Attack of the cheese

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Attack of the cheese

Post by vile »

[23:05] * Midas was in town today, crowley's to be exact. Why? Why not when you can make gold you can go shopping whenever you like. It was one of the perks to his powers that he did enjoy. Wandering the sidewalks, dressed in a pair of black pants, with a gray button up shortsleeved shirt that was tucked in. Midas was idly peering into this and that store front curiously.

[23:09] <Roulette> ...Back out running, but this time stretching first, Roulette felt the sweat slipping down her spine and the tug of strain beneath her ribs that was nothing short of good, the feeling that one was burning the muscles and making them ache. She'd lost the white and gone with silver and black, shorts that pulled about the thighs and over her chest a loose fitted t-shirt. Running shoes in black and silver and black socks that hedged right beneath the tattoos lingering over her calf. Running the streets with that curtain of brilliant red hair flowing behind her in ponytailed ringlets. Oooh.. and what is this! A flash of gold across the street and in front of her makes her slow, golden hair, peeping into windows.. that'd be Midas! So with an easy lope, she crosses the street, looking for cars, and bouncing back up to speed ran and came up behind him, slowing to a quick walk and sliding her arm into the crook of his elbow "Hey there stranger, fancy meeting you here!" with breath a little short and jiggling him a little as she kept feet half trotting in place...

[23:11] <vile> The night is wonderful! The sky is clear, stars sparkling in the sky, moon just as gorgeous as it always is. Not a cloud in sight! A cool wind blows through the city, clearing out the stale air and replacing it with fresh stuff. The leaves rustle in the trees and people are out and enjoying the fair weather even though it's the middle of the week. Not too many are on the street and sidewalk proper but plenty are hanging out on their balconies or sitting by an open window. It's just plain ol' nice...

[23:16] <Eva`> Grey stepped out of the bakery where he worked and, lately, practically ran, locking up behind him. He rubbed a tired hand over his face as he readjusted the messenger bag over his shoulder. The tall, lanky dude was dressed for work, wearing a white button up over dark grey slacks and black work shoes. His white boy dreads were pulled back in a loose ponytail. Turning towards the street, he caught a glimpse of gold, recognizing Midas as someone he'd seen around campus but had not met.

[23:18] * Midas blinked as Selena bounded up beside him. "Who'd have thought?" A friend smile spreading across his face, as the jogging luck mutant hooked his arm. "I see you found the mutie district what do you think of it hmm?" A little whistle given at her jogging get up along with a nod of approval. "Nice night yea?" Glancing around he'd spot, likewise he'd seen him before but never really had a chance to meet the man. Either way he did offer him a polite wave. "Doing a little shopping myself care to come with?"

[23:22] <vile> But the night can't possibly stay so nice and relaxing forever. That would be a good thing and things can never stay good for long. Another breath of wind flows through the sky, rattling the trees with a bit more vigor than before. A single cloud creeps across the sky followed by another. Within mintues a great vortex is pulled together into an ominous swirling darkness in the sky, blotting out the heavens. The updraft turns howling and the crack of thunder rumbles through the sky. A single bolt of lightning streaks down to a lamp post by Midas and booms with noise, the sizzle of residual energy fading after a second or two.

[23:25] <Roulette> ... Laughing, she bounced on still working feet, jogging in place for a moment and easing down to a stop after a few minutes of heated muscles soothing. Shopping! Have you -seen- my clothes? I -love- shopping." the whistle smirked at, the bright red head bumping against his shoulder and arm looped into his lazily flicking fingers up and waving at the dread headed boy as she lingered there with amusement written crossed features "I'll let you buy me something, I've been wanting to talk to you about turning something in my closet a more .. metallic tex..." She'd missed the wind, the pull of it tugging up her hair a little and sending it swirling about her shoulders and neck, but that darkness.. eyes began to lift and as they did the SNAP of that thunder and the lamp post beside them is struck, making her gag on the half scream and wrench her body to the side in a wince, cringing for the sudden act into Midas's shoulder...

[23:29] * Midas rolled his eyes a little and flashed a white toothed smiled. "I bet you would let me buy you something." Snickering a little to himself. He'd caught the wind gust but didn't think anything of it. Peering up intime to see the funnel. "That lo-" The lighitng! Stumbling back as the lighting struck. Though it didn't hit him directly, the sudden flash caused him to let out a paniced yell, and spotted his vision. Bits of gold-thread hair stuck up at odd angles. He wasn't really shocked but did get a nice little sting from being so closed to it. The arm Selena clung would only mean she was taken with him as he stumbled back into a wall arms shooting out infront of her..the other infront of air!

[23:29] * Angel`Pearson popped out of the little shop in Crowleys he got a good deal of his faaabulous clothingstuffs from, a large bag in hand. He wore a tight pink t-shirt displaying cliche anime school girl pointing two very large pistols forward, the whole image done in simple black outline, and a pair of black and pink shorts, with a belt that flowed down into a pair of strappy leg warmers, his boots with the pink ribbon detailing peeking out from underneath. He stepped out just in time to see the lightning strike down the street, his head snapping in that direction. Wtf?

[23:32] <Eva`> Lifting a hand, Grey gives a small wave to the other two. After a moment's thought and decided it might not be too weird to do so, he shoves his hands in his pockets and starts towards them. He wasn't all that close to the lamp when the lightning struck, but he scared the shit out of him all the same and he flinched back, throwing an arm up against the brightness. "Whoa... What the hell was that?"

[23:32] <vile> Even the lamps seem to dim because of how dark the sky grows. Another boom of noise fills the air as a second bolt streaks across the sky, touching down on the cross of a church. The brilliant flashes are so very close and bright that they're almost blinding. The noise is deafening, loud enough to rattle windows in their tracks. Rain starts drizzling down as the storm really kicks up. Of course it's just a drizzle and not the torrential downpour that one might expect after this extreme display of a tempermental Nature. Soon there's more lightning in the air, enough to backlight a man floooating through the air ominously. Every once and a while a bolt narrowly misses him but never strikes.

[23:34] <Roulette> ... Dragged back with him into the wall, one hand gripping his arm and the other twisting into his shirt in fear that snapped through her as though the lightning had hit her indeed. Muffled as he held a hand out into the air, she gasped and twisted her head up toward the sky What the -CRAP- was that!" almost echoing Grey, blinking as it begins to drizzle and through the rain that dripped into her eyes and glossed her hair, she jerks her hand off of Midas's arm and points at the man in the air "WHO the crap is THAT?"...

[23:35] * Midas shaking his head as his eyes blinked to try and clear his vision. He'd find his gaze drawn upward at Selena's own words and follows her pointing finger. It takes a moment to realize just what..or whom rather she is pointing at. "No idea..I'am gonna guess through we really shouldn't be out here right now.."

[23:38] <Eva`> "I can't argue there." But to fight or flee? That was the question. Grey got the impression that the guy wasn't just out on a leisurely sky stroll.

[23:39] <vile> MORE LIGHTNING! More overly dramatic backlit guy hovering around through the air! Why he even kicks up a stereotypical maniacal laugh to cap it all off! The guy even has a goofy-looking helmet on his head and a cape fluttering in the wind. What could possibly be worse than this? | An equally fantaaastic guy standing on a nearby rooftop, also backlit by lightning. This one's in spandex that's tailored using only primary colors. Considering they look like they're facing off, odds are that's exactly what's going down. The hero surveys the area, spots the gathering of Cobaltians and points at them (but only after assuming a proper dramatic stance). "You! I need you to help me defeat my nemesis!" He points at floating weather man, "I can only defeat him with your help!"

[23:41] <Midas> "What am I suppose to do hurl Gold Nuggets at him?!" It always had to be someone that could do stuff at ranged when it came to a potentional fight. Of course he didn't yell that outloud, but said it loud enough for those nearby to hear it. "What do we do? Anyone got any ideas?" He'd say glancing around to his fellow cobaltians.

[23:42] * Angel`Pearson ohlook Cobalt people! Ones he knew! He quickly beat feet to head in their direction as crazystorm hit, with the safety in numbers mentality, waving as he approached "Hey! Where the hell did this come from?!" and then he heard the crazylaugh that answered his question, blinkblinking at fabulous brightly colored helmet-guy (best superhero name ever) and his nemesis, looking from them to Cobalitians with a 'wtf' expression.

[23:44] <Roulette> ... Fingers still hard curled into his shirt, tugging at him, pulling as her bright silver eyes widened at the forward floating man But there are people.. someone's going to get hur.." shoving at wet hair now clinging to her face and throat, looking aside for Grey and starting to step back. Already she was shivering in the clothes suited for jogging but not for rain. She blinked up at the second figure calling for them to help ..Are... you jok" Jaw was dropped, head turning to look at the two.. and then three people with them and still shoving water out her eyes Defeat him!? We'd be lucky if we didn't get fried!" Lucky? Or the opposite for him? She groaned and pulled her hands together, wringing them I could.. try and do something but the last time I tried to jinx someone I ended up falling down stairs for an hour..."

[23:48] <vile> Brightly Colored Helmet-Man keeps up the almost Escheresque stance that somehow shows both sides of his body at once, still pointing at Overly Dramatic Villain. "Only after you show proper teamwork can you defeat him!" There's a brief pause and he lets up on the act, shoulders slumping. His voice doesn't sound quite so over-the-top this time around. "Noreally. Uh. A little help here, guys. I mean...anything." Ohcrap. WELP. The Cobaltians don't seem so eager to help so he unleases his own power! In the form of...bubbles. Bubbles foam up around his feet and sliiiide down the side of the building. Okay. Maybe he does need some help because what kind of hero has the power of bubbles? Someone help Bathtime Boy! | The villain bursts into maniacal laughter again...but this time because he's too busy laughing at Bathtime Boy. He even points a finger at the guy and just laughs. The lightning subsides and he floats down, heading towards the group. The rainfall gets thicker, now pelting everyone who's probably soaking wet. Hopefully they didn't have any fancy duds on today! As cheesy as the scene may be, at least he's not spouting off some villainous monologue about his evil plans. "Throw gold at me, boy? Go ahead. I can use the extra cash." he invites Midas' attack with a come at me, bro stance.

[23:52] <Midas> "Are those bubbbles?!" And he thought his power was next to useless in combat. Catching sight of Angel, great now we have a chance maybe. "I could use a little..." He'd say to Selena, because someone was going to have to try at least...and how came the drivers gloves from his pockets and over his hands. Holding up one arm to shield his vision as he eyes the lighting guy. "Careful what you wish for!" He'd retort glancing at Angel and jerking his head in that guys direction. "Hock n Punch you dig?" Dig really? Well no one said he was leadership material.

[23:54] <Roulette> ...Again her jaw drops watching as bubbles float forth from the 'hero' Bubbles... BUBBLES.... you have to be SHITTING me!?" Silver eyes glitter as Selena blinks up at the chaos above, the laughing man who nearly fried she and Midas, and was now mocking her friend. A hero that probably should have been helping -students- and instead they were getting drenched on the street and being called on to help. Eyes were licking black now as she fumed, blinked water out of her lashes and felt that up rush of darkness in her chest that ached, hurt like oily rich tar in her lungs and felt Midas turn to her, ask for help and she swallowed hard, digging down deep for something less angry, not needing to touch him but reaching out again instead to curl her fingers about his shoulder, her other hand held toward Angel and the forced feeling of -bliss- rushed from her in a swollen wave of pure fortune...

[23:57] <Lukas`> Its unclear how Wilbur got there. He avoided the city most often, he tended to cause people nightmares and cause car accidents. But! Here he was, having been doing..-something- in the city; he finds himself on a nearby rooftop..looming like a great grisly gargoyle. Wilbur who had openly tried to attack and eat the Musicman..only to demand he teach him stuff. Wilbur, who pretty much helped cripple an alien spaceship the one time. He smirked, watching the bubbles.

[00:00] * Angel`Pearson blinked again, totally distracted by Selenas comment he looked to her and asked "..How do you fall down stairs for an hour? Was it an escalator? You have to tell me this story later." before looking to Midas...Hock and punch? Hurr? His hand slipped into the messanger bag at his side, and he removed a pair of small pre-dosed throwing blades from their properpocket as maniacle laughter wheather guy fell into 'come get me' stance, one blade was transfered to his weak hand, and he used it to sight up the shot before flicking the drugged up blade forward at the mans chest as Selenas awesome luck-wave rushed out for him. Yay luckwave!

[00:04] <vile> Bathtime Boy continues to spawn more bubbles! They continue to flow down the building and start filling out. It's actually a wonderous sight but...still bubbles. He flings his hands through the air like he's Jazzercising or something and said bubbles move! They flow through the air gracefully, not popping even as the rain strikes them. Still useless. "Shut uppppp!" he whines at Selena, "They're good! Trust me! I just...need a hand. That's all!" Worst hero ever. | The villain almost leers at Midas and just keeps laughing. Before Midas can get a punch or lick in, the dirty rotten cheater floats back into the air! Juuuust beyond reach. Too bad Ashy isn't here to punch him in the dick from a distance or anything. Angel's blessed by Selena, the dagger is thrown and totally -nails- the guy, lodging in one of his ribs. He screeches with pain! OH GOD THAT HURTS! Horrible, filthy swears flow from his mouth like bubbles from the cheesy hero. Now he's angry. Before Angel's happytime juice can get to him, he worsens the lightning storm, making more bolts strike the area around our heroes.

[00:08] <Midas> "Goddamn flying, shooting, sonofabitches!" He'd grumble. "HA!" Laughing a little when Angel winged the guy with one of his blades. "I didn't know you co-" BLAMMO more lighting! "GET DOWN!" Hurling to the side, the one move he'd practiced and gotten to do more times than he'd, an evading tumble!

[00:10] <Roulette> ... Flinching down and spilling to the side effectively enough to avoid lightning, but falling to her knees blindly, that sticky roll of liquid anger inside of her like molten lava just licking at the surface, the lightning strikes and she whimpers softly aaaghh.. not again.. nononono... Hands curling over her head and sucking in breath, she fights the losing battle against the tide of rising anger like sickness in her throat. Where someone else would feel the sickness and throw up, she feels it and like ink spilling from a squid, it flows from her. Where bliss was invisible, the terror side of her power was a nauseating black cloud that rushed from her mouth as dark as the sky around them, but glossy like leathery smoke. It flows from her and in a wave rushes up to plunge into the body of the bubble spitting 'hero', leaving her on her hands and knees with head hanging between her arms whining softly...

[00:11] * Angel`Pearson woo! He hopped up and let out a little cheer as the blade struck home, he still managed to be totally shocked when he hit his intended targets, though with the practice lately it had been happening more often. He looked over at Midas and grinned proudly, about to explain he'd been learning before their words were cut off by insane lightning strikes, and he cringes, dartingaway from any large metal objects that might attract the shocky-light...streetlights, street signs, those metal boxes with the paper in them, whatever.

[00:11] <Lukas`> "They arnt bad this bunch. Sisip would be proud.." Wilbur said quietly to himself as he thought. Part of him just wanted to watch and step in if things got to bad; but part of him knew that was stupid and that an overwhelming display of force at the start was the most pragmatic use of his abilities. So he compromised with himself, agreeing to only help a bit and then to step in if needed. The rain spattered against him, pouring off that oilskin coat in rivulets as he raised a claw to eye level. Spreading his talons, a crackling little orb appeared over his palm, at first golfball sized..then bulging out to grapefruit, then to basketball. It looked like a black hole, a hole rent open in space. Purple-blue arcs lashed from it and down his arm. What emerged? About a foot long, grey like bloodless skin, eyeless like mouths, just a toothless spinchter at each end. Icky! Oh! About fifteen of the pesky things, which slid oily through the air towards OVERDRAMATIC GUy! Aiming to coil about his arms and legs and torso and head and all that, and constrict.

[00:17] <vile> Bathtime Boy gathers up his tide of bubbles and flings them at his foe! Which proves more effective than what one would expect from...bubbles. From the way the Overly Dramatic Villain claws at his face and screeches, those aren't ordinary bubbles! He tries to clear his mouth and nose as well because oh god what why it burns oh god no. And then everything goes to hell for Bathtime Boy! He slips on some of his own bubbles and topples right off the building and into an open dumpster. He tries to climb up but falls back down again and winds up floundering for the rest of the fight. Try, fail. Try, fail. He's going to have to soak for an entire day to get that stink off him. | As the villain struggles with those goddamn bubbles, his world begins to change! The floating ceases and he flops to the ground and squirms like a fish out of water. But it slows as Angel's drugs take effect! The clawing and flailing slows, the turbulent skies begin to clear. Wilbur's tentacle nabs him and he's captured and bound. But at this point he has no fucks to give. Wonderful, wonderful drugs.

[00:22] * Midas peeked over at the downed villian. It would take a moment for it to registered that he was down for the-. "What the hell are those?!" He'd never seen wilbur manifest any power other than being simply terrifying add to that ignorance that he was even hear, and the worms had him a little freaked out. "Is everyone okay?" He'd say as he pushed himself up slowly.

[00:25] <Roulette> ... Coughing, spitting on the ground, Selena is still on her hands and her knees with her head down and black crud is on the ground before her as she coughs it up. She didn't see the worms, but blinking up she did see through bleary eyes the nature of her ill luck as it toppled the 'hero' down from the building and out of sight. But the sky was clearing and she wipes her mouth with the back of her hand, smearing black down it and sitting back on the ground, leans back on her hands, looking up finally as Wilbur's worms attacks the shiny helmet -stoned- guy. Blinking up at Midas, drenched as the rest of them and looking ill, she nods and shrugs at the same time...

[00:29] * Angel`Pearson least his hallucinogen had a bituv an opiate pain-killer effect. Yay wonderful drugs! He could certainly attest to that. He saw Wilburs scary monster-worms and Wilbur himself nearby, and tried to supress the 'ohgodrunawaaay!' reaction. He was one of the most senior residents of the sanctum. He was on their side. He was not a scary monster come to devour them...Was he? No, not -them- hopefully. Finally his attetion turned to the retching Selena and he darted over "Areyoualright?!"

[00:32] <Lukas`> That line was hard to draw with Wilbur. He was a scarey monster, but the devouring..that was iffy. He had yet to eat a people, but looked capable of it. The works wriggled about the stoned guy, getting him all greasey and icky before the flit off; coiling back through the air and moving back into the black summoning ball Wilbur still held in his hand. "Well done. I'll commend each of you for a commendation.." He called down, still perched atop the roof there.

[00:32] * Midas soon found himself moving over towards Selena as well. "ARe you okay?" Apparently he'd completely missed Wilburs watching, mving over his retching comrade, he'd drop onto a knee and cautiously reach out to put one hand on her back. "Can you stand up?" Blinking as he heard Wilburs voice, though he'd tried to steady himself around the guy even his voice sent a chill through his spine.

[00:33] <vile> Overly Dramatic Villain eventually stops squirming and just lies there. He's down and out! No way he's going to fight any more. It'll be an easy job of handing him over to META once they show up. Which is...pretty much now! Those bastards always show up the second that the fight's over with almost like it's not a coincidence at all. | A few large black vans show up on the scene and agents swarm the area, keen on picking up the failed excuse for a villain. Others head over to the heroes to check them out for injuries that need to be treated. They...stand back and wait for the bad guy to be released before slapping a dampener on him. And have a minor argument over who gets to drag him into the van. The youngest girl, probably the newbie, loses and does an ICKY GROSS dance, complete with squirming, before donning a pair of rubber gloves and hauls his ass off to confinement.

[00:36] <Roulette> ... Blinking up at Angel as he comes to her, holding up a hand vaguely and rubbing the hand on her shorts and nodding again Mm'fine sweety.. nice shot." Lifting her hand, she patted Midas's leg as he took a knee beside her, blinking up at Wilbur and murmurs Not so much a commendation for me I don't think..condemnation maybe.." but reaching to grip Midas's hand, she'd get him to help her to her feet, though she was steady enough for it, looked just a shade sick still and a good deal embarassed.. maybe just a tish sullen as the vans screech up and Overly Dramatic Villain is loaded in. Curling her arms about her belly, shivering in the wet, watching the action and trying not to shudder from Wilbur's voice as well...

[00:42] * Midas nods slowly as he helped his friend up. "I think I am calling a cab for a ride back to the sanctum.." chocolate colored eyes glancing between Selena and Angel. "Either want to ride with?" Out of the corner of his eye he caught sight of the Meta people loading up the weather dominator, and couldn't help but shake his head a little at it.

[00:45] * Angel`Pearson after being looked over for injuried and checking out okay he looked to wave up in Wilburs direction when he spoke, smiling at the praise and trying not to stare at the scary "Thankyou!" was chimed both to him, and the 'nice shot' from Selena, looking back to her as Midas helped her stand "Nah-uh! Your crazy luck-wave-thingy totally did its thing and helped me nail thatsucker. Is teamwork!" adding "OhIwill!" as Midas asked if they'd ride with him, he had caught a cab in and would be thankful for the ride.

[00:49] <Roulette> ... Shivering, arms coiled about herself, teeth chattering and nodding again God yes, I'm done running... forever. Nothing good ever comes from it. Muttering she scowled at the flocking Meta vans and huddled closer to the two of them and actually bodily dragging them both closer unless they resisted, the shivering racing through her entire body. That much exposed flesh and the rest of it drenched from the rain. It didn't matter how cold or warm it was outside. But I can't control the rest, I can't even control the luck. For all I know Brad Pitt could've walked into the street just then cause that's what was least likely to happen." pointing up at the ledge where the bubble blower -had- been And -he- probably isn't out larking about with bubbles blowing out his ah...ahh... ahhCHOO!!! Sneezing with her entire body, she shuddered again Never... Running... Again..."

[00:53] <vile> Both the villain and hero are gathered up. The villain goes to custody and hero retained until the bad juju wears off. GUESS WHO'S TOTALLY ON SUDS' SHIT LIST. That's right. Selena is. One of the META employees offers Selena a towel and another chimes in with an offer to give them a ride back to Cobalt. How helpful!

[00:53] * Midas allowed himself to be pulled closer to the poor drenched Selena...not that he was any dryer himself. His cellphone was fished out then. "Maybe we should see if we can find you a track running program in the sims." It wasn't a tease this time, but an actual offer as he dialed up the phone number. "Yea I need a ride for three..." Yammering off his CC info, which he had long ago memorized. "Oh free...well I suppose do take alot of cabs thanks!" Horay for Good luck? "Here, it's wet but..." He'd slide his phone into his pocket, and set about unbuttoning his short sleeved button up shirt and sliding it from his body. Ever the would seem anyway he would drape the wet shirt over her shoulders. Underneath it he wore a plain old wifebeater.

[00:56] * Angel`Pearson yay wet shirt drape. That had to be super-super warm. He looked up as friendly meta folk offered a ride, pointing their way when Midas had finished on the phone "They say they'll give us a ride now, no hanging around all drippy for probably rude probably foreign cab driver guy." Yay luck!

[00:57] <Lukas`> and Wilbur was gone! He had made eye contact with the META people briefly, before he just slid back off into the cityscape and faded away. He was good at that, not a power..but he was like Batman in his uncanny ability to appear and dissappear.

[00:59] <Roulette> ...taking the towel, but taking Midas's shirt too, the one going on beneath the other, wet or not it was another layer and as she shivered, snuggling still between the two of them, she'd let them arrange the ride and counted none of the good luck coming from herself as they'd used up the event and it wasn't lingering, speaking it out loud Not of my doing sadly.. maybe we should look around for Brad.. nudging Midas toward the Meta van and even going to far as to pluck the phone from his ear before he could set up the cab ride C'mon.. into the van Goldy, let's get back to Cobalt and get dry. herding them like a wet, muttery, grouchy mother duck, she guided them all to the van and curled up between them on the bench seat, pulling her feet up and hugging her legs, chin shivering from the chill and resting on her knee caps...

[01:03] <Midas> "I'll cancel the cab on the way home then.." And Midas would of course opt to take the more, immediate van ride since it was right here. Shuffling his own soaked self onto it, and huddling up to get warm once inside as he settled in with Angel and Selena for the ride home.

[01:04] <vile> Once everyone gets inside, the van heads off! Towels for everyone! VROOM VROOM! It won't take them long to get back considering it's a META vehicle and all.
[01:04] <vile> FIN.
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