrugs, "Uh. She stole his shit, man." | Froggy sits up and glances around, still all puffed up. It goes partially invisible and waddles in Tao's direction, keen on taking that damned pin back! But then everything goes dark! The fish screams in horror! It speeds away in another direction to try and escape the dark! As for Tao's pain, it would be quickly replaced by numbness! Bitch isn't going to be running off anytime soon! Well. Maybe after a turn or two.

[19:28] <Addison> "Look, I could give a damn if the bitch is in control of herself or not, you get her the fuck off of me." Addison was losing his cool and the tight control that he usually kept over the creatures that were under his command. That was the problem with the beasts and assorted animals, is that most wanted freedom and the chance to roam uncontrolled and unfettered by his leadership if given a chance. Addison glanced at the spectacle nearby and the person speaking with JJ, then shoved at the cheerleader that was grappling in his face, lines of ink and liquid dripping freely from his hands onto the pavement below. Too late. The different colors bled together and began to mold and form into a much larger shape for the amount of ink that had fallen, and Addison didn't seem to notice.

[19:29] <SN> ...That panting and struggling to breath older woman was still bouncing, trying to throw high kicks, even trying to crawl onto Addison's shoulders as though about to pyramid. Sarais's words were enough to drag her head around though and she grasped at the girl's hands, struggling out "Rick 'em rack 'em Ruck 'em rock 'em get that ball and r..really.. Fi..FIghT.. G..g-g-gogo.." And in the middle of the cheer, she collapsed into a heap of cheerleader outfit, shaking and shuddering on the ground. Scarlet dressed woman glanced at the dying human offhandedly and turned her eyes toward Froggy, speaking softly but loudly enough to show her dislike "Froggy, dear, we don't hurt brothers..and sisters.." She was frowning too as Angel reacted. "Children.. CHILDREN.. Come to order, We need to discuss your -FUTURES-..."

[19:32] * `Alexandra suddenly doubled over and let out a loud scream as she felt her powers being ripped away again her body slowly being covered in a red smoke for several seconds until it faded away and the short athletic cute well tanned blonde girl with a pixie cut was gone only to be replaced with a tall thin pretty fair skinned redhead with bright green eyes who looked like she was on the verge of hulking out! taking a hard grip on the base ball bat she slammed it into the ground leaving a few cracks in the pavement..

[19:36] <Saraia> Fine then. Into the bed of his truck went her bags and if they disappeared in teh interem, well, she'd be sorely pissed. She was moving to try and pull granny off Addison when the old woman collapsed, slumping in Saraia's arms as the young woman blinked, lowering her carefully to teh ground, which is when she noticed the dripping ink... "Um...hey phoenix boy, I think..." and she pointed, having no idea just what his pwers were really or what was happening.

[19:39] * [Tremor] ups a brow as Tao goes down and the darkness expands, taking a step or two back when he spots JJ beginning to flip his techie lid. Then Scarlet started to show some leadership, which in and of itself said a lot. Alex goes into Hulk mode and for Trem, that's the limit. He steps through the crowd of mutants until he's near Scarlet and speaks quietly in her direction, "I know at least one of them. I think they're just trying to protect their own. Let me talk to them, maybe get the pin back and they will see we're not the badguys here."

[19:40] <Tao-Yin> Okay, as the pain mostly went away, to be replaced by numbness, she stoped half-sobbing. Now she was just kinda' mad. "Stupid frog-thing with it's fishy-face and stupid slime and..." She kinda' half trails off now, noticing that the area was blanketed in darkness. Did she dare try to pull it back in? Maybe... Or... Fwip! She slips through shadows, depositing herself into one of the gaps between two buildings. The darkness just... goes away! Though one previously dark alley is... still dark! Mysterious!

[19:42] <Addison> If they disappeared in the interim, Addison would feel badly enough to replace them for her, because that's just the kind of guy he is. Ginger was pulling the Granny off of him, but she fell to a shuddering, convulsive heap of death at their feet far too late for Addison to realize that he had an escapee on the lose. "Shit!" He clapped a hand over the running rivulets of color that trickled down to his fingers to join the growing blob, until the tawny browns and shades of black, gold, and orange formed into a vaguely feline shape of strong and muscular limbs sprouting from a furry body. The length of a vaguely lionesque tail flicked, coming dangerously close to tapping Saraia with the bulbous stinger at its tip, then it charged forward toward JJ--not at him, but toward him, perceiving the group as a threat as well and lunging at hte one in the lead.

[19:47] <@JJ> Darkness! Not as extrme as his sister's fear but JJ still did not like the dark one bit. He liked being able to see. The cars picked up on JJ's frieght and unease, JJ's subconscious usage of powers... He had no deep link with these cars like he had with his motorcycle but these were still going to protect him. Just like Buddy the manticore, one car would chose to charge forward. "No! Don't!" JJ would yell out trying to stop the new meaning to vehicular homocide.

[19:48] <vileGM> Tam's attention drifts to the manticore. Alike but similar! The chimera beams with delight until he realizes someone's gon' get ate. The creature bleats in surprise, drops to all fours and bounds away, heading for the dark alley, the retreat sounded off by the clopping of hooves. Everyone else is on their own! | Froggy's relieved to see the light of day again! The reverse mermaid stays all puffed up because he's pissed. He turns around, spots the monster and deflates with a comical fweeeee... noise. Ohfuck. He may not be very bright but he knows when shit has hit the fan. | Diamond may be calmed by Red but not for long! The faaabulous drag queen screams in horror and balls her hands up by her glitter-coated lips like a 50's woman that just spotted a mouse. She bolts away with a trail of thparkles following her. Of course she's not going to move very fast thanks to those impractically high heels! | Derpgirl also joins the scattering crowd of mutants. But it's more out of confusion than anything else. A finger is pointed at the manticore and she squeals, "Kitty!" and giggles.

[19:48] <SN> ...As the geriatric cheerleader fell still on the concrete, her eyes going blank and her face going slack the bible thumping hobo came running back into the scene with that wild look in his eyes "BLOOD FIRE CHAOS IS COMING! THE WICKED SHALL BURN!" and .. oddly as he'd left thumping a woman, the bible was covered in blood. He was running in the middle of the street, raving and brandishing that bloody bible. Scarlet smiled gently and though she paid just a litle bit of attention to the suddenly shifting Alexandra, she was gazing most affectionately about, though the black eyes were hard to look into for long, but she turned them on Tremor "That would be lovely darling, perhaps we need to make everyone a little less agitated.. a little more compliant" Reaching up, she'd pat his cheek gently with a hand that was cold. As she spoke the words though Addison leapt and she flashed her hand up toward him, red smoke would enclose him as it did Alexandra, tisking and suddenly.. frowning...

[19:52] * `Alexandra leveled her bat at Froggy boy and snarled.."hey you little green skinned lilly padded limp dicked son of bitch, you pused me didnt you?" racing forward suddenly Alexandra started swinging that indestructable bat with every bit of force a tall soulless read head could!

[19:54] * Angel`Pearson just stood there blinkblinking when everything started going crazy, tucking his flashlight back into his bag and looking about when the darkness cleared off. He'd discreetly remove a small, hallucinogen coated throwing blade from its proper pocket when tucking the flashlight away, keeping it palmed so's not to excite anyone or give the impression he was readying for the attack, it was strickly a defensive precaution.

[19:58] <Tao-Yin> As Yin sees the chimera running by, she reaches out for him like a scared little girl! "Help me!" she pleads! The numbness in her leg made her unable to run, but she'd gotten a little bit of progress down that dark, bleak alleyway. "Just take me someone else so I can call for a ride?" she asks again, hoping the guy isn't just gonna' abandon her. Of course she did steal Froggy's pin, but he's stupid and deserves it! She won't say that out loud, but still! Also, the pin is tucked away, out of sight.

[20:05] <Saraia> She had no idea what was going on. Oh god, was the old lady dead? Saraia scrambled back, horrified, and when a flippin manticore nearly smacked her in the face she did the only thing that came to mind for her own protection. She shifted. One moment there was skin and the next sparkling green emerald shot through with streaks of blue, though her clothes remained as was, but hair and skin..all gemstone.

[20:07] * [Tremor] frowns and a string of curses exits his lips as everything goes from bad to worse. This was -exactly- what he was hoping to avoid. While scarlet is focused on Addison, he moves quickly over to a nearby 'no parking' sign. He grabs hold and channels a harsh vibration that builds in the pole before giving a swift pull to break the sign off where the metal met the ground. It snaps with a resounding 'clang' and he charges further vibrations through the object untill it hums with a dull bass sound that reverberates in the gut of any nearby. He spins the improvized weapon once or twice while walking back to the growing altercation between Cobalt and the misfits, getting a feel for the weight and balance before he steps between Froggy and Alex... except it's Alex who he's facing down, Froggy at his back, "Sit this one out man. Don't worry. We'll get your pin back." He levels his gaze at Alex, the vibro-weapon in his hands still humming, but now he speaks to JJ, provided he can hear over all the madness, "JJ, This is not the time or place. Think about the odds. We out number you. Just treat this as a misunderstanding and go home. Ash wouldn't want you getting mixed up in this." Yeah... so this would put him smack dab right back on the cobalt's enemies list, if he wasn't there already, and he -hated- that, but there was no other way to control the situation without this turning into chaos. Weird thing was, he kinda felt for poor Froggy.

[20:10] <Addison> "Why the hell aint you moved out his way when you seen him?" Addison demanded of Saraia, southern accent thickening down to the point of derp. For some reason he felt the need to be without his shirt and to rant this in his jeans and the wifebeater he'd been wearing beneath it too. Stupid woman could have been hurt, and thats how he expresses his concern...obviously. The great scorpion tailed beast was still on the lose whether Scarlet focused on Addy or not and hurled itself forward. As for the people in the way, whether Tremor and the others obstructed it or not, it leapt with a powerful bound of its strong legs behind the group and behind Scarlet, to whirl about to attack her from the rear instead with both claws out.

[20:18] <vileGM> As Alexandra lunges for him, he croaks in surprise, doubles over again and he shrieks with horror. "I'm not a pinata!" he cries and balls up tighter. Long spines jet out of its back, each glistening with toxins. Trems tells him to back down, steps between him and Alex, and Froggy just stays there on the defensive. That flesh of his is delicate but those spines so dangerous! | Tam screeches to a halt when Tao calls for help. The frightened beast stares at her, glances back at the manticore, and clops over to her. "Alright." it mutters and crouches down, leans its head towards her and waits for her to grab onto its rounded horn. "Climb on. I'll carry you to somewhere safe." Or at least that's the plan. | Diamond continues her escape and focuses on hailing a taxi, flashing one of her muscular legs to attract a driver's attention. Too bad nobody's going to stop during a mutant brawl. She huffs, turns around and snaps her fingers in a z-shape through the air. A large pink cloud explodes at her side and two standard size poodles are left behind. They bound towards Addison, snarling and ready to take a bite out of his ass if he's not bright enough to get out of the way.

[20:19] <ScarletN> ...Bible thumper was summarily SMASHED by a car which wasn't odd as he was running in the middle of the street and there was a manticore on the scene the car wasn't looking for a crazy man with a bloody bible. As chaos began to errupt among the mutants and the humans began to flee Scarlet watched the manticore leap over her and swept that Scarlet nailed hadn up again murmuring "This is not going as planned" And consuming the manticore in red smoke, her voice finally grew louder and snappish in Tremor's direction but she seemed to be completely composed otherwise "CONTAIN your friends, we should not be fighting amongst ourselves..."

[20:21] <@JJ> "We?.." The young techie squeaked out, looking around and of course spotting Tremor. The one who left campus, attacked the group who tried to rescue him. Tremor was a badguy now... JJ was seeing that... "Ashy?! What do you know about Ashy? Have you been following or stalking her?!" Bad call Tremor. And all this because of a pin? These people were crazy! Well... JJ knew that long before the pin... "Don't go near my sister!" Streetlights exploded, bulbs popping one by one. His eyes and left arm wwere really glowing now. Car alarms...

[20:22] <Saraia> "Excuse me?" her voice had a chiming resonance to it in this form, turning to look at Addison though with the crystalline features it was hard to tell what her expression was. She rose to her feet, keeping well back from even Addison now, near the tailgate of his truck. "What did you go and loose a... crap, is that a manticore? Geez, are you just the mythological creature guy or what?" Why was he being snippy with her anyways? And what was with the lady and the red smoke? And now poodles were attacking the man and JJ was freaking teh hell out. "JJ!" she called out in that resonant tone. "JJ, get control! Those cars are going to kill people!"

[20:23] * Angel`Pearson Oh...kay. He still stood watching as Tremor tore a sign out of the ground, and used it to face down the cobalt-y peoples....What the hell had happened here? He'd arrived on scene a bit late, but damn, things had degenerated pretty quickly....And that sign was making a noise like someone trying to play a metal saw. Diamonds sparkly Z-snap had him grinning until he saw the pink doggies come charging, and that palmed throwing blade was whipped forward now at one of the bounding poodles, hands slipping into his bag to draw another...He was still trying to keep a defensive mentality, wanting to contribute to the shit storm as little as possible.

[20:27] * `Alexandra couldnt stop fight as she was not really in control of herself and that bad came down on Tremors makeshift vibro weapon with a heavy clang as she shifts her anger from frog boy to vibrator boy now any normal bat probably wouldnt fair to well against a vibro-weapon but the bat the pissed off redhead was carrying was imbued with the magic of one of the most powerful mythical items of norse mythology so it didnt even get a nick when it connected.."out of my way asshole!"

[20:32] <Addison> Is that a manticore? "Cain't you fuckin' see?" was Addison's response to Saraia. He wasn't mad but...what the hell was wrong with him. He might have had much, much more to say to her too if not for the two attack poodles rushing over the ground at him. One was felled by a blade thrown by Angel, and the other kept on truckin'. Scarlet should thank her lucky stars that the beast gunning for her knows who feeds him his kibbles and bits, since it disengages and rushes back over to Addisons aid. "....Stupid yapyap dogs." He hated poodles and old lady mutts, so when it rushed him, Addison simply sprang at it toooooo and made an attempt on its life with his own teeth by goign straight for the throat.

[20:41] * [Tremor] spares a glance to the beast leaping over them and coming after Scarlet. He was hoping that red smoke was effective against a manticore, because thats exactly what he didn't have time to fight right now. JJ's temper flares and he frowns, "I haven't been stalking her. I haven't even -seen- her in months. You're the smart one. -Think-! Your temper is running wild and so are the cars around here. If you're not careful you'll kill someone." And then Alex was on him, the magical bat impacting his vibro-weapon with terrific force. Trem seems to skid back at the blow slightly but manages to hold, the vibrations of the sign alligned with his body to try and absorb and counteract the blow. Still, it had pushed this weapon to the limit and this chick didn't seem reasonable at the moment. He shifts his weight and attempts to deflect Alex to the side before bringing the flat end of the pole spinning around to slam into her gut, the resulting force would be like a wrecking ball... if it hit.

[20:42] <@JJ> Something snapped him back. Sparks and falling little shards of glass. The smell of burning rubber, heated asphalt, the sounds of revving engines, horns, and car alarms... Saraia's cries at him. Eye glow ceased. "STOP!" He called out. And the cars obeyed. Dead to the world without his powers or a key animating them. He still glared at Tremor, waiting on that response. "Keep it that way..."

[20:43] <vileGM> Angel's blade strikes one of the charging poodles! It yelps with pain and flops over to one side, squirms some and just lies there, tripping the fuck out. One down, one to go! The other's throat is caught between manticore teeth and it also screeches in pain! A big dog like a standard poodle might hold its own with a human but fuck no when a manticore's involved! The beast wriggles and writhes but doesn't stand a chance. Diamond scowls and is displeased with the way things are going. She snorts and z-snaps again, summoning two more waist-high poodles. This time around they stay at her side, not leaping into attack mode. "Give me a hand, dear?" she asks the entranced Derpgirl. | Derpgirl is quick to respond, points and laughs at the damned manticore! The attack might not have a visible special effect but, if it lands right, the manticore might be a bit less effective.| Froggy hisses and stays right how he is, looking the part of a pincushion of death.

[20:47] <ScarletN> ...Tango dancing couple dances through, cause random and Scarlet, flinching slightly but the Manticore explodes through the thick red smoke and bounds back over to the countrified Addison. Good lord this was going badly. Glancing at Angel as he throws his LCD knives and the chaos between the rest, she finally throws her red tipped fingers up in the air. "Ri-dic-u-lous, mutants fighting mutants..simply ridiculous." Flashing her hands toward Angel with a small sigh and a muttered "You try and find good help, to bring peace, and chaos is the result." As Angel is covered in red smoke as well as she swept in that red suit and sharp heels around the fighting group of Tremor, Froggy, and Alex as tremor went for the jugular, her hand waving again at JJ...

[20:48] <Saraia> "Jerk." thats all she had to say about Addison's cursing at her for no real reason. SHe didn't know the man well enough to know it was out of character. For all she knew he was actually a foul-mouthed redneck with an attitude problem. JJ called off the cars at least, but there was still a battle going on between the girl with the bat that hit like a hammer and teh guy with the signpost . Yeah, satying away from that one. SHe was certainly sturdier in this form but even gemstones could be shattered if hit with enough force. Her gaze was turning to the woman in red instead, gaping at her. "You're the one egging this on, lady. Enough with your smoke already, you're just making it worse."

[20:55] <Addison> Between Addison and his pet, they made short and unfair work of the dog and he wasn't sure how much of the blood on him was his own or the poodle's. Something was wrong, this was all, all wrong and even through the haze of the red fog that affected him, Addison took comfort in knowing one thing. "Buddy, c'mon boy, git over here," he called the manticore back to him before it could skip and leap back much further to get into anymore mess. When it came back, Addison had surprising success with merging the derp-eyed creature back where it belonged. Once it had resumed its existence as a creature of ink, Addison turned around to hollar loudly at Saraia, "Woman, if you don't get yo' ass in this goddamn truck, we gon' have some real issues when we git home. You c'mon now." Oh god no why, Addy. Why couldn't he make himself stop to even tell her in a polite way that he thought they should LEAVE while the getting was good.

[20:55] * `Alexandra isnt thinking very clearly cause if she was she would have dodged or parried that attack with ease, her skill with a bat was more than enough for that but sadly this wasnt really Alexandra this was some amatuer who was so angry she had tunnel visioned on one person and BOOM! the pole hit with awesome force sending angry redhead flying and ooooo boy she was gonna feel that when she woke up...

[21:00] * Angel`Pearson frowny-faced when the poor poodle was hit and went all twitchy. Aw! He was an animal lover, poooor fabulous doggies! He blinked when Scarlet flashed her hands toward him, yelping "Hey-!" he had only been trying to keep the ruckus to a minimum, but was cut off by the puff of smoke, and blinkblinked, head going all foggy....What...what was going on here? Oh! Right! They had just been about to engage the enemy ninja clan in battle. He called out to Scarlet, finishing his previous thought "Hey! You will not get away with this! The Village Hidden in Cobalt will have its revenge!" and he charged for poofy Scarlet girl, swiftly drawing another blade from his awesome ninja satchel (messengerbag) and whipped them toward her as he sped forward "Trippy-no-jutsu!"

[21:15] * [Tremor] ups a brow as Alex goes flying back. He was counting on some kind of counter, but apparently she wasn't in full control, as was many of the people around here. The red smoke seemed to have something to do with it. He remained uneffected, which was good, but now Angel was charging towards them like he was Sasuke or something. Tremor bolts in response, moving to spin the sign post in front of Scarlet in an attempt to block or deflect the thrown knives.

[21:17] <vileGM> Derpgirl frowns when the kitty goes away! Aw. OH WELL. She nibbles on one of her fingernails and...derps around. Well she's not the most helpful in the bunch so there. | Diamond scowls at Addison and...well, doesn't send more poodles his way but swears her revenge! "Until next time, darling." Doesn't that sound threatening? Maybe not really considering the sequin-covered drag queen it's coming from. One of the poodles is sent after Alexandra and aims to tackle and knock her over!

[21:18] <ScarletN> ...Eyes flicked to Saraia and the teeth appeared in a smile Those hard cold dark and emotionless pits of eyes on the girl "My darling, We shouldn't be fighting each other, and but for a mistake in regards to a tiny little pin..we would not be." Her finger lifted and she pointed to the side of the street where the humans huddled "-they- are who we should be fighting, but because our powers make us brighter and more -EVERYTHING- than them, we war with each other like dogs." Sighing, she swept her hand for the humans on the sidewalk who scattered with the notice, she was sweet and convincing in a way, with that low and affectionate tone and the gentle smile "Perhaps you should listen to your country friend and leave the chaos for us to sort through, I would not like to see you hurt." and as she was about to turn around and regard the fight between Tremor and Alex, Angel charged her, making her eyes widen but not shaking her. This was the russian roulette that was her power. Up whips the sign between she and knife throw and she blinks black eyes aside at Tremor "Thank you!" My he was useful and sympathetic to their cause...

[21:32] <Saraia> "Excuse me?" she'd turned to just staaaare at Addison. Get her ass in the truck? ANd then the lady in red was telling her all sorts of BS, the only thing she offered that made sense being to take her country friend up on his offer to get out of here. "We may be mutants, but that doens't make us better than regular people. I'll take the norms over your arrogant and racist ideals any day of the week. And because she didn't want to be any more involved she yanked open the passenger door of teh truck and hopped inside, made of crystal still. "Can we please go?"

[21:35] * Angel`Pearson his eyes narrowed angrily when Tremor came to the womans defense, crying out "How dare you defend her! After what she did to our clan! My friends! She will not escape my vengence!" he continued his charge, darting to the side at the last moment and leaping up onto one of the alarm blaring cars parked along th side of the street, drawing another pair of dosed kunai from

[21:35] <Angel`Pearson> his bag and whipping them Tremors way in the same fluid movement. This would be tricky. Tremor was a ninja from his own clan, gone rogue. His ability was not to be taken lightly, this would require more then just his usual ninja cunning...His hands rose and sped through the air in front of his face in a series of complicated, impressive, hand claspy gestures, before flicking to the curse mark he bore on his wrist and activating it (SND, and he actually de-activated it) growling low, his eyes narrowing on the pair of Scarlet and Tremor as the air around him began to fill with his hallucinogenic miasma.

[21:40] <vileGM> So the poodle doesn't actually do anything and stands by Diamond's side since Alex is already down. The drag queen harrumphs again and storms over to the group. "Let's all just go home. I think we're done here." she hisses and flops a hand at the quarreling people. And Angel goes bouncing all over the place! Uh. WELL THEN.

[21:51] * [Tremor] 's eyes widen slightly as Angel leaps around and flings more blades his way. To be honest, he wasn't expecting that from the fellow, so when he grabs scarlet and jumps back to avoid the projectiles, he catches one in the shoulder. Right away the toxins in the blade went to work on him, causing his balance to shift slightly as he tightens his grip on the signpost to keep it from slipping out of hands. He shakes his head to try and clear some of the cobwebs and colors that were trying to creep in, the hum of the vibro-weapon begining to waver in and out of tune. He keeps his deffensive stance solid for now, talking to Scarlet as he doesn't take his eyes off Angel, "We should go. Authories will be here soon."

[21:56] <ScarletN> ...But the thanks was premature and Angel was throwing more knives, then that miasma of hallucinogen swept over them and the woman in her perfectly fitting suit blinked..paused..and giggled softly. Mm.. shiny..everything was like sparkles and she wanted to lick things. Diamond came over and she started talking and Tremor was pulling her and his voice sounded like cotton candy. Lifting the scarlet tipped fingers, she touched Tremor's cheek and squeezed it lightly "Pretty pretty princcessss..." Shaking her head to try and clear it as well, she druggedly nodded at Tremor, and at Diamond and staggered away from the ninja Angel. Ohgod.. the colors and lights. They needed to get out of there before either Cobalt's forces came, the police arrived, or she decided doughnuts sounded like magic...

[22:02] * Angel`Pearson his eyes narrowed on Tremor and he drew another pair of kunai from his bag, holding them between his fingers in stylish ninja fashion and snarling "..Let her go Tremor. You know what she's done. She must pay! Have you fallen so far? The Village Hidden in Cobalt was once your home as well....I do not want to fight you.." crouching down on the hood of the car he'd perched upon, all ready to spring and whatnot.

[22:05] <vile> Froggy and Diamond are mysteriously vaaaanished! Froggy through his use of camofloge and Diamond because she's just smart like that. As for Derpygirl, she's off somewhere too.

[22:12] * [Tremor] frowns and glances to Scarlet, "Stand close." then looks to Angel, "Sorry to dissapoint. Trust me when I say this is for the best." And that was about all the hints he could give for tonight without outright giving himself away. In a final move of clarity he spins the signpost once and then drives the shaft directly into the pavement at his feet, the metal jackhammering a few feet into the concrete like it was butter before striking a ground line. He instantly channels a huge amount of energy into that conductor, turning the entire area into ground zero of an earthquake that upturns sidewalks and buckles streets, sending up tons of smoke and dust so as to attempt to throw off Angel's next attack and mask their escape more toxins in Angel's knife could render Tremor useless.

[22:21] * Angel`Pearson watched through narrowed eyes as Tremor spoke, remaining crouched there as he thrust the signpost into the ground. One of his kunai was flicked blindly forward into the dustcloud as it rose, the other flipping up into his blade, blade-down as he sprung forward off of the car after them, yelling out "No!" though the moment he touched down on that trembling ground he was thrown backward, hitting the car he'd sprung off of and landing in an undignified position. Yay skirts! Ninja skirt!
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