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Faith Beaumont, Voodoo

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 11:06 pm
by Sariel
Player Nickname: Sariel

Name: Faith Beaumont
Codename: Voodoo
Age: 19
Date of Birth: July 13th 1991

Height: 5.6
Weight: 135
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Dark
Place of Origin: St Charles LA
Nationality/Race: Mixed, primarily Caucasian
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: resident/trainee
Occupation: Bar Tending, tarot readings

Personality Profile: Faith is opened easily and just as easily off put. Her world is her own and while she is almost always ready to be generous when she can, friendly if with a crass and snarky sense of humor, she will never hesitate to speak her mind even if there is unpleasantness to be said. Friends will learn quickly to ignore her humor, roll with it or simply part ways. Rarely will she hold a grudge to the point of requiring payback, but she has zero qualms in making it clear when she is displeased by someone or some thing.

Physical Description: Image
1357839j5adhejao1 by SarielWatson, on Flickr


Powerset: Necromancy

Ability One: Reanimation of dead flesh, the more recently deceased the more hardy the animation. Long dead with brittle tendons and dwindling flesh are far more susceptible to damage/faster decay. A side product of the animation that is entirely out of her control is a mutation of the former structure from its natural state to something more nightmarish. Size will never change, but skeletal structure, musculature and over all appearance can be vastly different from the original specimen.

Ability Two: The alteration of living flesh, her necromancy is not limited to the dead. However the massive trauma of the mutation changes caused by her influence ensures that once her influence is removed the creature taken over will expire. As of yet she has not attempted such an aggressive assault on a living humans, there is some doubt whether or not this is even within her capability considering the self awareness and strong will to survive present in all humans, if she were even to make an attempt it would take literal days of constant exposure, concentration and torture to reduce that will to even make an attempt to see if this is possible something she has an extreme moral aversion to. It should be noted that the side affects of the inflicted mutations in no way enhance the creatures or increase their original size.

Ability Three: Conscious projection. For brief times she can put herself into a trance like state, provided the corpse is fresh enough to still have functioning eyes and other senses she may use a single corpse as a vessel. When in this state her natural body is extremely vulnerable, easily disrupted into waking and severing the connection, and limited to time more than distance giving her approximately 30 to 40 minutes if uninterrupted.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Some minor resistances to diseases, toxins, poisons considering her flesh melding. Otherwise her abilities are entirely within the realm of a normal humans. Her ability to resurrect and control flesh is restricted to task, distance and attention involved. For now, even two creatures seems a strain, demanding much of her direct attention as the animations have -no- thought of their own, without direct mental command they simply cease to function. Sight is also a restriction, while she may still control a creature outside of her sight she can do no more than blindly move it about without knowledge of barricades, targets ect. She receives zero sensory input from her creations unless using the vessel for that limited purpose.
Perhaps most importantly what is required for her to take ahold of flesh and control it depends entirely upon the chosen target. The already deceased start as the easiest, with no will of their own she needs only the materials available to create. Difficulty increases with living creatures as they grow in self awareness, lower level animals such as birds, small mammals, reptiles often present only a few moments of time and require no direct eye contact, only time spent within visual distance. As animals increase in size and self awareness far more time and effort is needed, were a squirrel may take her a minute, a dog or horse may take four to five. Primates, dolphins or other higher intelligence creatures may take her as long as an hour. Humans are as yet unknown and potentially outside her realm of possibility, as a moral standpoint she has made no attempts and will not in any foreseeable future.

Projected Power Growth & Development: Attention is her greatest strength and weakness, her entire power set religh on her ability to concentrate and multitask smoothly. With -great- practice she may grow to a point where she can control more creatures at a time and perhaps learn how to exert her inadvertent "changes" upon living creatures without them dieing as a result

Skills: Track and field long distance running, Violin

Background: Prior to cobalt Voodoo was born and raised in the deep south of Louisiana, Steeped in a world that separated very sharply into either christian or voodooism she chose against the wishes of her parents at the age of most young adults rebellion. About fifteen she was discovered by a well known cultist making a living among tourists selling hexes, dolls and holding "seance". For a time he used Voodoos ability to raise the dead to financial advantage promising a final farewell to passed family members before Voodoo's morality could no longer allow her to participate in the facade. At this point her infamy in the deep south was simply to widespread, her move to cobalt was as much an escape into the unknown as to be around others somewhat akin to her.

Criminal Record: One misdemeanor public disturbance, charges dropped.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:Voodoo Is a practicing voodoo priestess, actively working "spells" and rituals in accordance to her religion.