Nessa Lockhart

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Joined: Sat Jun 04, 2011 10:17 pm

Nessa Lockhart

Post by tumbleweed »

Player Nickname:

Name: Nessa Lockhart
Age: 23
Date of Birth: 10/15

Height: 5'11
Weight: 157
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Green
Place of Origin: Glasgow, Scotland
Nationality/Race: Scottish
Classification/Origin of Powers: Human

Status: other
Occupation: Student

Personality Profile: Bubbly and energetic with a friendly demeanor that is generally accepting of all conditions, abnormalities, and handicaps that a person could possess. Nessa thinks the world should be made of gumdrops, rainbows, and MLP, but because of the existence of Bronies, she realizes this isn't true. For that reason, she owns a gun and knows how to shoot it well.

Physical Description: (Feel free to use text, an image, or both.) Nessa wears her blonde hair in a symmetrical blonde bob, generally lacks the sporty tan that her brother possesses thanks to spending more time indoors studying and hiding from the sun, and possesses the amazonian proportions of a model that enjoys eating instead of purging.


Powerset: Nessa is quite simply put, neither a metahuman, mutant, or magical. She is simply one of those rare, blessed humans born with higher than average intelligence and the drive to use it. Nessa doesn't have powers of speed, precognition, unnatural eidetic memory, or anything else. She is intelligent because she studies, loves school, literally worked her butt off and sacrificed socializing with peers and drinking to have topnotch grades.

Her memory, intelligence, and critical thinking doesn't exceed the limits of a mutant with hyper powers in any of those fields, but she comes quite close naturally. Aside from that, she has an aptitude for learning in general and if something isn't understood, with a bit of practice or being taught, she'll study it to death until she does have it mastered.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: The character is not a mutant nor an unnatural being thus has only the drawbacks and weaknesses of being a fleshy human.

Skills: Advanced computer and electronics usage skills thanks to having a nerd of a brother, advanced knowledge and understanding of the human body due to medical school, and generally all of the skills and assorted talents that come with being a girl raised on a small farm. She is surprisingly athletic due to being on the girl's equestrian team as well as her school's swim team in high school.

Background: (Your character's life up until they arrived within Salem or Cobalt Hill. When did their powers manifest? How did it happen? How did they obtain their powers, what is their origin? What was the reaction from family & friends, if any? These sort of things help flesh out your character!)

Criminal Record: Unlike her brother, her record is squeaky clean.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
  • Nessa has a horse named Snowdrop, a gorgeous dapple gray appaloosa with a generous amount of white spotting
  • Thinks her brother is a goober but wuvs him
  • Likes RPG based videogames like FF7
  • Watches magical girl anime like Chobits!
  • Has double majored at the age of 22 with a masters degree in biomechanical sciences, but since the discovery of her brother's condition she has since pursued one in electrical engineering as well gained acceptance to medical school.
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