A standoff downtown [red antler]

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A standoff downtown [red antler]

Post by vile »

18:40] <vile> The scene is set in the financial district downtown. A gathering of protestors have been hovering around in the area the past few hours so nerves have already fraying. Cops are on site and ready to kick ass but have been ordered to stand down. They mill around their cars and many fumble with their holsters, ready to scratch their trigger fingers if given the chance. | As for why they're so antsy, there's some extra bulk recently added to the peaceful protestors. Some known trouble-makers, clearly mutants, who are waving their powers around in an almost-but-not-quite display of threat. One juggles fireballs while leering at the cops, another theatrically turns her arms into pure steel, the transformation painstakingly slow. A third hovers nearby and the look on her face is terrifying. Dark rage twists her normally pretty face, turning one side of her mouth open in a snarl. Her hands are balled into fists at her side. | There's no clear reason for the standoff. Maybe the mutants are looking for a reason to beat some ass, maybe it has something to do with a bloodied woman being escorted off by some EMTs that recently arrived on the scene.

[18:58] <vileGM> The standoff continues with neither side doing jack shit. Tensions remain high, the mutants flexing their muscle in an effort to show how big and bad they are. The cops don't buy it and remain parked right where they are. The EMTs drive off, delivering the injured woman to a nearby hospital.

[19:03] * Sunder Well the mag would arrive, metal continuing to blare as he parked. Climbing out he'd take a good look and shakes his head "Almost like they're all spoiling for a fight.." He'd look down the street, expecting the van to be not too very far behind.

[19:03] <@Ashlynne> The group in the van were subjected to Ashy's "Cartoon Heroes" themesong for a while before she finally remebered where the off switch was.

[19:04] <Elaine> *Yoko blinks.* "...This is gonna turn out bad, isn't it?" She said, flatly.

[19:05] * `Emily roared up on her 650 enduro and parked next to Sunder, hopping off she looked around..."couldnt we just let the cops shoot the ones causing the trouble, if they are shot they cant cause more trouble..."

[19:05] <@Reverend> The van certainly wasn't too far behind. Difference was, it obeyed traffic laws. But it got there soon enough. Fergus climbed out, chugging a bottle of pop, the other hand pushing his comm unit into place. With a loud 'AHHHHH', followed by an even louder belch, he stepped over to Sunder. "Alright.. so what the dilly, yo?"

[19:06] <@Eden> So, assuming they were driving to Salem, Eden took the time to stealthily swap her glasses for contacts, since she'd nearly broken her neck getting out of the shower when the call came in. It was a damn struggle, that was for sure. Her unbadged uniform was zipped up to her neck, since she still wasn't official, but, yes. Hopefully the van could deal with her weight! Just as she was affixing her steel (at least, she thought they were steel) armbands, she glanced over towards Yoko and shorted, brushing a lock of metallic silver hair out of her eyes, "What? Naaaw. Swoop in, kick some ass, swoop out. Easy as pie." There may have been a hint of sarcasm there, but she dismissed it with a smile as she rolled out of the van and brushed off. "...didn't even get a drink before this." Man she wanted a soda.

[19:08] <@Reverend> She wanted a lie

[19:08] <@Ashlynne> Digging into the belt that wrapped around her neck and chest Ashlynne pulled out a couple handfulls of com units and began to hand them out to everyone around. "So we can stay in touch." Man... Eden wasn't alone.. Ash really wanted a pop also. It would be so refreshing.

[19:09] <Elaine> <Yoko> "...I have no idea what the f*ck I'm doing." She said, bluntly, cupping her head in her hands and letting out a bit of a groan, dreading what was to come.

[19:09] * Sunder Raises a brow to emily "Well you see, the idea is we're all 'ere to keep anybody from gettin 'urt in the first place if we can help it. An there are a bunch of mutants bullets don't work too well on anyways, yourself included if I recall.

[19:10] <Elaine> "Ah, right... Yeah. --Wait, bullets don't work well on me? ...Do I have to test that? --Is it inherent with being a mutant?" o_o

[19:10] <WuWu> Karen climbed out right behind Fergus, just now remembering to try to explain herself. "I wasn't just... y'know.. stalking. Just wasn't sure where to go so I followed someone." At Eden's mentioning of a drink, Karen peered at the bottle of Coke in her hand that Fergus had previously waved off. Shrugging, she offered the bottle of pop to her. "I only had a couple sips." Accepting the com unit gratefully, she tucked it on/into her ear and glanced around, trying to get a better look at the ones causing the 'situation'.

[19:11] * `Emily shakes her head.."bullets will still make me one holy relic, thats why I got the armor and such for this... It would be so much easier if I was bullet proof cause I am not liking this outfit at all", shifts a little feeling very vunerable in the suit

[19:12] <vileGM> A fifth guy strolls up to the group of buddies that he seems to be backing up. But he's chill, unlike the others. Hands in his pocket, a swagger in his step, he's just smiiiling like everything's sunshine and lollipops. He looks over at the arriving people and sighs heavily. "META already? We haven't done jack shit either." His eyes narrow, "Oh, no. Just some more...people. Think they're pigs?" he asks and glances over at his fellow assembled mutants. A shrug and he eyes the cops next. "Just fuck off, man. None of these people are doing any harm. It's just a peaceful protest, which you went and crashed. Ain't nothing to see here. Move along, move along." | One of the cops, one with more emblems than the others, snarls and holds a bullhorn to his mouth. "City ordinance says you have to clear out. We don't want to use force--" he glances at the flexing of mutant powers, "--but you're armed. Clear out or we will have to use force."

[19:17] <@Ashlynne> Ashlynne pulls her hood on, fastening it in place. In an instant she goes from 'glowy girl in catsuit' to 'PowerRanger Putty'. Her voice slips over the coms "Gamut online and ready." She didn't know who was in charge, really, but maybe they'd get that sorted out as they went along. slinking off to the side the girl stays low, weaving in and out of people to get beside a black police van and flatten up against it. The readout in the lenses of her hood fed numbers at her that she never really bothered to learn. Making a mental note to do so later she returned her attention back to the group from cobalt.

[19:18] <Elaine> <Yoko> "Rrrrgh.... I'm so boned, aren't I...."

[19:18] <Sunder> Oh? I thought you were the indestructable sort.. Well, don't I feel like a git.. (He looks over to ashy, expecting a repeat of last night) Running the show for us? Just a tick gettin the com in. (He'd slip in the comm unit in place of his regular music.) Well, let's 'ope those blokes are 'avin a pleasant chat an offering each other ice cream.. (he'd gesture at the mutant and the cop, who obviously were not happy with one <Sunder> another.)

[19:20] <Elaine> <Yoko> "Why would I be indestructable?! I barely know what I am! All I know is that I'm some... Sort of... Phoenix---ohhhhhhhhhhh...."

[19:22] * Sunder Looks from emily to yoko, raising a brow at the girl. It took a moment to figure out what had happened. "Oh, bloody 'ell i'm sorry was talkin to 'em there. I'm sunder by the way uh... phoenix was it?" He'd offer a hand, always time to be friendly to new arrivals. At least till the shooting started.

[19:23] * `Emily already had a comm so she was hooked into the group.."umm Amazon online", Emily hadnt really picked out a set code name but that would work as good as any for now, ducking down she followed after Gamut she waited for instructions cause Nicks car wasnt around for her to throw...

[19:23] <@Eden> Eden stretched out idly as she stepped onto the street, glancing down toward the scene of the ... protest. Much less glamorous than scene of the crime, for sure. Karen's offer of soda was met with a bright and beaming smile from the silver-haired teen, who'd take the soda and sipsipsip. "Oh! Thanks! I'm Eden." Mm. Goggles were quickly pulled down over her eyes moments later, a heavy breath pushed through her lips, "Starcaller, ready." Folding her arms, she looked back over toward the area again, chewing thoughtfully on her bottom lip. A series of bright glows flickered into being around her, forming a pair of bright spheres of pulsating silver light that floated around her.

[19:25] <@Reverend> Fergus was gonna have to make a point of keeping a rifle and some ammo in the van, and in the lynx, especially for times like this. As it was, with the situation being what it be, he didn't wanna brandish a weapon and have everyone flip out and start a little riot. "Deadeye, checking in." Even if he was right next to the van still. "Alright, so.. get yourselves in position, just in case. Let's just hope this is a false alarm." As he spoke, a vein along his left temple throbbed into prominence, and he took a quick survey of both sides of the standoff.

[19:28] <vileGM> "Right to peaceful assembly, pig." The mutant spreads his arms wide to indicate the group behind him, "It was all pretty damn peaceful before you showed up." He looks quite miffed! Yeah, he's not exactly buddies with the cops. There hasn't been any fighting yet though they're both on the edge of violence. "Mutant powers aren't a weapon, buddy. Ain't no different from you walking around with guns." | "City ordinances say otherwise." The cop sighs, not letting the insults get to him. "Look, just go get a permit down at the courthouse and you can linger around here as long as you want to. We don't have to fight. It's not necessary." A fellow officer runs over, taps him on the shoulder to alert him to the van's arrival. He looks up at the Cobaltians, narrows his eyes and tightens his grip around the bullhorn. "Everyone please disperse." Looks like he figures these guys are just more mutants here to start shit. Someone in the crowd, whether it's cop or protestor, doesn't get the point that everyone's going for peace. A single crack from a gunshot rings out and all falls ominously silent...
[19:29] <Elaine> <Yoko> "No, the name's Yoko-- but you can call me Kaze, I guess, for a codename." She nods. She blinks at the sound of the gunshot, and flinches. "...w....wh...what."

[19:31] <WuWu> Karen nodded slightly, smiling pleasantly to Eden as she was greeted. The waiting was brutal, though. Eyeing the situation, waiting for it to eplo-... Gunshot. Great. Someone named 'Deadeye' on the comm in her ear. Great. She snaps a hand under the back of her sweater (no uniform! Lots of space for concealed weapons!) and tugs at her pistol's grip. Just a simple 9mm, but it's usually enough. A light tap to Fergus' arm and she tries to make sure he sees it. "you're probably better with this than I am, with that kind of a codename..."

[19:33] <@Gamut> It was just like last night. Well, not just like last night but gods.. gunshots. Real gunshots.. gunshots that would go into a person instead of just bruise them. "Shots fired, shots fired, this is gonna suck so fucking bad.." her voice comes through the coms. This wasn't as entertaining as it was in the sims. The girl bolts for one of the trees, because that worked so well last night! an arm stretches out and hooks onto a lower branch as she reels herself in and up onto it. Scramblnig upwards the stretchygirl climbs like a squirrel before she flattens herself out with the treetrunk between her and the protestors. "Got a good view.. looking for..something." and she did, trying to see where the shot had come from.

[19:34] * `Emily sighed as she heard the gun shot.."there always has to be at least one idiot that has to start trouble", Emily tensed up getting ready to act if she needed too but for now she stayed behind cover as she really did not want to test out her new armor just yet

[19:36] <@Reverend> Wellllll fuck. The gunshot didn't come from him, but he sure as shit had no intention of getting shot at. Both hands reach back to his precious backpack; one produces one of his faithful paintball markers, the other holds a hopper full of his favorite pepper rounds. Once loaded, he reaches back again, producing his goggles and slipping them into place. He looks to Karen, vaguely shaking his head and giving a slight gesture with his once-more free hand for her to hold off. If there was shooting to be done, he was gonna be doing it. "We like to avoid lethal force, for as long as possible." Now then.. someone needed to chat with the cops. With a few deep breaths to steel his nerves, he raised both hands, and walked slowly, carefully toward them. "Sunder, you wanna join me up front?" he thought to ask, before getting too far away.

[19:37] <@Eden> Eden bristled a little as the shot rang out, grimacing and looking around. Already she was seeking out signs of someone covered in blood or somesuch, or maybe a trollfacing mutant with invincibility holding the bullet. This couldn't end well. SHe went no closer yet, just staring for the time being, twiddling her fingers and gnawing away at her bottom lip.

[19:39] <Sunder> If I'm gonna do any good i'll need to be up front. (He gives yoko an apologetic smile, he'd catch her name and do proper introductions later.) Alright deadeye, i'll clear a path. (The metalhead would make his way into the crowd, those huge bracers filled with decking nails did an excellent job of convincing people to just get the hell out of his way.)

[19:42] <vileGM> Cops and bullhorns might not have cleared the protestors out but gunshots sure do! Dozens of people stand and flock away in a stampede. At least there's more ways to go than in the mall! A person or two falls and gets trampled, leaving them injured on the ground. That's the least of everyone's trouble considering there's some asshole with a gun in the crowd or a twitchy trigger finger on the cop's side. Who made the shot is moot because shit's hit the fan now. They avoid Sunder, just as planned! Of course they would! He's a walking deathtrap! | The hovering woman, who already looked ready to punch a kitten in the face, somehow gets even angrier. Her hands ball tight enough into fists that her nails bite into the palms of her hands. Blood drips between her fingers. One hand releases and flicks up to throw the cop with a bullhorn up into the air. He sails a good ten feet up and fifteen away, landing on the pavement and bouncing a few times. | The cryokinetic spins her hands around in the air and a fine thparkling mist surrounds her as ice crystals form. She slinks back and behind the metal woman to take shelter. | The metal woman stops fucking around and the slow skin-to-steel change speeds up rapidly until she's completely made up of the stuff, gleaming in the sunlight. One hand is pounded into the other with a series of clangs. Bitch is ready to lay down some serious kick ass. But she stays in one place to let Icy go ahead and charge up. | The guy who'd been talking for the group is quickly gone, having pranced away to find shelter elsewhere. All talk and no bark it seems! | As for the cops, they all brandish their guns and point them at the mutants. No shots are fired yet.

[19:43] <Elaine> *Yoko would summon her wings, and her fire-bow.* "Well... What are we doing?"

[19:46] <@Gamut> her head whips bak and forth as all hell breaks loose, "We have... one.. like izzy maybe.. telekinetic ... Ice.. girl... Metal.. metal girl." Ashy climbs higher up the tree as she fumbles for her zort gun. She doesn't fire it yet, though, "Deadeye, Sunder, the police aren't firing.. if we do... they might also..."

[19:52] <`Emily> "I think I might be able to handle metal girl... hopefully" Luckily Emilys durability is keyed specially to deal with real hard blunt force trauma so at least the metal girl isnt spikey or liquid metal, at least she hopes not

[19:53] <WuWu> Karen focuse sher attention briefly on the cops, or more importantly their cars. Eyes narrow a moment as she reaches out her mind to feel for a few radios. Probably not that difficult. She taps the com thingy in her ear. "I can try to use the cops' own radios to tell them to stand down. Or hand this situation over to you guys..." the offer made, Karen steps out so she can see the scene. Not fully out in the middle of the mess, just to get a bit of a better look.

[19:56] * Sunder Watches the cop go flying "I think they may start any'ow... I gotta be close any'ow, i'll see if I can get some calm, otherwise taze one or two.." He'd start making his way towards the mutants quicker "OI! It wasn't them! It's a bloody setup you gits!"

[19:56] <@Reverend> "We're holding off for now," he answered Yoko first. "Good lookin' out Ashy. Keep us posted," came next. "Whoawhoawhoawhoawhoawhoa! Everyone calm the hell down!" His hands remained raised, both showing his disinterest in fighting, but also keeping his marker in view to show that he could fight back, if he had to. He spoke mostly to the police, since - being a mutant himself - he was a little biased. Plus he watched the news sometimes, so he had his own level of paranoia. "Um..whoever that was. Good idea. Do that."

[20:01] <WuWu> Focus narrowed again, Karen's mind clutching at the nearest cop car and the radio within. Using it to connect to the rest, she let out a full broadcast over the cops' frequency. "Stand down, officers! META is on the scene. Standby for backup if requested!" She tried to sound as professional as possible, like dispatch was giving the order from higher up.

[20:06] <vileGM> Icy continues to work up her charge. The twinkling of small ice crystals turns into more of a shine as they grow bigger. Soon she has enough to layer it around her body as sharp, bright armor. She strafes off to one side, sucks in a deep breath and blows it out as a gale of freezing cold wind, aimed right at the Cobaltians and cops. The spray is wide enough to be a threat to both. It's not enough to freeze anything but it sure is cold. | The metal girl, now that her ward has stepped off on her own, just grins at the would-be heroes. She smacks her fist into the palm of her other hand again with a resounding clang. As Emily steps up and mentions 'metal girl', she sizes the girl up before charging! Each stomp fills the air with a loud clang, she leans down and takes up the stance of a linebacker about to slam into an opposing teammate. | The floating woman doesn't look amused by the fallen NPC staying down. Again her hands flick through the air and she starts flinging cops around like confetti. One's slammed into another cop, someone else is twirled around as a weapon and used to knock others over. | The hiding coward pokes his head out and swings his hand through the air too! There's no shiny or flashy display as he uses his powers but they're utilized all the same. This time around they're aimed aaaaat...Sunder! OooOOOooo. | As for the cops, they keep their guns raised but refrain from shooting at the attacking mutants. Confusion is on their faces. They're in genuine danger! Now's the time that they should be raining bullets down on people! Some don't give a fuck if META is on its way or not. They're in danger!

[20:10] <Elaine> *Yoko swears. This is the first time she'd EVER been in a deadly combat situation, and her mind was ablaze with situations, actions to preform and possible outcomes, though the one course of action for her right now seemed to scream the loudest: stay the fuck in the car. But she wasn't sure if she should, wouldn't she be letting her comrades down? If there was something she could do to diffuse the situtation, she could, but right now she was untrained, fresh out of the water mutant, and she had ZERO idea how to handle anything like this outside of having watched cartoons and movies, and real life was none of those!

[20:10] <@Gamut> "I don't think they want peace, Deadeeyeeyeyeye it's cold!" As cops begin to go flying Ashlynne levels her zort gun and with a bit of practiced aim, though nowhere near as good as Fergus or Sunder, she squeezes the trigger. Her electricity ray zorting outwards towards the floating woman! Please god let her not be seen poking her head out from behind the tree.

[20:12] <`Emily> "awww see this isnt gonna be fun.."Emily though had happily been spend lots of time training in Ginas training sims so she had a decent idea how to fight now so waiting to the last second she dodges to the side of metal girl and delivers a huge kick delivered at the girls unprotected side!

[20:16] <@Reverend> "Fire boooowthat's cold!" he tried over the comm. Alright, one more time. "Firebow, shoot at the frosty chick." Looked like Emily was already engaging the metal woman, and no doubt Sunder would be nearby for that, just in case. "Gamut, you got eyes on Mr. Hide-and-seek?" He saw the hand waving around, just not who it was connected to, or what it was doing. His right eye faded red, and once more he addressed the police: "We'll handle this," he assured them. "We don't want people leaving in bodybags." He'd have to correct the META-mixup later; for now, he wheeled around to face the bad-mutants, intent on giving that flying woman a faceful of pepper - just in time to see a blast of ZORT shoot out of Ashy's tree. Alright..so he'd wait to see how the others were doing, and then maybe shoot some folk.

[20:16] * Sunder His calls for peace weren't getting anywhere, not that he wasn't going to continue calling them bloody idiots when suddenly a guy who had been cowering plays tag! Sunder is it! "Wha tha- Uoy zaH deleef? -- taHw Zi sIht?" And the cold hits, making the metal head recoil, he turns giving ferg a look that just screamed I have no idea whats wrong

[20:23] <WuWu> Karen rushed 'round the chaos. Trying to sort of look at a glance like one of the people fleeing for their lives. She was really just trying to get a better look for the sneaky guy who was taking cover. If this 'Gamut' couldn't get a bead on him, she would try. If she ever did get a good look at him, and if 'Gamut' didn't take a shot first, Karen wouldn't hesitate to rush right for him and try to kung-fu jump kick him in the face.

[20:32] <vileGM> Ashy fires the ZORT gun at the flying woman! The attack...hits! She screams with incoherent rage and faulters, loses her concentration and falls to the ground, landing with a thump. Good job. Now she's even more pissed off. This round she doesn't get up but just fumes with silent rage, teeth grinding together. Blood vessels burst and darken the whites of her eyes from all the hate going on. | The metal girl, Shiny, plows right past Emily and collides with a cop car! The vehicle doesn't stand a damn chance and crumples in with a loud SCREEECH upon impact. There's enough force to shove the car back and make it sliiiiide several feet off to one side. The girl grunts and tugs at her body, having to squirm and fight to get the twisted metal to release from her. | Frigid Bitch takes another deep breath, glares at the cops and releases another gale of freezing cold wind. This time she turns her head from side to side to make sure everyone gets a dose of sub-zero winds. | Mr.Hide-and-seek pops up again and eyes the heroes. A wicked grin crosses his face, he cackles and waves a hand at Ashy next. Yeah. F YOU BITCH IN THE TREE! Have a dose of some annoying-ass magic. And then Karen takes a shot at his pretty face! It's not something he expects so it lands and throws him into the aaaair! He smacks hard against the tree Gamut is hiding in and he slumps to the ground. Not much of a fighter it seems.

[20:33] <Elaine> <Yoko> "W-W-What do you mean shoot at the frosty woman?! I'm not experienced! I'll miss and piss her off and oh god I'll get murdered wouldn't I-- um-- err---I barely know how to USE these damn things, you expect me to jump into a fight and try to hit someone?! What if I kill her?!"

[20:37] <@Gamut> As the floating woman drops to the ground Ashy's cry of elation can be heard through the com! "TELEKINETIC IZ DOWN! BUT SHEZ PISD, SO.. KEEP... WUT.. IZ GOIN ON?" Confusion can be heard in her oddly phrased voice, the girl sounding almost like... a fluffy lolcat meme being read outloud. "FERGUS? I DOAN UNDERSTAND!" She shakes her head. She wasn't HURT.. she just couldn't... "HAT GUY IZ 2 TEH LEFT, SNEAKIN AROUND, HEZ DOIN DIS 2 US!"

[20:39] * `Emily shivers uncontrollably as a sheen of frost suddenly covers a part of her fancy suit but since there isnt anything she can do she considers the metal girl for a soncd and then hoping this wont get her in a lot of trouble goes over to the cop car where she starts crushing it in on the metal girl which will hopefully keep her trapped!

[20:41] * Sunder Lets mr mess up your speech run off, he wasn't much of a threat. Now frosty the snow bitch, and mrs murderface needed to be delt with, and neither was far away. Again that cold wind hits, just like winter back home. Shivering he'd fight through it, walking into the gale. If he could get within a few feet he could taze her, so long as she kept spreading the cold around and didn't focus on him he figured he had a chance at it.

[20:42] <@Reverend> "Then get somewhere and hide, and I'll yell at you later!" he shot back over the comm. He genuinely could not abide useless people. So the flying one was down for now. Emily was taking care of the metal one. Hide-and-seek got his face kicked. Sunder and Ashy were loopy. FUN. He turned on the frigid bitch, and after not even a breath to settle his sights on her, sent off a trio of those pepper-filled rounds. His assumption was they'd either work as expected, and she'd get a faceful of pepper, or they'd freeze, and she'd get pelted in the face with moresolid rounds. As long as none of them went through an eye, he'd be fine with the outcome.

[20:43] * Angel`Pearson dashed onto scene a few moments late...something something something, insert likely excuse. He cringed at the icy winds as he looked the situation over. a hand slipped into his bag to remove a pair of his dosed up throwing blades from their proper pocket. Okay! Baddie types were quickly picked out and he looked to each one, assessing which he had the best chance of nailing...Flyig girl whome Ashy had just zorted seemed a likely target, and while she was glaring and fuming he took aim, lining up the shot with his left hand and whipping the blade in his right forward at her.

20:46] <WuWu> Karen heard the cry of joy from Gamut about the AngryFace going down. Attention snapped back in that direction now that she was pretty sure the coward was out of business. Oh hey look it's Firefly! Hopefully his thrown blades would be enough of a distraction for Karen's quick plan. She rushed up behind the AngryFace as sneakily as possibly, intending to deliver a swift open-palm waylay strake at teh back of her head. She was no martial arts master, but she knew enough to make her synthetic strength non-lethal.

[20:48] <vileGM> Emily's efforts to encase Shiny in the cop car work! She flails around, slamming her fist into the roof of the vechile and swears the entire time! "Let me out you cheating bitch!" She seethes with anger and shakes a fist helplessly! But there's not much she can do other than struggle and wiggle. TWO DOWN, THREE TO GO! | Frosty the she-bitch sucks in another deep breath of air, gets Sunder in her sights and releases it all directly at him! When it's focused like this, he's going to get more than just a little chilly. It may threaten him with frostbite or, at the very least, some hypothermia and discomfort. Only after her attack does she get a faceful of pepper rounds! She joins Shiny in shouting horrible words and claws at the skin where she'd been struck. Too bad she didn't have the forethought to put armoring on her head as well! No, she's not killed by a freak shot to the eye! | The pissed off telekinetic recovers from the ZORT attack quickly and starts flailing around. Angel's attack strikes true and the blade sinks into her side. A loud yowl of pain fills the air and she resumes writhing, swearing quite loudly. The bitchslap from Karen disorients her somewhat but not enough to stop the incoming attack: She stops the floundering soon enough, screams with RAGE and slams a hand onto the ground. A great wave of TK force is blown out that flies all ways. It strikes anything and anyone unfortunate to be anywhere remotely near her with a 500 pound blunt force. Not enough to cause traumatic injury to anyone but good luck to still be on your feet after! And enjoy the bruises tomorrow because it's going to hurt.
[20:51] <vileGM> Also Frigid and Blaze are knocked to the ground by the attack as well.

[20:52] <Elaine> *Yoko swore. She knew what she had to do. She exits the truck, and shoots at Frosty with her fire arrows, as ordered!*

[20:54] <@Gamut> Ashy searched the crowd but swore loudly as she couldn't find Hat-Man. "I LOST TRACK OV TEH HAT GUY. I CANT C HIM! I CAN GIT CLOSR, CAN GIT IN TWEEN PEEPS." A frustrated cry is heard after that! Was she asking for permission or just saying what she was about to do. Leaning out to launch herself out of the tree to find that bastard the shock of the floundering telekinetic knocks the girl clear out of the tree. She tries out as she hits the ground hard, "SHIT! LOST MAH SPOT. ON TEH GROUND. IM K. NOT HURT!" ARGGG Truth was she wasn't 'unhurt' but she'd deal with that later. It wasn't important enough to take her out of the game. Sure her shoulder was at an odd angle, almost.. out of socket.. but that was nothing!

[20:57] <WuWu> At the point the angry-girl's fist impacts the ground, Karen may be heard mumbling a soft "Oh fuck m-" before flying unhappily through the air! Her body twists in a way that may have been graceful if she hadn't been unceremoniously tossed aside by a telekinetic force over doubling her own weight. She lands with a dull thud, skidding along the street. "Joints okay, compensating for impact shock... localized skin damage, dialing back nerve system." The mumbles were quiet, not even through the com device. More of a self-intended systems check. Pushing to stand, she starts into an immediate sprint toward AngryGirl, aiming to tackle the bitch into the road! Every limb she had was trying to wrap around one of her target's, just trying to immobilize and neutralize. Over the comms now IF she got a hold on the angry one.. "I'll hold her, hit her with the zorchy thing again!"

[21:00] * `Emily was thrown by the telekinetic wave cause well she could totally take a hit like that she was completely caught of guard and boom slams into the ground with a very loud thump, grimacing a little she pulls herself to her feet before looking around for a good weapon to launch at TK girl in irate vengence!

[21:05] * Angel`Pearson wooo! He hopped excitedly when his blade hit its intended target. He still managed to be to be totally surprised when that happened, annnnd while he was celebrating angry telekinetics explosion attack swept into him. While in mid celebratory hop, Angel was hit, and sent tumbling back along the ground, thankfully not colliding with anything ouchy.

[21:06] * Sunder So the metal head was half frozen, and pissed. At least frigid was on ethe ground, he'd make his way up to her, trying to ignore the numbing cold. Just for that, charged up, and unleashed a taze bolt, while considering just curb stomping her

[21:12] <@Reverend> WELP. There go his feet. They went all wobbly and stupid, and then Fergus was on his ass. His head even managed to bounce off the street! The normally keenly aware mutant goes a bit crazy-eyed for a second while the marbles roll around in his head and the hamster finds it way back to its wheel. He holds a hand to his head, turning over onto his knees, then pushing up to his feet, and finding the time to be thoroughly displeased about being knocked down. He raises a hand to--wait, his hands are empty. A quick scan of the ground, then a crouch, and he's an armed man again. Ok. NOW he raises a hand to aim his marker at the telekenetic, and now she gets several of those pepper rounds sent her way.

[21:14] <vileGM> AngryGirl is already on the ground so there's not much tackling going on. So let's just say it was a bodyslam as that has the same outcome. The pissed off bitch screeches again and flails. Blood dribbles from her nose, her eyes are a dark crimson by now. A low, gutteral growling can be heard coming from her chest. The woman looks over her shoulder, narrows her eyes at Karen and sends a strong TK blast directly at the other woman. Is she trying to blow the robot right off her? Possibly. Or just knock her head clear off, which is exactly what that kind of attack could do...to a human. Lucky for Karen she's not. Angel's toxins get to work but it's an unfathomable amount of pure hate and rage pumping through her veins. It won't happen right off the bat but will soon. But the toxins have a lot of work to do considering the bitch just got hit in the face with pepper rounds! She hacks and coughs, wheezing. OH GOD PAIN. Emily would find quite a few weapons around! Twisted bits of metal from the cop cars, nightsticks and other equipment that got dropped, meter maids that flank either side of the road, anything else she could reasonably find in a city. | Frigid Bitch is tazed! She already has pepper in her eyes and on her face and everything is on fire. Or so it feels like that. She continues to scream even as she goes down and convulses a couple of times. It's difficult for her to form words but she does: "Uncle. UNCLE!" she cries, giving up. Oh fuck this shit. JUST MAKE IT BE OVER. FOUR DOWN, TWO TO GO! Or is that one? Where's Blaze? Bitch probably ran off...like a bitch.

[21:16] <@Gamut> The zortgun! YES! She could do that with.. wait.. she needed the zort gun first and stupid Ash had dropped it as she'd fallen out of the tree. She was glad her mask was on, the pain from her shoulder would have been easily noticed by the absolute nonexistant glow of her skin. But THANKFULLY she stil resembled a putty! Spotting the zortgun she lunges for it, a hiss that sounded like it was hers probably coming over the com. "I GOT IT, GOT TEH GUN, IM COMIN!" Hoping that the zort doesn't bounce over to the other girl Ashy levels it with a shaky hand and squeezes the trigger at the TK woman again.

[21:24] <WuWu> As the angry bitch narrows her eyes Karen gets one of those sinkingly bad feelings. "...Crap..." With a quick mental command, she locks the joints of her body. Not a great idea considering what she thinks may be coming her way, but, whatever. Karen had one small advantage over humans, too. The part where she can turn off the part of her synthetic 'human' parts to make herself no longer feel pain. Kinda' like the pain of ALL of her joints pretty much breaking at once!. Yeah, that sucked. Little red lights flashing in her eyes, showing just how pretty much screwed she was. Hopefully the grip she had established on the prone form of AngryGirl made her stay -attached- to her long enough for Gamut to get off the shot. Or maybe even break one of the angry bitch's limbs if KAren's body flew away. It wasn't under her control now, she was pretty much immobile. "I'm... technically down, guys. Can't move. she broke me."

[21:26] * `Emily was going to hold back but at the sound of Karen going down Emily just waited for Gamut to shoot the tk girl then she shot forward as fast as her super powered legs could carry her and goes into give her a hard knockout punch, it would kill her but she wouldnt be moving for a while after it if it connected!

[21:30] * Sunder Half frozen and partially discharged the metalhead wasn't getting anywhere fast. He'd kneel down, rubbing his arms hoping to be able to feel them again sometime soon as he glares at frigid "You move an inch, and i'll electrocute you." He'd zip tie her, but you needed to be able to feel your fingers for that.

[21:41] <@Reverend> Alright. Well. It looked like that was everyone. Right? "Everyone accounted for?" he sent over the comm, making sure the current visual image matched his secondary ability had recorded.

[21:41] * Angel`Pearson ow...He lay dazed for a few moments after coming to a stop. That had suuuucked. After mostlysortuv collecting himself he pushed up to his hands and knees, and then eventually made it to his feet, blinking and looking around as Ice Girl cried her surrender.

[21:41] <vileGM> Ashy ZORTs the downed AngryGirl! That's enough, between the shock, Angel's toxins, the pain of pepper rounds in her eyes and nose, and the insanely high blood pressure, to knock her the fuck out. She goes limp. It's not quite clear whether she's kicked the bucket or is just unconscious but it's clear she's not getting back up again. Not tonight. Maybe not even for a week! | Emily's knockout attack is interrupted by a blast of fire from some guy off to the side! Oh look Blaze is there! Another fireball is ripped out of the air and flung at her as well. He stays on guard, ready to flee if chased. Because HOO BOY he doesn't want to wind up like how his telekinetic buddy did.
[21:43] * `Emily jumps back..."owww fuck hot hot!" Emily does the only thing she can do and actually picks up TK girl and throws her at the pyrokinetic because she figures it is the only thing he wont try to fry with a fireball!!

[21:44] <@Gamut> As the angrygirl drops down Aashy slumpss dowen agasstn a tree. "IM DUN. I CANT DO IT NOMORE. MAH SHOULDR HURTS. DID NICK COME WIF US? I WANTS NICK." Her voice is obviously pained.

[21:53] * Sunder Wamrth! It was the first time he'd ever been happy to be near a pyrokinetic! Still, there was that annoying burning to death thing. so getting out of the line of fire would be a good thing, but first things first he'd fumble for a pair of zip cuffs off his tac vest, trying to force his fingers to work and get them onto icy before beating a retreat

[21:58] <@Reverend> Fire, huh? Well, no guarantee pepper would work against him. And Fergus preferred to work with things more guaranteed. So his current marker was crammed into one of his cargo pockets, before he reached back for the other, as well as another hopper - this one filled with the glass-breaking rounds. Steel wrapped in rubber. He loaded and did a bit of maneuvering and resituating, until the fire guy was adequately within sight. "HEY! Give it up or leave like your friends!" he called to the guy. Maybe they could just end it here? This guy didn't really look like he wanted to fight.

[21:59] <vileGM> AngryGirl and Karen both strike the pyrokinetic! He's not too big and can't really fight to get two girls, one a robot, off his ass. "I surrender!" he cries and flails around some more. Oh screw this. He sighs, flops his arms on the ground and fumes. When he said he wanted to get laid by two girls, this isn't what me meant. At all. Yes, luckily he just gives up and lays there. Lucky for him! Little does he know how close he got to getting the shit shot out of him by rubber and buckshot. | The sound of ambulances can be heard as they show up! A META van or two also screeches to a halt nearby. EMTs and agents both file out of their respective vehicles to collect the injured and apprehend the downed bad guys. Thanks are offered to everyone and assistances is given to the injured. Rides home are offered as well.

[22:02] * Angel`Pearson once all baddie types had been subdued Angel found somewhere off the side to sit, waiting for everyone to gather up for rides home, and following along when they left. He was still shaken up from being tossed by angrygirl.

[22:04] * `Emily runs over to check on Karen looking just a wee bit embarrassed.."umm sorry Karen, I really didnt mean to throw you tooo", Emily reaches down to pick up the down Karen, her strength easily allowing her to handle the weight

[22:06] <WuWu> Flying through the air, she has one of those moments of self-serving satisfaction that pretty much boils down to 'this is going to hurt them a lot more than it's going to hurt me.' THUD, crunch, flop. Yay! Victory for Cobalt! Karen's limb body lets out a little laugh now. "Y'know... You're kinda' cute, but I don't usually lay on top of guys on the first date. Good idea on the surrender by the way." C'mon, can she really resist a bit of witty banter after the last minute that she's been put through? As Emily shows up to pick her up, and apologises, another laugh slips from the unmoving face of the robot girl. All unnecessary systems are shut down for now except for a single external vocalizer, most of her power just maintaining the integrity of her data core and power systems. No need to die on the job afterall! "Hey, It's cool. If I was worried about a little physical trauma I wouldn't have grappled the crazy kinetic bomb of a girl."

[22:14] * `Emily nods..."is there anything I can do to help or should I just load you into the van so you can get back to the school?"

[22:15] <WuWu> "Just get my body back to the school and I'll be okay. I can get Miyu to fix me."

[22:18] <@Reverend> FINALLY! Freakin' EMTs. FREAKIN' META. Took their sweet-ass times getting where they were needed. Fergus actually gets a bit of patching this time - a scuff on his noggin, and a sprain in one of his ankles. One of the benefits of keeping at range was the lowered risk of injury. Unless on of the badguys sent out kinetic shockwaves. ¬_¬ Alright, so..what now. What now? He spotted Karen, and knew 'what now'. "Hey!" He called to her, but not over the comm. He worked at squaring away his markers and their hoppers as he half-hobbled over. "Hey. Good job out there. Just.. one thing?" He pointed at the big, obnoxious, obvious META van. "Those guys are META." He pointed off to..where ever their van was. "We're Cobalt. It's..a liability thing." He didn't want META flubs getting pinned on them, afterall. But then he's off to that patiently waiting van, and at some point gets back home to the sanctum.

[22:18] * `Emily nods as she goes over to the school van and gently places karen inside.."again I am really sorry Karen", shutting the door Emily turned and headed for her bike so she could get back to the school and out of this uniform and back into something more comfortable!

[22:18] <vileGM> "Hey. Thanks!" the pyro chimes and goes back to wheezing from the cracked ribs. "Yeaaah." A glance over to the TK girl and he sighs. "Hope she's alright." is muttered. His butt and the others are loaded up into the META vehicles...or ambulances when needed. Anyone that accepts a ride from META gets carted off home. Those that decline get to ride in the team van or a personal car. VROOM VROOM!

Each of the mutants present and fighting that day have a pin stuck to their shirts. It's oval in shape, black, and has a red antler emblazoned on it.
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