Jenessa Moore [Crisis Counselor]

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Jenessa Moore [Crisis Counselor]

Post by Sariel »

Player Nickname: Sariel

Name: Jenessa Moore
Codename: N/A
Age: 35
Date of Birth: 1977

Height: 5'8
Weight: 130
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: brown
Place of Origin: Missisippi
Nationality/Race: Mixed
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: On call staff for Cobalt and other facilities for mutant related issues
Occupation: Mutant related Crisis Counseling and/or advisement

Personality Profile: Professional. Jenessa is very aggressive in her pursuits, shes known to be highly outspoken in her field when addressing peers. Dedicated to her chosen cause to near the point of obsession. She has no significant other on record and is often enough away from home attending still more schooling, seminars and even government meetings where the issue of mutants is a concern.
Physical Description: Image


Powerset: Mutation supression

Ability One: To date Jenessa only seems to have one power, this perhaps giving her an edge in making normal humans more at ease with her presence in an official capacity as well as highly useful in some situations. Any mutant within 20 feet of Jenessa is unable to access their mutant "enhancements". Physical changes as a result of mutations are still present I.E ferals still look feral, but they will no longer have their heightened extras such as agility, smell, healing ect. Projectiles launched outside the sphere of her influence will no longer be controllable once they enter range. Example a fire ball launched from 30 feet would dissipate once it comes within 20 feet, as the controlling mutant would no longer be able to feed it, however something pre-existing such as a car, bullet, or other debris will continue on its path though that path cannot be altered by mutant influence once within the designated 20 feet.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Jenessa's power is completely subconscious in nature. She does not have to concentrate, maintain eye contact or even be awake for it to be in affect. However this also means that she cannot pick and choose who is affected by her influence. Good mutants, bad, are all put on equal ground when near her.

Skills: With several degrees under her belt in psychology, human ethics, human history, sociology, and philosophy, Jenessa has become a feared and exalted figure in the field of human and mutant relations. She's often on call with law enforcement, the school systems including Cobalt, and occasionally even local government meetings when dealing with mutant issues. Specializing in assessing risks, personality portfolios, and troubled mutant youths she councils both mutants at risk and the general public on how to come to terms with mutant life around them.

Background: Born in Mississippi to bi-racial parents Jenessa perhaps had an early start to fuel her interest in human equality, a mixed child in the south receiving some negative attention growing up, though as mutants emerged those negative energies often enough got turned to those far more obvious in their mutations. Jenessa herself, due to her somewhat subtle mutation, was not aware of hers untill later years when mutant friends found they could not use their gifts whenever in her presence. Her early professional years were spent in her own practice counseling the families of newly budded mutants, teaching parents how to accept and come to terms with their childs differences, offering sources of schooling and groups of similar families and helping youths themselves come to terms with finding out they are mutants. Jenessa has always pushed the mentality of equality, that mutation is not a disease, but does need to be approached with respect by those who are gifted with it. Power should not be wielded lightly and mutants should not be forced into seclusion of ashamed of their differences. Seeking to grow her beliefs she's published several papers on the issue, started attending political debates putting pressure on congressmen both state and country wide to make strides at reducing the official bigotry of the country when it comes to mutant rights humans. She has made herself available, and thus exceedingly busy, to law enforcements and more secretive mutant sanctuaries for counseling and her professional insight.

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