Yoko Kazehara

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Yoko Kazehara

Post by Elaine »

Player Nickname: Elaine

Name: Yoko Kazehara
Age: 19
Date of Birth: (I assume it's modern day. If so, 10/9/1993.)

Height: 5'9"
Weight: 140lbs (Reduced weight as a part of the mutation.)
Hair Color: Dark red
Eye Color: Bright blue.
Place of Origin: New York.
Nationality/Race: Japanese American.
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant.

Occupation: (None)

Personality Profile: Outgoing and active, yet due to the nature of the world she lives in, cautious. She likes hanging out with friends and showing off the stuff she works on in her spare time.

Physical Description: Thin, yet not overly so. Broad-chested, and has long, dark red hair that flows all the way down to her knees. She's slightly tanned, but only a little. Her skin is soft, and sleek. The wings she can summon look to be that of a phoenix's, and are as majestic as such. She can extend and retract sharp claws at will.


Powerset: Fast flight when using wings. Fire. Basically.

Ability One: Wings(And, well, flight because of them): The ability to manifest phoenix wings whenever she pleases. A form of specific shape-shifting, but the wings are filled with her DNA; it's a possibility that sometime in the future they might get stuck on her permanently. She can fly-- and fly fast, easily faster than the speed of your average car. Well, of course, only when she gets trained in flight.

Ability Two: [UNKNOWN] (Not yet manifested)

Ability Three: Fire-Bow: Although she has natural claws she can extend and retract, this girl's main combat style would be suited for long range. She has enhanced sight, and can see things miles away as if it were clear as day. Her fire powers manifest in the form of a bow she can summon, which is made entirely of fire. From this, she can launch fire-arrows. If acceptable, she would have an immunity to fire; if an immunity to all-fire is not acceptable, she would have immunity to only her own fire.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: A weakness to Ice. Since she is fire-based, one would automatically assume water would be harmful to her being; but, since she is not *made* of fire, that is not in effect here. Instead, her weakness is ice. When it hits, it hits HARD, and painfully.

If she overuses her fire powers, she would just... pass out. And wake up with one HELL of a migrane.

Projected Power Growth & Development: There is the possibility of her fire powers evolving and being able to create more kinds of fire-based weapons like a fire-rifle, or a fire-cannon.

There is also the possibility of her speed increasing even more when flying, to the point of flying at the speed of a jet.

Skills: She's a talented artist and writer. She's also a rather skilled programmer, learning from being a hobbyist; and makes small, text-based games as a hobby. She's also a rather good cook.

Her parents are Japanese; yet she was born in America, however. One of her parents was experimented on before Yoko was born; however, that experiment was deemed a failure. Said experiment was finding a way to try and activate mutant genes. However, what happened was the effects of the experiment didn't work on Yoko's mom, and instead, they sort of hastened the activation of mutant genes in her child; Yoko.

When the odd powers started manifesting for her, her parents decided to send her to Cobalt Hill, so she could be safe.. Yoko is not happy about the change, and is wondering if there is something her parent's aren't telling her... All the while, she receives dreams of an old supervillain, whom is preparing for his return.
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