X-Team Recruitment

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X-Team Recruitment

Post by Remu »

(NOTE: All information in this thread is considered out-of-character knowledge. This is simply a way to define X-Team 'material' in the eyes of Marcus Gains and put those characters on his radar, so to speak. THERE IS NO OFFICIAL IC SIGN UP, AND PUTTING YOUR CHARACTER'S NAME ON THIS LIST DOES NOT GUARANTEE PLACEMENT.)

If you are interested in having your character join the Cobalt X-team, be sure you've read all of the information on the website, then fill out this template and post it in a reply to this thread. Thanks!

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[b]Character Sheet Link:[/b] 

[b]Relevant Skills:[/b] 

[b]Combat Training:[/b] 


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Re: X-Team Recruitment

Post by Remu »

Character Sheet Link: Eden Abendroth

Relevant Skills: A versatile powerset that is mostly used to blow things up, but is also useful for incapacitating 'bad guys'.

Combat Training: Street brawling, basic first aid

Strengths: Listens to instructions, follows orders (except for the occasional time when said orders are ridonkulous), eager and willing to help,

Weaknesses: Youth and everything that comes with it. Known to hesitate in combat situations due to the very destructive nature of her powers, possibility of friendly fire. Has been known to get queasy at the sight of blood. No formal combat training. Occasional bouts of poor judgement. No leadership experience. Frequent bouts of self-doubt. Weighs 400 pounds. Currently infected with a mutant retrovirus that could make her go chestburster.

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Re: X-Team Recruitment

Post by devu »

Character Sheet Link: Sabine Ayres

Relevant Skills: Precognition, recon (scrying), diplomacy.

Combat Training: Sab is a good shot with most regular handguns, and is an absolutely vicious knife-fighter. While not the most skilled, she knows where to stab and slash for the most effectiveness. Knives are generally the last resort, since.. she's basically trying to kill or maim.

Strengths: Sabine is a social sort of person, and is rather good with diplomacy and interactions. While not a traditional sort of strength, she's not above using her good looks if she feels a little flirting will help the situation. Obviously, Precog is an amazing asset, even if it's not very easily harnessed.

Weaknesses: She has absolutely no combative mutations, and is far more of a lover than a fighter. Her skills with knives and guns are of the last-resort type, and rather than aiming to restrain or simply put someone down, Sabine only knows how to go for the throat. Sabine will do everything she can to get away before engaging in combat, since she's definitely one of those 'survivalist' types that just wants to get out alive.

NOTE: She's perfectly happy to be on the edge of things, and just used as a consultant/diplomat/remote scryer.

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Re: X-Team Recruitment

Post by Naphthalim »

Character Sheet Link: Katie

Relevant Skills: Recon (can communicate with the dead, and receive images (echoes) from the things they used to own), research (is a voracious reader), clubhouse? (loves to cook)

Combat Training:

She's determined and stubborn. She follows directions well and can physically interact with the nonliving.

Weaknesses: Has no combat training. Is soft and squishy. Some of her powers lead her to being somewhat helpless when used. Is a bad driver. Doesn't swim.

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Re: X-Team Recruitment

Post by Eva »

Character Sheet Link: Shiloh Leary [Void]

Relevant Skills: shadow form, shadow walking, excellent driver

Combat Training: beginner level sims and currently training in the higher levels and working with the team and other team applicants

Strengths: Shiloh's abilities make her very sneaky. She's also quick and eager to learn new skills and doesn't mind following orders. She's also not very squeamish, which may come in handy at times.

Weaknesses: Bright lights are a problem, and can hinder her abilities, or even render her completely useless if they are too bright. She doesn't take the initiative often and waits for orders. This could also be considered a strength, in some situations. She also has a horrible temper. Due to a broken nose when she was younger, she doesn't have much of a sense of smell, only able to sense very strong odors.
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Re: X-Team Recruitment

Post by Nobody-Nothing »

Character Sheet Link: Angel Pearson

Relevant Skills: Angels power set has potential for dealing with multiple foes in a non lethal fashion.

Combat Training: none.

Strengths: A desire to help the sanctum which he has come to think of as home, he is willing to undergo the relevant training that joining the team will entail. He's good at listening to orders, and his hallucinogenic power set is good for incapacitating enemies in a non lethal fashion.

Weaknesses: low physical strength, lack of training

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Re: X-Team Recruitment

Post by emily19 »

Character Sheet Link: http://www.cobaltacademy.net/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=372

Relevant Skills: super strength, durability, excellent computer skills

Combat Training: Hand to hand combat training in Gina's sim programs

Strengths: Ability to put her personal feelings aside and stay on task, good at following directions

Weaknesses: very little field experiance

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Re: X-Team Recruitment

Post by emily19 »

Character Sheet Link: http://www.cobaltacademy.net/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=529

Relevant Skills: High Durability, Magical Baseball Bat (very skilled in its use), Urban and Wilderness survival skills, Expert on Supernatural, Fluent in Spanish

Combat Training: Hands on combat training

Strengths: Lots of field experience, good at planning, used to taking on things stronger then her, doesn't panic in a fight

Weaknesses: no team work experience, paranoid

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Re: X-Team Recruitment

Post by ^Casey^ »

Character Sheet Link: http://www.cobaltacademy.net/viewtopic. ... =583#p1031

Relevant Skills: Physically fit, athletic, basic fighting skills learned from his father, and his power set and potential allow for both a non-lethal method of subduing opponents as well as an excellent way to gather intelligence: straight from the opponent's own mind.

Combat Training: L'angely was raised by a highly ambitious and successful Canadian admiral who fully intended for his son to be the next generation of military legend. As such, he was raised to be athletic in general and know how to fight and take commands.

Strengths: Growing up in a military family, L'angely is used to a military mindset and situation. Through his father, he has high up connections to an allied military, the potential uses of his powers for intelligence gathering and espionage are manifold. Finally, L'angely's never felt like he's done anything more than disappoint his father. Joining a quasi-military organization and excelling would be something he'd devote himself to fully.

Weaknesses: L'angely's military and combat training is only minimal. His time spent in various medical and research facilities took away his chances of attending the canadian military academy in Halifax. He also can't currently choose what information he gains from a target's mind, so it would be something he'd have train at.

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Re: X-Team Recruitment

Post by gruegirl »

Character Sheet Link: Diz

Relevant Skills: Investigation (especially Occult), Demonology, Acrobatics.

Combat Training: Highly trained in firearms, knife-fighting, and martial arts. Years of experience as a demon-hunter.

Strengths: Lots of field experience, highly determined. Small size makes infiltration and acrobatics easier. Immune to many poisons and diseases. "Knows no fear."

Weaknesses: Not very durable. Is used to working alone. Is used to going all-out lethal. Very dependent on equipment as her super-normal powers are not very widely applicable.
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