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Miscommunication [butterflies]

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2012 10:43 pm
by vile
[17:57] <vile> The courtyard! A place to hang out, enjoy a meal, get kidnapped and be terrified by giant face-eating spiders. And, more recently, a graveyard for butterflies. The brightly colored insects litter the area, found beneath some of the plants and crushed on the sidewalk. They look like autumn leaves or bits of construction paper. There's a fair number of them but they're still easy to overlook, being the little things they are. A black one with bright teal spots on the tail ends of its wings lays dead next to a bench.

[17:58] <@Ashlynne> Her suit was still snagged on his spike, so her arm stretched and moved with him as he shifted around. She stays back against the wall now, arm completely stretched out as she shakes her head, "Nuh uh.. Im.. just... stuck." She hadn't meant to jab him in the eye at all, she just had no idea where she'd been poking. "I'm sorry Sunder. I didn't mean to. Please don't.. tell dad." Not that Jameson would care but word could get back to her aunt who would most likely give her yet another lecture about not blindly poking at people.

[18:01] <@Ashlynne> VVZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ The sound of a segway filled the room as Oksana, the bald amazingly short woman, wheeled in. Bald, that is, except for the Aretha Franklin-hat large butterfly that seemed to be gripping the girls bald noggin. Little grabby feet cling to Oksana and the woman looked irritated as hell, a frown on her pretty face and her oddly yellowed eyes narrowed.

[18:01] * Sunder Thanks to the headphones he wasn't aware anyone else was nearby, his attention had been on ashy so the new voice was unexpected "Wha tha-?" Aaaand then gel pack to the eye, startling the metalhead a bit. He'd blink a couple tears out of his good eye till he could focus on cess "Uhh, thanks.. 'oever you are." And then another voice "Think we might be good, if someone doesn't mind 'elpin me get this poor girl off the spikes that is."

[18:05] <Thief> "i got it", Thomas moved forward trying not to smile despite the kind of silly situation they found themselves in and with a firm hand he would reach over to very carefully extricate the stuck Ashlynne from the spikey Sunder.."Im Thomas by the way or Thief as some call me, nice to meet you", talking as he worked to hopefully keep people calm

[18:07] <Cessara> ...Holding the shimmering blob of water to Sunder's eye, she smiled brightly and with her other hand filled with a bottle of water bounced on her toes absently the flowing hair that was slowly shifting still from white to blue to seaweed green back to white and never settling for long on a color, swayed back and forth. "I'm Cessara!" Smiling at both the spikey boy and Thief while keeping herself from getting stabbed. Turning her eyes that were shivering pearlescent aqua toward Ashy, she cast that bright smile again, beaming at all of them with untamed amusement...

[18:10] <@Ashlynne> As she's unhooked from Sunder the girls arm zips back in towards her and she holds it against her chest. "Thank you." finally there's a bit of glow, a distinctly yellow glow. Someone was embarassed over this whole thing. She keeps her eyes on Sunder, sure as hell that he was just waiting to yell at her. Not that she didn't deserve it, she certainly DID. "I'm.. Ashlynne." She introduces herself to the group, well maybe not to Sunder since they already knew each other. She looks from Cessara to Thomas and gives a bit of a smile before ... she looks over at Oksana who has the butterfly stuck to her head. Ashlynne pales, memories of being used exactly like that flooding through her. With a "Oh.. fuck no" The girl seems to backwards crab-walk along the floor to the nearest closet door and she traps herself within it. Fuck. All. The. Butterflies.

[18:13] <WuWu> Sure! Why not! Karen was in the courtyard, prancing 'round from bench, to railing, to pathway, to bench... Basicly pretending to do some bad ass kitty parkour stuff! Hoppity hop! Hoppity hop! Slinky sliiiiink... She stops, perching on the edge of a bench, head swiveling to and fro, looking all about for some sort of distraction. She's normally be able to 'working out', or practicing, or... something, but without her nromal body most of that was pointless! Did she notice the weird mess of butterflies littering the area? Sure, but it happens. Maybe there was a flutter-by and someone blew up and killed a bunch of butterflies by mistake? Sure, why not. Though she does peer at the black one nearby. Those teal spots were kinda' different. Neat!

[18:13] * Sunder Takes a breath "Well, guess I don't need that cup of coffee any more" He chuckles some, leaning over just a bit to get a bit of a look at thomas without disturbing cessara's gel pack too much "Thanks for the hand mate" His free arm would reach out to shake "I'm sunder by the way you too, I promise i'm usually even clumsier than this" His eye would then look to ashy "You alright then?"

[18:15] <Cessara> ...Blinking at Ashy and being so confused that she lowers her hand with the water from Sunder's eye, the brightness turning into confusion "Was it.. something we said?" turning her attention to Oksana and that water disappeared back into her flesh, flowing back into her skin and looking around finally at all the butterflies, thinking them slightly pretty Selena left her room, tossing her head back and shaking the brilliant violent red hair back, bouncing down the stairs and half paying attention as she held a tablet in her hand and flicked through photos that she'd taken the night before...

[18:16] <@Oksana> Oksana stays oddly still, looking at the group with her yellowed eyes, lips tugged downwards as the butterfly moves just a bit, wings lightly moving. It wasn't simply a fashionable hat! It was alive.. and .. crawling over the short woman on the segway.

[18:18] * Thief watched a eye brow cocked as Ashy crab walked away before turning to give Sunders hand a shake..."is that normal for her?" looking up at Oksana he blinked as the butterfly moved a bit.."umm not to be rude and I really hope your power is about attracting butterflys or this is gonna sound stupid but are you okay?"

[18:19] <vile> The black and teal butterfly twitches some and watches the robokitty eye it. Oh no! The poor insect flicks a wing as it's not completely dead. But it falls still again and resumes just laying around. Another butterfly, one that's blue, flutters down from the sky and moves in a zigzag pattern. It lands near Karen and flops over, legs twitching.

[18:24] * Sunder turns his good eye to thomas "I've given up on the 'ole normal thing."

[18:24] <@Oksana> The short woman stood still, staring at the group. As Thomas talks those weird eyes of Oksana's flick over towards him, "We are not. We do not understand. We are as you are, we extend kindness to you and we are slaughtered. Why do you do such things." On the top of her head the butterfly continued to move just a bit.

[18:26] * Sunder Sits up more, something about the girl on the segway with the butterfly talking like a borg.. "Yeah, this is as normal as it gets." He'd raise an arm, throwing the horns as was his usual greeting

[18:26] <Cessara> ...Blinking still at Oksana, her feet take her a small step backward, moving those aquatic eyes up slightly to the butterfly and back to the woman as she speaks "Um... okay that's.. slightly disturbing." a frown displaced her normally bright expression. Nervously she asked "and.. who.. are you?" to the plural speaking woman and her creepy headdress...

[18:28] * Thief really did not want to be assimilated but I guess it would be rude to answer, i mean maybe this mutant is just different..."Umm I dont slaughter anyone, I am pretty peachful unless you know attacked but that can be said for most people I think...", Thomas took a small step back as he did not want to be to close to the strange mutant should she turn violent.

[18:32] <@Oksana> Tilting her head just a bit Oksana slides her eyes over to Cessara. "We are we." That wasn't confusing in the least, was it? A small hand with yellowed scales on the back of it releases the handle of her segway and reaches up, pointing towards the giant butterfly on her head. She doesn't blink, she doesn't move other than her eyes, lips and the rise and fall of her chest as she breathes. There's not even a tremor of movement as she remains pointing at the butterfly. "We were kind. We came to your aid. You repay us with death."

[18:35] <WuWu> Oh noes! The butterflies are dying in mid-flight! Some sort of weather manipulator must be playing around and making them unable to survive the air up there or something. Karen decides two things now. One, is to bestow a bit of mercy. Secondly, is that she's going to have some kitty-related fun! With sudden hop, Karen's front paws come crashing down toward the recently arrived blue butterfly! Her aim? To put it out of it's misery! If she was successful, she'd immediately pounce upwards, off the bench, and onto the black butterfly in just the same way! Sadly, she didn't have the same sort of introduction in the courtyard as the others did in the rec room! This... was probably a bad thing!

[18:37] * Michael_ finds himself in the rec center as well. If nothing else, being a complete wallflower. Since the last time, he has actually gotten some spare clothes that do not look quite so torn. It was a blow to his pride, as he now felt he could go by without any more charity after this, but... Well, unfortunately, that would have to wait. Soon he'll be back on his feet, and he vowed he'd return the kindness shown. AT this point, however, the tall young man is just sitting in a corner to himself.

[18:38] <vile> The blue butterfly is smashed! There's nothing special about it and it's just as fragile as any other butterfly. The black one is also smashed into little pieces Oh look at all those other butterflies that are dead or dying! They're like little beacons of FUN TIME! just strewn around. None of them seem to be healthy and the largest concentration are around the butterfly-friendly bushes and plants, ones that the insects favor. Oddly enough there's a whole bunch of them almost as if the flora was chosen by butterflies!

[18:38] <Cessara> ..."Umm.. well that's enigmatic." looking up at the butterfly as it is pointed at "You are.. butterflies?.. Yeah, I'm with him" jerking her thumb at Thief "I don't think I've ever knowingly killed a butterfly.." But the woman and her winged head wear were still given a wide berth, as wide as she could without running screaming from the room. Children of the corn up in this place. Selena ambles out the building, sliding her finger through the screens of her photo work...

[18:42] * Sunder Blinks his one good eye and scratches his head some "Wait wait wait wait.. We're talking.. to a giant butterfly? Oh there's got to be a good story behind this one."

[18:43] <Thief> "how did you come to our aid and who repaid you with death", Thief decided it was best to go with the whole let the crazy person with the living butterfly tell there story route because he really did want to test his powers against anyone elses right now becaus he had read a bunch of comics and the whole to super powered people fighting just never seems to end well..

[18:43] <@Oksana> For no reason whatsoever apparent to the people in the rec center Oksana's body suddenly jerks. The black butterfly on her head flattens its wings against her scalp as the woman begins to scream. It's more angry than anything, her facial features twisted up in absolute fury, "WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO US? WE HAVE DONE NOTHING! VILE, HORRIBLE, WRETCHED, FOUL CREATURES!" They really could not know that currently there was a butterfly smooshing dance going on in the courtyard. As Oksana screams at them her hand remains pointed at the butterfly, oddly enough.

[18:44] <Cessara> ...glancing at Sunder, she absently twists the top off the bottle of water, lifting it to her lips and taking a drink. Maybe it seemed odd to be thirsty at this moment but it was habit by now, creepy things happened and she wanted to have an excess of moisture around her. Then Oksana screams and she jumps, water sloshing and her attention is jerked back to Oksana, startled and concerned. "We're not -doing- anything!" but she stepped closer, against her better judgment toward the woman and the butterfly, concern warring with sudden shocked fear, her hand coming up to her...

[18:46] <WuWu> To be fair, the average person probably doesn't much pay attention to the life of insects around them, no matter how pretty or unique they are. Karen was no exception to this rule! While she didn't go out of her way to kill healthy butterflies, ones twitching and writhing in obvious agony on the ground are totally fair game for some merciful fun! Pounce-squish! Pounce-squish! But, then... she stops. There is a seriously huge amount of butterflies out here. The wheels in her tiny kitty head turn... slowly at first, but then she greases the mechanics with a bit of healthy paranoia. Tuning her mind into the frequency of the team's com system, she just hopes there's someone out there listening in. [Is anybody listening in on this frequency? If so, can someone confirm a rediculously abnormal number of sick, dying, or dead butterflies out in the courtyard? Did something happen?]

[18:47] * Michael_ stands up in surprise, and looks at Oksana, and the butterfly- "Wha? ... What's going on?" He suddenly says, approaching them in confusion... "Miss? Are... You okay?" He continues, hoarsely, an eyebrow raised incredulously, and a bit confused.

[18:48] <Cessara> ...Selena paused in her pacing, glancing at the photo on her tablet and tilting it to the side "Where the heck did that come from" she mutters absently, sliding her finger over the screen with careful silver tipped nails and pinching the photo to widen it, she wasn't really registering anything around her, focused...

[18:50] <@Oksana> "YOU LIE! YOU SEND YOUR BRUTES TO CRUSH OUR WOUNDED, YOU DISGUSTING, TERRIBLE BEASTS! YOU SPREAD YOUR POISON AROUND OUR GOOD DEEDS WHERE THE GRASS GROWS AND WHEN WE DO NOT DROP AS QUICKLY AS YOU WANT... YOU CRUSH US! WE ARE NOT AMUSED!" The hand pointing to the butterfly on her head jerks around almost unnaturally and a pop is heard, though the short woman obviously points towards the door and the courtyard beyond it.

[18:52] * Thief reacts as quickly as he can because he cannot see this ending well and going for the surprise a arms shoots out of the clay boys chest and moving as quickly as it can attempts to smash the butterfly... sure if it hits the mutant girl would probably have one hell of headache but it wouldnt kill her!

[18:52] * Sunder Stands up, looking more than a bit confused. He'd test opening that eye for a moment, but immediatly squints it shut again "We're bloody sittin 'ere! Not 'armin a thing are we?" then he'd follow the point and goes to look out the window. And then the comm unit in his laptop bag would blare with karen's message.. A cat, surrounded by dead butterflies. Yeah, that would be plenty normal "Awww hell... It's a cat! They kill things, it's what they bloody do!" He'd move for the bag, digging out the comm and replying back "Yeah, there are bunches of the buggers, an they're intelligent. Everyone who can get your arses to the rec right now"

[18:54] <Cessara> ...Cess jumps back "Oh dear god!" the pop from the woman's wrist making her flinch and blinking the eyes again as they suddenly began to turn darker blue as she changed from confusion to fear, looking in the way of the courtyard and throwing up her hand as Thief smashes at the butterfly "WAIT! Don't kill it! What if it hurts the girl!?" Trying to stop the attack but with voice quivering to Sunder "Go stop the cat!"

[18:54] <vile> Should Selena turn around and look up, she may notice that the outside of the complex looks like a group of superpowered vandals went nuts with some spray paint. It is covered in color! Color...that moves. Droves of butterflies coat the building, each staying perfectly still as if they're camofloged or something. A large black one swoops down and makes a graceful landing on the back of Selena's head. Once there it calmly beats its wings...

[18:56] <Cessara> ...Selena wasn't looking up but as the black butterfly lands on her head she does, swiveling her eyes up and seeing the color on the wall but the eyes were emotionless now, blank as though the approach and landing of that butterfly had cleared her completely. There was a -smash- as the tablet fell from her fingers and her arms dropped to her sides. After a beat, she began to walk again, oddly rymthic, starting to hunt...

[18:57] <@Oksana> As the arm shoots out of Thomas's chest and shoots forward it strikes true and, disgustingly, crushes the butterfly against Oksana's bald head. Green guts splurt outwards but almost immediately the small, yellow scaled mutant woman drops to the floor. She's alive, but completely out of it, her oddly bent arm still oddly bent.

[18:57] * Michael_ blinks in complete confusion. "... Is... uh... Who's she talking to...?" He asks, mostly to himself as he looks at Oksana with the butterfly on her hand. "... Wait. Why is she talking like she's the butterfly?..." A pause. "... Poison where the grass grows? Like insecti- HOLY!" He yells as he sees the butterfly die and the woman faint..*Sadly, his yell is also hoarse, and not very strong.*

[18:59] <Cessara> ...She'd jump forward and catch the woman as carefully as she could, gripping her and lowering her to the ground, fingers on the pulse beat on her throat "That's -great- we can't convince them we're innocent if you -kill- them!" eyes flashing up as she mutters "She's alive...what the hell is going on here?!"...

[19:00] * Sunder Turns and stares as thomas crushes the butterfly.. The one who might damn well have explained what the flying frak was going on "... You bloody git! You just killed the -.. Well tha alien moth ambassador thing!" He looks outside and sighs as the flock of them increases. "well... hopefully there's another one in the bunch.."

[19:02] <Thief> "yes because a bunch of them arent already slaughtered and did it sound like it was being reasonable? and personally I would rather not figure out just what the girl its controlling power was you know incase it decides to get a shit load of pay back?" Thief wasnt about to apologise for his action as the arms sunk back into his chest as out of sight..

[19:03] <vile> Another mutant wanders into the rec center, this one also wearing a fluttering hat. The mutant, who looks like a giant two-legged gecko, comes to a stop beside the group. He stares at Thief with a look of hatred and seething that can't be described. His eyes narrow and tongue lashes out for the man's head in an attempt to grab hold and yank him over. Apparently this one doesn't want to have a friendly (or not so friendly) chat.

[19:06] <Cessara> ...Scowling up at Thief, she snapped "But you don't -know- what is going on as much as any of us. You could have KILLED her.." But reaching up to a nearby couch, she pulled a pillow down and settled it under the girl's head, speaking to SUnder "Can you call someone like.. a doctor or someth..." as the other mutant enters with a shiny butterfly hat "Look out!" to Thief Meanwhile Selena is walking quite purposefully outside, the black butterfly flipping its wings slowly and the jingle of that tattooed girl's boots shivering with chains. Silver glimmered on her and as she approaches a door, gripping the handle, the light from inside the room she opens illuminates her 'I'm with stupid' shirt before the door closes again and she walks on...

[19:08] * Michael_ is about to say something to Thief- INdeed, as Cessara said, he didn't know what effect it could have in her but as she says "Look out!" she turns around to the side, and his eyes go wide. Immediately he cringes as he sees the lizard-mutant attack him, not knowing how to react for a moment, but slowly approaching him.

[19:09] <Thief> "well shit..." as the tongue connected with Thomas's head he flexed and tons of spikes appeared along his entire body and hoping that was more then enough to get the tongue off of him!

[19:09] <WuWu> She got a reply! Wait, what? Did he say what she thought he said? What was going on around here? A quick survey of the area around her revealed very little aside from... a girl with a giant black butterfly attached to her head going inside. Wait, what? [Intelligent... That's not good.] The little feline bolts off in Selena's direction, following the sound of her jingle-boots, hopefully getting to the door before it closed! Unless it was an automatic sliding door. That would be totally easy. "Excuse me, miss? You have a giant butterfly attached to your head!" ... DURR!

[19:11] * Sunder Watches the tongue based attack, and ignores the immediate urge to make a hentai based comment. "STOP IT THE BOTH OF YOU!" And then the spikes came out "Just talk! You bloody idiots just bloody well talk!"

[19:13] <vile> The lizard doesn't seem to give two shits about spikes impaling its tongue. The thing stays firmly stuck, held with a mutant-strong level of stickiness, and he retracts it -hard- to try and yank Thief right off his feet and yank him over. The butterfly perching on the lizard's head scoots off to one side and watches Sunder like it's listening. An antenna twitches and it just stares whether or not Thief got reeled in or not.

[19:14] <Cessara> ...Oh this was just.. what the crap was happening. Leaving the woman on the ground, she jumped up and approached the Gecko, if Adam were there right then he'd punch her in her arm til it died and fell off "Stop! Please stop! We aren't meaning to kill you!" Putting herself close to the lizard and looking up at the butterfly "Let us fix it!" Selena didn't seem to care that the feline was talking to her, just kept moving, pushing doors open and searching for something...

[19:19] * Thief was jerked off hid feet and flew towards the butterfly gecko boy but hey physically this was gonna hurt him at so he just let his body turn into a huge mishapen pile of bio clay goo, hopefully when he collided some of the stuff would splash the butterfly and hurt it!

[19:23] <WuWu> Ignored, eh'? That is unacceptable. Neither Karen nor any self-respecting feline would allow their greetings and/or efforts to get attention be so rudely ignored. Purposed or not, Selena was going to acknowledge Karen's presense one way or another. If the butterflies were intelligent, she had to know why this one was riding the tattoo'd girl's head. How does she intend to get such attention? Well, by being SUPREMELY. PERSISTANTLY. ANNOYING. She darts foreward to weave in between Selena's legs, putting herself directly in the path of her feet, but obviously swervy enough to not be stepped on. Tripped over? Oh hell yes. But not stepped on.

[19:24] * Michael_ continues approaching, still looking more and more unsure of what to do- Especially when the man turns into goo! He yelps and leaps back, cringing again. Finally, though, he gets the courage to do something about it. Glaring at the lizard, he activates his power - in a couple of seconds, all color has drained from him and his clothes, turning him into a human silhouette, with his eyes glowing- Lightly at first, but then increasing in intensity.

[19:24] <Cessara> ... Selena came to a door finally where she couldn't open it, a lock standing in her way. So she actually lifted her foot and with her tinkling silver chain and buckled heeled boots -SLAMMED- it into a door, shattering the lock and making the door swing on its hinges. Stepping inside the maintainence shed she looked about, reached out and scooped up a couple of cans of bug spray and turned jerkily on her feet, still ignoring Karen/cat and carefully stepping over her, pausing to make sure she'd not tripping if need be but going back the way she came, and on toward the rec center...

[19:28] <Sunder> Enough! The lot of you! I will electrocute the next one of you lot who hurts another! Now you will all stand the bloody hell down and bloody well listen! (he clicks on his team comm unit) This is sunder. All team members, stop anyone and everyone from hurting the damn butterflies! If you find any butterflies hurting anyone then you smack them around, anyone leavin everyone else alone we leave the 'ell alone! Peace by force people!

[19:29] <vile> The butterfly isn't hurt but it's jostled enough to be knocked free from the lizard! The insect flutters off like the little bastard it is, heading over to a chair. The thing lands and sloowly beats its wings. A flock a dozen strong of brightly colored butterflies swarms the room to provide backup for the big ol' mindrapey one. They soon find perches as well and beat their wings quickly. Each time their wings move, a bright flash is emitted. | As for the lizard, he suddenly becomes aware of PAIN. LOTS OF PAIN. The surprise piercing, and the resulting blood, has the poor reptile screeching with pain and flailing around! Not to mention he has a goo mutant attached to him! His color flicks to black, showing of how miserable he is.

[19:32] <@Ashlynne> Ashlynne, hiding in the closet, of course heard the hubbub and the yelling. With more painful screeches the catsuited not-so glowy glowing girl opens the closet just a bit and peeks her head out of it, her com unit relaying Sunder's message though she hears him quite clearly. Honeygolden eyes blink as she, so very slowly, crawls out of the closet and behind a potted plant, watching the chair-butterfly closely.

[19:32] <WuWu> No way this is going to go down as planned. Whoever this girl is (as familiar as she may be! The name tugging at the very edge of Karen's mind)... Oh wait! "Selena!" she blurts! The feline just so bluntly yelling out the name. Karen remembered this girl from her first night back. She consoled the sissy zombie guy who had a serious case of psychosis-inducing arachniphobia. [And what if someone has one of the things on their head, and just acquired a few cans of bug spray from a supply closet? ... By battering in the door of the previously LOCKED supply closet?] Karen chirped her frustrated enquiry over the comm, choosing for now to simply follow Selena to wherever she was heading...

[19:32] * Thief slowly pulls himself back together and in a few seconds he was standing there looking like his normal human self as if nothing at all at happened though he did feel really bad that he had given gecko boy the mother of all tongue peircings but right now instead of comforting him he backed off a little to focus on any threat that might come his way..

[19:38] * Michael_ raises his arm to cover his face, although his looks now go to the other mutants. "In this situation," he thinks to himself, "They would obviously know better than I what to do..." Mostly because, as it were, he had absolutely no ide what to do. Therefore, Sunder, the one currently giving orders apparently, finds the glowy-eyed shadowman staring at him expectantly. raises his arm to cover his face, although his looks now go to the other mutants. "In this situation," he thinks to himself, "They would obviously know better than I what to do..." Mostly because, as it were, he had absolutely no ide what to do. Therefore, Sunder, the one currently giving orders apparently, finds the glowy-eyed shadowman staring at him expectantly.

[19:39] <Selena_Cessara> ...Cessara however did try and comfort the lizard man, her hands on him and trying to push him gently toward a chair "Sit down.. just sit down and relax.." Not that it would help a pierced tongue, but hopefully Sunder's command would stick. If they wouldn't listen to a slithing ombre haired girl, maybe they'd listen to a male voice with a headset. Selena was on her way toward the rec center, still not paying attention to Karen, moving passed her shattered tablet with narry a sob, and entering the compound again, gripping the cans of bug spray with taut hands. It wouldn't take her long to get there and so she filled the doorway and arms lifted rigidly out, holding the cans with fingers ready to spray it into the faces of those mutants in the room...

[19:44] <Sunder> There! That wasn't so hard was it? A lot easier to stand 'round doin nothing than 'urt each other innit?! (The spikey one takes a deep breath, for once his calls seemed to be heeded, he was calming himself to begin some rational discussion when the girl with the bug spray stepped in the door) YOU! Put those the bloody 'ell down right now! (He raises a clenched fist, a small spark leaping between his knuckles)

[19:47] <Selena_Cessara> ...Selena's eyes swiveled to Sunder and the butterfly on her head flapped, her rich voice was wrenched from her "NO.. YOU KILL US, YOU SMASH US, WE ARE DYING." And with fingers tightening, she threatened to depress the heads on the bug spray, the nozzles twitching and dribbling but the doorframe keeping her from being attacked from either side, the voice rich with pain for nothing of her own but the winged dead "YOU WILL SEE HOW IT IS TO FEEL PAIN, TO BURN FROM THE POISON..."

[19:49] <@Ashlynne> Ashlynne blinks as she stands up, eyeing Selena. She'd just met the girl and she didn't dislike her.. but.. she certainly didn't want to be bugsprayed. Pulling her mask on once again she speaks through the built in mic, "Sunder, give the OK and I'll tie her up." She inched out from behidn the plant and slowly began to make her way towards Selena. "I can tackle her.. tackle her and wrap her up and we wont hurt her..." Well, it would certainly come off as an attack but what else could be done?

[19:50] <vile> The seated butterfly stares at Sunder in the manner that a typical butterfly would. It doesn't look so strange, other than that fantastic size, and isn't particularly interesting. One of its antenna twitches and it slowly beats its wings a few times. The creature turns its attention over to the butterfly perching on Selena before relocating itself to a chair near Sunder. | The colorful ones on the walls continue to beat their wings and they flash each time. Those present in the room, if they're unfortunate enough to watch the pretty, shiny butterflies, will get a message whispered in their heads: "Why should we listen to you? All just a mistake?"

[19:52] * Michael_ narrows his eyes, as he looks at Selena, before looking back at Sunder. At this point, he doesn't know what to do, but he wasn't going to let anyone get a faceful of bugspray. A whip of light forms in his hand, as he looks at Sunder expectantly... If he isn't going to do something, he just might have.

[19:53] <vile> Cess's attempts to calm the chamelon guy go to waste when he faints and collapses in a pool of his own blood. Poor guy! This is not how he wanted to spend his night.

[19:54] <Selena_Cessara> ...Cessara grips the lizard and like Osaka, lowers him to the ground. She may be light but she was persistent, looking up at the sight of that red head in the doorway with the bug spray. There was nothing she could do here, she would kill the bugs with water, so she just tried to stem the lizard man's bleeding and keep an eye on the two unconcious folks...

[19:55] <WuWu>Whirr, whirr, whirr... Click, Ding! Karen finally puts the pieces together! You smash us? You kill us? Crap, she was murdering sentient butterflies. If she had a biological heart, it would probably feel a lot of remorse right now. Thankfully, having heard Selena's voice before, and having seen her comfort Nick, she had a feeling this wasn't exactly normal behavior for her. She leaps into action! Her feline legs vaulting her upward, claws digging into Selena's shirt, but only briefly, allowing her to climb quickly up to the shoulder before springing forth! She aims to tackle the butterfly right off of Selena's head! No harm done otherwise, just enough force to knock the girl free of it's manipulation!

[19:57] * Sunder blinks and looks up, he hadn't noticed the butterfly on the girls head right away. "Oh! Didn't realize you were one of them! Oi listen" He'd gesture to the couch where the other butterfly sat "That shite isn't gonna 'urt us, but your friend 'ere might appreciate it if you didn't kill 'im alright? Just calm down and talk, no one in this room is gonna hurt anyone else" He looks to ashy "Let 'er be for now" he looks to the black butterfly "'elp me out 'ere will ya? Get your friend settled so we can talk." Michael gets a glare that says don't you dare use that - and then kitty attack! "GOD DAMNIT!
STOP!" The metalhead would lunge for the cat, trying to grab it and prevent it's actions

[20:00] <Selena_Cessara> ...But Wu's attack was deflected, Selen's arm coming up to knock the cat back even as Sunder tried to block the attack, a can of bug spray canting and arm sweeping up to return both cans to right. She didn't talk, but the hands leveled before her and the threat still existed...

[20:00] * Thief just held still for now he didnt want to hurt anyone else but he was so not about to get hurt because people wanted to play peacemaker so instead he just bided his time till he saw a good moment to take action..

[20:03] <vile> The freestanding butterfly looks over at Selena's and its antenna flicks around again. Once that's done, it turns its attention back to Sunder. The thing seems to be listening! | The shining butterflies continue to twinkle. It would be a beautiful sight if they didn't bring mindrape with them! "We do not appreciate this treatment." Their mental whispering hisses.

[20:04] <Selena_Cessara> The large black butterfly on her bright red hair flapped and the girl's arms twitched then slowly lowered to her sides...waiting...

[20:08] <@Ashlynne> Ash nods just a bit to Sunder as she reaches up and pulls off her mask. The glow still hadn't returned as the not so glowy glow girl moves over to stand by him.

[20:10] <KittyWu> She is captured! Woe be to Wu! Conquested by a giant man full of spikes and beligerance! She lets her voice spill out over the team comms again. How did she even get that frequency if she's not actually PART of the team at all? Weird. OH well, technopath. [... Put me down. These things seem to be manipulating peoples' minds. It's taking over Selena's actions.] A glare around the room. Evil, malevolent KITTY glare. [Tell the bugs to release everyone they're influencing. It's not safe to negotiate with things that can sway your thoughts and actions.] NEedless to say, everything in [these] brackets is using the comms!

[20:12] <Thief> "well we really dont like our bodies controlled like you are doing, its considered a very rude and hostile act by us", Thomas took another step back cause hey any distance from the creepy mind talking butterflies is a good thing in his mind
[20:15] * Michael_ finds himself standing a bit too uncomfortably forward. Dematerializing the whip, he looks to the others in confusion, but remains in his shadow form. ".... What do we do?"

[20:17] * Sunder Notices the cat is rather heavy, and then it talks, he drops the thing in surprise "Wha tha?! - -... Okay okay alright, first things first.. We find out why these things are here, everyone just stay calm and don't hurt anything for gods sake.." he looks to the black one "'wha are you, 'o are you, an why the bloody 'eck are you 'ere?"

[20:20] <vile> "We are not impressed. Riding your people is not equal to the slaughter of ours." The butterflies mutter back at Sunder and company. There's a pause and it tacks on, "We are not things." The butterfly corrects with a hiss. "We are like you. We have a mind and abilities. Like you. We look different. Like the lizard. We are here because we are displeased that we assisted you and were backhanded with death."

[20:21] <Selena_Cessara> ...stopping the bleeding of said lizard, Cessara eases to her feet and with bloody hands wipes at her jeans "What can we do to help you?" At least her words were calm, if her hands were shaking a little...

[20:22] <@Ashlynne> Peeking out from behind Sunder Ashlynne looks at the butterfly, "But you make people do things they might not want to do. You made me walk for BLOCKS and blocks to get a bunch of you to the gardens and I didn't even get a thank you. You just USED me." She huffs just a bit.

[20:28] * Thief was not built for negotiation, infact he was the guy who was hired to answer with force or to physically protect people so he had little to no training went it came to calming people down with words so for now he guess he would just keep his mouth shut

[20:32] <KittyWu> Karen, unfortunately unaware of the other half of this conversation, attributes the lack of sanity in the room to the blinky-light-bugs on the chair... or couch... can't remember now, but whatever. The feline head swivels to peer at the lights, then back up and around the room. Everyone... so enthralled. Speaking to people or things that weren't even speaking back. So far, in summary, the big ones could hug your head and make you act their will... the glowy little ones seemed to enthrall entire rooms full of people. Karen had to do something to help everyone! She speaks out now, plainly clear for everyone to hear. "Release our people now, controlling them as such is considered an act of aggression, and if you do not I will regretfully have to retaliate!" She bolts for the door, stopping just behind Selena's legs. Turning, she waits for a potential response.

[20:41] <Selena_Cessara> ...The butterfly on Selena's head flopped its wings slowly, hesitatingly, her hands twitched up slowly but the elbows were bent as though Selena was lifting her arms of her own volition, there was a moment.. like she was blinking her eyes and the butterfly shifted on her brilliant red hair. Wings flopped again and Selena whimpered softly into the silence. Then as though the control SNAPPED down on her mind again, her eyes went glossy, her face blanched and her hands jerked forward, nozzles on the bug spray depressing and streams of the spray rushing out of the cans in a thick torrent of poisonous smog while she stepped into the room, advancing the spray forward... also as the girl steps forward, a cloud of golden shimmering swells out around herself as the brilliance of her good luck slithers around her and makes her for a few moments, hard to hit...

[20:45] <vile> "And we let you go. And assisted your kind in restoring plants to your nest. We have repaid the effort because we are thankful. We are not sure if we should repay you for your efforts in killing us." The butterfly flicks its wings once and stares at Ashy, "This is your chance to sway us in one direction or the other." The butterfly goes quiet and flicks its antennas again. A few of its legs go up into the air as if to go NOOOOOOO! but it's a butterfly and it can't really do that kind of thing. The smog fills the room and the mural of colorful wings on the wall stop twinkling and fall, one by one. The large black one on the table starts backing away, paniccing as much as an insect can.

[20:48] <Sunder> Son of a bitch! (he would lunge at the girl, trying to grab those cans. Okay was getting coated in bug spray fun? No, but it wasn't exactly lethal in anything but huge amounts.)

[20:51] <Selena_Cessara> That golden shimmer swelled slightly and Sunder's lunge would be avoided by the slightest of steps back again, though it wouldn't normally be effective, she used just a small edge to the event, keeping herself on her feet and keeping the stream from those poisonous fog releasing cans spraying...

[20:51] <@Ashlynne> POISON!!! Ash fumbles as she pulls on her full head hood and snaps it in place. She didn't have any filters for bugspray but there was at least a small air filter there to aid in breathing. As Sunder lunges forward the girl speaks from behind the mask "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?? YOU'RE KILLING YOUR OWN KIND?" How on earth was THAT logical? Lunging quickly beind Sunder she comes up beside him but instead of going for the cans she throws herself at Selena's egs hoping to trip her up, not wondering about that glow.

[20:54] <KittyWu> Karen goes for another tactic. Instead of attacking Selena, as she's proven already she's pretty much impervious to the feline's attempts to harass, trip, or even rescue, she instead darts off to one side. A quick glance around the room, and she locates the emergency fire alarm! LEAP! Cling! Pull!

[20:55] <Selena_Cessara> ...Cessara coughs, gagging on the smog as it starts to fill the room, gripping the shoulders of the lizard man and trying to drag him backward toward the rear of the room as though it would protect him from much of the sickness from that gas, stumbling and fumbling, her lungs burning. Ashlynne's lunge is half blocked by the flail of Sunder's own and Selena's step back, but she does manage to slap the girl's leg in the fall and Selena's second backward step is stumbled on her heeled boot, the short event of fortune was failing "YOU HAVE KILLED SO MANY OF US, WE FEW DON'T MATTER, THE MAJORITY MATTER. OUR DEATHS SHALL BE AVENGED.."

[20:57] <vile> The black butterfly is probably trying to communicate something but can't! Not with its handy dandy speakers annihilated! The insect eyes all those present before retreating! Retreeeeat! It flutters away and makes a mad dash for the door! But Karen sets off the sprinkler systems and its wings are soon laden down with water. The insect flops down to the floor and crawls away. It doesn't want to die! FUCK YOUR HIVE MIND I WANNA DRINK MORE NECTAR!

[20:57] * Thief doing the only thing he can think and turned his hands into large fan looking things before swishing them back and forth so hopefully with blow the fog out the open doors and away from the living things inside

[21:00] <Selena_Cessara> ... the butterfly on Selena's head flaps dramatically as the sprinkles come on , trying to flit off the red head's hair and only managing to sweep its wings up once and then it's smothered down onto her hair and swept off to the floor. The tattoo littered Selena, still holding her hands up with nozzles depressed, blinks.. coughs.. shudders and then like a spilling of water down her spin drops the cans of spray from nervless fingers. The body shivers again one more time and drowsily a sound spills from her before she collapses to the ground...

[21:01] * Sunder Gags a bit from being covered in bug spray, at least most of it was being washed off "Grab them! Get 'em someplace dry an fast!"

[21:03] <@Ashlynne> She halfway manages to succeed in her goal as she scrambles a bit from under Sunder. Squirming out she runs over to the butterfly crawling away and in a flash her skin stretches out and she flops over it in an arch, making herself an umbrella for it.

[21:06] * Thief really really did not want to touch these thing because he didnt know how much contact it took to do he whole mind control thing so instead he kept fanning the toxic smoke out of the room

[21:07] <Cessara> ...On her hands and knees, coughing and gagging, she spits poison from her mouth and nearly vomits, wiping her eyes with fingers that bubble water like an eye wash station. As the smog is rushed out by the fan hands mcgee, she sits back and watches the attempt to save the bugs, not blaming Sunder for it but her eyes were red and running tears and she was having trouble getting her breath. The butterfly that had clung to Selena's hair flopped weakly on the ground but would allow itself to be saved, picked up and saved from the horrible horrible water, if any of the humans chose to do so...

[21:08] <vile> The downed butterfly flaps its wings pathetically and continues to try and crawl. Too bad it's not built for being wet! After a bit it gives up and just flops over, waiting to be kidnapped or squashed. The colorful butterflies are all dead or dying, too far gone to rescue. It's just the two black ones remaining!

[21:09] <KittyWu> "What the hell are you people doing?! They're like little winged terrorists!" cries Karen from her little feline body! So frustrating! Karen followed orders though, darting toward the one flubbing around near Cess, making a grab at it's middle-body with a bite (but not to kill, just to grab), and drag that damn thing out the door into the grass. Of course, she doesn't just save it. She also SITS on it. Making sure the little fucker won't get away.

[21:10] <vile> The butterfly is just a butterfly and totally explodes from the pressure, getting nasty bug guts on Karen's ass.
[21:10] <vile> ROBOT CLEANUP ON AISLE 3

[21:11] <Sunder> They're just pissed cause it seems we've killed a bunch of 'em! Now keep 'em safe! (Aaaand the feline sits on one, crushing it) GOD DAMNIT! (Ash had the one that was on the girl safe, he'd go to pick up the black one from the back of the couch, lifting it gently and stepping out of the rec sheilded from the sprinklers)

[21:12] <@Ashlynne> Reaching down Ashy tries to scoop up the wet little butterfly, wincing under her mask. "I'll save you, butterfly." The catsuited girl stands slowly to carry the fragile thing into the hallway to take it outside. She hates this but she can't prove them right. finally standing she reaches up with her other hand and pulls her hood off. "Sunder, they're not gonna forget this.. are they."

[21:14] <KittyWu> "... Crap..." is all the WuCat can say as her lil' feline ass destroys the poor bug. Siiiiigh. Internal of course, as she has no lungs. "I tried to keep it from moving!" More frustration. This feline body really just wasn't working out for her.

[21:18] <vile> The rescued butterfly just lays there, miserable as can be! Whether it knows how it's buddy met its end can't be told because, well. It can't speak. And it's not about to take over Sunder or Ashy's mind. Not now at least! So it just lays there and is miserable. And carried off.

[21:20] * Thief walks out of the room and sighs.."alright I like excitment as much as the next person but this is getting to be a little much.."

[21:24] * TheOtherOne had, by the time the poison started being spurted, backed off to the back of the room, and taken as much air as possible before it happened. Covering his mouth, he looks incredibly relieved when the fire alarm is set off. He frowns, but his first attention is to make sure that Cessara is fine... Or at least, will be fine. THen he turns to Ashlynne and Sunder. "... They just... Why are you...?"

[21:27] * Sunder looks to ashy, looking more than a little miserable by a large margin "No.. no they won't. at least if any live" he sighs heavily "A little peace and calm was all we needed.. Alright little guy.. If you can still give us answers we want 'em"

[21:32] <@Ashlynne> "We can take them to the kitchen, it's warm there." She sniffles a bit, looking back to Sunder. "I don't want them to take me over again." She says quietly. Looking back when they're asked why they're saving them the girl blinks, "Because... they don't understand. And just like us... when pushed too far.. they acted... and made a mistake." She looks sad, "they are just like us."

[21:33] <vile> The butterfly doesn't give any answers and just lies there. The thing is just as miserable as Sunder and that's easy to see thanks to its antenna and wings being all limp and wilty.

[21:36] * TheOtherOne rubs the back of his neck. "... We wouldn't be given a second chance." He replies, darkly but looking no less miserable. "We'd be sitting on a chair in front..." He breathes to restore his voice. "Of a glass window."

[21:39] <Thief> "ummm Im gonna take off now, there isnt really anything I can do to help in this situation", shrugging the shapeshifter headed off

[21:42] <Sunder> Alright ashy, lets go. (there wasn't much to do buy try letting them warm up and dry off. he'd get on the move)

[21:45] <@Ashlynne> She looks around to the group, "Is everyone ok? We can.. get some food.. or something.. but we need to dry some butterfly wings." She invites everyone to come with her, "It's .. on the house.. tonight." She could do that, since she was the head of the food court technically. Her free hand waves them to follow as the mildly glowing catsuited girl heads after Sunder towards the foodcourt.

[21:46] <KittyWu> "If it leaps at your head to take you over, I'm taking it down..." Karen says this with a... trangely muted tone to her voice now. She was conflicted.
[21:46] <KittyWu> Oh, and she's following! Stupid enter key.

[21:47] * Michael_ rubs the back of his neck, as he's ignored. "... Sorry. I-I guess... This is... The first time I've seen something like this." He complains, shaking his head. "I'm... still in shock." He adds... With a deep breath, the color begins to return to his body and clothes with his eyes dimming slowly, until he's back to normal.

[21:47] <vile> The butterfly...sits there. And is unhappy. It's not going to be doing much for the rest of the night as it's as tired as everyone else. | As for the carpet of colorful butterflies attached to the side of the building, they stay right where they are. And are as ominous as...thparkly butterflies can be.

[21:50] <@Ashlynne> As they finally get to the foodcourt Ash leads everyone into the back and sets the large butterfly on ... a cookie sheet. Moving over she flips on the warming lamp and, not knowing what else to do, she puts the bug under them. Not hot enough to cook it, thankfully. "Maybe.. hopefully.. this will work." Looking up to Sunder she shakes her head again, eyes flicking to Karen and then to Michael if he followed, "I don't want it to take me over again.. but.. we'll need to talk to it."

[21:52] * Sunder Sets his down on the counter and switches off the warming lamp! "Let's just let 'em dry, just like they would after a rainstorm. More we've done the worse things 'ave gotten. An i'll volunteer for bug on 'ead duty so no worries ashy" he looks to the robo cat with a glare "An you've done enough damage, you'll be leaving them alone or i'll reconsider my never 'urt a feline policy"

[21:57] <vile> The tired butterfly just remains flopped on the sheet pan and looks quite dead. It's not, of course, and will respond to being poked and such. But the unresponsiveness suggests it's done with tonight. It's gone so badly! Ressst.

[21:58] <KittyWu> "Well, thankfully I'm not actually a feline. They were a threat so I was trying to do what I needed to do." The feline leaps up onto the nearest table, and sits down, eyes never leaving the hypno-butterfly. "They were taking over our people. I couldn't let that happen. You saw what it did in that room. The death of a few to avenge the supposed abuse of it's masses? That's terrorism."

[22:00] * Michael_ does follow, even though he looks a bit confused and miserable. "... So, uh. Sudddenly... Uhm." He sighs, then looks over at Karen, hand reaching to pet her, then remembering it's a person as he lowers it again. "... Hey, uh. Karen was it? This is the sort of thing you warned me about, huh...?" He comments sardonically.

[22:00] <KittyWu> "Pretty much, yeah."

[22:02] <@Ashlynne> She watches Sunder shut off the warming lamp and nods, maybe he was right. At least it was dry in the kitchen. Reaching up the girl pulls her hair out of the bun it was in, letting it messily fall around her shoulders. "Ok.. if they try to take you anywhere... well.. if you want I can tie you up with myself to kkeep that from happening." Looking at Karen and Michael she frowns, "But they don't understand things the way we do. If you look at it .. from their view.. they tried to help us and we killed them because of it." She shakes her head, "It's like .. they're the mutants when mutants first showed up and we're the humans." She'd read enough history to understand what had happened. How the normals didn't understand and lashed out at the mutants because they were just trying to survive. "Besides.. we can't prove them right.. we have to show them we're better than that."

[22:06] * Sunder looks to the cat "Excuse me, but the only ones who died were them. They didn't directly harm a single one of us! Worst they did was spray me with a can of raid. Killing them is not called for."

[22:09] <KittyWu> "It wasn't as black and white as that... We are attacked simply for existing. Because of what we can do, not because of what we've done." She shakes her little feline head, and lets out an audible sigh. It wasn't real, of course, but mostly for effect. "... Sorry... I'm a little... sore when it comes to human mutant aggression." A long pause as she considers Sunder's words though... "... We don't know that. What kind of lasting effects might their control have upon those that were unfortunate enough to be dominated? If nothing, then fine... But I still don't like the idea that they think it's perfectly okay to just take us over and use our bodies without even a 'hi, how are you'."

[22:11] <vile> The butterfly passes out. TO BE CONTINUED...

[22:14] <@Ashlynne> Ash shakes her head, "How is this different? We kill them because what they MIGHT do? Because of what they can do? I mean.. they did it to me. If -I- can look past that?" The glowing girl shrugs a bit. "Maybe nobody has told them it's polite. Maybe they've tried to talk to us and nobody has listened." With a soft sigh she pulls a stool up to the table the butterflys were on and
[22:14] <@Ashlynne> settles down.
[22:14] <@Ashlynne> it's NOT polite *

[22:16] <Sunder> Until we 'ave some sort of proof they cause 'arm, we don't kill. That's an absolute last frackin resort. If you're worried... Just put on a hat.

[22:17] * Michael_ frowns and shakes his head. "I... Think they tried to kill us. After all, the bug spray tends to kill them... maybe they thought we'd die just as easily..." He explains.
[22:26] * Michael_ nods, faintly. He still looks incredibly confused... "... I just wish there, uh. Was something to do for the other girl."

[22:26] <@Ashlynne> Honeygolden eyes watch the butterflies for a moment or so. "If they're a hive mind.. then everything that one of them felt or experienced.. they'd all feel and experience, right?" She chews on her lower lip. Shaking her head she looks up at the group again, "This is al just too taxing for my brain."