Lian Anders

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Lian Anders

Post by Vegas »

Player Nickname: Vegas

Name: Lian Anders
Codename: None
Age: 18
Date of Birth: June 18th, 1994

Height: 5'9"
Weight: 167lbs
Hair Color: Light Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Place of Origin: Chicago, Illinois
Nationality/Race: Caucasian
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Trainee
Occupation: None

Personality Profile: Lian likes to be around people but is put off by hostility and negativity for obvious reasons. He can be talkative and has a sense of humor, though at times he may appear distant, reserved, and lost in thought. He's inquisitive about others, wanting to get to know those with positive outlooks or joyous personalities, even though he is not always one of those people. That fact is something he is often hard on himself for.

Physical Description: Image


Powerset: In General Lian is an Empath. However he can also attain visions through objects that may be more psychic in nature, though that has yet to be explored.

Ability One: Psychometry: When Lian touches an object with his bare hands he gets visions that are of strong emotional nature, often from the most recent, or the most powerful of emotional even that happened to the object. Such as if a ring was on someone when they had a fight, he'd feel anger, fear, and see a blurred and frantic image that would give him the impression of the fight. The physical part of the visions are blurry and hard to really gather much from at this time, people look like masses of humanity with no real discernible features, though height, build, and colors are often very much in focus, and of course emotions. The strongest connection he has when touching an object is the emotions felt in the event he is attaining a vision for, and often that can be enough.

Ability Two: Heightened Empath: Lian can feel the emotions of a room, often in a crowd it is a general feeling of the majority and it is hard for him to pinpoint a singular emotion from a singular person. Alone with another individual though and he can feel what they are feeling pretty well. This sensation is a general sense, like a passing feeling, but nothing that effects him a great deal or really gives that much insight. Upon touch of skin to skin however and the sensation is heightened exponentially, to even something similar to his psychometry though more sporadic. With an individual it is flashes of a recent event most present on their psyche in that same blurred way. With animals and other creatures touch is often the only way to feel what they feel, unless the other creature is a highly emotional being like humans.

Ability Three: Empathic Transfer (touch): Using either a living thing or an object, Lian can transfer the emotions of another person/creature or the vision of an object to another. With a person it is simply what they are feeling, with an object it is a wave of emotions relevant to the vision but not the actual vision itself. This does require touch, and it has to be skin to skin.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Lian does not have control over what he sees, and upon touch the visions come automatically, he can often break them with concentration but that is exhausting. Also exposed contact to continue digging and trying to find something through the touch powers will drain him, leaving him exhausted, tired, sweaty, and can even cause internal bleeding that firsts manifests itself through a bloody nose. The same can happen if he concentrates too hard in a crowd to narrow down a specific individual based on emotional imprint.

Projected Power Growth & Development: I see the visions becoming more clear and precise, even to the point of being able to control them so as to rewind, pause, fast forward so as to be able to full investigate a scene given to him. With people I see him being able to make imprints of individuals from touching them before, or from touching an object they were connected to in order to find them. I also see his empath transfer power becoming more powerful to the point where he can amplify an emotion from an object or another person without having to touch the intended target, but instead with eye contact or proximity.

Skills: Lian is a normal kid in many ways outside of his power, however he is smart and is a good puzzle solver. His favorite story type is mystery for that reason, he likes to solve puzzles. He is also pretty good with motorized machines, he has a motorcycle that he repaired and restored from scratch from pieces he found around junk yards.

Background: Lian grew up in the city of Elgin, IL just outside of Chicago. His family was of moderate income with a Father that worked as a mechanic and a Mother who was an elementary school teacher. An only child, Lian was loved by his parents even though their relationship was far from perfect. He knew there was tension, he could feel anger, resentment, and sadness from them both when dealing with each other. As a young kid these emotions were hard to understand, but he knew they loved him because when they dealt with him most of what he felt was positivity. When he was 10 they divorced and they split custody. He led a fairly normal life, even when his powers started to develop further. His first vision was with his Mother's wedding ring and he saw images of arguing and felt murderous intentions. It gave him perspective. At 17 a good friend of his died, a girl named Alice, a girl he had known since the divorce, a girl he liked a lot, a girl he never had the guts to ask out. Alice was murdered off campus behind a convenience store that was on her walk home, she often walked with Lian, but not all the time, this was one of the times she didn't. He came across police and sirens and crowds on his own walk home after spending some time in auto shop and curiosity made him look. Seeing her body was a horrific experience, and the emotions of the crowd helped nothing. Her parents came by a week later to his home and gave him a silver butterfly necklace on a silver chain, a present he had given Alice early on in their friendship. They said she would have wanted him to have it, it had meant a lot to her.

Upon receiving the object he was able to attain visions, something he set away until he had time alone. Using the visions he saw what had happened in blurred visions, felt the horror, the panic, and the lust... this was the first time he had pushed himself to understand a vision and it had repercussions. He spent two days in the hospital as the doctors scanned his brain and diagnosed him with a grand mal seizure, upon release he went back to school and graduated. He focused as much as he could on the butterfly necklace but being able to find nothing he worked on a new project, his motorcycle. His father had taught him the trade since he was young, teaching him about cars and bikes, Lian would even work at the shop with his Dad from time to time. Though after stumbling across a frame and engine for a classic roadster bike he started to rebuild it back home. It took him a few months, but by the time he graduated it was done. He said goodbye to those he knew and took off to Salem where he knew a safe place existed for people like him. A place that could teach him how to work with his powers and maybe one day discover what happened to Alice and put the person responsible where they belong.

Criminal Record: none

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Lian likes working with his hands, he loves to fix vehicles and things around a house. He also wears gloves and slong sleeve t-shirts most of the time to avoid touching something that would have a negative impact.
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